Politically Incorrect

Warning: head explosion risk area:

I really wanted to say that, for all those who accuse the likes of myself and the birthday girl of being unpatriotic, or hating America first, the feeling I’ve had watching Israel defend herself and a US president defend Israel (a country that is held to a standard for “restraint” that no other country ever is asked to meet, but that’s another story) just reminds me how wrong that is. I LOVE being on the side of my president, and mouthing “You go, boy” when he gets it right.

Kyle, in the comments – “I believe I saw little tiny wings on my bacon this morning.”

30 Replies to “Politically Incorrect”

  1. Why are some Americans so self-absorbed? It seems to be an affliction of Liberal Americans more than Conservative Americans.
    When they intend to talk about foreign affairs, they in fact talk about themselves.

  2. Brrrrrrrrrrrr!
    So this is what it feels when h-e-double-hockey-sticks freezes over.

  3. Maybe he knows who butters his bread in the entertainment industry.
    Posted by: TrustOnlyMulder at July 21, 2006 07:31 AM
    very subtle baiting.
    the issue is such a no brainer that some of the braver leftists realize they can’t keep spinning things the usual way and maintain a shred of credibility.

  4. I think a lot of people in entertainment thoughtlessly jumped on a lefty bandwagon without thinking much about it, it was the fashion and the wise career choice. As world events wake them up, they’re either shutting up or slipping off the back of the wagon.

  5. was it just my imagination but had Peter Pansbridge toned down the dialogue last night.
    his facial expression looked more like a whipped dog. does one think the upstairs bosses monitored the reactions and found out that the majority of Canadians were more upset by the sudden appearance of 50000 psuedocanucks than the delayed evacuation that CBCpravda whined about nonstop.
    maybe they realized that this was a culmination of 20 years of underfunding the military under their liberano overlords who they have been pandering to. notice how the “critics” are now MLA liberals , the main liberanos avoiding the spotlight.
    also , what ever happened to women and children first? – did anyone see the number of very fit young men- complaining about the conditions onboard. not only complainers but also apparently gutless,selfish, and chicken. the kind that should have been left behind.

  6. There was no delayed evacuation. Canada has more “citizens” in Lebanon than any other country and fewer resources to move them. The fact that Canadian evacuees didn;t start moving until several hours after the French, British and Americans is not a delay, its a reality of Canada’s disproportionatly larger scale in this situation.

  7. Bill Maher ‘jumped the shark’ whether he relizes it or not.
    Probably a strategy tied to timing of ratings.
    Goodbye Bill, we hardly knew you.

  8. Maybe (Maher) knows who butters his bread in the entertainment industry.
    Or maybe he’s just coming back to his earlier sensibilities – if I recall correctly, in the early days of Politically Incorrect he frequently came off a bit right-of-centre, almost Objectivist if you will. This would certainly still leave him a lot of room for Bush-bashing, but at least it would be coming from a reasonable/reasoned perspective.

  9. Maher’s comments aren’t too surprising–he’s always been pro-Israeli, or at least on his old show that was broadcast on CTV. I clearly recall him giving an impassioned argument that was, in parphrase, ‘the Palestinians already have a homeland, it’s called Jordan,’ for example. So let’s not start calling him Saul, or Paul, just yet. And, frankly, I’d rather not have a pretend-libertarian narcissist as an ally.

  10. The other day I read a posting on an American website called The Moderate Voice that made a lot of sense. It advocated a New Roadmap to Peace that guarantees peace and security for the Jewish people.
    The suggestion was a state of New Israel — in the United States. It argued persuasively, citing historical examples, that maps and borders change all the time with a stroke of a pen and pencil erasers. America could — America should — offer Israel one state out of fifty. (I believe the writer suggested North Carolina become “New Israel,” and South Carolina become “Carolina.”) They have port access there, good agricultural land to toil, and Christian neighbors who have been raised by Judeo-Christian values, not the Koran and the psychopathic beliefs of the Muslims who read that vile garbage.
    The underlying declaration of the New Roadmap states the self-evident rationale that the Jews are God’s Chosen People, and the United States is God’s Gift to Liberty, so they should offer a small portion of God’s Gift to God’s People.
    However, as painfully obvious as the idea is, for reasons puzzling to me it is finding no traction in the United States.
    Canada has always played the role of peacemaker. We are a tolerant nation. Anglos, French and natives live side-by-side in harmony in Canada. If George W. Bush doesn’t want to solve the Mid-East crisis, then PM Stephen Harper should step up and do it instead. There is precedent for this.
    Obviously, Canadian provinces are much bigger than American states and the current state of Israel. So rather than offering an entire province, we should partition one and give them a liveable share.
    Here is what I recommend. The most logical location is in the southern part of the province of Quebec. The province is massive, so let’s give them a slice. Let’s offer a New Israel in the small southern part of Quebec between the St. Lawrence River and the borders of Maine and New Brunswick. The southern border is already there. The northern border would be the great river itself, which provides an excellent natural security rampart. To their south are nothing but vast forests. This part of the province (Eastern townships, Kamouraska, Gaspe) provides good soil to till and ports along the St. Lawrence, Gaspe and Chaleur Bay. There are already many Jews in Quebec who would embrace this offer.
    Naturally, we have to be realist and see that there would be some small resettlement issues, but they would be miniscule and frivolous compared to the intransigent settlement problems in Palestine. Unlike those savages we aren’t hell bent on Israel’s destruction. Besides, Quebeckers would still have their own much bigger homeland north of the St. Lawrence to resettle, or they could relocate anywhere in Canada, the world’s 2nd biggest nation. There wouldn’t be a refugee crisis, they have nothing but thousands of miles of open space to resettle. The United States and the U.N. could finance the resettlements, so it won’t come out of the pockets of Canadians.
    There is precedent for this. Not least the partition in Palestine in 1948, it was already successfully accomplished in the Acadian expulsion of 1758, and we are no worse for wear from that. Hard working Scots moved in and created their own peaceful and prosperous society, and saw no tradition of terrorism or guerilla insurgencies from their French neighbors in Quebec and New Brunswick.
    We can do the same thing again. Canada can help save the planet. We can solve the Mid-East crisis and offer Israel a New Promised Land. It’s a brilliant idea. Stephen Harper needs to call a special session at the United Nations and make the offer. It’ll stun the world, and it will work.
    (Apologies for the dual post; I entered this in another comments box by mistake. It won’t happen again.)

  11. cal2— . I’m glad you brought that up, I did notice, and I also noticed most are going to quebec, good choice, as a matter of fact a very good choice, they will fit in very well.
    You seemed to have forgotten [ I realize you didn’t] that women are mere chattels in the muslim world with no, I repeat, no rights, at least any that are practically enforceable in most of that muslim world
    Here’s one for all, who are the biggest slave traders in the world today? Hint, North Africa and muslim.

  12. Ah Fred,
    The Jews have a couple of thousand year tie to the land of Israel. They are already there.
    Instead of relocating them, why don’t the Arab states just give passports to the “Palestinians” who live in their territory, were born in their territory, and who have ample space to stay?
    Or, since you find relocations easy, let’s expand Israel and move all the Arabs further a field. Lets put all the Arabs in the Territories, South Lebanon and South Jordan into Mecca. I hear the Arabs have a small attachment to Mecca…

  13. RE: Why are some Americans so self-absorbed? When they intend to talk about foreign affairs, they in fact talk about themselves.
    Many Americans, regardless of their political belief, would regard what you call self-absorbtion as just minding their own business.
    Lots of Americans feel that taking care of their own business first is one of the founding principals of their government.
    RE: Bill Mahar.
    I think the Dems are finally realizing they have a lot of really big issues that are going to drag them under if they do not make some changes.
    Bill could be trolling, gauging reaction, sticking his head up to see what kind of fire he attracts.
    This next election for the control of Congress will be interesting. Although I think that Pres. Bush has not had much cooperation from the RINO Congress anyways, so even if the Republicans lose control of Congress in Nov, Pres. Bush might not see that much difference.

  14. Fred, creating a “New” Israel is a rather simplistic and not well thought out plan. IMHO First of all, remember the Jews have been living there for a heck of a long time. Before Christ even. Ask Moses or Charlton Heston exactly when that was. Lots of ties to the land with sacred sites and such. Next, how are you going to explain to the North Carolinians or Quebecquois that they have to move to make way for newcomers? Although Canadians have no property rights I think Americans do and they are rather particular about giving up rights and freedoms.
    No, it isn’t going to be any more succesful than having all of Europe come ovewr to the new world and leave their old countries .
    Canada does however have an island up north…

  15. “The Jews have a couple of thousand year tie to the land of Israel. They are already there.”
    That’s true.
    It’s also true that people in Quebec (New France) have old generational ties to Old France.
    It’s also true that people in Nova Scotia (New Scotland) have old generational ties to Old Scotland.
    It’s also true that people who live in the states of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Rhode Island, Massachusetts and Connecticut (New England) have old generational ties to Old England.
    In this part of the globe, we live in peace and harmony. We are not savages like Muslims. The Jewish people don’t need that. They need a safe and peaceful sanctuary with secure borders and neighbours they can trust. That’s a description of us.
    We have that sanctuary. We stand shoulder to shoulder with Israel. It’s time to put our money where our mouth is and spare the world a catastrophic world war and offer that sanctuary to create a state of New Israel in our peace-loving part of the world.
    New Israel will always have ties to Old Israel. Nothing can change that. But there will be peace in the valleys of New Israel.
    I reckon we can do more positive good for a state of New Israel in 10 years than anything that has happened in Israel over the past 58 years. Unless you think we are as savage as Arabs (which is absurd!), then this is as a win-win proposition for everybody.
    It’s a good idea. The only people I see resisting and being in opposition to a state of New Israel in Canada are bigotted anti-semites. But they are very few in number, and there are hate laws on the books and the Prime Minister and the Canadian legal system can take care of those monsters.
    You also say, “Instead of relocating them, why don’t the Arab states just give passports to the “Palestinians” who live in their territory.”
    That’s an excellent point. But it fails to take into consideration that those Palestinians claim that they also have a couple of thousand years tie to the land too. And they are already there. They may be savages, but that point can’t be ignored, and I don’t see how we’re ever going to convince them and their Islamofascist mullahs differently. Better to re-settle away from those savages. How to do that…? Let’s offer Jews their new “promised land” — a state of New Israel they can call their own. In Canada.
    The enmity is at an impasse. There is too much hatred there. As I say, the only people who would object to a state of New Israel in North America — and specifically my recommendation of Canada — are anti-semites. And those are negligible in number and can be dealt with. It’s in the interest of world peace. We should do it. I have already written my MP Mr. Harold Albrecht. I hope he encourages Mr. Harper.
    Thanks for reading.

  16. Creating a “New” Israel is a rather simplistic and not well thought out plan.”
    Thank you for your comment.
    I’m not convinced the forcible U.N. partition creating the state of Israel in 1948 was a well thought out plan either. They have reaped the whirlwind ever since (Hosea 8:7) and have hostile Philistine neighbors.
    Whereas, we will invite a new state of New Israel and welcome them with open arms. So long as the U.N. pays for it, I don’t see why we should object. We’re not savages or anti-semites, correct? We have Judeo-Christian values. We share mutual values. We are all Israelis now.
    “First of all, remember the Jews have been living there for a heck of a long time. Before Christ even.”
    I agree with your comment, and again, thanks for responding.
    I agree that the Jews have been there a very long time. But it is constant instability. And it is equally true that Philistines have been living there a heck of a long time too. Before Christ even.
    I can’t find population numbers of Israel in 1948, but the 1922 census claims there were 83,800 Jews living in Palestine. (By comparison that same British census shows 600,000 Muslims settled in Palestine.)
    Today, Israel’s population is 7 million, of which 5,400,000 are Jewish.
    I could be mistaken, but I am guessing that the accelerated population growth of Jews in Israel has more to do with immigration than it does a staggering high birth rate.
    I don’t think all Jews and their families have lived there for thousands of years. I think most of them are Johnny-Come-Latelies. We should open up a state of New Israel in Canada, and let them be Johnny-Come-Right-Nows.
    It’s the right to do.

  17. “Lots of ties to the land with sacred sites and such.”
    Native Americans also had ties to land with sacred sites and such, and they were willing to relocate for peace.
    “Next, how are you going to explain to the North Carolinians or Quebecquois that they have to move to make way for newcomers?”
    Hopefully a lot more diplomatically than the U.N. explained to the Philistines that they had to make way for newcomers.
    There is already a Jewish population in Quebec, just like there was a Jewish community in Palestine before 1948. It should be much more simple. For a start, we are a more tolerant society than the Philistines.
    As I said, there will be some sticky resettlement issues. But unlike Muslims, we read from the same prayer-book as the Israelites. We share common Judeo-Christian values. We are a peaceful people. We are not savages. We are not anti-semites.
    As far as Quebecois, it has been proved in the past (Acadia, 1758-59) that we can resettle French people and they don’t stir up terrorism. They tolerated it and saw that it is for the best. Compared to hostile Philistines, the Quebecois are peaceful, tolerant understanding people.
    As far as North Carolina, again, that is part of the Bible-Belt. We are all Israelis now, and they understand and feel this more deeply than even us Canadians. As was mentioned at the original source, America is God’s Gift to Liberty, and the Jews are God’s Chosen People. Surely the good Christian people of North Carolina will not object to offering God’s Gift to God’s People. It’s only one small state out of 50.
    Understand, if we displace Quebecois or North Carolinians, they will have only been displaced from their homes, not their nations. Our nations are massive. The displaced would be free to resettle elsewhere in the nation. A few anti-semites might object, that is all. Again, compared to hostile Philistines, the people of Quebec and North Carolina are peaceful, tolerant Christians. And blessed are the peacemakers. The Creator will reward us. It’s a win-win.
    “Although Canadians have no property rights I think Americans do and they are rather particular about giving up rights and freedoms.”
    Again, those sacred rights and freedoms were God’s Gift to America. It’s time we-or-they shared that gift with God’s Chosen People.
    “No, it isn’t going to be any more succesful than having all of Europe come over to the new world and leave their old countries.”
    You cannot be serious. We are all immigrants. And now we are all Israelis.
    “Canada does however have an island up north.”
    For one, the Inuit already live up there. And two, that is an insult. Honest decent Christians should never offer olive branches and gifts that we ourselves would never accept. That’s boilerplate racism expecting them to live in a vast untamed wilderness with no prospect of feeding 7 million people. They would never accept an insulting offer like that. We need to give them a new land of milk and honey, where they can grow their crops and have ice-free harbours and ports for trade. We need to give them at least the equivalent of what they have right now, with the bonus of peace and security. They need more than just peace for an incentive to exodus; they need liveable land. Expecting them to live somewhere like Baffin Island is as thoughtless and hurtful and borderline racist as offering them Kerguelan Island near the Antarctic circle. You want to starve Jews? Is that your final solution? That’s a despicable idea. That’s like offering them an invitation to a death camp.

  18. at the end of the second world war , one of the sites suggested for Isreal was Canada.
    It was rejected , they preferred to return to the “Kingdom of David” which is slightly larger than what they carved out of what was British controlled Palestine and the TransJordan.there was an agreement with the Arabs at the time to partition, taken to the UN, approved by the UN and then rejected by the Arabs.the rest is as we say history.
    a map of the world at the time would have shown an independant newfoundland and kuwait as a province of iraq.

  19. Fred, I see you are serious about this new Israel. You jumped all over my small joke about the island up north. for the record I was refering to Hans Island, that piece of rock Canada and Denmark are in a tizzy about. A regular commenter here also claims it as his own. To insinuate that I’m suggesting a final solution is absurd and I take exception to it.
    My other statements still have merit. While a lot of us have come from old europe, there is still a heck of a lot of people still left there. Will there be any Israelies left in Old Israel? If so then the problem will remain. Israel is now a sovern country and to suggest they give it all up to start over is a pipe dream. It would be infact a victory for Islam and all the more reason for them to extend their jihad to the rest of the world.
    Native americans may have moved a bit in the past but as you can clearly see in recent years they are becoming more passionate about getting their sarced places back. Move a people halfway around the world away from their history and land then tell me they would not a bit upset.
    that is all hypothetical now as the Isralis will never give up their homeland. and I do not blame them one bit.

  20. bill maher is a clucking liberal, booted of mainstream tv so I havent a clue what he’s saying now. tsk tsk.
    he is an evolutionist, smugly repeating criticism of intelligent design for instance for the 200,000,000th time.
    if I had the chance, I would put this question to him:
    all matter is made of protons and electrons.
    including the atoms which combine to make the molecules which act in concert to become organic after time which …. finally after a LONG time become self replicating life, both on the individual cell level and the species level.
    ok, so here’s the question finally:
    how do the protons and electrons mentioned at the beginning, ‘know’ the right proportions, location and moment, to coalesce, combine and react, to BECOME the right proportions of elements and thus the right proportions of molecules and immediately after the right quantities of organics at the right place and time to, whew, coalesce yet again to become every friggin living thing that has ever, does, and will exist ???
    WHAT is it in the lowly simple proton that carries with it this capability ??? hmmmm ??? this very very intruiging ‘know-how’ ??? where exactly is ‘it’ in the confines of a proton ???? or some manner like ants that have a collective inate ability to organize themselves into a colony using chemical markers to communicate ???
    so HOW do PROTONS AND ELECTRONS pull it off ???
    or is it actually just the lowly but versatile electron ??? because after all its the ELECTRON which accomplishes the actual chemical reactions that constitute LIFE. interesting notion: electrons as ‘smart glue’ pulling and corralling the inert lifeless protons as so many bricks in a building.
    so, again, how do these particles ‘know’ how to do it ??? hmmmm ???? how ?????

  21. “Will there be any Israelies left in Old Israel?” … “Isralis will never give up their homeland.”
    I would certainly never advocate an expulsion or expect them to be obliged to leave. What they need is an incentive. Sovereignty, peace, prosperity, security — those are four excellent incentives. The alternative is what they have right now — constant turmoil, fear, paranoia, war. No-one wants to raise their children in that sort of environment. The Jewish people may feel neurotic, but they are not sub-mental psychopaths.
    “To suggest they give it all up to start over is a pipe dream.”
    It’s been done historically before. It’s not perfect, obviously. But present-day state of Israel isn’t exactly a perfect situation either, is it? What I am advocating is a massive improvement. It’ll also make the rest of the world safe. Understand, those Muslims aren’t making apeace any time soon.
    “It would be infact a victory for Islam…”
    This defies common sense. Saying this would be a victory for Islam is like saying Jews that immigrated from Europe to Palestine in 1948 was a victory for Hitler and Nazism. Well, you tell me, maybe it was. This almost sounds like an Arab digging his heels in 1948 and insisting, “No, the state of Israel is a bad idea. It would infact a victory for Nazism.” That would be an anti-semitic comment then and it sounds suspiciously like one now.
    “… and all the more reason for them to extend their jihad to the rest of the world.”
    This is a canard. Look at history. Terrorism has always been about occupiers. When occupiers leave, the terrorist loses his purpose and will to fight, they either lay down their arms or continues the fight amongst themselves.
    If Jews were living in a New Israel in Canada, Muslims wouldn’t have any inclination to start a war here. There’s no historical precedent. When insurgents drove the Brits out of India, they didn’t take the fight to Trafalgar Square or bomb parliament. There’s no strategic purpose. Why waste more time, energy and blood when you have already accomplished your mission? It’s like George Washington winning the American Revolution and then sending rebels to continue the fight to Upper Canada and England to keep it going. Or like the Taliban defeating the Soviet Union and deciding to march all the way to Moscow. Preposterous. Your scaremongering is not borne out by history. When the party perceived by the “terrorist” or “guerilla” to be the “occupier” retreats, the guerilla either lays down his arms or starts fighting amongst themselves. There’s no reason to pursue the occupier back to his home. Perhaps some lone stray lunatic would have a go for psychopathic revenge, (it’s hard to stop hardened commited nutjobs like Timothy McVeigh and Lee Harvey Oswald, just as it is near impossible to control a psychopathic murderer like Yigal Amir, the Jewish student-soldier that assassinated Israeli PM Yitzak Rabin), but as a broad strategem it is idiotic and would only invite massive retaliation. They are isolationist, they want a closed society, they have bizarre ideologies but aren’t so stupid to expend all their treasure on pursuing an idiotic strategy in North America that would only invite overwhelming retaliation. Remember, one of the reasons we don’t respond with overwhelming force is to protect Israel. If Jews are over here instead of there, and if they targeted New Israel in North America, Muslims would reap the whirlwind. There would be no reason for us to show restraint. The Arabs know that.
    “Move a people halfway around the world away from their history and land then tell me they would not a bit upset.”
    The population numbers of Jews in present-day Israel pre-1948 compared to the population numbers of Jews in present day Israel suggest in fact that more than half moved significant miles to immigrate. And when you say “halfway around the world,” you make it sound like they will be 40-year treks across deserts with pack-mules. This is the 21st century, we have air travel, they can be here in half-a-day. In their situation the last 58 years with rockets raining in their backyards, I am sure it’s a gamble they are more than willing to make, because everything we offer is a win-win. We offer peace, security, stability, sovereignty, prosperity and neighbors that don’t believe in Luciferian lies about blowing themselves up for 72 virgins.
    The more I hear excuses about why we shouldn’t give a new homeland in Canada or the United States for a New Israel, the more I see sinister underlying motives. It always amazes me that the people who stand up and defend Israel the loudest are often the same people who will offer feeble excuses why they don’t want those same Jews as their neighbors. Others, like evangelicals, tell me a state of New Israel in North America is a bad idea because it lessens the likelihood of apocalypse. If you were a true supporter of Israel, you would offer the olive branch. That’s what friends do for friends. Fake friends talk a good game but won’t put their money where their mouth is. I pray it isn’t pure self-interest that you don’t want Jews living in your neighborhood. Some people tell me they are scared that inviting Jews is inviting trouble from Muslims, but that’s a fake phony argument. Some people object that it would endanger and lessen the quality of their lives. That’s classic anti-semitism. If you really care about the Jewish people, you should hope they have a better, freer, more prosperous New Israel and welcome them with open arms. The excuses cited against a homeland in North America are virtually the same filthy excuses spewed by the racist Philistines. It’s the typical community protest “Not In My Back Yard” injected with racial steroids. It’s fear-mongering and worse, borderline anti-semitism, and that’s putting it delicately.

  22. Fred, Fred, Fred, have you read what you are writing? Just because someone doesn’t support your New Israel you are labeling them as anti-sematic. That sir is presosterous. I, for one think they are fully justified in defending themselves and shouldn’t even think of a “cut and run” scenario. And while you are worrying about the Jews of Israel, remember that there are also Arabs and Christians that are Israelis. What are they to do?
    To say that Muslims would not take their jihad to America is absurd. Have you forgotten the London and Spain bombings, the riots in Denmark and France? Or maybe the numbers 9/11 might still ring a bell. You might be willing to move when your neighbours start acting like terrorists but I wouldn’t and I don’t think most Israelis. After all they did immigrate there to be in their historicle homeland, not because the grass was greener.
    For what it is worth, I give you full credit for trying to see a resolve to the situation but do not throw anti-semetic labels on those of us do not agree with your ideas.
