Robin Cameron Funeral Coverage

The funeral of RCMP Constable Robin Cameron is being covered live this afternoon on CKOM radio from the Beardy’s Okemasis First Nation. (About two hours of programming is scheduled.) You can listen live at the link.
Please refrain from engaging in debate in the comments of this thread – reserved for thoughts and condolences only, please.
A trust fund has been established for the children of the slain officers.

15 Replies to “Robin Cameron Funeral Coverage”

  1. Deepest condolences to the friends and families. Let us never forget what true heroism and sacrifice is all about.

  2. I’ve lowered my Red Ensign to half-staff for the funeral. And now, a moment of silence.

  3. an exemplary individual who remarkably overcame earlier setbacks and would have lived to be a even more generous caring and invaluable citizen.

  4. A great Canadian, a great role model.
    Deepest condolences to the family, especially the children. They have lost a wonderful mother.

  5. My condolences to the bereaved families and friends.
    Let their comrades in police services throughout the country know that I am thankful for the risks they take on my behalf.

  6. Canada is poorer for having lost these two selfless people. Rest in Peace–you will not be forgotten. Thank-you for your courage. God be with your families.

  7. The letter of the 11 year old daughter, read by her aunt was heartbreaking. I offer my deepest sympathies to her family and friends.

  8. God Bless both the families,and THANK-YOU so much,for your loved ones service.My prayers,my thots are with you at this time of sorrow.May God give you strenght at this time.
    Mom of a Constable in the RCMP

  9. Rest in peace Robin and Michael!!! You will be missed deeply. All my condolences to the family. We share your pain!

  10. I extend my sympathies to to both these Officers friends and families, especially the children they leave to mourn.

  11. The family misses you very much, but we all kno that your up there watching us, and taking care of us…Luv you lots Robin!
