79 Replies to “Those Fickle Islamists”

  1. Hey, wait a minute! I have long hair, and I’m a slightly right of center anti-authoritarian. Hmm, maybe that’s because I experimented with just the right amount of hallucinogenic drugs in my younger party years. Titration, man, or as you grandmother used to say, everything in moderation. That’s what the extremists don’t get, no matter in which direction they are extreme.

  2. OT:
    ‘tom’: re the ‘cukier the gun slinger’ urban legend:
    I got the name of the shop and their 800 #.
    see original july 19 posting ‘rcmp shooting update’ or whatever it was.
    ciao !!
    y’all have a nice weekend !!

  3. Moshe Dayan said to his cabinet colleagues that we should tell the Palestinians that we have no solution for you, that you will live like dogs, and whoever will leave will leave, and we’ll see where that leads.
    The Zionists have always wanted the whole Middle East, a terrorist group thats backed by the US, the strong arm they can use againsy others in the area.
    Thats why true Jews are against Israel!
    You all forgot that Israel fired the first shot.
    It’s against International Law to go into another country and kidnap it’s citizens, with the taking of said prisoners out of the country thats another law Israel broke. But you all can see the numbers up above.
    Oh by the way that kid was tied to the hood of the vehicle, a Rabbi also took the childs side, if you’d read the whole story you’d have known that. Why else would the Israeli courts tell them not to do that anymore?
    For those that think God gave Israel the land why would he let them go through all the attacks? Zionists are the ones that while Moses was a top the mountian they melted the gold into statues and danced and praised their old gods.
    Under the guise of “love of Israel”, the Zionist “statesmen” seduced many Jews to replace devotion to the Torah and its Sages with devotion to the scoundrel who founded Zionism. It is of no little significance that Herzl originally sought conversion of the Jews as a solution to the problems of the Diaspora. When he realized that this was not acceptable to the Jewish masses, he contrived Zionism as a satisfactory alternative!
    Is that better Kate?

  4. What’s next? Zionism will kick Hezbollah back to the stone age. Pork rinds for Allah. …-
    Military to Evacuate 4,000 Americans From Lebanon Today
    American Forces Press Service ^ | Jim Garamone
    WASHINGTON, July 21, 2006 – Military aircraft and sea vessels will evacuate more than 4,000 Americans from Lebanon today, DoD officials said

  5. Across the desert, (yawn), the Eyerackies, (yawn) are boring … zzzz
    Iraqi government takes over Mosul base
    Multi-National Forces-Iraq ^ | Sgt. Dennis Gravelle
    Coalition forces turned over Forward Operating Base Courage in Mosul to the Nineveh province government

  6. I too am a liberal. I believe in letting people do as they will as long as they do not hurt others.
    I believe in giving my own money to worthy causes. However I do not belive in wide scale abortion on demand. Medical emergency where the health of the mother is endangered is the exception.
    I believe that marriage is the domain of hetero-sexual couples and that children are best raised by a female and male partners, however, lesbian and homosexual couples are free to do as they wish and I see nothing wrong with legislation ensuring their right to share in their partners property or benefit as long as the relationship is registered.
    I do not believe that all things are equal. For example people who encourage children to strap on bombs are evil. People who set off bombs in restaurants, theaters, markets, mosques, churches,temples, synagogues, or those who blow up planes, buses and trains, all full of ordinary people just going about their business, these people are evil. People who make excuses for these people are also evil.
    I am a rational man. I do believe in the right of a country to defend itself. If you align yourself with evil people or allow them to habitate among you, then you must accept that you have put yourself in mortal danger and you must bear the consequences of your decision.
    If you state that Israelies do not have the right to live in Israel, then it is your right to have that opinion, but the realistic view is that they aren’t going anywhere. But if you think that it is okay to murder them simply because of who they are then you too have been pocessed by evil.
    Now I return to my original statement. I am Liberal. But Canada’s left of center parties are are so far left that I identify one as being socialist and the other as being communist. I am Liberal so I vote Conservative. Canadians, in general, do not know what a real Liberal is and haven’t for a long time. I would stick around to debate, but it is Friday night and I am going to be very Liberal with the whiskey. Please don’t drink and drive!

  7. Sam,you are a piece of work.Sam advisory……DON’T FEED THE TROLLS!!!! P.S. Sam,don’t hold back..tell us what you think.

  8. don’t feed the trolls??! you’re right but it’s really really tough. ’cause I just wanna call ’em names like fuckwads

  9. Your intelligence is showing too the World. LOL
    Who was it that said the government can do anything because the people don’t read?
    It shows, LoL

  10. To mrtisaduffer: One step a head of you pal! i have already left Canada and now live in the 2nd wealthiest nation in the world. the money is just piling up in the streets here.
    I only come to this website to remind me of how happy i am now that i must no longer endure the incessant whinings of Canadians.
    As for “your country”…dude, my family has been in Canada for over 200 years. From what shite hole were you sprung? poland? uker-ania? straight out the shtetl were you?
    oh and all you “engineers”….education is more about learning how to be a responsible citizen than figuring out how to make widgets.
    judging by the level of discourse here, i’d say few of you can boast that claim.
    Enjoy winter!

  11. “2nd wealthiest nation in the world” Ireland
    “dude, my family has been in Canada for over 200 years. From what shite hole were you sprung? poland? uker-ania?” This continent, for a long, long, long, time.
    “education is more about learning how to be a responsible citizen than figuring out how to make widgets.” Suposition not fact. I learned how to be a responsible citizen from my parents.
    I might add that without the so called “widgets” their would be very little education and much screaming, wailing and knashing of teeth as the poor uneducated peasant, unable to defend his family/village/tribe was either killed/captured /enslaved or otherwise bent to the will of a technologically superior village/tribe/race.
    “On the archaeological record in Britain the first objects made of gold and copper appear around 2300 BC, at a time of rapid growth and development. There is a slow, but marked change in the burial practices from a few centuries earlier, family or clan burials in long barrows with little if any grave goods. The use of the long barrows with groove ware pottery, being slowly abandoned in favour of single burials in round barrows, with a new type of pottery, a style imported by a migrating people from the Rhine area of Europe.” http://www.templeresearch.eclipse.co.uk/bronze/intro.htm
    “For example, it is not an idle claim to state that Japanese hand-forged carbon steel was and is among the finest produced by any people. The importance of this carbon steel for blade tools and weapons cannot be overstated; the ability to make excellent cutting implements had profound effects on Japanese society as well as on cuisine and eating habits. Japan led the world in steel technology for perhaps a millennium” http://www.kougei.or.jp/english/metal.html
    Oh my, I just communicated with a fool, using a widget that was invented by one of the following: (1) A steady procession of highly educated engineers and scientists or (2) A group of inwardly navel gazing, Islamofacist apologists. Answer here: http://inventors.about.com/library/blcoindex.htm
    Why even Plato and Socrates were enabled by the “widget” makers! http://www.shoprockcandy.com/littlethinkers.html

  12. The reason why living in polar countries is a good idea is that: living well is the best revenge and revenge is a dish best served cold.

  13. j writes: “Instead being a statistical nerd”
    Well, instead of being ungrammatical, perhaps you might read the original post more carefully, where n-sam threw around numbers like “40% of Palestinian men” are political prisoners. Since, by his own data, the actual number is 0.25%, he exaggerated by a factor of 160.
    Now, when someone has a tendency to exaggerate by 16,000%, I have a related tendency to ignore just about everything else they say, on the grounds that if they are lying about one thing, they’re lying about others. My half-century of experience has proved there’s a very high correlation there.
    But then, that’s how we engineers tend to think about things; we look at data and numbers, and we look for consistency. What we have a hard time understanding is how lefties look at things; it seems facts, logic, and consistency are things you all ignore.
    Plus, on balance on this blog, we also seem to express ourselves with better grammar and syntax.

  14. Those are the numbers of men that have been held since 67 but you seem to have a hard time understanding English.
    If you ever read a book you might better undersatnd whats going on.
    Evev the Jews don’t want Israel, only Zionists who act more like a bunch of Nazis. Watch the name calling because thats all most can do because their arguements/brains are so weak.
    The Nazi’s used the same techniques of spreading misinformation, their supports reacted the same as some here, names calling and hate.
    Soon the US and Israel will find themselves in the World Court, as Defendants in the Latest rounds of War Crimes.
    A Website for Seekers of Truth About Zionism
    This site was created to provide historical documentation refuting the misconception that all Jewry supports Zionism (the existence of the so-called “State of Israel”) for website visitors seeking information on the history of Zionism, its historical and current day impact on the Jewish community worldwide and the danger it presents to us all.

  15. “Arab leaders and media outlets have long been addicted to comparing Israel to the Nazi regime, while at the same time demeaning the extent of the Holocaust. This obsession with defaming and antagonizing the Jewish people and state was on full display in recent months and reached a crescendo – or rather nadir – the day before Pope John Paul II visited the Temple Mount during his Holy Land pilgrimage. The Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, Sheikh Ekrima Sabri, just hours before hosting the Pope, gave a series of press interviews, first telling the AP: “The figure of 6 million Jews killed during the Holocaust is exaggerated and is used by the Israelis to gain international support…” http://www.cdn-friends-icej.ca/antiholo/arabnazi.html

  16. n-sam: ” you seem to have a hard time understanding English.
    If you ever read a book you might better undersatnd whats going on.
    Evev the Jews don’t want Israel, only Zionists who act more like a bunch of Nazis. Watch the name calling because thats all most can do because their arguements/brains are so weak.”
    me: “Plus, on balance on this blog, we also seem to express ourselves with better grammar and syntax.”
    n-sam, if you have such a big brain, please tell me why you can’t take a few seconds to proof your posts, and clean up your spelling and grammar problems? The fact that you don’t bother to do so only reinforces my belief that, if you are so lazy to refrain from doing so, your logic and facts are equally suspect.
    Think of it this way: if you went to a restaurant, and your food was served on a plate that obviously had the remains of someone else’s meal on it, would you believe your meal had been prepared cleanly?
    That is one reason, beside your irrationality, that we have a hard time taking you seriously.

  17. I don’t see how one can be surprised, after all he claims right in his monicker to be in neutral. Perhaps after he figures out the clutch and manages to get into first gear he will be able to generate some torque. Perhaps, after years of practice, he may make it into crusing gear, and then be able to selectively generate enough directed energy to be able to actually contribute to the flow, rather than spending his life stalled in the fast lane, as he does now.
    If I wasn’t already comitted to my professional responsibilities, I’d be a tow-truck driver on the information superhighway. There are so many crashes caused by bad drivers that I’d be rich.

  18. Those aren’t arabs calling Israel Nazi’s its Jews calling Israel a Nazi state.
    Follow the link.
    Israel can’t commit all kinds of crimes aganist the Plaestinians but they can’t return the favor?
    Israel started the cross border shooting, Israel started the coming into another country and taking prisoners.
    The difference is that Israel takes women and children and holds them without charges for years.
    Israel is the one that keeps taking Palestinian land.
    Israel comes into the occupied territories and kills Palestinians. Why don’t we hear the outcries from these atrocities.
    As usual you attack the messenger because you can’t attack the message.
    Israel and the US will be charged with WAR CRIMES.

  19. “The name Palestine refers to a region of the eastern Mediterranean coast from the sea to the Jordan valley and from the southern Negev desert to the Galilee lake region in the north. The word itself derives from “Plesheth”, a name that appears frequently in the Bible and has come into English as “Philistine”. Plesheth, (root palash) was a general term meaning rolling or migratory. This referred to the Philistine’s invasion and conquest of the coast from the sea. The Philistines were not Arabs nor even Semites, they were most closely related to the Greeks originating from Asia Minor and Greek localities. They did not speak Arabic. They had no connection, ethnic, linguistic or historical with Arabia or Arabs.”
    Quoting Golda Meir, “The British chose to call the land they mandated Palestine, and the Arabs picked it up as their nation’s supposed ancient name, though they couldn’t even pronounce it correctly and turned it into Falastin a fictional entity. [In an article by Sarah Honig, Jerusalem Post, November 25, 1995]” http://www.palestinefacts.org/pf_early_palestine_name_origin.php

  20. “The term “Palestine” was introduced by the Romans in the 2nd century CE in their attempt to eradicate all traces of the Jewish existence in Eretz Israel, the Land of Israel. The name was derived from the Hebrew name of Philistines (plishtim), long since defeated and extinct enemies of the Jews, who 3200 years ago occupied a small piece of land between Tel Aviv and Gaza. “Palestine” (Syria Palaestina) was to replace the name “Judaea,” after the last Judean war where the Roman troops, vastly superior in number and weapons, had been repeatedly defeated until all the resources of the Jews were exhausted. The name of Jerusalem was to be replaced by “Aelia Capitolina,” which, fortunately, has never become part of common language. The term “Palestine,” whose official use ceased after Romans, would, however, be revived to designate the area mandated to Great Britain by the League of Nations as a consequence of the fall of the Ottoman Empire. Mandatory Palestine included the territory both to the east and to the west of the Jordan River—contemporary Jordan (formerly Transjordan) and Israel. The British were charged with “placing the country under such political, administrative and economic conditions as will secure the establishment of the Jewish national home.”
    After the British had decided to create the emirate of Transjordan—the Arab state in Palestine “across the Jordan river,” —they reneged on the promise to the Jews that was contained in the original mandate where “recognition has thereby been given to the historical connection of the Jewish people with Palestine and to the grounds for reconstituting their national home in that country.””
    So neutral sam it would appear that the Arab claim to Palatine is too say the least a little murky. Who was there first? So why not let it end there. The Jews have as much right to this piece of desert as anyone. They are not going anywhere and they have as much right to defend their country and their people as any other nation on the face of the earth.
    Hizbollah is not a country, but is an identified Islamic terrorist organization. It has wide support in Southern Lebanon, is funded by and supported by Iran and Syria. Don’t decieve yourself. All of Lebanon is not burning. Are the innocent dying? Regretably, yes, but you would be better to place the blame at the feet of Hizbollah. There practice of placing military assets in among civilian targets is well known and well documented. Try watching this video of an interview with Brigitte Gabriel for a Lebanese Christian perspective. She grew up with the war in Lebanon and her story should not be discounted.
    The video is forty-six minutes long, and no, your head will not exlode.

  21. I’m as much a supporter of Israel as anyone, but it’s a dangerous game for either side to make justifications based on historical land claims.
    The only people who can claim historical right to that land are the Canaanites. They stuck it out on their land during the famine when we ran off to Egypt to benefit from nepotism because of Joseph’s high position. Then, when we were freed from slavery, we came back to Canaan and attacked the Canaanites simply because God told us to do so. In the modern parlance, that would be known as jihad. The battle of Jericho was likely the world’s first jihad.
    The point is that history alone is not the reason to claim land, because that can lead to endless arguments about ancient issues of legitimacy. Israel doesn’t really need to justify anything because it is a legally established sovereign state, regardless of how it got there.

  22. notproud – if he (or whatever) is in Ireland, I suggest looking up the Ulster flag. What’s that on the flag, a Zionist star of David?
    One of the other greg’s: It’s typically useless to provide facts to trolls. Their minds have proven not able to absorb them.

  23. I’m not sure if it’s Ireland, but when I google “second richest country” I get Ireland and Norway. He said enjoy winter so I’m guessing that he wouldn’t be in Norway. There is a slight chance that it could be Equatorial Guinea, if he was refering to undeveloped resource wealth, but the only people benefiting from this are the politico’s and their friends, for the ordinary citizen, it’s still mostly a s**thole https://www.cia.gov/cia/publications/factbook/geos/ek.html
