Reader Tips

I’m heading out to Regina today, so a reader tips post is all you get until tomorrow.
Terror From The North – a Frontpage symposium interviews Rachel Marsden, Stewart Bell, Patrick Grady, Michael Marzolini, and Robert Spencer.
Iran, North Korea, Syria – The Axis Of Nutcase.
Victor Davis Hanson;

Finally, the world is accepting that the Middle East problem was never about so-called occupied land — but only about the existence of Israel itself. Hezbollah and Hamas, and those in their midst who tolerate them (or vote for them), didn’t so much want Israel out of Lebanon and Gaza as pushed into the Mediterranean altogether. And since there will be no second Holocaust, the Israelis may well soon transform a perennial terrorist war they can’t easily win into a conventional aerial one against a terrorist-sponsoring Syria that they can.”

No Joe, No!

In a written statement released late Friday, Volpe said Jim Karygiannis, a controversial Toronto MP, “has left the campaign as a result of the position taken by the candidate on the current crisis in the Middle East.”

Supporting the troops – James is giving away yellow ribbon car magnets. He writes;

I started this site after my ribbon was stolen from my car as a way to get back
at those “tolerant” liberals that didn’t like my politics.

Share yours in the comments. Keep the chatter civilized and on topic, please.

143 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. It can’t be the end of Joe’s campaign. Surely, he can find some promising, 13-year-old up-and-comer to fill the spot! He should check his donor list.

  2. from CBCpravda this morning – another grateful citizen .
    But Liliane El-Helou said she gave Harper a list of complaints about the service provided by Canadian Embassy officials, including the fact that the embassy in Beirut was closed on the weekend.
    the embassy closed on the weekend- once a snivel servant always a snivel servant, these guys dont work overtime even in a “deepening crisis”

  3. Just wanted to say congratulations to James on the ribbon campaign. I started using the magnets a few years ago, just before the Iraq portion of the war started, and they always get stolen! My parents would also buy ribbons whenever they went to the states, and they too would get theirs stolen, no doubt by the forces of tolerance!

  4. Lebanese-Canadian who flew to Ottawa on PM’s plane arrested on arrival for fraud
    National Post
    July 22, 2006
    A man who hobnobbed with Stephen Harper after escaping Lebanon on the Prime Minister’s Airbus was arrested at the Ottawa airport on outstanding fraud charges yesterday. Travelling with his wife and four children, Abbas Hachem, 40, was screened by RCMP officers in Cyprus who found a warrant for his arrest on six counts of fraud over $5,000. However, Mr. Hachem has no history of violence and “for humanitarian reasons, the Prime Minister and his staff decided against separating him from his wife and children, and they travelled back to Canada to safety together,” said a PMO spokesman. Arrested on arrival, Mr. Hachem spent the day in police cells before being released on $500 bond. Despite the chilly reception, Mr. Hachem was glad to be in Canada. “It is a very important thing to live in a safe place.”

  5. “You can’t hold a country hostage, be it Israel or Hezbollah.”
    Surely this must be the quote of the week by Jim Karygiannis.
    Someone ought to let Jim know that Hezzbollah is not a country, merely a terrorist organization that has taken over part of a country.
    No doubt Mr. K thinks that somehow he is occupying the middle ground here. To paraphrase Churchill, some people think the middle ground is between the fireman and the fire.

  6. That would be the same Jim Karygiannis who earlier this week was lambasted by an NDP MP for not showing up for his regular day job as an MP. It would seem from Karygiannis’ history that he can’t be bought, but he can be rented for a while.
    Records compiled by the NDP’s research shop show Karygiannis, who is Volpe’s national campaign co-ordinator, was absent for all 32 votes in the last session of Parliament and made just one brief statement in the House during the period.
    “Basically de facto, the Canadian public is paying for a chairman for Volpe’s campaign,” Masse charged.

  7. Good on this fellow for making that offer, and if he becomes overwhelmed with requests, there is this alternative.
    The ribbons are also available in a decal form (not the sticky glue type, but easy peel and lift type), that will stick to the inside of a vehicle window, safely.
    If anyone is close to a military base, their CANEX will sell them to the public too:
    Some of the proceeds go to services for the families of the military.

  8. Terror From The North
    “….I am consequently not at all surprised that the largest number of the alleged plotters came from Mississauga or thereabouts. Your American readers probably don’t know that Mississauga has become a real hotbed of radical Islam. It is one of the Toronto metropolitan areas with the heaviest concentration of Muslims, and contains some pretty fundamentalist mosque-centered communities. Most notably, it is home to the gargantuan Islamic Center of Canada complex, which is affiliated with the Wahhabi-dominated Islamic Society of North America and which was financed by our good friend and ally, the King of Saudi Arabia. And don’t forget the little store-front Al-Rahman Mosque, which is also in Mississauga and was frequented by at least 7 of the Toronto plotters, including Qayyum Abdul Jamal, the 43-year old janitor-cum- prayer-leader who was said to be the group’s spiritual leader…”
    Cheryfa MacAulay Jamal has set up a website to raise money for their family, while her husband now sits in jail:
    “…This is a website created to keep everyone updated on the condition of Abdul Qayyum Jamal’s family, now at the mercy of charity since his persecution. For those who are kind enough to help us in our hour of need. If you find it in your heart to help us manage while Abdul Qayyum is not able to support us, myself and our four sons, aged 7, 5, 22 months and 9 months, please donate to us what you can spare. Every little bit will add up and suffice, with Allah’s permission….”

  9. Thank you, Prime Minister Harper.
    Recovering Canada’s lost heritage. …-
    Navy plans Northwest Passage mission
    (CP) – The Canadian navy will return to the Northwest Passage this summer for the first time in more than a generation to get a first-hand look at shipping in the increasingly ice-free waters – and to help tend the graves of two long-dead RCMP officers near the derelict remains of one of the force’s loneliest outposts.

    This patrol will visit Dundas Harbour on the southeast coast of Devon Island, where the RCMP maintained a small detachment in 1924-33 and 1945-51 – an expression of Canadian Arctic sovereignty from an earlier time.
    Two tumbledown houses, a stone path and an outhouse are all that is left, as well as the remains of two constables whose postings to this remote place ended in tragedy.
    Const. William Stephens was shot Aug. 26, 1927, in a walrus-hunting accident. Const. Victor Maisonneuve died June 16, 1926, of a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
    “He was serving alone at the time,” said Hayward. “There were no witnesses.”
    There are 25 such lonely RCMP graves throughout Nunavut, tended by the nearest detachment. At Dundas Harbour, a 2002 visit from Grise-Fjord-based members noted that Stephens and Maisonneuve needed some care. …-

  10. For those of you who didn’t notice the reference in that other thread yesterday, Mr. Dershowitz’s – – column in yesterday’s National Post goes well with Mr. Hanson’s column in the Washington Times referenced above by Kate.

  11. Israel Begins the Ground Campaign
    Well, the IDF is reported to have gone into Lebanon. Fox says:
    ON THE ISRAEL-LEBANON BORDER — Hundreds of Israeli troops moved into southern Lebanon on Saturday, taking control of a village and engaging Hezbollah militants by land, sea and air as part of the country’s limited ground campaign. The soldiers — backed by artillery and tank fire — moved into the large Lebanese village of Maroun al-Ras in several rounds and took control, military officials said on condition of anonymity. That included a group of Israeli tanks, bulldozers and personnel carriers that knocked down a border fence and entered the area at about 3 p.m (1200 GMT). The equipment and about 25 soldiers raced past a U.N. outpost and headed into the village where other Israeli soldiers already had control. But gunfire could be heard from the village, and artillery based inside Israel also was firing into the area.

  12. From the National Post today:
    “For some immigrants, Canada is a mere springboard to other countries. A Statistics Canada study last March found immigrants — young men, especially — are more likely now than ever to move away from Canada once they’ve established a toehold here, through citizenship or permanent residency.”
    It is hearts we want, not toeholds, or a leg up when it comes to allegiance to this country!

  13. I disagree with Hanson that the ‘issue is about the existence of Israel itself and not the occupied territories’. I don’t think that the ME situation can be reduced to a religious ideology, for both Muslims and Jews are semites. It’s deeper and more complex. The current war isn’t about Israel-Palestine; it’s about Iran and Iran’s attempt to take over the dominant role in the ME, and, use Islamic fascism as its propaganda ‘glue’
    So far, that’s THREE problems in the ME.
    1) Israel and the occupation. Hoping that the Palestinians would disappear (the 1949 hope) didn’t work. They require a state. BUT, this has been prevented, primarily by Arafat’s keeping them as illitate peasants and deliberately setting them up in opposition to Israel; and Israel’s concomitant settlement of the occupied lands. This has led to a Palestinian population unable to govern itself, without a clear ideology of self, and, in such a situation, parts of it have been taken over by the Islamic fascist ideology – which has NOTHING to do with the israel-Palestinian situation.
    The Arab states of the ME are uninterested in the Palestinians; they consider them ignorant peasants. They haven’t lifted a finger to educate, organize, enable the Palestinians to live there. BUT, they don’t want Israel there, because of their own tribal problems.
    2) Problem 2 – that’s the deep infrastructural problem of the ME states, which are organized in a wildly out-of-date political system of tribalism which empowers a minority and disempowers the majority – from the economy, the finance, the politics, everything. What is required is democracy, aka Israel, and the ME states don’t want democracy because the minority will lose power. They are fighting Israel, primarily because it is an industrial democracy.
    AND, their exploding population of the last two decades and the mov’t from rural to urban, means that tribalism is dysfunctional; it can only be maintained by force.
    Severe punishments (Wahhabi Sharia) and keeping the population submissive within a dogmatic repressive medieval Islam AND, keeping them focused externally rather than internally – That’s led to Islamic fascism which is a symptom of a population totally alienated from reality. Living in a violent, totally fictional, completely emotional world…that’s islamic fascism.
    3)Iran. Iran wants to be the new Emperor of the ME. It doesn’t want democracy in the area – and that means not only Israel but also Iraq. In addition, it wants to control the ME. I suspect it is also interested in Turkey. Its sidekick, Syria, is a tool to enable Iran’s influence in Lebanon.
    I think Iran would like Syria back into Lebanon. It knows that it can’t remove Israel; no ME state can do that. But, Iran would like to be the dominant force in the ME.
    That’s why, suddenly, SA, Jordan, Egypt, and Iraq, are not getting involved in this current war OR, astonishingly, making public statements against Hezbollah. They are sitting it out, allowing Israel to destroy Hezbollah (which belongs to Iran) and Hamas (also belongs to Iran). They have realized Iran’s ambitions and they don’t want to be part of it.
    So, interestingly, these ME states, SA, Jordan, Egypt, Iraq, are now moving onside of Israel. Not openly but operationally. Because the balance has shifted in the ME.
    The real enemy is not Israel but Iran.
    That’s also why the EU and the USA are watching it happen. It’s an important shift in power – for the better, in both the war against Islamic fascism, and, I predict, the situation between Palestine and Israel.
    Only idiots like the UN and Canada’s left are ‘in the clouds’ about what is happening – and focusing only on the superificial ‘Israel is in Lebanon, evil Israel’…and ignoring what is really going on.

  14. I see on “Pravda”just now,our overjoyed refugees have another complaint..all being dropped off in Quebec,and some pissed off they aren’t being taken directly to Toronto,Ottawa,Calgary,etc.Too bad!! Our tax dollars got you this far,saved your lives,as well as first class overnite hotel rooms for those that have to overnite in Que…and they complain??Give me a friggin break.As for the woman they keep showing on Newsworld,that said if she’d known how “rough”her accomodations were on her ESCAPE FROM WAR..FREE of charge..she would have stayed in Lebanon with “bombs dropping”.Brings new meaning to the word gratitude.I see they are indeed so grateful,now holding a rally to protest Harper.We are full of a nation of in-grates,and continue to enable this nonsense.
    Just when I thot this fiasco couldn’t get more ridiculous..PETA now on board complaining about evacuees had to leave their dogs,cats,birds behind!!!(see Edm.Sun)Maybe “Steve”should have filled the plane with critters…at least they give unconditional love!!!
    Called CRTC/CBC voice my disgust with the CBC(esp.Mansbridge,and Adrian Arsehole).Must say I was overjoyed,when crtc totally agreed that cbc coverage a “disgrace” Sammy

  15. Two Canadian soldiers dead — Eight injured in suicide bomb attack
    CanWest News Service via National Post ^
    KANDAHAR, Afghanistan — Two Canadian soldiers were killed and eight others injured Saturday, at least one seriously when a suicide bomber rammed a vehicle packed with explosives into a coalition vehicle in Kandahar City. Eight Afghan civilians were also wounded in the blast. Military officials have not yet released the names of the dead and injured. “I can confirm that two coalition soldiers were killed and eight wounded in the suicide attack,” said coalition spokesman Major Scott Lundy. Canada has about 2,300 troops in Afghanistan, most in the Kandahar area. Before Saturday, 17 Canadian soldiers and a Canadian diplomat had..

  16. here is the link to Edmonton Sun. Had to look like a moth to a candle. This is completely out of hand. Given. as a pet owner I have some empathy towards this, but don’t we have 20 or 30 thousand people to move out? By the way, if you haven’t seen Dan Matheson’s report from Turkey after being asked about complaints from the rescued, you gotta see it. It is great and sums up what, according to most polls I’ve seen, 65 to 70% of us feel.

  17. ISLAMABAD, July 19: The government has taken 156 FM radio stations off the air to stop the spread of religious extremism and anti-state sentiments, notably among Pashtun tribes near the Afghan border, a spokesman for the regulator said on Wednesday.
    The raids have been conducted by the Pakistan Electronic Media Regulating Authority (Pemra), working in tandem with local officials in tribal areas during the last six months.
    “Our regulations do not extend to the tribal areas. But we are coordinating with local authorities and police to jam or shut down these illegal stations,” a spokesman said. He said 94 stations had been operating illegally, and transmitting their religious and political views. “The rest were closed down by the local authorities,” he said.

  18. Josh Manchester has an excellent column at TCS Daily – – Here’s an excerpt:
    “Before the US invasion, Iraq was the geostrategic pivot of the Middle East. All of the fault lines in the area’s politics converge there. The Sunni-Shia split; the Arab-Persian split; the Ba’athist-Wahhabist split; and the Muslim-Israeli split: each of these ran through Iraq via its ethnic and religious makeup; its geographic location; and its former interests, alliances, and enemies.
    “The ‘big bang,’ as invading Iraq has sometimes been called, was meant to reorder the nature of politics in the region. This has been accomplished in a fundamental way. The idea of dividing an enemy force into its constituent parts and then dealing with it piecemeal is at least as old as Caesar’s actions in Gaul. It applies no less to US strategy in the Middle East. Every faction there has been made to reconsider its relationship with every other. Rather than there being a monolithic clash of civilizations, thus far the US is dealing with the area in pieces — in whatever way it sees fit to do so — whether making it tacitly clear to Syria that what happened in Iraq could more easily happen to it, or threatening Iran on behalf of the region and world, or seeking cooperation with the Saudis in hunting down al Qaeda.”

  19. That’s a nice metaphor – the Big Bang, for the invasion of Iraq; hopefully, it did start a ‘new mode of existence’.
    But I don’t think that a Big Bang divides matter into constituent bits; that’s a mechanical reductionism. It does something far more powerful; it reformulates, it transforms.
    Therefore I disagree with Manchester’s metaphor, because of that mechanical reductionism, which completely ignores that in a complex system, you can’t take it all apart into its ‘constituent bits’ and then, interact with each bit. In a complex system, there aren’t any discrete ‘constituent bits’. A society is not a car..and remember what happened to Humpty Dumpty. Those King’s Horses and Men…
    So, what is happening in the ME is indeed a refocusing. But, not of the central node, but it is instead establishing a complex network. The ME, in its tribal days did indeed operate as a mechanical aggregate, with Sunni vs Shi’ite and so on. It can’t continue to operate in this manner, where one tribe fights another tribe and so on. It has to move into a modern economic mode which means farewell to peasant agriculture, and into a modern political mode, which means farewell to tribal exclusiveness and welcome a civic governance which empowers all citizens. And, it has to move into an urban and industrial mode.
    This is an enormous change, indeed, a Big Bang change. On its own, the ME had no intention of changing and moving away from tribal exclusiveness. But this led to Islamic fascism – which has exploded outwards into the West.
    Essentially, Islamic fascism is a symptom of a schizophrenic population; they live in their own fantasy world, as written and defined by them, a highly emotional, totally fictional world. With no relevance to objective reality, no logic, no cause and effect. The cause of this schizophrenia, is that dysfunctional tribalism.
    So – the US has moved in to take it out. Not to treat it as a Mechano Set and take all its bits and pieces apart – but – change the operating infrastructure.

  20. The operating infrastructure that has been dominant there – tribalism.
    I’m sure you aren’t suggesting that the ME had NO operating infrastructure for that is impossible. It did, a very rigid one; tribalism ( based on Islam) and the increase in population had rendered it dysfunctional. That’s why Islamic fascism developed.

  21. Mr. Manchester’s methaphor is of less importance to me that the mention of Caesar’s division of Gaul.
    After all, I have a three foot high crane with a four foot boom made of Meccano sitting beside my monitor and hovering over it as I type (it’s been somewhere around my desk for twenty years now, since I built it). And I mention that because said crane can be easily disassembled, via a handful of strategically placed bolts, into five principle modules for independent work, in the case, say, of rust, somewhat like, as I now realize, the way the middle-east can be dissasembled into modules for independent work, in the case of, say, totalitarianism.
    I’ve just sent Manchester’s article to my mailing list, with this cover: “I think I’m going to slightly revise my model of what’s been going on in the middle-east. I always thought that the interruption of the central logistics corridor, and indeed, of the undergirding backbone, of the totalitarians that were gaining ground in those parts was the principal reason for the liberations of Kabul and Baghdad. A bonus advantage was book-ending Iraq. But I missed something even more imporant: I forgot about Caesar’s division of Gaul.”

  22. ET wrote: “Essentially, Islamic fascism is a symptom of a schizophrenic population; they live in their own fantasy world, as written and defined by them, a highly emotional, totally fictional world. With no relevance to objective reality, no logic, no cause and effect”.
    Priceless! I spent the better part of a decade in Saudi, and have been to at least a half-dozen other Muslim countries, and this sums them up to a ‘T’……..a buddy of mine, 25 years ago, made the ‘no understanding of cause and effect comment’; it was correct then, and it’s correct now.

  23. Let’s debate that, Vitruvius. I agree with you about every faction having to reconsider its relations with other factions – but, that’s part of the reconstruction of themselves as well as of the others.
    I admire your Hover Meccano (I won’t ask why) but, a society isn’t made up of bits! The restructuring hopefully, will actually change the morphology of those factions/bits! They won’t remain the same.

  24. I donated to this site; I would encourage everyone else to do the same, even if it’s only a dollar.
    (I’m also expecting my free ribbon soon! I was trying to get a hold of one, and now I can!)

  25. Alas, ET, as much as I enjoy your conversation, I’m not sure there’s much of a debate here, for I agree with you. The differences between our foci are, I think, in this case, related to scale.
    For me, Manchester’s article was a bit of a light-bulb-over-the-head epiphany, because it is so obvious and yet I had arguably missed it, at least per se. So I’ve been spending my time thinking about it from the strategico-logistic perspective. Besides, the ghost of Sun Tzu has been standing here rapping my knuckles all afternoon, so I’m sure you can understand.
    Yet I fully agree with your wider longer-term perspective, something along the lines of, if I may put into the sort of concepts I work well with: In the case of the middle-east, the purpose of the disassembly modularization of the components of the problem, in the name of independent work, must be more than to simply interact with said parts separately but without changing the nature of the parts themselves, it must be to actually change the morphology of the system that emerges when those parts are re-assembled. Am I close ?-)

  26. I have been watching the unfolding developments in the mideast since Hezbollah crossed the border and took 2 Israeli soldiers hostage. This was a copycat action re Hamas attack earlier taking 1 hostage. Apparently, both groups felt powerful enough to militarily attack Israel sovereign forces with impunity figuring the Israelis would bog down in negotiations to free terrorists in Israeli jail cells. The Israelis responded to these acts by 2 accepted terrorist groups in both countries as acts of war.
    In the case of Hezbollah a curious fact surfaced, they have over 10,000 rockets and missiles in southern Lebanon. The Lebanese authorities have had several years to reign in Hezbollah, they did nothing. The UN has had a peacekeeping force in the region all this time and they documented the provocation which resulted in a UN resolution that the Lebanese democratic government disarm Hezbollah, they did not do so. The International Community also did nothing.
    There is no sovereign nation on this earth that would allow any terrorist organization to have thousands of missiles on their borders. This is why the Israelis must neutralize Hezbollah.
    The Lebanese authorities have been useless, they allow Hezbollah to run in their elections, I believe there were something like 14 Hezbollah politicians elected in the last election. It is hard to disarm a terrorist organization when the government is trying legitimate them. The international community is also useless. They believe Israel should suffer constant terrorist attacks and not retaliate for the sake of some weird psychotic “peace be, to the rest of the UN world” ideology.
    So, peace will come to Lebanon when Israel is not terrorized by Lebanese terrorists. This is a very simple fact.

  27. Not only, Mark, did Iran’s Syria’s Hezbollah cross the border and kidnap 2 Israeli soldiers, they invaded sovereign territory from lands that were de-occupied in the name of Peace, and assassinated 8 Israeli soldiers. And they have been throwing missiles around indiscriminately, now deliberately targeting non-military sites.
    There is, I think, a sense in which the invading from de-occupied lands was a grave tactical error, much as in the sense that 9/11 was a grave strategic error, in that it has not only caused the opponents of totalitarian terrorism to go on the offense, it has caused the strategic and fiduciary supporters of said evil to question their return on investment. That’s not a trivial result. Does Khomeini really want to get blown up? Sistiani clearly doesn’t. What about Saudi prince #11,386?
    I know, I know, I’m a hopeless optimist. But it smells to me like something’s cooking. It may not be a tipping point here and now, but it does seem to me that the decks are rumbling as they would be during a sea change.

  28. Would this Rachel Marsden be the same Rachel Marsden who falsely accused a university swim coach of sexual harrassment and called on the university human rights to deal with it. The coach was fired, and when later is was found to be all made up, although the coach got his job back, nothing whatever happened to Miss Rachel. I believe a Rachel Marsden has also falsified her background in applying for jobs. Why does she keep getting bylines, etc. when she is so devious, or is she a different Rachel Marsden? Please look into this, someone

  29. As ususal ET I agree with your comments but think you should add your usual comment about the economics needed to drive the necessary change.
    Just lighten up a bit .. “Balls of Arabia” says it best. A partial quote here from the Sunday UK Telegraph Opinion Section …
    “Ed Balls, Economic Secretary to the Treasury, is best known as Gordon Brown’s closest adviser, and a fierce defender of the Chancellor’s interests. But – more discreetly – he has also been developing a passionate interest in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and has made a series of trips to the region.
    Quietly, “Balls of Arabia” (as Labour backbenchers have nicknamed him) argues that any future negotiations – a receding prospect, admittedly – must have at their heart the question of economic regeneration, and the need to balance security with free (or freer) trade across the borders between Palestinian territories and Israel. Only with prosperity, he says, will civil society put down roots in the West Bank and Gaza; only in prosperity will Israelis and Palestinians find a true common purpose. ..
    ….It would be a grotesque simplification to say that all MPs over 40 are hostile to Israel, and all those under that age are unquestioningly supportive. What is clear is that the realities of the war on terror and the spread of Islamism are much more apparent to younger politicians, those who are contemplating the deep challenges that lie ahead of them in the coming decades. And it is for that reason, as Mr Hague inadvertently revealed last week, that the divide which really matters in this defining crisis is not ideological, party-political, or factional. It is a divide of generations.”

  30. Muslim Islamist Genocide: Worldwide. …-
    London Muslims: “We Are All Hizballah”
    Terror Supporters in Chicago
    Terror Supporters in Los Angeles
    Thousands of Terror Supporters in Sydney
    Terror Supporters in Montreal
    Terror Supporters in Moscow
    Toronto, Canada
    The Muslim Islamist Enemy Within Canada:
    “We are all with the leader of Hezbollah,” said Hammoud. “God bless him and we are praying for him to defend us, and defend our children.”

  31. This thread begs for some commentary:

    a Frontpage symposium interviews Rachel Marsden…

    Rachel Marsden should be serving a life sentence in a federal penitentiary. It’s because of women like her that Muslim countries have a “4 male relative as witnesses” rule for rape.
    Iran, North Korea, Syria – The Axis Of Nutcase.
    Hahaha, ‘sfunny. I’ve been trying to come up with a snappy nick for Israel and her bitch America, who imperil the existence of mankind on a daily basis: Axis of Selfishness, perhaps?
    “:Victor Davis Hanson;”
    …is a paid P.R. flack for Benador Associates. More about Benador Associates:

    In May 2006, Canada’s National Post ran a sensational story by Benador associate and Iranian exile Amir Taheri. The piece claimed that Iran’s government had passed a law requiring Jewish residents to wear a yellow insignia — reminiscent of the policies of Germany’s Nazi regime. The story was quickly debunked and the National Post apologized. Eleana Benador admitted that her PR firm had planted the piece.

    No Joe, No!
    This is exciting stuff.
    James is giving away yellow ribbon car magnets.
    Can we have more masculine “compassion paraphrenalia” please??? Cripes, if I don’t wear a pink ribbon, a white ribbon, a yellow wristband, and a poppy to work every day are people gonna think I’m a wifebeater? I’m just sayin’ I think conspicuous compassion is tacky.
    Pusilanimous pedagogue ET: “Up with Israel! Down with the Geneva Convention! One Leader, One Jewish People, One Israel!”
    Lexicomasturabory libertarian Vitty: “The enemies of Israel are your enemies! Strike them with your fist!”
    Nice of you both to speak so clearly and honestly on the issue.
    The human capacity for honesty and rational thought, particularly in social settings, is vastly overestimated. Via Dr. Roy, from

    “I was recently shown a videotape of people reacting to radio talk shows. Organized by a firm that specializes in analyzing radio talk shows, the members of the listening panel were carefully chosen to represent all major listening groups within American society.

    But I quickly noticed something odd — I saw no blacks among the selected listeners. I asked why. And the response was stunning.

    Blacks had always been included, I was told, but no more. Not because the firm was not interested in black listeners — on the contrary, blacks are an important part of the radio audience. They were not invited to give their opinion about various radio shows because in its previous experience, the company had discovered that almost no whites would publicly differ with the opinions of the blacks on the panel. Therefore, once a black listener spoke, whites stopped saying what they really thought, if what they thought differed from what a black had said…”

  32. I do find it fascinating that, well, you know, it’s funny how, just yesterday, I went Bobbing for apples, but it was too easy, and before long the barrel was filled with shredded apple, which was less than useful to me, so I found something better to do. Anyway, you know what they say, never bring a logophobe to a logophile fight. It’s not kind to them.

  33. Vitruvius – you said:
    “but without changing the nature of the parts themselves, it must be to actually change the morphology of the system that emerges when those parts are re-assembled. Am I close ?”
    No, No, No! A novel system that emerges within new relations/networkings actually changes the morphology of the parts. So, Darwin’s finches, in a new environment, actually changed their morphology (their beaks) to better interact with the new system (new environment and its various seed types). It’s the same in the social world. Just watch what happens.
    I’m suggesting that the parts, i.e, the various tribal groups, will change.
    Oh, but I do agree, Vitruvius, something’s cooking. And for the better.
    Mark M – peace will come when the ME is restructured. It has little to do with ONE nation alone, ie. Lebanon.
    nomdenet – very nice post from Ed Balls. I completely agree with his economic outline. It’s very good. But I think that the systems ‘march together’; a civic society develops as an industrial economy develops. It is important for the region to move out of peasant agriculture, which works within tribalism.
    Vitruvius – bobbing for shredded apples is indeed a waste of time. And you know that song sung by Bob what’s his name: Idiot wind, blowing every time you move your mouth, … Idiot wind, blowing through the dust upon our shelves”…

  34. The Path of the IDF
    Ynet News has good coverage of the ground activity at Maroun al-Ras.
    Head of the Galilee Division, Brig. Gen. Gal Hirsch, met with journalists Saturday to explain the day’s operations in Southern Lebanon. … “We took over wide shoulders of land in Yarun and Avivim, where terrorists had been launching missiles at Safed, Tiberias, Carmiel, Meron and other areas,” said Hirsch, explaining the significance of the takeover. “We took over the Jaladin ridge and Maroun al-Ras, where there was short-range fighting, and additional joint fighting with forces from the engineer corps. We brought bulldozers into the territory and destroyed Hizbullah outposts along the border.”
    The IDF also issued a warning to inhabitants of towns in southern Lebanon to evacuate in anticipation of further Israeli operations. The towns were ennumerated, and that lets us plot the towns on the map.

  35. No, no, no? Wait, wait, wait! I still agree with you, ET. I didn’t simply say “but without changing the nature of the parts”, I said “must be more than to simply interact with said parts separately but without changing the nature of the parts”. When I say that the morphology of the emergent system must be different, I was assuming that’s because the morphology of the constituent parts is different. I know that’s not axiomatic, but I don’t think it’s irrelevant in this case. Sorry I wasn’t more clear.
    But if you want to pick nits 😉 Darwin’s finches didn’t actually change their beaks, Darwin’s finches’ children discovered that their beaks tended to be different, because if their parent’s beaks were not, they would be less likely to exist in the first place. However, in this case, I’m just being difficult for fun.
    I am beginning to wonder though, whether or not Prime Minister Harper, very good so far though he is on his own merits, may not be finding himself stepping into a global realpolitik situation that may be more in his favour than he might have had any reason to expect, going into this exercise.

  36. Ya know what the difference between Hezzbolla and Ebola is ?
    Hezzbolla is in the middle east.

  37. Glen:
    Yes, this is the same Rachel Marsden, who besides being a flake is also a serial stalker. Google is your friend if you want to find out more. Why anyone would pay the slightest attention to her opinions is baffling, but she used to show up alot on FAUX news.

  38. Last chance to get out, Rick. …-
    Foreign nationals told to get out – 5 hours ago
    FOREIGN governments stepped up efforts to evacuate their remaining nationals from Lebanon overnight with Britain warning that this was the last chance for its nationals to leave. Warships, cruisers and ferries … …-

  39. I know there’s a standing rule here at SDA against lengthy quotes, but perhaps on this lazy midsummer Saturday evening, and considering my contribution to the cause of late, Kate may allow me some lattitude. For whenever I am pestered by the snake-oil salesmen of the day, I’m always reminded of the lyrics to Tom Waits’s “Step Right Up”, reproduced here for your delectation. Sorry if you don’t like them…
    Step right up, step right up, step right up,
    Everyone’s a winner, bargains galore
    That’s right, you too can be the proud owner
    Of the quality goes in before the name goes on.
    One-tenth of a dollar, one-tenth of a dollar, we got service after sales
    You need perfume? we got perfume, how ’bout an engagement ring?
    Something for the little lady, something for the little lady,
    Something for the little lady, hmm.
    Three for a dollar
    We got a year-end clearance, we got a white sale
    And a smoke-damaged furniture, you can drive it away today
    Act now, act now, and receive as our gift, our gift to you
    They come in all colors, one size fits all
    No muss, no fuss, no spills, you’re tired of kitchen drudgery
    Everything must go, going out of business, going out of business
    Going out of business sale
    Fifty percent off original retail price, skip the middle man
    Don’t settle for less
    How do we do it? how do we do it? volume, volume, turn up the volume
    Now you’ve heard it advertised, don’t hesitate
    Don’t be caught with your drawers down,
    Don’t be caught with your drawers down
    You can step right up, step right up
    That’s right, it filets, it chops, it dices, slices,
    Never stops, lasts a lifetime, mows your lawn
    And it mows your lawn and it picks up the kids from school
    It gets rid of unwanted facial hair, it gets rid of embarrassing age spots,
    It delivers a pizza, and it lengthens, and it strengthens
    And it finds that slipper that’s been at large
    under the chaise lounge for several weeks
    And it plays a mean Rhythm Master,
    It makes excuses for unwanted lipstick on your collar
    And it’s only a dollar, step right up, it’s only a dollar, step right up
    ‘Cause it forges your signature
    If not completely satisfied, mail back unused portion of product
    For complete refund of price of purchase
    Step right up
    Please allow thirty days for delivery, don’t be fooled by cheap imitations
    You can live in it, live in it, laugh in it, love in it
    Swim in it, sleep in it,
    Live in it, swim in it, laugh in it, love in it
    Removes embarrassing stains from contour sheets, that’s right
    And it entertains visiting relatives, it turns a sandwich into a banquet
    Tired of being the life of the party?
    Change your shorts, change your life, change your life
    Change into a nine-year-old Hindu boy, get rid of your wife,
    And it walks your dog, and it doubles on sax
    Doubles on sax, you can jump back Jack, see you later alligator
    See you later alligator
    And it steals your car
    It gets rid of your gambling debts, it quits smoking
    It’s a friend, and it’s a companion,
    And it’s the only product you will ever need
    Follow these easy assembly instructions it never needs ironing
    Well it takes weights off hips, bust, thighs, chin, midriff,
    Gives you dandruff, and it finds you a job, it is a job
    And it strips the phone company free take ten for five exchange,
    And it gives you denture breath
    And you know it’s a friend, and it’s a companion
    And it gets rid of your traveler’s checks
    It’s new, it’s improved, it’s old-fashioned
    Well it takes care of business, never needs winding,
    Never needs winding, never needs winding
    Gets rid of blackheads, the heartbreak of psoriasis,
    Christ, you don’t know the meaning of heartbreak, buddy,
    C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon
    ‘Cause it’s effective, it’s defective, it creates household odors,
    It disinfects, it sanitizes for your protection
    It gives you an erection, it wins the election
    Why put up with painful corns any longer?
    It’s a redeemable coupon, no obligation, no salesman will visit your home
    We got a jackpot, jackpot, jackpot, prizes, prizes, prizes, all work guaranteed
    How do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it, how do we do it
    We need your business, we’re going out of business
    We’ll give you the business
    Get on the business end of our going-out-of-business sale
    Receive our free brochure, free brochure
    Read the easy-to-follow assembly instructions, batteries not included
    Send before midnight tomorrow, terms available,
    Step right up, step right up, step right up
    You got it buddy: the large print giveth, and the small print taketh away
    Step right up, you can step right up, you can step right up
    C’mon step right up
    (Get away from me kid, you bother me…)
    Step right up, step right up, step right up, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon, c’mon
    Step right up, you can step right up, c’mon and step right up,
    C’mon and step right up

  40. Rachel Marsden just shows that it is not only the left that has nutcases.
    She was also convicted of stalking a former lover.

  41. About Rachel Marsden
    “Among other things, she’s been convicted
    of being a stalker, she caused a
    scandal at a B.C. university after making
    false rape accusations, and she was busted
    last year working for an MP under a fake
    Ya, she’s quite a character, but not on my reading list.

  42. 60 years ago
    from the Telegraph:
    “Israel celebrates Irgun hotel bombers” (why?)
    “On July 22, 1946, Irgun fighters at the order of the Hebrew Resistance Movement planted explosives in the basement.
    …91 persons were killed.”

  43. Vitruvius,
    “Manchester’s article was a bit of a light-bulb-over-the-head epiphany”
    Take it one step further … assume that madmen like Saddam have an understanding of whats going on in their own backyard. Neither Sun Tzu or Clausewitz discounted their opponents.
    BTW: I am not on the left.
