Reader Tips

I’m heading out to Regina today, so a reader tips post is all you get until tomorrow.
Terror From The North – a Frontpage symposium interviews Rachel Marsden, Stewart Bell, Patrick Grady, Michael Marzolini, and Robert Spencer.
Iran, North Korea, Syria – The Axis Of Nutcase.
Victor Davis Hanson;

Finally, the world is accepting that the Middle East problem was never about so-called occupied land — but only about the existence of Israel itself. Hezbollah and Hamas, and those in their midst who tolerate them (or vote for them), didn’t so much want Israel out of Lebanon and Gaza as pushed into the Mediterranean altogether. And since there will be no second Holocaust, the Israelis may well soon transform a perennial terrorist war they can’t easily win into a conventional aerial one against a terrorist-sponsoring Syria that they can.”

No Joe, No!

In a written statement released late Friday, Volpe said Jim Karygiannis, a controversial Toronto MP, “has left the campaign as a result of the position taken by the candidate on the current crisis in the Middle East.”

Supporting the troops – James is giving away yellow ribbon car magnets. He writes;

I started this site after my ribbon was stolen from my car as a way to get back
at those “tolerant” liberals that didn’t like my politics.

Share yours in the comments. Keep the chatter civilized and on topic, please.

143 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. ET said this:
    “I’m against Zionism; I don’t accept ‘god gave us the land’ (I’m an atheist) and don’t see that having an Israeli state prevents anti-semitism”.
    Who cares if YOU are for or against Zionism, or if you are an atheist or not. Maybe your colleagues in the cloistered academy do, but not the world. That’s irrelevant as has been your persistent fantasy about a two-state solution which was always a feint, a hudna. Moreover, at root, Zionism was a survivalist project not a religious one. AND, the project wasn’t about eradicating anti-semitism; quite the reverse. It was a recognition that anti-semitism was a permanent scapegoat phenomenon which itself is profoundly rooted in Christianity (Jews as Christ killers). Zionism was the only rational response to that realistic appraisal: a state with a Jewish majority, and f**k the antisemites.
    And this:
    the “chief prevention of anti-semitism in our modern era is the memory of the Holocaust. Not Israel’s existence.”.
    You are a compleat dreamer if you honestly believe this. Get outdoors a bit ET. Look around you. Even very highly educated liberals of my acquiantance use phrases like “there’s no business like Shoah business”.
    And this:
    “Israel IS culpable, in my view, because of its occupation, its settlement of those lands, and its use of the Palestinians as unskilled low wage employees.”
    It’s “occupation” was a direct result of a attempted war of annihilation by several Arab countries. The settlements, granted, are a problem but again a reaction to Israel’s recognition of what you yourself refuse to acknowledge, but which has become crystal clear since the Gaza and Lebanon retreats: Arab desire for annihilation of Jews and the desire for a SINGLE state atop Israel.
    As to hiring “unskilled, low-wage employees”, you reveal a complete ignorance of economics and are echoing the infamous globephobic, Naomi Kleinish, Rosedale-socialist, union-commie-agit-prop against “sweatshops” which are inevitably the best job opportunities in 3rd world countries. It is a basic tenet of economics that pay is directly related to productivity. You never blame one party for paying another party only what they are worth (economically speaking of course). You can’t blame Israel for the low education/skills of “Palestinians”. However, you can certainly blame all the enablers of the “right of return” fantasy.
    “Infrastructure”. I was attempting to get you to see that you are using to much empty academy-speak and have been engaging in intellectual narcissism. Finally, the mark of a well-educated man/woman is one who can adjust his/her language to the audience. To wit: sda is not a scholarly venue.

  2. tomax7: They’re HERE!! What should I do ? Omigod!!
    Vitruvius: Thanks for the link. The post finally did go through, (and showed up in front of my ‘what happened’ post?), but I’ll bear that in mind.

  3. “Fascism is a description of the self-definition of the people”
    and um,
    Communism is the dictatorship of the proletariat, right?
    “But – fascism, as an ideology of purity of origin, is quite different from totalitarianism, which is simply brute thuggery”
    This is a distinction without a difference.
    Correction: Fascism is simply one form of totalitarianism. One style.

  4. You might want to consider, Me No Dhimmi, that if the opening clause in your argument is “who cares what you think”, then you can be trumped by a simple rejoinder in kind. As to the rest of your argument, it isn’t formatted well enough to be worth reading, SDA is many venues, some scholary, some yours.
    All right, all right, I can anticipate the screaming. But look, there is a very high correlation between well formatted comments and comments with interesting content. It’s not like I’m taking any credit for it, it’s just something I’ve observed over the last thirty years. Maybe it’s natural.

  5. Call for the Ghostbusters! (oh great, now I got that tune in my head…)
    Hey conspiracy lead…CNN had an article on US War games in Asia…link dead.
    Go from Kim J.’s article on his wife, click on link about US war games and end up at a dead link
    Oh no! We’re doomed I tell you, we’re doomed! Big Brother is blocking information. RUN, RUN for the hills!
    You there! Get my gun! You over there, get the sandbags were going to…
    …oh look a shiney thing…

  6. Vitruvius: Is ET a girl? If so, why don’t you get her e-mail and get it on with her … and spare us your self-conscious preening horseshit.
    Your comment about my formatting: that’s for our dreamy academician’s consumption is it?. It’s term papers we want here at sda is it? You’re marking on “format only” are you Vitruvius? Not content? Footnotes too? You’re holding the fort for Kate are you?

  7. me no dhimmi
    There are a lot of educated people at sda, and I’m not going to ‘dumb down’ my verbiage just to please you. I think I’ll continue to talk ‘my way’ and you can talk ‘your way’…and that’s life.
    As for zionism and etc – I can equally say who cares if you are for/against zionism. I’m against it; I don’t agree with you that it had to do with survival. I also don’t agree that it is ‘profoundly rooted in Christianity’.
    But, I’m not into that kind of personal attacks. When someone discusses something, they provide their opinons/conclusions. The point is not whether the world cares, or ‘who cares’; the point is merely that they are providing their analyses. So, your ‘who cares’ is irrelevant.
    As for the other issues, you and I will have to ‘agree to disagree’. Or not agree. But I still disagree with you. I am in favour of a two state solution; you obviously are not. So?
    I do know a reasonable amount of economics, and one thing that is very dangerous, is to set up a majority population at one economic level. This has nothing to do with something as silly as Naomi Klein’s garbage about unskilled/low wage blather. It has to do with setting up ONE population or class or group at ONE economic level. That’s dangerous. And that’s valid whether the group are all highly paid or low paid.
    I don’t blame Israel for their low skills, but I do blame Israel for the occupation, the settlements, and for hiring them only for those types of jobs. You don’t like my conclusions? Well, I don’t like yours. That’s where it stands.
    ‘Right of return’? Remember, they didn’t have any place to go to (unlike Jewish refugees from the Arab countries who were given immediate citizenship in Israel)…so, they should have been financially compensated. AND, given their own state.
    No, it is not a basic tenet of economics that pay is directly related to productivity. Try telling that to a unionized civil servant.
    ‘Intellectual narcissism’??? Hey, I’ve never heard that phrase before! Neat. But the two words together, don’t make any sense. You don’t like my intellect? Tough. I use big words? Tough. So do others.
    And ‘infrastructure’ is hardly a jargon. If you don’t understand a word or analysis, look it up; that’s what the internet is all about. Do you think I understand all the above about electric cars? No. But I’m hardly going to tell them to ‘dumb it down to appeal to me’. Why should they? If I want to, I’ll look it up. If I don’t want to, I won’t.
    As for the Israel-Palestinian situatin, me no dhimmi – you and I have opposing analyses. That’s OK. I agree with me, and you agree with you. So?

  8. Um, I think my comment on your formatting was a bit over the top, Me No Dhimmi, sorry. I do think I have a valid point in there somewhere, but I don’t think I developed it properly. Meanwhile, I’m not an academician, so you may wish to modify your take on that matter. Furthermore, we’ve gotten personal, and off topic, and it’s arguably my fault. Sorry everyone.

  9. Vit ๐Ÿ˜‰
    – and ya thanks on shiny, not shiney. Dang keyboard.
    And now for something completely different:
    …either Ted Byfield has totally fell off his rocker or he’s onto something…
    …What puzzles many Christians, however, is why the Muslims support the Liberals. Muslims are supposed to be conservative and pro-family in their values.
    So why would they back the party that champions gay marriage, abortion and other anti-family legislation? Why, that is, are they supporting the party that aids and abets those qualities most at odds with Islamic morality?
    There is one possible explanation. Extremist Islamic elements look to the eventual establishment of an Islamic state. What is most likely to cause the collapse of present-day Canadian society?
    Plainly, it’s the corruptive moral squalor embraced by Liberal governments. Thus the more Liberal our country becomes, the closer it moves to chaos, out of which an Islamic society could arise.
    Therefore, they vote Liberal. In the short-term, it might keep the Tories out. In the long-term, it might bring the Qur’an in.

  10. Right, back on topic. Here’s – – an interesting essay on the dissents from within the libertarian perspecive, on the current geopolitical conflicts, at the Volokh Conspiracy. Speaking as a pragmatic libertarian I don’t tend to get overly involved in these niche dogma disputes, but it is on topic ๐Ÿ˜‰ Here’s an excerpt:
    “Obviously, the war has also produced internal rifts among conservatives and liberals, but in each of these groups one side (pro-war among conservatives; anti-war among liberals) is clearly in the ascendancy and the other a small minority (though I wonder if more conservatives would oppose the war and more liberals support if it had been initiated by a Democratic administration instead of a Republican one). Libertarians, by contrast, seem much more evenly split, at least judging by the positions taken by prominent libertarian academics, pundits, and intellectuals.
    “I do not as yet have a definitive explanation for the intra-libertarian split. One possibly theory is that this disagreement tracks the longstanding division between those who endorse an absolutist interpretation of libertarian principle versus those who take a maximizing approach. Wars clearly lead to violations of rights to life, liberty, and property. If you are a deontological absolutist who believes it is always (or almost always) wrong to violate such rights regardless of consequences, then that gives you a logical reason to oppose virtually any war, possibly excepting a strictly defensive one, with “defense” defined very narrowly. By contrast, if you take a maximizing approach, you will be more willing to accept some rights violations now in order to reduce the total incidence of violations in the long run. For example, it could be argued that the War in Iraq, despite the carnage it has caused, saves a much greater number of innocent lives in the long run, as well as expanding personal and economic liberties for most Iraqis.”

  11. ET:
    Again who cares if YOU are in favour of a two state solution. This is what counts: The ARABS who are there on the ground (you’re not!) ARE NOT and HAVE NEVER BEEN. That should now be clear to all idealists!
    Dont’ get me wrong. It was perfectly excusable to have bought that fiction (I never did) but not now. You’ll have to trust me when I say, I have been vindicated. You’re still dreaming.
    And what you don’t understand is this: your admittedly well-intentioned dream-speak is part of the tragic prolongation of the Palestinian” “refugee” problem/scandal. Again, their median age is 16!
    I believe someone on another thread referred to your two-state argument as sophistry. I agree. I think Kate did too.
    Finally, are you aware or not of this fact: a while back Kofi Annan hosted some kind of gathering commemorating the founding of Israel at the UN where a flag WITHOUT ISRAEL was prominently and proudly displayed. Again, this should show you the total academic irrelevance (if you’ll excuse the redundancy) of your “two-state” dream.
    You make many worthwhile observations as others have pointed out, but you have a terrible blind spot here. Maybe we should call it “pride of opinion” which, as I learned in the investment business, is very dangerous and costly.

  12. The “right of return” is a farce.
    No one has produced a rationale reason on why its -Israel- that has to pay the price (in whatever form) for the -Arab- invasions of Israel.
    (unless we’re blaming Israel for not allowing themselves to be wiped out)
    It is the responsibility of the Arabs to resettle the displaced persons from their attempts to drive the Jews into the sea. The Arabs in the Gaza strip should be resettled. West Bank? maybe yes maybe no.
    (if Canada wants to play a role in the ME that actually resolves the issue, we should start pushing for the resettlement of these Arabs. I can imagine the momentous wailing of the left)
    They’ve only had 58 years to do it. 17 Arab countries are only 448.46 times bigger in area than Israel.
    ps #1 – the suggestion that the Arabs can’t let Israel tackle Iran alone….if they’ve let people rot for 58 years……..
    ps #2 – I’ve always considered “occupation” as another weapon that’s used to whack Israel with. The one part of the world where if you defeat the people trying to wipe you out and gain territory, you’re occupying them. BAH!

  13. Which just goes to show, sometimes you can’t teach by example. Relax, Me No Dhimmi. Clearly, ET’s perspective on this sub-matter of the Palestinean issue is somewhat at odds with the statistical consesus here, yet ET’s position is at least interesting, and at best correct, that remains for history to judge, although I do think we will eventually see a two-state solution.
    It would behoove one, I would suggest, to discuss the matter calmly, if one is in disagreement, rather than letting one’s limbic system cloud one’s rhetorical reputation.

  14. Hybrids are a market decoy for the poorly informed. A ploy of Big Auto and Big Oil to stay in and occupy the land of lucrative.
    If the public ever twigs to the miracle of the Electric Vehicle and adopts EVs as they will soon, then Big Auto will diminish and diminish greatly. No more service income.
    The EV only requires battery, motor and charger. The combustion engine, though, requires long man hours of machining and a list of support elements too long to list on this page.
    The hybrid consists of two vehicles in one. Hopeless complexity. No wonder people hate them.
    The GM EV1, on the other hand, an electric vehicle people loved and wanted to buy was reliably simple by contrast. Not much to maintain in an EV, other than the brakes and tires.
    Driving an Electric Vehicle will defeat Hezbollah and Iran by the way. Cut Iran*s oil income by 90% and forget their Nuke plans. No more new rockets for Hezbollah too. = TG

  15. “A fanatic is one who won’t change his mind and won’t change the subject.” –Winston Churchill

  16. If the Churchill was for me, mea culpa:
    It’s really beautiful in Vancouver today, not a cloud in sight. ๐Ÿ™‚
    Vitty: Is it a dead-tree or on-line thesaurus you use?

  17. Er, I’m in favour of a two-state solution too!
    I’m also in favour of a LOT less rain and overcast in Vancouver.

  18. “Driving an Electric Vehicle will defeat Hezbollah and Iran by the way.”
    So will a transporter (like Star Trek) … we don’t have these either.
    Does your guitar only have one note?

  19. ET said (in part) ‘Right of return’? Remember, they didn’t have any place to go to (unlike Jewish refugees from the Arab countries who were given immediate citizenship in Israel)…so, they should have been financially compensated. AND, given their own state.
    “They” have their own state, it’s called Jordan. As for financial compensation, they have been overpaid by US and Euro donors for decades. Let them all move to Jordan and let’s be done with the Palestinian scam once and for all.

  20. More nuance from President Bush; smnt. …-
    When President Bush, via an unexpectedly open microphone, suggested that the key to ending the current Middle East war was to “get Syria to get Hezbollah to stop doing this s — and it’s over,” eyes rolled on both sides of the Atlantic and the remark became fodder for late-night television.
    But regional experts give serious consideration to Bush’s basic idea that the road to a solution might begin in Damascus. …
    san francisco chronicle

  21. me no dhim in your retort to et:
    batting 1000 !!!
    decision time folks !!!
    this is the last lap before armaggedon, the armaments and mentality are all in place.
    which side are you on ??? Israel, the only democracy EVER in that part of the world, or the willing proxies of the iran-syria marriage of convenience ??? hmmmm ???
    Im not Jewish.
    I wonder what I could do to become an ‘honorary Jew’ ???

  22. Re:
    Shiny thing, shiny thing, armageddon, the four horses
    of quality go in before the name goes on. Step right up.
    It’s a morphological change, it ends dual citizenship,
    prevents vomit casualties, and cures the rainy day blues.
    No gas to buy, no oil, no monoxide, no muffler, no noise,
    no transmission, no catalytic converter, no power train,
    no injectors, ignition timing, gas, water and oil pumps
    and filters. Something for the little lady. Step right up.
    Three for a dollar, three for a dollar, one size fits all,
    and it will defeat Hezbolla, some assembly required,
    it chops, it slices, it dices, it draws topographic maps,
    it’s tribal, it’s civic, it’s deontological, free brochure.
    No thesaurus involved, no right of return, no fanatics,
    we’re going out of business, get on the business end
    of our undergriding sale, you can drive it away, so simple
    even you can use it, batteries not included. Step right up.
    Totalitarianism, fascism, communism, it’s a seismic shift,
    a blue pill, white pill, green pill, red pill, three for a dollar,
    formatted correctly, no honorary narcissisms were harmed.
    The large print giveth, and the small print taketh away.
    Step right up. C’mon c’mon. Step right up.

  23. Looks like CBC is now in the immigration-advice-giving business:

  24. Stand with Prime Minister Harper.
    Stand with Israel.
    Long live freedom and democracy.
    Victory …- …- …- …-
    Sir Winston Leonard Spencer Churchill 1940-5; … You ask: what is our aim? I can answer in one word: Victory – victory – at all costs, victory …
    Pitched Battle going on now – Hizbellah is standing to fight
    Fox | July 14,2006 | Fox News
    The correspondant on Fox is reporting on an important battle going on in Lebanon. He said Hizbellah seems to be deciding to make a stand near a small town and a “pitched, important battle” is going on right now. They are showing pictures of the war overhead. …-
    free republic

  25. I*m surprised the flak is so mild. I thought there would be more vicious opposition from people in the auto flogging and oil selling industry. Even hybrid sellers should be inflamed.
    All the sites listed, including the used EV buy and sell site, are very difficult to deny, one would think. = TG

  26. TG,
    What flak? … we’re with you on this one bud.
    You might want to add this link to your case files:

  27. The problem with the mideast is Islam. Islam has included tribalism since the conversion of the Beduoins – but one must remember the objective of Islam is dar el Islam – world submission to their god, allah. If tribalism no longer serves the purpose, perhaps a world Caliphate will.
    Who knows, maybe ET is right. But certainly on one critical point I can’t agree. I don’t believe Islam can be modernized. How do you modernize the Quran? How do you modernize the life example of Mohammad?
    None of this violence is a recent development, neither is it solely concentrated in the ME. Never has there been peace within or outside of Islam. The last century alone was one of the most bloody. Look at the pogram against the Hindus in Eastern Pakistan and Bangaladesh in the early 70’s- an estimated 2.5 million massacred. How about the Armenians?
    Is there an answer? A moratorium on Muslim immigration into the west would be a welcome start. Preventing Iran and any other Islamic nation from achieving nuclear arms or WMD’s is another. Perhaps this type of marginalization is the only answer until they are slowly forced to give up their murderous cult and join the rest of humanity.

  28. JM, the CBC seems to have a mission to point out how many ways there are for others to find a way to claim dual citizenship…
    The responsibilty part TO Canada is kind of a one-line afterthought.
    And even government sites are pretty feeble in expressing what citizens expect back from them. Well that has all changed, I hope, for the times we are in now.
    Heck, if we look at what the oath of allegiance is to Canada, we would weep. For there really is no specific need to swear allegiance to the country as such…but to the Queen and her heirs…blah, blah, blah…
    Apparently, legislation was part way through to making that part of the pledge when an election was called…when Martin’s gang was on the move.
    That needs to be brought back this fall, along with full debate, to show the sense of what we, as citizens, expect in return for joining this country.
    We may all have descended to some degree, to becoming complacent toward our country, taking our citizenship for granted.
    I hope the sleeping giant has effected that move toward honestly, faithfully, *wholly* loving *this* country of Canada, us included.
    “Responsible and active citizenship
    For many Canadians, being a good citizen means getting involved in their community. Regardless of your interests, contributing to your society is rewarding and is appreciated by others who, like you, are proud to make Canada their home.”

  29. dont know why CBCpravda is publishing it now. according to them Lebanon was a holiday paradise up until Isreal showed up. 50,000 holidaying Canajuns, laying about in the sun and fun capital of the ME. and then in a thoroughly disrupted holiday- sometimes over 5 years in length, forced on to waiting ships with nary a lick of cavier , perrier or state rooms. And ferried back to Montreal – not the centre of the known universe- T.O. where the world revolves around the CN tower, the prick in the governments face- and transmission central for CBCpravda.

  30. Hezbollah will not target/attack French cheese-eating surrender monkeys. Nasrallah of the Hezbollah gave their/his word to Jean Chretien at the meeting of the Francophonie in Beirut in 2002. …-
    French FM Takes Cover in Haifa–IDF Attacks Rocket Warehouse in Gaza–
    Arutz Sheva ^ | 7-24-06
    French FM Takes Cover in Haifa 18:25 Jul 24, ’06 / 28 Tammuz 5766
    ( French Foreign Minister Philippe Douste-Blazy was forced to take cover in Haifa after an air raid siren sounded warning of an impending rocket attack. Douste-Blazy was in a convoy of vehicles about to leave the city when the siren went off. His bodyguards decided to take refuge in the stairwell of a residental building. After the danger passed Douste-Blazy left the building. …-…s/1671315/ posts
    A Case for Hizbollah [Archive] – Iran Defence Forum
    During the 2002 La Francaphone Meeting in Beirut, the Prime Minister of Canada Jean Chretien sat next to Hizbollah Generel Secretary Hassan Nasrallah …

  31. Three for a dollar? Does that include 6% GST or 5% seeing this is in the future?
    Or maybe 7% if the Liberals get back in again. Need to pad those brown envelopes ya know…

  32. maz2: Thanks! I remember that but wasn’t sure if it was Nasrallah. Cretin was utterly clueless as I recall.

  33. “…the CBC seems to have a mission to point out how many ways there are for others to find a way to claim dual citizenship……And even government sites are pretty feeble in expressing what citizens expect back from them…”
    My beef is why are there are so many employees/departments/agencies/ministries involved in typing, publishing & essentially regurgitating much of the same information….all at taxpayer expense?
    We have the CBC.
    We have the provinces:
    We have the cities:
    And of course various federal government sites:
    ‘pretty feeble’ … for sure.

  34. Irwin Daisy said…
    Is there an answer? A moratorium on Muslim immigration into the west would be a welcome start. Preventing Iran and any other Islamic nation from achieving nuclear arms or WMD’s is another. Perhaps this type of marginalization is the only answer until they are slowly forced to give up their murderous cult and join the rest of humanity.
    Posted by: Irwin Daisy at July 24, 2006 12:11 PM
    Defeat Iran and Hezbollah. Cut way back on using their oil.
    Quick Electric Vehicle Primer
    When you buy your new Toyota RAV4 EV, you can pay for it out of the $300 to $400 you do not pay for monthly gas purchases.
    Do not be tempted to buy a hybrid. Hybrids are needlessly complex and thus you remain in the grip of Big Auto.
    An electric vehicle consists of battery, motor, charger and brakes. Service costs should be virtually zero.
    There are lots of EVs to choose from.
    = TG
    Environment winsโ€ฆ Iran loses.
    Get it?

  35. I told you once already, TG, EVs will be a benefit at the margin, due to economies of scale, once we have the transformation inefficiences under control; but they won’t be a panacea, we still have to consume the net energy outlay required by basic physics. What are you, a broken record? Don’t make me go all Mr. T on you, eh what ๐Ÿ˜‰

  36. Vitruvious, Economies of scale have hardly begun. When they do, our default transportation will be electric and smelly oil burners will be passe.
    You must move forward, beyond the Mr. T era. When central power generation is clean using hydrogen, plug in will be the logical option. No point to millions of oil burners running up and down highways leaving trails of monoxide poisons and unburned carbons.
    eh? :-] TG

  37. “JM, the CBC seems to have a mission to point out how many ways there are for others to find a way to claim dual citizenship…”
    Huh? You can’t “claim” dual citizenship. The term “dual citizenship” has no legal meaning or status per se. It simply means you hold citizenship in two countries.
    “Heck, if we look at what the oath of allegiance is to Canada, we would weep. For there really is no specific need to swear allegiance to the country as such…but to the Queen and her heirs…blah, blah, blah…”
    The Queen – whether you agree with this or not – is our constitutional Head of State. She is Queen of Canada. As such, an oath of allegiance to the Queen is an oath of allegiance to Canada, its constitution and its laws.
    Unlike “dual citizenhip,” the oath of allegiance has very precise legal meaning and status.
    “[W]hat we, as citizens, expect in return for joining this country.”
    What should we expect? That’s simple: loyalty to Canada.
    All the rest is just so much blather.

  38. BERLIN (AP) – Germany will sign an agreement Wednesday to open to researchers an archive of millions of Nazi files that describe how the Holocaust was carried out, the Foreign Ministry said. …-

  39. Rachel Marsden…..doesn’t anyone remember her?
    She was the former stalker of Liam Donelly, SFU Swim coach, and author of a bogus sexual harassment suit that resulted in his firing, then reinstatement after it was shown Rachel had lied about the whole thing. Not only did she stalk Mr. Donelly, but also, in an ironic twist, Patricia O’Hagen, SFU’s ‘Harassment Co-ordinator’, herself.
    Notwithstanding her adroitness on the issues, I have to laugh when her name comes up, whether it be as Maury Povic or Connie Chung’s research assistant, commentator on Fox News or Gurmant Grewal’s love slave er…I mean, intern.
    Why on earth would anyone hire such a toxic person? Must be her looks…she’s stunning…clearly people aren’t doing their homework. Hope she’s not one of your pals, Kate. If she is, you really better watch out!!!!
