Finding Nuance

A status report on the Ongoing Journalistic Jihad Against Prime Minister Stephen Harper;

Actually, we pretty much collapsed like a house of cards.
I am also unhappy to report that public reaction to our announced boycott of the Prime Minister’s press conferences has not been exceedingly positive. Typical of the many emails our office has received was this one: “Who do you navel-gazing, pasty-faced twits think you are?” And that was from my wife.

Related: Andrew Coyne.

“Nuance” was much on the minds of the travelling press accompanying Mr. Harper to the G8 summit in Russia, apparently in the belief that their own appalling mistreatment might be taken as a metaphor for his dealings with the whole world. “Harper’s seeming lack of nuance, empathy and people skills are making his week-long diplomatic foray … an excruciating exercise,” Canadian Press reporter Bruce Cheadle filed from the summit. “Throughout the trip, Harper has distanced himself from reporters. Since leaving Ottawa last Wednesday, he has spoken to media travelling with him only three times, including a brief encounter on the plane.”

As these tantrums of narcissism continue among members of the Canadian press, I’m reminded of a scene in the animated movie “Finding Nemo”, (albeit with a slight modification in dialogue);

…me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me …

(EDITOR’S NOTE: Cheap shot comments regarding any purported physical resemblance between these animated seagull characters and CTV’s Craig Oliver will not be tolerated on this thread.)

142 Replies to “Finding Nuance”

  1. It’s been six months, and I have yet to hear a CBC “news report” that wasn’t critical of Prime Minister Harper. Why is this a bad thing?
    Considering how hard the CBC failed to re-elect the last government, Conservatives should be grateful those losers are NOT on our side…

  2. Heh. Thanks, Kate, I did think this morning that Mr. Goldstein’s article was rather excellent. And as I mentioned here last week, I do think Mr. Coyne’s been on a roll lately. Glad you’re back safely.

  3. LOL!!!Still laughing.. Your “Editor’s Note” made my day! Thanks, Kate, for this and for all the great posts and to all the great posters here on this blog (especially you ET, I don’t know your background but you obviously have great insight into Middle East politics and you seem to be one “very smart cookie”!). Keep up the fantastic work Kate, I am one of your biggest fans!!

  4. (EDITOR’S NOTE: Cheap shot comments regarding any purported physical resemblance between these animated seagull characters and CTV’s Craig Oliver will not be tolerated on this thread.)
    awwww shucks…
    So is the ctv. montreal gang fair game?
    please, please please!

  5. Craig Oliver Graham said:
    “Mr. Harper is proud of the fact he wasn’t nuanced about this,” Graham said. “Nuance has kept us in a position where we could help. Lose the nuance and you lose your capacity to act and help others . . . .we lose our position to work with moderates.”
    Of course, the woodpecking you hear is Norm Specktor expectorating:
    “Harper’s stand will play well with his core constituency of small-c conservatives, Albertans and evangelicals, Spector said.”
    Sooo… lettuce pray all you cores, rednecks, and small-c’s:
    Praise the Lord and pass the ammunition.
    On to Damascus. …-

  6. Craig Oliver, Seagull?? why even to suggest that shows a lack of understanding or knowledge of Raptors. Eagles, hawks, et al. Now we’re talking.

  7. A friend opined that Bush drives the left crazy because he is utterly devoid of nuance, i.e., cannot be re-interpreted. WYSIWYG.
    I’ve had a feeling lately that Harper is going to pull a Reagan and communicate directly and successfully to the public over the heads of the Fourth Estate. This is a companion theory to my long-cherished one that the public is much more conservative than we’ve come to believe after all those years of Liberal “Canadian Values” propaganda.
    Will someone pinch me, please!

  8. Nuance is supposed to get us something. Exactly what is it that Hezbollah has that we Canadians are supposed to want? Since the leader of Hezbollah has publicly stated: “We do not fight to get anything from you. We fight to eliminate you.”, could Mr. Graham please name the moderate members of Hezbollah that we would get to work with?

  9. Has anyone else noticed how much more aggressively CTV has been campaigning again Harper ever since that big takeover a couple of weeks ago? It’s less than subtle. CBC used to stand alone, but they’re now part of a tag-team of broadcast networks.
    This broadcast activism under the guise of “news” is all going to come to a head, though, because of simple demographics. The broadcast media, dominated by a group of producers and journalists who have an unwavering, abiding belief that they have a right and an obligation to be activists for a cause, are increasingly finding themselves at odds in a very unpleasant way with the print media, which is much more balanced, with no shortage of proponents on either side of any given issue.
    It completely makes sense that the print medium is where the right would find itself more properly represented, not only because print journalists, can obviously, aaah, “write good”, but also because those who consume their product can “read good”. In stark comparison, the constituency who get their news from television only need to know how to stare, and to remember to keep their mouths open when their noses are plugged.
    This split between a media where sane intelligent and well-informed perspectives are given voice, and its sister media which is heavily populated by spokespersons for the activist left, can only grow so wide before the proverbial shooting starts in earnest. I think we’re just seeing the opening skirmishes.
    In order hasten the necessary and cathartic battle to come, Canadian consumers of news (and, in the case of CBC, taxpayers) need to demand more of a presense of writers from the right — Coyne is, quietly, a pioneer — on the broadcast side of things so that they might, how you say, “cloud the issues with rational thought.”
    Can you imagine seeing Mark Steyn having a go at Mansbridge on the CBC discussing, oh, say, media bias? Nope. Strange how we all know that that’s impossible, huh? We’ve been collectively hammered by the LPC’s fictional (outside of LPC stronghold urban areas) “Real Canadians” who walk among us during broadcasts, who are apparently used to having their fictional way with the nation via their broadcast proxies. It’s amazing the reaction that a little non-fiction causes whenever it pokes through — witness the stir cause by Coyne’s minor, minor shot at the Maestro of the Truth Orchestra — Peter Mansbridge — last week.

  10. Thanks, Kate for Goldstein’s column; I hadn’t seen it, but, it’s perfect.
    As for ‘nuance’, it is indeed, as Goldstein says, “one of those fancy-shmancy terms that makes us all sound like pompous jerks”. Actually, nuance is best exemplified by Woody Allen as the indecisive, spineless, dithering neurotic jerk. That’s the Liberal Canadian.
    And Craig Oliver DOES look like a seagull. It’s the beady eyes.

  11. I thought about “photoshopping” in the trademark round spectacles, but it’s been a hot, long weekend, and there really wasn’t time.

  12. Frankly, I don’t see the resemblance between the seagulls and Craig Oliver. Now if you had some owl pictures…

  13. I’ll never be able to look at Craig Oliver again without thinking of a squawking seagull.

  14. Did anyone see question period today on CTV? They are so blatant in their contempt for PMSH that it is almost funny to watch. Most of the conversation was bashing PMSH and defending various terrorist organizations.I think the word nuance came up a number of times.
    The MSM thinks that they are going to turn the public against PMSH with all this propaganda but thanks to people like Kate at SMDA the public is actually able to get the facts and make up their own minds.
    I think that this whole exercise the MSM is engaged in is going to backfire. The average tax paying citizen of Canada is getting increasingly fed up of being used and abused by all these needy groups. Many people who were born and raised in this country struggle to provide the basic necessities for their families and watch as their hard earned dollars are siphoned away by an increasing number of needy,demanding, ungrateful special interest groups.
    I think the behaviour of the MSM is going to bring people together behind the PMSH and the CP is going to win a large majority in the next election.Maybe at that point these very annoying pinko journalists will start treating PMSH and the Canadian taxpayers with respect.

  15. Golly Gee! Is that Kevin Newman?! Second from the right, top row?!

  16. Since Craig is exempted from cheap shots does that mean left-lib Giggling Gidget is fair game?
    Here is a scenario I would pay good money to get-
    Ann Coulter, or Laura Ingraham,
    Conservative women ( or Kate MacMillan?)
    In our cities,
    On Canadian National TV,
    In prime time,
    Seven days of the week,
    Twelve months of the year,
    In Canada,
    I am not making this up!
    (OK, maybe I am dreaming)

  17. Nuance = jellyfish = utopian = progressive = Liberal = Democrat
    Joe Lieberman is about the only Democrat that isn’t nuanced; he actually has opinions and states them, that’s why he’s being driven out of the party.
    John Kerry is nuanced. He promotes his Vietnam War heroism while simultaneously making a career out of opposing that war – that’s nuanced.
    His enemies were in Washington, he never mentions Pol Pot.
    The only question for us is – Are there enough Canadian voters that prefer to nuance – honest, straight talk and opinions? Are there enough who will vote in a majority Conservative government? I’m gaining confidence that the answer is yes.
    But we need to get ready for a growing onslaught from the MSM. We are about 5 years behind the US on this enormous gulf between the nuanced “progressives” and conservatives. Our MSM will continue to plant virtual landmines in our path because we oppose their transnational, elitist plan to create an expansion of the EU socialist state to counterbalance the USA. The progressives were using multiculti and changing demographics as a weapon to get us capitalists and champions of individualism to heal. Plan A fell with the Berlin Wall. Now their multiculti demographic Plan B is failing too and they are mad. They are like rats in a corner – watch out.

  18. The word nuance is a code word for Liberals sitting on that old picket fence. There is no question middle east politics is complex. However, when people say Israel has a right to defend itself and then bash them for using their army to retaliate they are spouting unadulterated bullshit. They don’t think Israel has a right at all. Otherwise what should they do. Hold a conference, issue a press release like the Liberals in Canada would do and then not take any action at all.
    The actions of the MSM are disgusting and like they are quick to point out that they will not help Harper in his time of need. I guess this is one of them and they are writing furiously about the supposeded ineptitude of the government. However, reading the letters to the editor in various papers Canadians are sympathetic to Harper’s evacuation efforts.In fact those Lebanese “tourists” who criticized the government are in fact being criticized for their apparent ingratitude shown for rescuing them. There is a backlash taking place. Notice how the Globe and Star have backed off the “horror” stories. Our voice on the international stage has been silent for too long and it is time we began to speak and many agree that we need to take a position at long last.

  19. Interesting. Maybe the pendulum is starting to swing back away from the conservative dominance and bias in the media.
    Summary: “In Media Matters’ third examination of guest appearances on ABC’s This Week, CBS’ Face the Nation, and NBC’s Meet the Press, research demonstrated that Republicans and conservatives outnumbered Democrats and progressives from April to June of 2006.”

  20. funny editor’s note….no cheap shot coming from here about resemblance to a seagull. However, I think there’s a definite resemblance to an owl, minus the wisdom.

  21. Absolutely, hungry_valley, and if you think that’s gross, you oughta see them regurtitate half digested fish on their enemies.In Manitoba, we referred to them as “shithawks”.
    Seagulls should be Canada’s National Bird, they’re in every province and territory, they make a lot of noise over nothing, they’re greedy and self serving, and don’t know when to shut up.
    And just when you think things can’t get much worse, they fly over and defecate all over your freshly washed car.

  22. I firmly support any attack on PMSH by MSM. Give her hell!
    Display all the rescued “citizens” that have something other than gratitude … do it 30-40 times a day … days on end. Really, 2 hours is to long to wait if your ass is being saved.
    Show the rallies against Israel … do it all.
    I’m on your side MSM … I know some people aren’t … step it up.

  23. Ted,
    The statistics you cite are for appearances on US media. I don’t know of any group doing similar studies of bias in Canadian broadcast media, but if there were I think the results would be obvious, even to you.

  24. jonathon livingston seagull is in my email address book and has taken umbrage at being compared to mr oliver.
    LOL !!!

  25. well at least now I know the political sympathies of all the sh*thawks leaving their mark on my car all day long.
    LOL !!!
    anyway, with the decades long history of MSM leaving their mark on Conservative leadership, what the mark do they expect but to be left in coach class?

  26. I’ll be up front about my biases for starters, I’m not much on Tories and their leaders. Still I try to be fair and I like to view the political process as honestly as I can, notwithstanding my bias.
    Harper has done a reasonable job from the perspective of a political operative and certainly the novelty of a Canadian Prime Minister actually taking a stand on a contentious issue- Isreal/Lebanon – has been amusing to me. Maybe not the smartest politics but it is my viewpoint too so it was fun to agree for a change. But this picking a fight with the media and taking a snit with them ( like at Vimy), dumb, dumb, dumb. If you Tories want to make this minority a majority he needs to reel that whiny behaviour in pronto.

  27. I used to consider myself conservative for my views. Reading this blog though has made me believe that the mark of a true conservative is the inability to accept, consider, or even respect divergent viewpoints. Along with a willingness to prostrate before your chosen masters which leaves no room to question and critique and thus evolve.
    There’s only one side to the issues here, the criticisms far from constructive. All these scraps of bias you post to weave a shield against the media, public, various and sundry organizations…foes created because if they’re not with you then they must be against you, right? Thank god this will be your undoing since today’s interconnected society is founded on compromise and not paranoid isolationism.
    At least it’s clear now why you’re here, life would no doubt be a pretty lonely place if it weren’t for all that time you can spend staring into each others navels in admiration – and reassurance.
    Best of luck, really. But now who the hell am I going to vote for…

  28. Heed the call Arbee, and lead the Rino party out of the wilderness.
    Evolve lad,evolve!

  29. Arbee have you considered journalism? Responsible to no one … you don’t care about anything but selling advertising and getting a patronage appointment. You would be well above the scum ordinary citizen.

  30. I always thought Craig Oliver looked more like Pinocchio
    That nose!!!!…….Looks like someone carved it with a Paring Knife!!

  31. “Nuance” is the word liberals use to turn a tragic flaw into a virtue. When the cognitive dissonance of leftist thought and the real world hits you in the head, you have two choices: leave the left, or crack open the thesaurus and explain yourself away with words like “nuanced”.
    I PRAY that the libs use the “nuanced” attack right through the next election campaign. It was a disaster for the Dems and Kerry, and it will be even more of a disaster in Canada. All it shows is contempt for the audience, and arrogance for those claiming to be smarter than their opponent. Even the most “nuanced” of Canadians knows: Stephen Harper is the smartest PM we’ve ever had, and he never has to say it.

  32. Arbee. “today’s interconnected society is founded by compromise and not paranoid isolationism” simply brilliant statement. NOW Which group would you like to start this brillian process with , Hezbollah, Hammas,Tamali Tigers, pick any one of the terrorist groups that you wish . Be sure to drop us a line and let us know how the talks are going. GOOD LUCK

  33. Nuance this Craig Oliver….
    July 23, 2006
    “The bodies of Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers who were killed by the Israeli army in Lebanon have been transported to Syria and flown to Tehran, senior Lebanese political sources told WorldNetDaily.
    The information was confirmed by Israeli and Egyptian security officials. It follows scores of reports the past few days Iranian soldiers have been aiding Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon in their attacks against Israel, including help with the firing of rockets into Israeli population centers.”

  34. And while you are at it, Oliver, and CTV, nuance this admission that you have been reporting as fact all day long:
    “BBC Admits Many Lebanese Casualties are Terrorists
    15:22 Jul 23, ’06 / 27 Tammuz 5766
    ( The British Broadcasting Corp. (BBC) has admitted that many of the victims of Israeli retaliation in Lebanon are terrorists and not innocent civilians. A BBC reporter said he saw Hizbullah terrorists using a private home and added, “It is difficult to quantify who is a terrorist and who is a civilian.”
    Media reports have emphasized that Israeli air strikes have killed more than 350 Lebanese civilians, prompting accusations that the IDF is carrying out “collective punishment” on the country.”

  35. Arbee: I have a quite sincere wish to learn about the “conservative” views you used to hold but of which you have now disabused yourself. In other words, how about sharing your Road to Damascus experience with us.
    gray: That was quick after your rather tenuous, timid, bemused and mildly ironic introduction. Are you always that gray?
    Were you looking for Nuance? That’s here, just down the hall a couple doors! This is just the anti-nuance thread for folks in the early recovery stages after decades of highly-nuanced Liberal inanity. Be patient.

  36. arbee and gray,
    Simple solution – if you experience to much pain anywhere … go somewhere else. As far as I know, SDA isn’t compulsory reading for anything.

  37. Now that NCF TO mentions it, Kerry was about as nuanced as nuanced gets. Eye-glazingly nuanced, nuanced to the point where even his staunchest supporters surely felt compelled to shout “Oh for Ch***’s sake, man, spit it out!”
    Canada has been ruled for years by a party of John Kerrys. Andrew Coyne noted how Bill Graham recently reinvigorated that LPC-style nuance when he spelled out his position on recent events in the ME: Israel absolutely has a right to defend itself, so long as it doesn’t use it’s army. Which is better, I guess, than the really lefty version, which is “Israel is completely missing the point by defending itself.”

  38. me no dhimmi
    I prefer “tentative” which is the way that all classical liberals should hold opinions.
    I’ll take my lumps. But it gets better than
    “ooh I hate socialists”
    “yeah me too”
    “darn liberal media”!

  39. Did somebody ask for divergent opinions? Ok: those aren’t gulls, they’re terns. Tenuous, tendentious, tentative, three for a dollar, and we’re givin’ away the present tents, some assembly required, batteries not included. How do we do it, how do we do it, nuance, nuance, turn up the nuance. Step right up. C’mon c’mon, step right up.
