Iran Caught Smuggling Radioactive Material

While Canadian media is busy with news created by polls created to create news;

According to Serguei Tstatchev, head of the Bulgarian Nuclear Control Agency, the truck rented by a British company and Turkish registration was on its way to Istanbul and then Tehran. It contained radioactive material including cesium and its radiocative rate was 200 times the normal rate. Some more info can be found here.
While Iran is a little diverting attention with its proxy Hezbollah, it’s still focused on implementing quickly its nuclear program. It is high time that the international community acted firmly on Iran because the problem is not going away anytime soon. Hezbollah is the living proof of this…

That and more at
And then, there’s this;

“The bodies of Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers who were killed by the Israeli army in Lebanon have been transported to Syria and flown to Tehran, senior Lebanese political sources told WorldNetDaily.
The information was confirmed by Israeli and Egyptian security officials. It follows scores of reports the past few days Iranian soldiers have been aiding Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon in their attacks against Israel, including help with the firing of rockets into Israeli population centers.”

(h/t to “Buffalo Bean” in the comments)
Breaking “If I was president, this wouldn’t have happened” News – Bush to send career Vietnam veteran John Kerry to bring end to Israel-Hezbollah war.
Via The Corner this item (from Sunday Times Of London) – God’s army has plans to run the whole Middle East;

Why has Tehran decided to play its Lebanese card now? Part of the answer lies in Washington’s decision last May to reverse its policy towards Iran by offering large concessions on its nuclear programme. Tehran interpreted that as a sign of weakness. Ahmadinejad believes that his strategy to drive the “infidel” out of the Islamic heartland cannot succeed unless Arabs accept Iran’s leadership. The problem is that since the Iranian regime is Shi’ite it would not be easy to sell it to most Arabs, who are Sunni. To overcome that hurdle, it is necessary to persuade the Arabs that only Iran is sincere in its desire and capacity to wipe Israel off the map. Once that claim is sold to the Arabs, so Ahmadinejad hopes, they would rally behind his vision of the Middle East instead of the “American vision”.

You may use this thread for to share other items related to the current Middle East crisis.

57 Replies to “Iran Caught Smuggling Radioactive Material”

  1. Would a hang-nail on the plane trip over qualify Kerry for (yet) another Purple Heart, thus permitting him to bail out early and still maintain the ‘delusion’ that he could’ve got it done? 😉

  2. CBCpravda just pushed the headling back 5 days.
    from CBCprava july 24 .
    Evacuation of Canadians from southern Lebanon begins
    no mention of radioactive goods going to Iraq. -that would defeat the cause.

  3. Funny as all get out.
    The poll actually had 56% of Canadians taking the pro-Israel side (11% said Harper should have been more strongly pro-Israel) and “Canada is divided”?
    Harper’s in the catbird seat now. If the Grits pick Dion as leader, the PM can peel off anglophone Grits (remember, the Tories didn’t win 56% in the last election) with his foreign policy. If the Grits go with anyone else, Quebec is wide open.

  4. Scrappleface should be kicked off the airwaves.
    No nuance? No swifties*?
    Scrappy needs to sharpen his pencil, bluntly. If Scrap had done his homework he could have found some Kerry-Heinz gems….
    Kerry said: “Oops! There goes my hat!” said John off the top of his head. …
    Kerry Pressing Swift Boat Case Long After Loss – New York Times
    “They gave me a hat,” Mr. Kerry says. “I have the hat to this day,” he declares, rising to pull it from his briefcase. “I have the hat.” …
    * Apology to Swift Boat Veterans

  5. John Kerry the delerious fool he must think its the 70s and he can go to a woodstock concert wont he be surprised when no one shows up

  6. Isn’t language wonderful? Here we have Kerry, asserting that IF he was President, THEN, ‘this’ (Lebanon?) wouldn’t have happened. The IF-THEN connection is all based within language. Not reality. Within language.
    Do you know, with language, you can say anything at all. IF I had two million dollars, THEN, I’d own a Porsche and a Ferrari and two ice cream cones.
    Speaking of language, something that really ‘ticks me off’ is the Liberal/NDP hijacking of the adjective ‘progressive’. Have you noticed how they are constantly self-defining themselves as ‘progressive’, and transforming this into a noun, into the Name of the Liberal/NDP party – and opposing it to the Name of the CPC party (conservative).
    So, we get them self-defining themselves as ‘progressive’ in contrast to the conservatives…blah blah. But the Liberals/NDP aren’t progressive. They are regressive. Language is a smarmy thing; you have to watch what unscruplous Adscam types do with it.
    Vitruvius, in another thread, dealt with the ludicrous poll on Harper. Again, polls are heavily dependent on the questions asked and one must always take a poll with ‘a large grain of sea salt’.
    Moreover, if one wants to be nuanced about this poll, and the Liberals/NDP are informing us that ‘nuance’ is a ‘Canadian attribute’, then, we have to collate the favourable reactions to Harper, and collate 44% and 11% to equal 56% in favour of Harper.

  7. Lurch at least said that “We have to destroy Hezbollah,” although he stopped short of calling them “Jenghis Khan.”

  8. Him: “Affirmative action is a good idea because brilliant insight article noun noun verb adverb verb article noun preposition article participate.
    The owners and managers of businesses never realize why noun verb, so they verb adjective noun preposition verb article object . Preposition, article clever simile adjective noun, etcetera! It’s the I tells ya!

  9. ET…
    the last time i did math 44+11 came to 55. still a majority for sure but i thought you might want to know.

  10. Over at Captain’s Quarters Cap’n Ed has a post about an interview that Hizb’allah head-goofball Nasrallah did with Jihad TV (aka al-Jazeera).
    Seems that the Lebanese government may have been informed before the head hackers kidnapped those Israeli soldiers, and as Cap’n Ed puts it “This undercuts the depiction of Lebanon as a helpless victim in some degree”

  11. The following is a letter which I have written to Juliet O’Neill, author of the article in the Gazette.
    To Juliet O’Neill:
    Your article, published today in The Gazette (online: reveals a bias and conscious distortion commonly practiced by the Canadian mainstream media.
    Here is the specific example, referring to the recent Ipsos-Reid poll regarding Canadians opinions on Stephen Harper’s (and the Conservative government’s) position regarding Israel:
    The headline says: Half think Harper too pro-Israel: poll
    The text, however, referring to the Ipsos-Reid survey, reads:
    “It said 45 per cent agree Harper’s position is “fair and balanced and completely appropriate,” while 44 per cent say it is “decidedly too pro-Israel and is not appropriate.” Eleven per cent say he has not supported Israel strongly enough.
    By my estimation, that means that 45% plus 11%, or 56% of the population, clearly support Harper’s position, while only 44% of Canadians oppose it. The split between supporters and opponents is 12% which, in political terms, is huge! Once again statistics have been used as the basis of blatant distortion since, in this important context, 44% is not even close to ‘Half’ of the population!
    I consider this misrepresentation insulting and arrogant. Perhaps the ignorant masses who merely read headlines without reading the content can be easily manipulated (can you say ‘Fifth Column’?). But you, or your editors, do not fool those intelligent enough to read beyond the headlines. In fact, the article, with it’s obvious bias and distortion in the headline, unequivocally reveals an anti-Israel prejudice, and thereby seriously calls into question either your credibility as a journalist or the bias of the newpaper, or both. I wonder, was the wording of the headline your decision, or was it your editor’s choice?
    An accurate, truthful and objective headline would read: A Clear Majority of Canadians Support Haper’s pro-Israel stance.
    An honest and considered response would be appreciated.

  12. Evenly split between pro-Harper and anti-Harper, huh? (On what side of this debate did the approximately one in five of illegal voters here in Toronto, fall?)(Elections Canada has no comment- or interest- on this). Not to mention all of those people who can neither read nor write in either of our ‘orricial languages’- and would not care to actually READ a newspaper, even if they knew how?
    There is something going on here, that is far dirtier than the MSM feeding nonsense to anybody dumb enough to pay any attention to them!
    (For lack of a better description, let’s call it ‘TREASON’? Like: You have BETRAYED your country?)

  13. Wouldn’t it be lovely if Bush did challenge Kerry to go to the ME and negotiate peace terms?
    I’d like to see Harper put Jack layton in charge of the Lebanon evacuations, or Bill Graham. then, when they’ve brought peace to the ME, send them to Af’stan to chat with the Taliban.
    Mr.Bush, Mr. Harper, these Liberals know far better than either of you how to negotiate a lasting peace, so send them on their way. Don’t let partisan politics stand in the way of world peace.

  14. “While Canadian media is busy with news created by polls created to create news”
    Well I for one was curious to see these poll results. If you’re lumping Israel Asper’s media empire in with the CBC and the Star and suggesting that the Canwest corporation is trying to spin this poll against Israel, may I direct your attention to founder Israel Asper’s Wiki entry:

    He was a prominent member of Canada’s Jewish community, and was well-known for his strong faith and support for Israel. While a Liberal in domestic Canadian politics his views in regard to Zionism coincided with the right wing Likud – he was an admirer of Vladimir Jabotinsky.

    Asper would occasionally pen editorials defending the nation in his various papers and was accused by a number of media observers of censoring opinions critical of Zionism or which he deemed sympathetic to the Palestinians.[citation needed] He was also a critic of public broadcasting media, especially the CBC both for competing with the private sector as well as alleging that CBC News had a pro-Palestinian bias. Critics have accused Asper of simply attempting to eliminate competition to his business and political opinions.

    [editor’s note – SNIP excessive quoting. Get your own blog, bob.]

  15. “If I was president, this wouldn’t have happened” isn’t even correct grammar (it should be “were”, since it’s in the subjunctive mood), and the Detroit News’s printing of it isn’t correct, either; here in the USA, “president” is always capitalized when it refers to the President of the United States.
    Grammar and capitalization aside, if John Kerry were President, I might well be living in Israel, where folks seem to have their heads screwed on pretty straight about what to do when somebody attacks your territory – and I’m not Jewish.

  16. From:
    I’m not going to claim I know exactly what Hizbollah’s or Hamas’s hidden motives are because I don’t live there but I know about those of the regime in Iran and its arm in Iraq; both Ahmedinejad and Sadr are devout believers in the ‘Savior Imam’ of Shia Islam who is the 12th grandson of prophet Mohammed, also known by the name ‘Imam Mehdi’ hence the name of Sadr’s militias ‘the Mehdi Army’.
    I must point out though that some factions of Sunni Islam also believe in the rise of the Imam but they have their own different version of the story.
    Both Ahmedinejad and Sadr believe it is their duty to pave the way and prepare the ground for the rise of the Imam whose rise, according to their branch of Shia Islam, requires certain conditions and a sequence of certain events; the story is too long to discuss in one post so I’ll just move on to offer my observations…
    We are seeing some signs here that make us think that Iran and its tools in Iraq are trying to provoke the rise of the imam through forcing the signs they believe should be associated with that rise. One of the things that do not feel right is the sudden appearance of new banners and writings on the walls carrying religious messages talking specifically of imam Mehdi. These messages are getting abundant in Baghdad and in particular in the eastern part of the capital where Sadr militias are dominant and a special number can be seen in the area of the interior ministry complex.
    The interesting part is that these banners appeared within less than 24 hours after Hizbollah kidnapped the Israeli soldiers. Coincidence?
    I don’t think so.
    === Can the plot get any thicker? = TG
    DMorris, fun idea sending Graham or Jack Laytoncakes on a peace mission to Lebanon.
    Risky though. We could end up with a scam bigger and better than Food for Oil. = TG

  17. Hidden motives? Are you serious TG? They have publicly stated what their motives are. Who in their right mind can have any doubt about the motives of Hezb’allah and Hamas?
    For cying out loud, can’t people think this through?
    Israel, does it have the right to exist, yes or no?
    If yes, then is Israel truly threatened, or not? That is the only point of debate at this moment.
    What evidence is there that Israel’s existence is not threatened right now? What are the consequences in being wrong?
    Given an enemy that has sworn to destroy Israel, the only assurance of self-preservation Israel has is to fight for its life against Hezb’allah and Hamas.
    For those who are inclined to deny Israel a right to exist, I simply disagree, and wish no further discussion on the matter. I am not open to consideration of that possibility at all.
    Come now, TG, if we are talking about hidden motives, let’s talk about the hidden motives of the left in the west that apologize for the death cult.

  18. The biggest surprise to me was reading Kerry’s quote “We have to destroy Hezbollah”. Isn’t this the same John-John that refers to Iraq as another Vietnam and HE WANTS to involve american forces in the same Lebanese quagmire that took Israel 20 years to get out of? By saying “destroy” does he mean that american forces would follow escaping Hezbollah elements into Syria? What about the Iranian forces helping the Hezbollah…does Kerry’s strong language include using deadly force on Iranian nationals? Wouldn’t that be the yellow glow in the dark icing on the cake.
    For a man who claims he has what it takes to be prez, he sure sounds like a loose shoulder launched wingnut that’s capable of elevating the current conflict into Gingrich’s WWIII. I’m sure Israel would be much more at ease under a Kerry administration and more than willing to let John-John have the keys to the tank. But then again, maybe not, because I can’t think of anything Kerry has said that he actually meant…except “I do” to the Heinz ketchup heiress?

  19. Nuance in Arabic is: Genocide. …-
    Hizballah Threatens Genocide
    Speaking at a terrorist conference in Tehran, Hizballah representative Hossein Safiadeen stated their goal quite clearly and succinctly: Genocide.
    Hizbullah’s representative in Iran struck a defiant tone Monday, warning that his Islamic group plans to widen its attacks on Israel until “no place” is safe for Israelis.
    Hossein Safiadeen also reinforced earlier threats by Hizbullah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah to widen the scope of attacks, which have included unprecedented missile strikes deep into northern Israel.
    “We are going to make Israel not safe for Israelis. There will be no place they are safe,” Safiadeen told a conference that included the Tehran-based representative of the Palestinian group Hamas and the ambassadors from Lebanon, Syria and the Palestinian Authority.
    “You will see a new Middle East in the way of Hizbullah and Islam, not in the way of Rice and Israel.” …-
    via LGF

  20. ? …-
    From the Prime Minister’s Web Site (
    Public events for July 25, 2006
    July 24, 2006
    Ottawa, Ontario
    Public events for Prime Minister Stephen Harper for Tuesday, July 25th are:
    11:00 a.m. – Prime Minister Stephen Harper will make an announcement.
    * Media should enter at the Dickson St. entrance

  21. And now, if Kate does not mind, a short prayer.
    Thank you God for keeping John Kerry and Theresa Heinz-Kerry out of the White House.

  22. Posted by: Bob at July 24, 2006 04:24 PM
    so Bob, that post was soooooooooooooooooo long.
    What’s your point ??
    If it a long screed to “prove” Israel bad, Pali’s good” it won’t wash here. Too much common sense and objective thinkers.
    If it is some attempt to prove how progressive you are, you failed. Miserably. Just proved you drink one, and only one brand of kool aid. The terrorist apologist brand.
    Have a nice life, hope the rose colored glasss don’t distort you perception “too” uch

  23. I was wonderering who the nutcase was, of course, Bob.
    Bob, You have no credibility and no relevance.

  24. Clean up on aisle 9: The Bob 9000 cut and paste machine is baaaaack!
    Hey Bob, what are your views on Montreal smoked meat and Montreal-style bagels?

  25. Bob, you need to know that Wikipedia allows anyone who comes to their site to edit anything written.
    Go into their fine print. It is all there for the mischief-makers to add their own ‘take’ to anything.
    From their site:
    “All of the information in Wikipedia is free for anyone to copy, modify for their own purposes, and redistribute or use as they see fit, as long as the new version grants the same freedoms to others and acknowledges the authors of the Wikipedia article used (a credit or backlink to the original article is sufficient for this).”

  26. Is it fair to assume that instead of “Israel has a right to defend itself” per Mr. Harper, “We must destroy Hezbollah” per Mr. Kerry represents the more “nuanced” diplomatic language that Mr. Graham and the left in general would like to see?

  27. The disconnect between support of the Jewish State and the support of the Liberal Party of Canada to the virtual exclusion of all others, no matter what, by the Asper family is something that I cannot figure out. Is it a fashion thing?
    LPC have been and continue to be chronic enablers of terrorism – much like the UN.

  28. [editor’s note – SNIP excessive quoting.

    Hey, you snipped the best part! Shorter Bob: read the blog of a Jewish aid worker in Hebron who gets rocks thrown at her and the Palestinian she escorts to school every day by nutbar Jewish settlers, and has the pictures and video to prove it:
    [Get your own blog, bob.]
    I was thinking about getting one, except the Canadian Jewish Congress’ plan to censor the internet (see “Bernie Farber is a Twit” at concerns me.
    Once that plan is implemented (and the ISPs are “enthusisastic” about it) all it takes is one Liberal with an axe to grind to cherry pick your site – or any other site deemed politically incorrect by various human rights tribunals – for the ten most politically incorrect posts they can find and the major carriers such as Sympatico, Shaw, and Rogers won’t carry your site anymore. So I’ll pass on setting up my own blog.
    Mississauga Matt says: Clean up on aisle 9: The Bob 9000 cut and paste machine is baaaaack!

    Hey Bob, what are your views on Montreal smoked meat and Montreal-style bagels?

    Nice to see you too, Matt. Smoked mean and bagels rock; what are your views on the CJC’s plan to censor the internet for Canadians?

  29. ward: here’s my take:
    The Aspers are deeply in a business licenced by government (CRTC) which shouldn’t be licenced by government: broadcasting. Never underestimate the damage regulators can do to your business, including ending it, if you piss them off.
    The Liberals have been for most of our history the “natural governing party” so therefore a business depending for it survival on the pleasure of government has to be extremely careful. One effective way of being extremely careful is to become bagmen for the Liberals.
    They are Jews too, and of the non-self-loathing variety, meaning they are staunch supporters of Israel.
    The two issues are totally unrelated in the minds of the Aspers. They probably don’t give a hoot what the Liberal Party’s essentially irrelevant Israel policy is.

  30. Interestimg site for all with a bee in their bonnet regarding bilingualism
    Subject: Bilingualism and the Public Service
    July 7, 2006
    With the Canada Day celebrations over, let’s turn our attention to our preoccupation with bilingualism and job opportunities. The National Post article linked below is about a survey done by Linda Duxbury, a professor at Carleton U’s business school. She appears to be saying what we’ve been saying all along!! The young and talented people are not flocking to the public service and one of the reasons suggested is this bilingualism requirement which is discouraging a lot of well-qualified English-speaking graduates!! Are we surprised? The sad part of this whole fiasco is that we are deliberately lowering the quality of our public servants by this over-emphasis on bilingualism – when are we going to demand that this is stopped?
    While we’re bending over backwards to make the MoC (Most of Canada) bilingual, Quebec’s language zealots are busy erasing English from some municipal signs. Read the CBC report at the end of this message.

    antimullah ^ | 7/24/06 | Alan Peters

  32. ALL MY LIFE, I have watched the media MAKE the news with THEIR poll “results” using THEIR poll “questions” and THEIR poll “data” and THEIR “timing”. PROPAGANDA by any other name Polls, freedom of expression/speach ?? Perhaps, but maybe also boardering on slander, innuendo, misleading, half-truths. Has any one out there ever seen polling results ?? How many have ever been polled ?? In 30 years I have never once been asked. (Kates Motto)

  33. Mayhem at the Defend Hizballah Rally!
    This past Friday, the Muslim American Society held their “Justice for Palestine and Lebanon Protest” at Boston’s City Hall Plaza referred to at the end of this post.
    “Disputed territories.” Very good.
    Oh, but that’s not the full story. No, no, my friends. You see, freelance operative Seva Brodsky was in the house, camera in hand — and there was much jostling, grabbing, profanity and threats of violence directed toward our intrepid defender of Israel and America. The remainder of this post is either submitted by, or based on descriptions from, Seva. The pictures and video are his. Any asides from me are placed in brackets, Mr. Brodsky’s submission is below in pull-quote format. The description of events is his. Most of the visuals are in video format, with only a few original still-shots, although I have pulled some stills out of the video for illustration (so that is why most of the photos are in a fairly small size). Stick with us, gentle readers, for this shall be worth it. Seva:
    Mugged by the Peacenicks
    Having arrived from Israel several days ago, where I had just spent almost six months, I got right back into my regular Zionist activities. While riding the subway on Thursday, July 20, 2006, I read in the Metro that there was going to be a political rally the very next day (Friday the 21st) at Boston City Hall Plaza. That article, titled Lebanon/Israel cease-fire rally set for tomorrow, by Laura Dannen, could be found in the lower left hand corner of page 2. Following is a short snip:
    BOSTON — Calling for an end to the “indiscriminate” loss of life in Lebanon, more than 1,000 members of Boston’s Muslim community are expected to rally on City Hall Plaza tomorrow afternoon.
    The protest, organized by the Boston branch of the Muslim American Society’s Freedom Foundation, will call for an immediate cease-fire to the fighting between Israel and Hezbollah, now entering its second week, said Omar Abdala, the rally’s organizer.
    “It’s unacceptable to indiscriminately kill innocent civilians,” Abdala, 25, said of the Israeli attack on Lebanon. “We’re calling for an immediate end to violence and for Israel to pull back.”
    The demonstration, taking place from noon to 3 pm on City Hall Plaza, is part of a larger series of protests around the country this week. More than 2,000 Boston-area Jews and supporters of Israel gathered peacefully in Brookline on Tuesday, demanding peace and security for Israel, an end to terrorism and the safe return of two captured Israeli soldiers…
    My interest was piqued, so I decided to check it out. I showed up at City Hall Plaza at about 2 pm, in black dress slacks and striped blue and white shirt, looking like a lawyer on a lunch break. I had a small backpack with the Canon digital photo/video camera in it. As I was approaching the crowd, which appeared to number several hundred people, I took it out and turned the video on…

  34. BEIRUT (CP) – Canadian soldiers made a perilous journey into Hezbollah territory Monday to whisk Canadian refugees from the most violent city in the fight in southern Lebanon. …-

  35. The Bob 9000 asks me what are your views on the CJC’s plan to censor the internet for Canadians?
    As part of the worldwide Rovian-Zionist conspiracy, I dig it.

  36. James Risen of new yawk tahmes fame, vilified here, tells us in ‘state of war’ that iran was given, GIVEN flawed plans for a fission bomb in hopes they would build exactly as the blueprints show and be dismayed and resigned to failure when it didnt pop as desired.
    cia didnt count on the supposed russian defector nuke dude peeking in the envelope and coyly offering the iranians ‘technical assistance’ ‘if needed’.
    thanks lots dubya !!! tqvm cia doofuses !!!
    all they need now is the materials. why not trade the plans to someone for enough materials for oh, say, a dozen of them.
    look it up in the index of the book under ‘merlin’.

  37. I musta dealt with a couple thousand ‘if then’s in my time having been a programmer for about 5 years.
    trick is ya gotta get e-v-e-r-y o-n-e of them right or disaster looms.
    jfk version 2.0 is far from it.

  38. all the namby pambyists please form a semicircle and pay REAL CLOSE ATTENTION.
    the state of Israel has been under a continuing and varying level of threat since it first came into being, including THREE major attacks from arabs: 1948, 1967, 1973
    what other democracy in the ENTIRE WORLD has had to put up with that level of CRAP and hostility on an ongoing basis for 58 god*m years straight ???? any time in HISTORY for that matter ???
    if Israel overshoots the mark in this or any other flair up too f*kin bad eh.
    so shutthef*kup MSM types and bill graham types.

  39. “Ahmadinejad believes that his strategy to drive the “infidel” out of the Islamic heartland cannot succeed unless Arabs accept Iran’s leadership.”
    Given that Iranians are mostly Persian, and that there is about three thousand years of enmity between Arabs and Persians, I can’t understand why some UK based writer would think this strategy is sensible, do-able, or even imaginable.

  40. I agree with Robert J and stand with Israel.
    I pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122), knowing that it will not happen without war–a righteous war, I believe.
    Appeasement hasn’t and won’t work. Israel needs to do what it needs to do to protect its citizens. I thank God that PMSH, a man of honour, is not pussyfooting around or toadying to the treacherous idiots at the UN, the way the LPC did.
    (And, with all due respect, I DO hope that Canadian Jews will wake up, smell the coffee, and stop knee-jerk voting for the Liberals.)

  41. aspers, media, etc:
    feel free to pick up a copy of the resurrected ‘Frank’ magazine. (I subscribe, where do you think I get my writing style ?? !!!)
    has a hilarious as usual piece on the sad state of the aspers since izzy exited; stock price accelerating downward, plans for a new hq in winterpeg shelved etc.

  42. HEADS UP: TG — I read similar report at realclearpolitics re 12th imam and Iran’s plans for liquidating the “infidels.”
    Article spoke about ‘death to Israel’ and similar fate for anglo-saxon world.
    The date of AUGUST 22nd is a date they assign to the ‘victory’ Iran has stated they will give answer to UNSC on that date. And they’re mentioning the ‘surprise’ element all the time.
    Apparently Mohammed ascended from the temple mount on that date and the Mehdi (their version of our Messiah) will score the victory on that date.
    TG: I applaud your post supporting and defending Israel and would like to see it on every Israeli blogger site so word of Canadian support reaches and strengthens them.
    I would add to some of your humble, and very sincere prayers for the civilized world’s victory over the cascading obsenties.
    Also, Ariel Sharon takes turn for worse this day –kidneys failing. The man a ‘GREAT WARRIOR’ for his people against all odds (understatement yes).
    My prayer tonight for him — that he see Israel’s victory embedded, embraced in the Light of his G-d.
    This is a tremendous post of the truth of matters. Kudos to Kate on this one.

  43. I also meant Robert J. post be posted on Israeli blogger sites in show of Canadian support of Israel’s war on Hisballah animals.

  44. I too my 105% with Robert J on his stand for Israel. I was 18 during the Six Day War of 1967 and find myself deeply saddened by the difference in the world’s view of Israel then and now.
    And thank you Canadian(n) for your prayer for the great patriot and warrior Sharon. A collosus. I have a growing sense that his withdrawal from Gaza was part of a plan to bring clarification about the murderous intentions of Hamas and Hezbollah. To end the fable of “land for peace”.

  45. “blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall inherit the earth”
    matthew 5:9
    note the vital key difference between peaceMAKER and peacekeeper.
    the peaceMAKERS are the blokes that put on the body armor, stand at the ready and duke it out with the adamant aggressors who have just poured across the border behind an artillery barrage.
    they then do a tit-for-tat and kill as many of the foe and smash their equipment as much as needed to convince them of the folly of their ambitions.
    when things remain quiet for a respectable time they take off the body armour, mothball their weapons and go back to farming, shopkeeping, teaching and generally building their nation as they see fit.
    this is PRECISELY the approach Israel has taken from day one. and why I am unreservedly and completely in support of their RIGHT TO DEFEND THEMSELVES FROM ANY AND ALL ATTACKERS.

  46. polls? polls ????
    ya wanna know how polls work ???
    first you decide what you want the results to be.
    then you commission polls continuously, keeping the fact AND the results to yourself advising the polling organization they will NEVER get a nickel from you for the next century if they leak the tactic or results or anything.
    then, when a poll comes in with the desired numbers, you ‘announce’ or let it be otherwise known you are ‘going to’ conduct a poll to check public sympathies RIGHT AFTER the secret one that gave you the results you want.
    the more scientifically accurate and shorter the gap between them, youre going to get the ‘results’ you want, ignoring all those previously that didnt measure up.
    clever eh?
    I enlightened my poli sci class at Mac U in hamilton on this tactic back in 1996. the prof had a curious surprised look on his face, having dealt with statistics some time in the private sector prior to taking the teaching position, like he had just seen the insides of some never before opened chest containing many secrets how the world works.
    I *am* very sceptical of government, I *am* very suspicious of the motives of public officials.
    God help them if I ever scoop the big one in some mega lottery because I will broadcast all kinds of vitriol against them and back it up with thorough research. including personnel checking for moles in the research team.
    ooooooo !!!!!!!
    LOL !!!
