Iran Caught Smuggling Radioactive Material

While Canadian media is busy with news created by polls created to create news;

According to Serguei Tstatchev, head of the Bulgarian Nuclear Control Agency, the truck rented by a British company and Turkish registration was on its way to Istanbul and then Tehran. It contained radioactive material including cesium and its radiocative rate was 200 times the normal rate. Some more info can be found here.
While Iran is a little diverting attention with its proxy Hezbollah, it’s still focused on implementing quickly its nuclear program. It is high time that the international community acted firmly on Iran because the problem is not going away anytime soon. Hezbollah is the living proof of this…

That and more at
And then, there’s this;

“The bodies of Iranian Revolutionary Guard soldiers who were killed by the Israeli army in Lebanon have been transported to Syria and flown to Tehran, senior Lebanese political sources told WorldNetDaily.
The information was confirmed by Israeli and Egyptian security officials. It follows scores of reports the past few days Iranian soldiers have been aiding Hezbollah terrorists in Lebanon in their attacks against Israel, including help with the firing of rockets into Israeli population centers.”

(h/t to “Buffalo Bean” in the comments)
Breaking “If I was president, this wouldn’t have happened” News – Bush to send career Vietnam veteran John Kerry to bring end to Israel-Hezbollah war.
Via The Corner this item (from Sunday Times Of London) – God’s army has plans to run the whole Middle East;

Why has Tehran decided to play its Lebanese card now? Part of the answer lies in Washington’s decision last May to reverse its policy towards Iran by offering large concessions on its nuclear programme. Tehran interpreted that as a sign of weakness. Ahmadinejad believes that his strategy to drive the “infidel” out of the Islamic heartland cannot succeed unless Arabs accept Iran’s leadership. The problem is that since the Iranian regime is Shi’ite it would not be easy to sell it to most Arabs, who are Sunni. To overcome that hurdle, it is necessary to persuade the Arabs that only Iran is sincere in its desire and capacity to wipe Israel off the map. Once that claim is sold to the Arabs, so Ahmadinejad hopes, they would rally behind his vision of the Middle East instead of the “American vision”.

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57 Replies to “Iran Caught Smuggling Radioactive Material”

  1. one more comment:
    if I could converse in hebrew or whatever they talk in downtown Haifa, you can be &^^%$%$^% sure I would freely sign up for a stint in the Israeli army.
    I can put 20 rounds into a 3/4 degree circle from std target range distance of 60 feet and have a great tolerance for temporary extreme working conditions.
    I like being on the winning side.

  2. Robert J:
    I might be mistaken, but weren’t you a liberal when you first started posting here?
    If not, my apologies.

  3. The Sunday Times gives us insight into trying to understand the history and status of Hezbollah. Most of the rest of the press casts them as a rabble of fanatical rebels. No, in fact they are pretty much a government it seems. But their power has two pillars, without which it would diminish. The first seems to be Iran. Iran funds Hezbollah and supplies them with both arms and ideology. The second is war and the need to keep fighting. Peace means losing their reason for being- the fight for Islam and the destruction of Israel. With this they can keep convincing the population they control (some 400000 people) of their radical ideology- on which their unofficial state is founded. With peace, there is no reason for Hezbollah not to submit to the central Lebanese government and Iran then loses its substantial influence in that part of the world. War is in their interest- that is why they are fighting.
    For more please look for the Olmert and Hezbollah article in the Middle East section at

  4. monsieur daisy:
    liberal ? moi ? mais non !!! jamais encore !!!!
    I voted for cretien in what was it, 92? anyways, first time he ran for election as lib leader.
    I wound up about 4 feet away from him when he poked his head into burlington. he was shorter than I expected. it was the only time I voted liberal. Ive sworn off that party extremely likely for good.
    what on earth makes you think I was a liberal recently? because I gleefully shred george dubya’s position and actions ??? he deserves it !!!
    watched ‘the smartest guys in the room’ last nite, documentary on the enron collapse. and there was dubya in the thick of it, manning the phones for ken lay using his clout as texas governor.
    dubya is a puppet for big oil, no ifs ands or lays.

  5. I donno. I might have mistaken you with someone else who used to add his degrees after his name.
    Regardless, I stand corrected.

  6. Robert J, Irwin Daisy… Eric.. Count me as a silent oberver and fan. Well, maybe not so silent.
    Polls and polling are such a transparent tool for applying spin… it*s actually disgusting.
    While I have often mentioned the total fallacy of polls when there is no standard, no licensing athority, and no governing body, [no UPC label]. Never have I seen such a perfect take-down of polling practice as Robert J expressed here at 4:20 am. 100%!!
    Now if only you deep thinkers could explore and promote the vast advances EVs [electric vehicles] will provide, it would help the public to see that hybrids are a ploy by Big Oil and Big Auto to keep us enslaved to their profit margins.
    [I admit to a recent awakening,- join me, alert others]
    Not to mention deflating Iran*s nuke projects. TonyGuitar dot blogspot = TG
