Tech Notes

My isp seems to be down this morning and I’ve got a full day of work ahead (and then some). So, until it’s back up this is all you get. You can use this thread for reader tips until I’m back.

13 Replies to “Tech Notes”

  1. Death Threat From left/liberal/socialist:
    Kill George Bush.
    Williams speaks to school children.
    Left liberal/socialist’s agenda is to kill Western civilization. …-
    Nobel Peace Laureate Wants to Kill
    Speaking to an audience of schoolchildren at the Earth Dialogues forum in Brisbane, Australia, Nobel Peace Prize laureate Betty Williams said she would “love to kill George Bush.” (Hat tip: aussiemagpie.)
    “I have a very hard time with this word ‘non-violence’, because I don’t believe that I am non-violent,” said Ms Williams, 64.
    “Right now, I would love to kill George Bush.” Her young audience at the Brisbane City Hall clapped and cheered.
    “I don’t know how I ever got a Nobel Peace Prize, because when I see children die the anger in me is just beyond belief. It’s our duty as human beings, whatever age we are, to become the protectors of human life.”
    via LGF

  2. Well, I know it’s utterly pointless to mention this because the American rightwing media seem to be terminally confused on this matter but liberalism and socialism are mutually hostile points of view. Any basic book on political philosophy will tell you that. If you want to oppose both liberalism and socialism, that’s fine. But they’re not the same thing. If you want to argue against them, you need to argue against them differently.
    (I’ve read plenty of death threats in the comments on this blog.)

  3. Leftist is absolutely correct.
    Socialism is a political philosophy based on the concept of “from each based on his ability to each based on his need”.
    Liberalism is a mental disorder disguised as socialism.

  4. Socialist claiming to be Liberals is the root of the confusion
    BTW Leftist if you have read “plenty” of death threats in the comments on this blog, point them out. You may be able to kid yourself and other lefties about this being a neocon rightwing hate group, but I would like to see a little proof.

  5. Death threats are made against an American President by a Nobel Peace Prize winner speaking to an audience of school children.
    She just can not help herself.
    She must speak to her true deep inner feelings.
    Whoa whoa whoa feeeelings.
    The Earth Dialogs forum…..hmmmmm……why does that bring to mind carbon credits and Al Gore and Maurice Strong and The League of Self Proclaimed World Leaders.

  6. Israel and Canadian politicians as Bush poodles–according to the Muslim Canadian Congress PM Martin got there first; see “2005-12-03 MCC statement MCC endorses NDP”
    How short our memories are.
    ‘”Paul Martin’s recent decision to vote alongside the US on UN General Assembly resolutions on Palestine, demonstrates the fact that he is turning Canada into a satellite of the US,” said Tarek Fatah, communications director of the MCC.
    For decades Canada had been voting alongside the rest of the world in asking Israel to withdraw from the Arab lands it has occupied since 1967. This month, in a slap to face of Muslim Canadians, the Liberal government of Paul Martin abandoned Canada’s principled historic stand, and abstained from voting on a resolution urging Israeli withdrawal from territory it has occupied illegally since the 1967 war…’
    The Globe’s John Ibbitson was also on to the tilt:

  7. Leftist said, “I’ve read plenty of death threats in the comments on this blog.”
    Unless Leftist can provide proof, this statement is an outlandish libel.
    So, Leftist, either prove your case–I predict we won’t hear from Leftist any time soon–or apologize.
    And, BTW, smarten up too.

  8. The Judge is p88888g into the wind. The Rule of Law died weeks ago in Ontario, Canada. RIP. …-
    Monday, July 24, 2006 | Updated at 2:14 PM EDT
    Judge says Caledonia orders have been ignored
    Canadian Press
    CAYUGA — An Ontario judge is again demanding to know why his orders to police to end the aboriginal land dispute in Caledonia haven’t been carried out.

  9. Living with European socialism turned this Berkeley girl into a conservative. …-
    Up From Liberalism
    Janet Daley
    I became a Marxist out of sheer perversity. Well, perhaps that is unfair to my adolescent self: it was a mixture of conscientiousness and perversity. The official atmosphere in the California high school where I spent my junior and senior years was—hard as it may be to imagine this now—hysterically anti-communist. This was 1961, but the sixties as we know them had not yet begun. The doctrinal orthodoxy of the day was McCarthyism in its final, decaying phase. Accordingly, my senior civics class regularly showed us propaganda films, whose crudeness constituted a provocation to (not to say an insult to the intelligence of) any potentially rebellious 16-year-old. I can remember watching lurid graphics, in which red triangles pierced through defenseless red, white, and blue balloons, and then the slogan “Socialism and communism are the same thing” flashed onto the screen—all accompanied by a triumphal musical score whose climaxes underlined the most unsubtle messages of the narration.
    Such films, inevitably, caused the more independent-minded students to think, “Whoa, hang on a minute. What is this you are so determined to make me believe, and why?” As one of my more thoughtful peers put it (in a very quiet voice), “Actually, I think a bit of socialism could help to protect a country against communism by making it seem less necessary.”
    So it had started. This was the beginning of the skepticism that led to cynicism and then to disaffection: the suspicion that everything your country was telling you might be blinkered at best or malign at worst. But the real damage was done for me by the hugely influential film Operation Abolition. This was the faux documentary made by the House Un-American Activities Committee to celebrate its own procedures. With a patronizing didacticism that would now seem risible, the movie recorded the HUAC hearings in San Francisco, which hauled in “known subversives” to be hectored and pilloried by some of the most unattractive legislators in U.S. history. But the clash between the “known subversives” and the congressmen—who would not allow them to finish a sentence of their “prepared propaganda statements”—was not what affected me so deeply. It was the sight of the protesters against HUAC, who had gathered outside the chamber, being attacked with fire hoses by the police. The film described the demonstrators as “dupes” of a communist plot to abolish the heroic congressional committee (hence the movie’s title). As the water swept them painfully down the marble stairs of San Francisco City Hall, we were, I suppose, expected to cheer. We didn’t. We just thought our own thoughts.
    What I thought went something like this: …-

  10. Granny re-creates Crocodile Dundee scene to chase off knife-wielding burglar
    “He had a 10-inch knife so I pointed my knife at his belly and said to him, ‘You call that a knife, this is a knife’. via nealenews
    See the pic of Granny with her knife: She cut off their tail with her carving knife, see how they run.
    In this instance, the rat ran.
    She’s my heroine. Go, Granny. …-

  11. Free advice to Phil Fontaine and the chiefs:
    Recall AdScam Chretien/Martin, Gagliano, et al, aka The Librano$; they will gladly lobby for you, for a fee, a healthy fee… say $1.5 million over one year. …-
    Aboriginal leaders want Kelowna Accord back
    CORNER BROOK, N.L. (CP) – Canada’s aboriginal leaders are asking the provinces and territories for help to revive the $5-billion Kelowna Accord reached with the previous Liberal government.

  12. “using tactics that were like “something out of the Sopranos.”
    Sopranos…Librano$… LOLOLOL ….
    Librano$ snuff democracy in Vancouver-Kingsway. …-
    Liberals up to their old tricks with Kingsway nomination
    Barbara Yaffe
    Vancouver Sun
    Thursday, July 27, 2006
    There surely is no Liberal nomination race so highly anticipated in Canada as the one about to take place in Vancouver-Kingsway.
    That, of course, is because voters in the riding felt so jilted in January when the candidate they elected as a Liberal — David Emerson — switched to the Conservatives just days afterward.
    Electors in the multi-ethnic riding, which had been long held by the Liberal party, staged several local protests and made an appropriate fuss in Ottawa about having a turncoat represent them.
    But Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Emerson, his new minister of international trade, dug in their heels and essentially told the constituents to take a hike.
    The sense of grievance has endured, and naturally Liberals have been keen to get themselves a spanking new candidate in anticipation of having him or her exact some ballot-box revenge. That is, if Emerson runs again in Vancouver-Kingsway which is hard to imagine.
    So, it’s no surprise that the selection of the partisan who would get the chance to slay the turncoat MP would be a big-deal event.
    Which is why questions are now being asked about a rushed affair scheduled for this Saturday at which Liberals will choose their candidate in Vancouver-Kingsway. Something doesn’t smell right.
    So hasty has organization of the nomination process been that only two candidates have come forward to contest it, one having rushed mightily to meet the deadline for filing appropriate papers.
    Manuel Pereda, who has spearheaded grassroots protests against Emerson, calls what’s happening now in his riding “a travesty of democracy.”
    Pereda is not personally interested in becoming a candidate. But the Liberal party member wants to see clean politics returned to his riding. He tried for months to contact riding executives to learn when the nomination battle was to be fought.
    “All my e-mails and phone calls have remained unanswered in spite of the role I played in the community since Emerson’s defection.” …-
    OTTAWA (CP) – Less than a week after bolting from Joe Volpe’s troubled campaign, controversial Toronto MP Jim Karygiannis is considering making his own bid for the Liberal leadership. …
    During the 2003 leadership contest, Karygiannis, this time an organizer for Martin, was accused by at least two fellow Liberal MPs of threatening to take over their ridings if they didn’t back Martin.
    And a Calgary riding association president complained that Karygiannis tried to intimidate him into dropping his support for a rival candidate, using tactics that were like “something out of the Sopranos.” “using tactics that were like “something out of the Sopranos.”
    Sopranos…Librano$… LOLOLOL ….
    Librano$ snuff democracy in Vancouver-Kingsway. …-
    Liberals up to their old tricks with Kingsway nomination
    Barbara Yaffe
    Vancouver Sun
    Thursday, July 27, 2006
    There surely is no Liberal nomination race so highly anticipated in Canada as the one about to take place in Vancouver-Kingsway.
    That, of course, is because voters in the riding felt so jilted in January when the candidate they elected as a Liberal — David Emerson — switched to the Conservatives just days afterward.
    Electors in the multi-ethnic riding, which had been long held by the Liberal party, staged several local protests and made an appropriate fuss in Ottawa about having a turncoat represent them.
    But Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Emerson, his new minister of international trade, dug in their heels and essentially told the constituents to take a hike.
    The sense of grievance has endured, and naturally Liberals have been keen to get themselves a spanking new candidate in anticipation of having him or her exact some ballot-box revenge. That is, if Emerson runs again in Vancouver-Kingsway which is hard to imagine.
    So, it’s no surprise that the selection of the partisan who would get the chance to slay the turncoat MP would be a big-deal event.
    Which is why questions are now being asked about a rushed affair scheduled for this Saturday at which Liberals will choose their candidate in Vancouver-Kingsway. Something doesn’t smell right.
    So hasty has organization of the nomination process been that only two candidates have come forward to contest it, one having rushed mightily to meet the deadline for filing appropriate papers.
    Manuel Pereda, who has spearheaded grassroots protests against Emerson, calls what’s happening now in his riding “a travesty of democracy.”
    Pereda is not personally interested in becoming a candidate. But the Liberal party member wants to see clean politics returned to his riding. He tried for months to contact riding executives to learn when the nomination battle was to be fought.
    “All my e-mails and phone calls have remained unanswered in spite of the role I played in the community since Emerson’s defection.” …-
    OTTAWA (CP) – Less than a week after bolting from Joe Volpe’s troubled campaign, controversial Toronto MP Jim Karygiannis is considering making his own bid for the Liberal leadership. …
    During the 2003 leadership contest, Karygiannis, this time an organizer for Martin, was accused by at least two fellow Liberal MPs of threatening to take over their ridings if they didn’t back Martin.
    And a Calgary riding association president complained that Karygiannis tried to intimidate him into dropping his support for a rival candidate, using tactics that were like “something out of the Sopranos.”
