11 Replies to “Disarming The News”

  1. Well, look on the bright side. Even if that tabloid rag is making up the story as it goes along, most of the other media got it right. Even the AP which can usually be counted on to manipulate the facts in the most egregious manner.
    So I’d say the glass is 2/3rds full. No one reads USA Today for anything but the sports scores anyway…

  2. Chased down by me, yeah, and tackled by ,…
    Tackled by ,.. by ,…Morgan Fairchild , yeah that’s the ticket!
    Morgan and I were on a date see…

  3. The police response to Mr. Cope’s heroism reminds me of what happened to three of the four planes on 9/11. The passengers on three of the planes did what the authorities recommended: Remain passive and don’t do anything decisive which might aggravate the perpetrators of the crime. Those planes caused incalculable damage.
    The heroic passengers on the other plane ignored the advice and Flight 93 crashed into a farmer’s field instead of into the White House or other high profile edifice.
    If Mr. Cope hadn’t acted decisively in the face of the evil deed he was witnessing, the last victim may have been dead.
    The Nanny state makes us all victims–passive ones at that. Stand back and leave (fill in the blank) to the experts. This unpatriotic and immature behaviour’s going to be the death of us. And notice, the “experts” these days are usually sycophants and toadies who care more for their perqs and salaries than in doing even a competent, let alone an exemplary job.
    Thank God there are still a few Chris Copes (and Todd Beamers) in this world. And thank God Mr. Cope didn’t actually have to use his gun: He’d likely have been charged.
    Scary, isn’t it?

  4. As I have said before, Kate’s sda is like an AUDITOR of the MSM. The Ottawa, Shiela, auditor may save us money, lots of money. Kate may save our Democracy. Pravda ran rampart for decades, but was finally exposed. In this day and age, the once mighty media empires are no match for the Internet and Blogs.

  5. Re: “abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yandz…”
    Does Swan Lake Retirement Home know what you’re doing on their computer?

  6. Re: “abc def ghi jkl mno pqr stu vwx yandz…”
    …i think either the seditives were wearing off or it was close to nap time Kate.

  7. I hope nutcase Bob saw this thread. A paper he could actually write for.

  8. The same old, same old from the media, though Warwick’s right when he says that at least most of the media got it right. lookout’s also right when she points out that if Chris Copes had actually shot the killer, his neck would probably be in a noose, even though he’s a hero. Oy vey.
    But–and I think this is on topic–how many people are getting as fed up as I am at the CBC’s focus on the soldiers crying and collapsing while their dead comrade(s) are being loaded onto a plane to bring them home to Canada?
    Obviously, many of them will be overcome with grief…I think this goes with the territory and is one of the sad and tragic consequences of war…but I don’t think the military wants the media to be reporting on the reaction of their personnel to soldiers’ deaths. This grief is something for the soldiers to deal with together within the military community, not something that should be used by the MSM for propaganda purposes–a despicable action on their part.
    I was listening to these reports in the car today, and mentioned to my daughter who was with me, “I wonder what would have happened in WWII if the media had spent most of their time embedded with armies, reporting on the soldiers’ hourly, daily, weekly reactions to battle, and reporting on the details of casualties, both military and civilian, ad nauseum?”
    I posited that the outcome might have been very different than it was if this had been the case, and she could see my point (which is always a plus when your daughter is 19 and doesn’t always see things from Mom’s perspective).
    I’m mad as Hell at the bloody CBC, and would love to know who I can yell at.
    PS–abcd: Katey’s an unmentionable, it’s clear to see…

  9. Frankly england needs some common sense they have a parlement of blundering idiots making a mess of it all
