Kofi Annan And The Kidnappers

David Kopel;

On October 7, 2000, Hezbollah terrorists entered Israel, attacked three Israeli soldiers on Mount Dov, and abducted them Lebanon. The kidnapping was witnessed by several dozen UNIFIL soldiers who stood idle. One of the soldier witnesses described the kidnapping: the terrorists set of an explosive which stunned the Israeli soldiers. Clad in UN uniforms, the terrorists called out, “Come, come, we’ll help you.”
The Israeli soldiers approached the men in UN uniforms. Then, a Hezbollah bomb detonated—-apparently prematurely. It wounded the disguised Hezbollah commander, and three Israeli soldiers.
Two other terrorists in U.N. uniforms dragged their Hezbollah commander and the three wounded soldiers into a getaway car.
According an Indian solider in UNIFIL who witnessed the kidnapping, “By this stage, there was a big commotion and dozens of UN soldiers from the Indian brigade came around.” The witness stated that the brigade knew that the kidnappers in UN uniform were Hezbollah. One soldiers said that the brigade should arrest the Hezbollah, but the brigade did nothing.
According to the Indian soldier, the UNFIL brigade in the area “could have prevented the kidnapping.”
“I’m very sorry about what happened, because we saw what happened,” he said. Hezbollah “were wearing our uniforms and it was too bad we didn’t stop them.”
It appears that at least four of the UNIFIL “peacekeepers,” all from India, has received bribes from Hezbollah in order to assist the kidnapping by helping them get to the kidnapping spot and find the Israeli soldiers. Some of the bribery involved alcohol and Lebanese women.
The Indian brigade later had a bitter internal argument, as some members complained that the brigade had betrayed its peacekeeping mandate. An Indian government investigation sternly criticized the brigade’s conduct.
There is evidence of far greater payments by Hezbollah to the UNIFIL Indian brigade, including hundreds of thousands of dollars for assistance in the kidnapping and cover-up.
The UN cover-up began almost immediately.

Read the whole thing – historical perspective for when the wailing begins.

29 Replies to “Kofi Annan And The Kidnappers”

  1. UNFIL and the United Nations are a bad joke and increasingly are becoming a self propogating parody.
    Think SNL only smugger.
    Sadly, no balls or brains.

  2. Oh and don’t forget those bureaucrats making an ‘assessment’ in Rwanda where they stated:
    “There is nothing here of strategic value, there are only humans and there are too many of them.”
    From Dallaire’s text “Shake Hands with the devil” p6.
    Also the UN doesn’t want to jeopardize the as yet hidden “Oranges for Food Scandal” in Israel as the Oil for Food Scandal is a bust in Iraq.
    If the UN is the help we have no need for enemies.

  3. Canadians are forced to give money to the UN through taxes, and some Canadians still believe the organization has redeeming qualities – that’s incomprehensible.
    We, and every other nation on earth, should at least have the opportunity to vote for our representative and the Secretary General. It’s not a perfect solution, Canadians know only too well that criminals can be voted in, like our Liberal Party of Toronto, but at least it would be a start at reforming ‘the first International failed state’.

  4. I cant think of a single spin off or department in the UN that I would trust to appoint a dog catcher free of intrigue.
    the only thing that place is any good for is backdrop to a cheesy run of the mill movie with whatsername nicole kidman.

  5. c’mon guys, ya gotta admit I do sometimes come up with some rapier like bulls eyes on these self important parliament hill and corridors of power dwellers eh?
    “keeping the tools sharp”

  6. Keeping the Peace When There Is No Peace.
    Why ask the UN? …
    The Indian government is also in touch with the United Nations to find out the future of its peacekeeping mission stationed in Lebanon, which has more than 600 Indian soldiers in the war zone. …-
    bbc news

  7. “To the contrary, the United Nations has a well-established record of collaboration with Hezbollah in the kidnapping of Israeli soldiers.”
    The reason Kofi & Co want to intercede is to ensure that the terrorist organizations which antagonize Israel continue to thrive, or survive at least, thereby continuing to keep the “Palestinian issue” at the fore.
    The obliteration of terrorist factions would force the “Palestinian” “Authority”, for one, to actually start behaving like a government and use the billions in international welfare handouts to provide infrastructure, security, education, health care, etc., rather than financing the Intifada under the table. As I see it, Kofi & Co do not want this to occur for it would show the PA to be a puppet regime that could never do anything remotely good for its people.

  8. I watch and listen to the MM news broadcasts on a fairly regular basis; as much as I can stomach. I don’t recall UN “Peacekeepers” in Lebanon being mentioned. Perhaps I missed the story on it?

  9. Part of the problem with peacekeepers from the 3rd world (and India still counts as 3rd world) is that a lot of nations send peacekeepers to collect the cash from the UN.
    It’s actually profitable for 3rd world nations to send their most useless recruits to the UN because they come horribly equipped and their pay is less than what the nations get back from the UN (Canada passes on the UN pay directly to the troops, most 3rd world countries pocket it.) Peacekeeping then is a backdoor way to fund their real militaries.
    And then we all wonder why UN troops are raping children in Africa, taking bribes and not doing their jobs…

  10. Just think about how many terrorists sponsoring nations belong to the UN and thats more then one reason why we should quit the UN and move it off american soil to a place where it belongs like HAVANNA or TENEMEN SQUARE

  11. These scumbag Muslims are the lowest of the low. A couple of weeks ago terrorists in Iraq took out an ad advertising jobs for hire. They then rounded up the recruits in the back of a truck and blew it up.
    I might be mistaken, but I don’t think the UN had anything to do with that. Although I wouldn’t be surprised if it was a UN truck.

  12. From YNet news:

    Hundreds of Palestinian ‘suspects’ have been kidnapped from their homes and will never stand trial
    Arik Diamant
    It’s the wee hours of the morning, still dark outside. A guerilla force comes out of nowhere to kidnap a soldier. After hours of careful movement, the force reaches its target, and the ambush is on! In seconds, the soldier finds himself looking down the barrel of a rifle.
    A smash in the face with the butt of the gun and the soldier falls to the ground, bleeding. The kidnappers pick him up, quickly tie his hands and blindfold him, and disappear into the night.
    This might be the end of the kidnapping, but the nightmare has just begun. The soldier’s mother collapses, his father prays. His commanding officers promise to do everything they can to get him back, his comrades swear revenge. An entire nation is up-in-arms, writing in pain and worry.
    Nobody knows how the soldier is: Is he hurt? Do his captors give him even a minimum of human decency, or are they torturing him to death by trampling his honor? The worst sort of suffering is not knowing. Will he come home? And if so, when? And in what condition? Can anyone remain apathetic in the light of such drama?
    This description, you’ll be surprised to know, has nothing to do with the kidnapping of Gilad Shalit. It is the story of an arrest I carried out as an IDF soldier, in the Nablus casbah, about 10 years ago. The “soldier” was a 17-year-old boy, and we kidnapped him because he knew “someone” who had done “something.”
    We brought him tied up, with a burlap sac over his head, to a Shin Bet interrogation center known as “Scream Hill” (at the time we thought it was funny). There, the prisoner was beaten, violently shaken and sleep deprived for weeks or months. Who knows.
    No one wrote about it in the paper. European diplomats were not called to help him. After all, there was nothing out of the ordinary about the kidnapping of this Palestinian kid.
    Over the 40 years of occupation we have kidnapped thousands of people, exactly like Gilad Shalit was captured: Threatened by a gun, beaten mercilessly, with no judge or jury, or witnesses, and without providing the family with any information about the captive.
    When the Palestinians do this, we call it “terror.” When we do it, we work overtime to whitewash the atrocity.”

    Arik Diamant is an IDF reservist and the head of the Courage to Refuse organization

  13. I don’t recall UN “Peacekeepers” in Lebanon being mentioned.
    What’s to mention.
    As per today’s WSJ, there is/has been an existing 1,990 UN force – Unifil – in Lebanon under a French general(enough said) that has sat on their asses, taking shelter, collecting their salaries and has done virtually nothing as Hezbollah built up their munitions and lobbed missiles into Israel. They never tried to disarm Hezbollah in spite of UN Resolution 1559 that demanded their disarming.
    The UN is the most useless and corrupt organization on the face of the earth. When I see that smarmy little weasel Koffi pontificating with his little paws clasped in his prayer-like posturing I feel like barfing. It’s probably the safest place in NYC for terrorists to plan killing more of us.

  14. Muslim Islamist/fascist Genocide. …-
    The photo that says it all
    Every once in a while, a photographic image emerges which captures the very essence of a major international issue.
    It doesn’t happen every day, but when it does, the power of the underlying problem suddenly becomes eminently clear.
    One such photo (see below) now appears on the website of Time magazine (of all places!!), where young kids in a Hizbullah scouting troop are shown pledging to die for the cause while raising their hands in the air in a chillingly-familiar salute. …-

  15. Move the UN to Iran. That’s where its heart is. With a side office in Switzerland where there money is. Than Mecca where its Jihadist loving members can plot.
    It has become quite plain to even Socialist ignoramuses that this body is so foul even a sewer is more sanitary. Its fusion with evil is only a symptom of there internal rot. This is the patronage position of choice with diplomatic immunity, for criminals.
    All its programs are suspect immunity opinion & have no relevance when you appoint the worst offenders of humanity as its guardians.
    Its a waste of time, talent, money & expertise. It doesn’t even make a good world forum, anymore. Since it is now run by Jihadists sympathizers.
    The word moderate is a misnomer in this institution. If not a curse by the many tyrannies that now control this institution. Rwanda proved there worth was less than a swine with cancer.
    Not to mention this is the biggest school of thieves known to humankind. Oil for food anyone, or would that be guns & mines?
    Abolish it & start a democracy only club, or perhaps an Anglo Alliance with real teeth. Even its social side has become necrotic with corruption.
    Its peacekeepers have become sex predators. This is the strange fruit from this tree . Deadly in all its forms, right to the touch of the putrid form.

  16. more evidence of the significantly superior character of Jewish people.
    it was 1998. I was working for an electrical contractor hailing out of mississauga. his clientel was exclusively apartment owners in tranna.
    those buildings got a loooot of rotted armoured cable so if youre looking, check out the parking garge lighting.
    anyways, we wind up in a 15something story condo owned by a jovial little Jewish bloke.
    it was the only time Ive ever worked in the trade that I felt utterly free to leave my $500 worth of tools out in the open unattended for hours with no fear of having them stolen. I just got a good vibe at that site.
    also, when I blocked the exit ramp with my ladder, the retired couple that came up in their car patiently let me pop the cover back on the fixture, descend the ladder and move it out of the way, giving a wave and getting one in return as they exited.
    this isnt some folksy ethnic stereotype; this is the real deal with Jewish people.
    I fully and continually support their interests and actions necessary to preserve their approach to life.
    they got a frog general in charge over there?
    jeezuz. echos of petain and that disaster.
    the french havent won a war since napoleon and even then they eventually lost. they have utterly no instincts or knack for military affairs except blowing up privately owned boats in foreign harbours protesting french nuke testing.

  17. Gunny99;
    This interview with Mark Steyn with Hugh Hewitt
    Mentions the fact Hezballah flags are being flown on UN Peacekeepers bases. As Mark say’s its an international disgrace. As was the Pedaphiles deployed as peaceKeepers.

  18. Having trained Indian soldiers in the past,i can honestly say that i would never have them in the field watching my rear…most of the time ,the Indian gov’t would dump these illiterate farmers,some just hours from their last chore, and expect us to turn them into elite fighting men.
    The level of care was non existant,they would just up and leave,they would steal weapons and parts and sell them to villagers for beer …
    Some had never been in a car,and were expected to learn the intricacys of a high tech armoured vehicle..we finally had to issue them with ww 1 bolt action Lee Enfields as too many “lost” their brand new issue automatic rifle and ammunition.
    Truly,you could not trust them as far as you could throw them,and i am sure gave their NCO’S and officers no end of trouble…

  19. Pundits are calling this war:
    “Kofi Annan’s War”.
    Heaarrres … Kofi:
    UN attack looks deliberate: Annan
    Herald Sun ^ | 26 July 2006
    UN Secretary General Kofi Annan today said he was “shocked” at Israel’s “apparently deliberate targeting” of a UN post in Lebanon, in which up to four UN observers were killed. …-
    free republic

  20. There is no peace when the UN is around it is not the worlds last hope its the worlds biggist threat

  21. so wat? the UN brigade has done a fairly good job atleast makig sure the border is respected. They are their as much to check the Israelis as to make keep an eye on hezbollah. Fact is the way countries have been lax in funding the UN, simply the money needed to expand operations and to conduct aggressive patrols simply doesnt exist. Dont blame the UN, blame yourselves for not funding it. Ok abt the Indian soldiers, your talking bullshit, the Army is a very professional force, hell a litany of countries come to India to learn how to fight in counterinsurgenices, including the USA when Iraq turned into a nightmare. The Indian Army is an excellent force and its true its faced some difficult years but as recent at 1999 it showed its fighting prowess in the battlefield. Back to the UN, it has done a very good job especially in the Suez, and say what you want but in the end of the day its a forum thats all, its up the indiivudal memebers to create the change they want to see.
