Marc Bourdages Funeral Coverage

The funeral of RCMP Constable Marc Bourdages is being covered live this afternoon on CKOM radio from the RCMP chapel in Regina. I believe it begins around 1:30 local time. You can listen live at the link.
Please refrain from engaging in debate in the comments of this thread – reserved for thoughts and condolences only, please.
A trust fund has been established for the children of the slain officers.

7 Replies to “Marc Bourdages Funeral Coverage”

  1. I have a question. Why is a trust fund considered necessary?
    I would have thought that the RCMP would provide generous insurance benefits for their officers, given that they are public employees taking on hazardous duties.
    The question may seem mean spirited, but there are many people in need, and many worthy charities. One should attempt to donate where it will do the most good. If the children are already well taken care of then my money would best be put somewhere else, no matter how much I sympathize.

  2. My Mother had four kids when my Father died in a car crash. She was 29 when it happened. It did not take long to go threw his savings & insurance monies. His pension was miniscule.
    These plans are not as good as one is told.
    There is a very real need for these Women to be able to raise there children at home if they choose. Loosing a parent is an emotional atomic bomb. Have some compassion. I hope this does not happen to you.
    My prayers & condolences to the Wives & Children. My contempt for those who debase the sacrifice of these officers lives by impugning malfeasance or greed.

  3. If the children are already well taken care of then my money would best be put somewhere else, no matter how much I sympathize.
    Then don’t contribute. And keep the thread for condolences instead of lecturing, as Kate requested.
    My sympathies to the family and friends of this officer. Maintiens le droit.

  4. These officers deserve our utmost respect as they go about the tasks we ask them to do. This is a reminder how fast things can go so awfully wrong, yet they continue to do their duty. Where would we be without them?

  5. Our freedom often comes at a very great price. Officer Bourdages has paid the supreme price.
    May he rest in peace and may his loved ones find some consolation in the respect of a grateful country.

  6. My thoughts and prayers are with Marc Bourdages’ wife, children, and family, and with all those who put their lives on the line every day for our protection.
    “Rest eternal grant unto him, O Lord. And may light perpetual shine upon him.”

  7. Holy Mary, mother of God, pray for our Mounties, keep them out of harm’s way, now and forever,
