36 Replies to “Spirited Energy”

  1. theyre doing the same kind of thing here in ontariario:
    the provincial logo the trillium is to be redesigned for the umpteenth time at no doubt tidy cost overruns.
    the new design has come under strong criticism for too closely matching the logo of none other than the provincial lieberals run by dolton mcguilty.
    trilliums have been dug up by the millions from their natural habitat on the cool shady forest floor into backyards where they wither and die under the open sun.
    I wish someone would do that to the lieberals.

  2. Well it’s about time. Just about everyone I know bases their important decisions on slogans … we do!
    When I look for a place to have lunch, I pick “Good Eats”. Does “Spirited Energy” mean “Good Eats” in Manitobain?

  3. “ural”:
    “When I look for a place to have lunch, I pick ‘Good Eats’.”
    Reminds me of the roadside truckstop/gas station with the big neon sign:

  4. “Hey Bob! We now gots ourselves a slogan! Yep! Oh yeah! By the way how is that broken axle doing? Can’t afford to fix it? High taxes? Yep. Know where you’re comin’ from! Them cows gonna have to wait for a new roof on the shed. They fill the pothole yet? No? It’s getting bigger? Well…but we gots ourselves a slogan!”
    Maybe they are using the same agency that came up with the Toronto Unlimited slogan.

  5. You should see the articles in the local papers about this new slogan we have. You should see these tv ad’s that we have for the new slogan, boring. And they have the people who made the slogan on it. I feel the spirit, of taxes going up.

  6. This Manitoba rebranding strategy is inconceivably clever. How to attract new blood to Manitoba? Highlight the Manitoba’s unique “Siesta Time”. Here in Ontario, it’s work, work, work…
    I think Manitoba is onto something there! One question though… how do you siesta in Manitoba in January?

  7. Hear the tv commercials? Spirited Energy – sounds like a cross between MB Hydro and an Indian sweat lodge. According to our local newspaper, this sucky slogan has already been claimed by a small town in Kentucky. Yep, spend our money on a second hand slogan. Love those NDP…

  8. Kate, I was reading this over at DMB yesterday, and I think it was firmly established that the three gentlemen in the photo were exhausted from working so hard in Manitoba’s booming economy.
    btw, as a former Manitoban, I still like, and prefer, “Friendly Manitoba”.

  9. I was about to say the same people who brought you the new Manitoba slogan are also
    responsible for the new Ontario trillium logo – but Robert J. beat me to the punch.
    Rather than resemble the Liberal party logo, I agree with some wag’s interpretation that this more
    closely resembles three men in a hot tub. I guess $220,000 doesn’t buy much creativity these

  10. Isn’t that what the lib/left is all about, slogans. Being practically challenged it is very hard for the majority of them to actually accomplish anything workable. No wonder our civil service keeps getting larger, you have to have somewhere for these unproductive idiots to work.

  11. Hell, I coulda saved ’em some money:
    “Friendly Manitoba! Where the mosquitoes are the size of Mack trucks!”

  12. Saskboy..don’t you remember the NDP already spent our millions on the forgettable..”The future is wide open”. And look at the results, thousands or people moving here every day, a thriving business friendly environment. Oh wait that was just a dream I had, and now back to reality.

  13. That picture says it all. Welcome to downtown Winnipeg…
    There is the reason most of us dont go there anymore. On the upside though, the indigenous recyclers are good at picking up cigarette butts.

  14. You guys are lucky!
    I wish Toronto streets looked as good as the streets of Manitoba.
    I think it’s safe to say that we in Toronto, would easily allow more of us to die in healthcare wait lines, just to have our Indians passed out drunk on such clean streets and sidewalks.
    I mean , besides the puddle of urine behind the first nation barcalounger, er, uh, bus stop bench, there is hardly any feces or vomit.
    I can feeeel the spirit!

  15. The bad news is the NDP spent millions on this stupid idea. The good news is, this is the beginning of the end of the NDP’s hold on power in Manitoba. I say we should plan a huge Man/Sask party for when the NDP are thrown out of office!
    Then I can really display my spirited energy.

  16. Slogans, if they work at all, are usually effective for only a short time. Something like a scam or a hoax. Will this help tourism in MB & Wpg ? I will tell you from PERSONAL EXPERIENCE what does NOT work.
    Twenty five years ago I/we stopped visiting down town Wpg. I, with my young family, was a frequent patron of The Old Spaghetti Factory on Bannatyne Ave. Had been enjoying the food and area for years. It came to a halt when we were harassed by a panhandler/street person in 1984. I managed to get my family, youngest 5 yrs old, into our car and drove off. The halt in downtown visits became permanent when city council, along with Federal laws, refused to get tough on crime in the area. We have never been back. Who needs the hassel.
    “Spirited Energy ??!! Try SPIRITED LAW ENFORCEMENT.

  17. Conmpletely off topic, but calgary grit is running a best pm we never had contest.
    most of those suggested are of the left, with many vicious criminals like JS “No WWII” Woodsworth and Tommy “The Sterilizer” Douglas, but there are a few good ones. Please help me get Stockwell, Mike Harris, et al to the top o the list.

  18. On one side you have a silly meaningless slogan with tons of money on it the other reality.
    When I’m forced to go downtown with my children
    I tell them there are bad people and they better stay close and get in and out of the car fast and only when I tell them.
    At The mall down town the security guards wear bullet proof vests.
    Maybe we should all get one.
    This whole slogan thing is propaganda 2,000,000 would have done a lot better getting rif raff off the streets.
    Spirited law enforcement would be nice. Oh well 27 dead last year still more than when they started the mission to afghanistan.
    There’s a war going on here.
    When will Jack Layton answer the call to arms to withdraw from Winnipeg.

  19. Spirited Energy…the feeling you get after drinking a fifth of hard liquor.
    You just can’t get a decent slogan for under 5 mil these days.
    I wonder what the slogan is for the CPC…win the war in Afghanistan just like Alexander the Great.

  20. Personally, I think they should have gone with:
    Manitoba…Hey, at least we’re not New Jersey…

  21. If only science could harness the energy expended in right-wing whining…think of the possibilities.

  22. Maryjane – unless you can find a way to contribute more than drive by drivel like that, please leave.

  23. This just shows the utter inanity of our modern politicians. They have no ideals. Absolutely no plan on economics but to rely on the foundation others built. They regulate business to death, with the idea of slowing growth even more.
    They continually tax the public there charged to protect, while making 98% more than all Canadians . With car allowances & pensions. Not to mention they only pay a third of those taxes they raise.
    They make stupid decisions on essentials while the main justification for them to keep the city running, is ignored. Political correctness is the idol they all sacrifice too.
    They would rather play international, or provincial politics than see to there own problems. The fact that Vancouver , Edmonton , with now Manitoba are designing new useless totems . Is now indicative of there vacuous minds & even worse policies. They are the wind with no direction.
    They are wrapped in minutia, while looting the citizens, there oath bound to protect & deliver services too.
    This just proves the sterility of the men & women, who now serve mainly to enrich themselves. Funny its mostly lefties & the Marxist NDP, that have taken over our city councils . They have turned our cities into there politically correct version of Bums for nothing & dumpster food for free. Needles a plenty with bleach as the holy fluid.
    Here are some Ideas. Term limits for civic officials. The mayor can only run twice. They have to declare where the money comes from & what Political affiliation they belong too. Raises should be held along with the civic election.
    Union money forced from workers checks & ALL used for socialist runners should be curtailed or those In Unions be allowed to allocate there own political funds toward the party or member of choice. Not the Union scum.
    One must have a clear platform. Stop making the job so rich, every opportunist & failed hack salivates at the thought of this trust. To get there dirties paws all over the finances toward personnel enrichment.
    Make it an honest job where instead of the politicians thinking they ought to fleece & hide there machinations , actually inform the people of every polis , WHY there doing something.
    Stop using the police as tax farmers. Actually stand behind the police instead of using them as a political shield. As well meet out justice in proportion to the crimes. Including white collar crime in city departments. Just my opinions.

  24. “btw, as a former Manitoban, I still like, and prefer, “Friendly Manitoba”.”
    As a former and longtime Manitoban I’d have to say that that was still one of the sappiest logos we’ve ever had, only marginally better than the inconsequential “Spirited Energy”. They should have kept “The Keystone Province” though at the time I think we had Pauley as NDP premier, hardly an inspiring keystone.
    Amazing the ways governments find to spend tax dollars even when they’re running deficits.

  25. spud, “the keystone province”dates back to the fifties, nobody knew what the hell it meant, so it became “Friendly Manitoba”. They spent over 600k on “Spirited Energy”, bet “F-M” cost a lot less, and was already paid for.
    How about “Land of a thousand Swamps”?
    add mojo, I never saw a mosquito bigger than a volkswagen, “mack trucks”, indeed!

  26. sucky slogan said … “already been claimed by a small town in Kentucky”.
    Actually, I think I had fortune cookie once that said something like … You will serenely find much spirited energy … or something like that … on the back was my lucky lottery numbers.
    I will suggest this:
    A logo that has the letters NDP in a red circle with a red cross out.
    The words “Under new Management”
    A blue background works for me.
    In the same 5 year time frame people should start to return … no need to advertise.

  27. Having been away for about 16yrs, it’s funny how those same folks are laying in the same spot. I would imagine that since Wpg is now an urban reserve, you will see that same spirited energy all over the city.

  28. The Mafia goes “white collar” and takes up government marketing… only in Canada. Fascinating country. HEY — how bout that for a slogan? “Manitoba: fascinating country”. You guys can have that one free of charge. “Really, really fascinating Alberta”, “Interesting Ontario”, “Tantalizing Toronto”, “Wild and Wooly Winnepeg”, and “Coo Coo Quebec” will cost you half a mil each, and I won’t even break the legs of your government officials. What a deal! HEY — “Canada, What a Deal!” I’ll throw that in for free if you buy the whole package.

  29. Here’s a historical tidbit about why Maniotba was called the keystone province. In 1870, after the Riel uprising in 1869, Manitoba was formed by PM John A. Mac. It was shaped like a postage stamp ie. a square. It was considered the key stone because of its strategic location joining western Canada to the east.
    For a while Manitoba was known as the “Gateway to the West”. I kind of like that because it reflects our current NDP government’s policies driving our people further west to Alberta.
