73 Replies to “Dear Mark’s Brother,”

  1. Our editorials in the paper are full of real Canadians disgusted with these hyphenated Canadians who got a free trip back to Canada and then use their press time to complain about their service. What’s with these people who say my country has been demolished – so far – when I look around Canada seems to be intact. Why must we tolerate these marches they are having in support of Hezbollah. I sure hope my government is keeping tract of them. It’s not PC to tell you what I want done with them.

  2. You right wing extremists try very hard to hide your deep seated hated and racist feelings for anyone of Arabic descent. Shame on you! Shame on Steven Harpo for throwing gasoline on the fire that has resulted in what is it now, 9 Canadian deaths in Lebanon?
    You have nothing to say about the farmers who are whinning in Saskatchewan that their $75 per acre taxpayer funded ‘welfare’ payment ISN’T enough, but you will begrudge people who are trying to get small children and frail elderly to safety from a war zone!

  3. Pick a comfy seat in the back Leftist, you’re going to be there a long time. And that isn’t anywhere near good enough punishment, considering the 13 years of Liberal crap spewed on my behalf.

  4. Hey leftdog if your so concerned about them why dont you head over to lebascam and help them out.

  5. “You right wing extremists try very hard to hide your deep seated hated and racist feelings for anyone of Arabic descent”
    If they try so hard to hide it, how come you picked up on it genius?
    Harper’s fault for the death of 9 Canadians is it?
    Boy you lefties sure crack me up, not a full functioning brain between the lot.

  6. Leftdog; perhaps you should go back and read Urals’ 8:46pm post. He rightly pointed out that they seem to be thankful, it’s the self-absorbed ingrates who we are complaining about. Take, take, take. And theres plenty more ‘disenfranchised’ whiners here at home too.

  7. Multirec, after a comment like, “$75 per acre taxpayer funded ‘welfare’ payment,” it’s clear that leftdog isn’t so much a “lefty” as just left behind in the thinking category. Socialists should be aware of the importance of agriculture, and not begrudge people working hard for their living, and getting a hand up when times are bad.

  8. “You right wing extremists try very hard to hide your deep seated hated and racist feelings for anyone of Arabic descent”
    This has nothing to do with race in my view, I couldn’t care less if Hizbollah were Spanish, Chinese, Mexican, whatever..they are TERRORIST whose sole purpose in life is to “Kill all the Jews” so unless you are a racist who wants to see the Jews wiped out, don’t accuse this “right wing extremist” of bigotry (after all, you appear to wear that label much better than I!).

  9. “You right wing extremists try very hard to hide your deep seated hated and racist feelings for anyone of Arabic descent”
    We’re very multicultural; we hate stupidity in everyone.

  10. To the critics of Harper’s GST cut, have patience, it hasn’t all played out yet.
    Wait for the discussions in the Fall about rectifying the fiscal imbalance. Your provincial premiers (except Alberta’s) will be under pressure from Harper to ADD that 1 % BACK to their Provincial Sales Tax. Your Province will get to raise their own money, do it in a highly visible way, and be accoutable for the quality of social services they deliver with that extra money. And if it’s not enough, well Harper has another 1 % cut/transfer planned for the next election campaign.
    As Trudeau might say, the Conservative Universe is unfolding as it should !

  11. you know, all sarcasm aside, I …. I …. Im really at a loss wtf these instant refugees have to bitch about so much.
    an 8 hour trip that dragged on to 20 hours.
    not 20 days, or 20 months like yer average refugee, but 20 hours of tossing and turning and waiting.
    jeez, bring something to read with you and sleep it off.
    bitch bitch bitch.
    sometimes its the little things that really irk me.
    as far as gst is concerned, a tax of that scope *will* make a difference even at a mere 1%.
    all 1 person’s spending in 1 year subject to the tax will amount to, what, a couple hundred?
    insignificant for one household, huge amount for 5 million households. it adds up at that scale.
    me, well, I have reduced my gst to zip a lot of times.
    its called the cash only underground economy.

  12. Am I reading right that Marks brother was evacuated from Lebanon by Canada so he could go to Kuwait??? He hates Canada so much but he’s willing to use us for transportation??? Perhaps he thinks Canada should provide him with a private jet. We give out passports way too easily.

  13. I’m all for the NDP/Libs going into the next election on a platform of increasing the GST back to 7%.

  14. This ‘let’s rescue those poor Canadians from the war zone in Lebanon’ bandwagon just points to the urgent need for a new type of passport that would cater to the hasty retreat of those caught up in similar conflicts around the world. Something along the lines of a ‘Get out of the War Zone free card’.
    What’s that you say??
    the world already has such a system in place??
    It’s called the Canadian Passport???
    Oh. OK.
    Never mind.

  15. People complaining about the ‘conditions’ on the Ferry to Larnaca, Cyprus…….these are individuals who voluntarily placed themselves in an area where unrest is endemic, they’re getting evacuated at Canadian taxpayer’s expense, and they’re whining because:
    – The Ferry was LATE.
    – They had to, (OMG), “Sleep in chairs”
    – There were few facilities
    – Some got seasick
    – No medical facilities…..
    – And, presumably, the “In-Flight Movie” was a re-run, and there was no Valet Parking at the Pier.
    I took a Ferry from Limassol, Cyprus, to Haifa, Israel, once. It was peacetime. The Ferry was delayed. People got sick. We had to sleep in uncomfortable seats. There were few amenities.
    And….we had to pay our OWN Freakin’ FARES!!

  16. “Just wondering if anyone can show me the piece of legislation that the Liberals put through Parliament that lowered the minimum tax rate…the one the CPC apparently raised subsequently?
    I’ll bet you can’t, because the Liberal tax cut never happened. As John McCallum was surprised to find out in committee this year. ”
    Do you not have a job TB? It is pretty easy to tell when income taxes go up or down.

  17. Thhose who knowingly go into a area like that should pay for theor own removal raather then the tax payers

  18. Lew, if the CPC hadn’t actually allowed the “Liberal” tax cut to go through in this past Parliamentary session, you, and every other Canadian taxpayer would have been re-assessed on your taxes next year as everyone paid taxes at the wrong rate.
    Moral of the story, the Liberal government was incompetant. McCallum had no idea the tax cut was never made official. Funny that he is also the one that slept through the budget vote call this year resulting in its unanimous passing!

  19. Good comments, Nemo2.
    I’d like to see a letter from “Canadian War Veteran”
    I wonder how many Lebanese Canadian Citizens of Convenience will be wearing a poppy on November 11th? Will the number even make double digits?
    My belief is that on Rememberance Day there will be many more of these convenient Canadians with new 2007 calendars hanging on their fridges to mark off the days until they can return to the only home they care to remember. Many real Canadian citizens have sacrificed their lives to keep our country free so phoney citizens can use a biased media to freely criticize the government and take advantage of the blank cheque access to resources offered to them. The importance of those sacrifices of real Canadians are totally lost on these people who are only too happy to cash in on the benefits.
    In a few years, once they’ve re-assumed permanent residence status in their beloved Lebanon homeland and the last grains of Canadian dirt are worn away from their sandals, so will be any gratitude towards their temporary port in the storm.
    I hope Canada takes a long hard look at what’s happened to the value of our citizenship and how we can end our status as doormats to international ingrates. To do nothing cheapens the price paid by those Canadian men and women who have defended with their lives what it means to be Canadian.

  20. Attention Canadian $$$$$taxpayers.
    Your ears are not to hear how/when/where/who/what the Muslim Islamic terrorists were/are planning for youse.
    TORONTO (CP) – A sweeping ban on the reporting of evidence at bail hearings for 17 people accused of plotting terrorist attacks on Canadian soil will stay in place, an Ontario judge ruled Thursday.
    In an 80-page decision, Superior Court Justice Bruce Durno said the ban should be kept in place in an effort to protect the right of the accused to a fair trial. …-
    el-googoo news

  21. Terrorist scumbags should not be tried under the civilian justice systems. They should face military tribunals, and if found guilty, sentenced to stiff prison terms or, if warranted, the firing squad.
    As things are now, they simply make a mockery of our systems of justice.

  22. More has come out on this including the man’s name that was killed & the warning he himself sent about hezballa using the UN compund for there own means.In some of his mailings he even tried to warn the CTV of there being used as cover.
    No one listened. Now he is dead & Isreal gets the blame. What a world!!!
    UN observer: Hizbullah using us as shields
