Flags Of Complicity

Elder Of Ziyon;

Since 1978, the UN has had UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) set up. And since 1978, they have not lifted a single finger to stop rocket attacks towards Israel.
Since then, they have not lifted a finger to stop Hizbollah from building a full army under their noses.
Since then, they have not lifted a finger when Hizbollah built military posts right next to UNIFIL posts.

flags.jpg Jed Babbin;
The U.N.’s years-long record on the Israel-Lebanon border makes mockery of the term “peacekeeping.” On page 155 of my book, “Inside the Asylum,” is a picture of a U.N. outpost on that border. The U.N. flag and the Hezbollah flag fly side by side. Observers told me the U.N. and Hezbollah personnel share water and telephones, and that the U.N. presence serves as a shield against Israeli strikes against the terrorists.

Why our forces continue to be sent to serve on behalf of the criminal fiasco that is today’s United Nations is a question I hope someone in the Canadian government is asking.
More – FOX News Sunday, Chris Wallace interview with John Bolton;

BOLTON: Well, the U.N. force that’s there now really does not have the mandate to do it, and here’s an interesting little fact. That force is called the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon. It was sent there on an interim basis in 1978, 28 years ago. So it’s been a long interim and I think, sadly, has not been successful.
That’s one reason why we need to look at the long-term possibilities of a sustained solution here, not another 28-year-long interim force, but to take the circumstances we find and see if we can’t build the foundations for a really lasting peace this time.

And now, the stagnation and inaction that defines the United Nations has cost the lives of four observers, including an as yet unidentified Canadian.
More – “If a space alien from a distant planet were to land at the UN…
(H/t Revnant Dream in the comments.)

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65 Replies to “Flags Of Complicity”

  1. So it is now the UN’S fault is it that 4 of its unarmed observers were killed by the IDF?

  2. I guess it remains to be seen who is going to kill more Canadians…IDF or the Taliban.

  3. Perhaps it’s forgotten that Peter Hansen, Commissioner-General of the UN agency in Gaza and the West Bank, (UNRWA), supported having Hamas members on his staff after they were filmed using UN Ambulances to transport missiles and terrorists into Gaza, in and of itself complicity in an act of war? Who knows what information this post may possibly have been passing on to Hezbollah. OTOT, during war, excrement happens.

  4. Since the UN force serves no useful purpose why not withdraw it. Hizbollah would then be unable to make use of it in the same way that they make use of their own civilians?

  5. “Why our forces continue to be sent to serve on behalf of the criminal fiasco that is today’s United Naitons [sic] is a question I hope someone in the Canadian government is asking.”
    What is worse is our strange “Canadian peacekeeper” delusional obsession with unarmed military observers in the first place.
    Anyone here remember Captain Patrick Rechner being abducted and handcuffed to a lamp-post by the Bosnian Serbs in 1995?
    In my mind, he was the poster child for the UN unarmed military observer concept. Canada should have taken the hint then and there to stop contributing officers to this role.

  6. Hezbollah fires on a UNIFIL convoy forcing a retreat.
    UNIFIL aids/abets/works for Hezbollah to repair road.
    Kofi Annan, Secretary-General of the UN, is aiding and abetting Hezbollah terrorism. Kofi Annan and the UN are anti-Jewish, anti-Israel.
    Kofi Annan is both corrupt and incompetent.
    Kofi Annan must resign now.
    UNIFIL must be withdrawn immediately.
    Canada must withdraw its soldiers from the UNIFIL immediately.
    Kofi Annan is guilty of aiding/abetting Nasrallah and Hezbollah. …-
    Press Release Naqoura, 25 July 2006
    “This morning , Hezbollah opened small arms fire at a UNIFIL convoy consisting of two armored personnel carriers (APC) on the road between Kunin and Bint Jabayl. There was some damge to the APC’s, but no casualties, and the convoy was obliged to return to Kunin.”
    “Yesterday, a UNIFIL engineering contingent from China managed to do some repairs on a key road artery between Tyre and Naqoura, and the road is now usable for traffic.”

  7. The UN and israel
    Hillel C. Neuer, National Post
    July 26, 2006
    “…Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, leader of Hezbollah,
    shakes hands with UN Secretary General Kofi Annan in Beirut on June 20, 2000…”
    “…The UN is not a neutral actor in the Middle East. Time and again, it has been co-opted by Israel’s enemies. Examples abound. But perhaps the best lies with the United Nations agency touted as the new face of the world organization: the UN Human Rights Council…”

  8. “So it is now the UN’S fault is it that 4 of its unarmed observers were killed by the IDF?”
    Don’t worry, Ajsuhail. Not a single rational and thinking human being on the face of the entire planet faults the IDF for any of the deaths in this military engagement of the last two weeks for any blame falls squarely on the shoulders of Hizbullah (I don’t care how it is spelt, they are just a bunch of a55holes anyway). They started this whole damn thing, let’s hope Israel finishes it with prejudice.

  9. The left would have all respect UN, except, of course, Resolutions 181, and 1559. Only Israel gets a smackdown from the left regarding UN.

  10. Lookee see who else Kofi/UN brought along as UNIFIL “peacekeepers”:
    Red Chinese Army military observers; report says 3 military observers; Make that 180 + 3 = 183 Chinese military observers.
    Shades of Maurice Strong, Paul Martin, Jr., Tongsun Park, Saddam, UN Oil-For-Food fraud, and more. …-
    ganzo azul said…
    One of the UN observers killed was a Chinese military observer.
    Du, a Lieutenant Colonel of the Chinese People’s Liberation Army with a postgraduate degree, was born in Jinan, capital of east China’s Shandong Province. He was sent to Lebanon in January this year as a UN observer. Du worked as secretary to the military attache in the Chinese embassy in India.
    Was the decision to not evacuate the observation post driven by an unwillingness to remove military observers from the battlefield?
    4:31 AM
    2164th said…
    Ganzo Azul,
    You left out details from the same report:
    …” Some 180 Chinese staff officers, engineers as well as three observers, including Du, were working in Lebanon, as part of the UN peacekeeping mission, according to diplomatic sources.
    A 182-member engineering battalion, including a mine-sweeping company, an engineering company, a logistics company and an in-field hospital, was the first Chinese peacekeeping force in Lebanon, which started the mission in late March this year.” …-
    belmont club

  11. Canada should withdrawl from the U.N. immediately. Its corrupt, incompetant, past its best before date,
    run by theiving bastards and tin pot dictators. I just don’t understand how the lefties can’t see this. Unarmed observers in a war zone? What the hell are they thinking.

  12. “Schwarze Tulpe”:
    “Not a single rational and thinking human being on the face of the entire planet faults the IDF for any of the deaths in this military engagement of the last two weeks.”
    Sorry, “Black Tulip,” but the IDF IS at fault here.
    I believe even they themselves have admitted the error that led to these deaths.
    We can squarely place the blame on Hezbollah for precipitating the conflict – no doubt about that – but it was IDF ordnance that killed these four.
    Just because we may agree/sympathize with Israel’s actions* doesn’t mean we can deny the facts. That would make us little better than the pro-Hezbollah media spinners.
    * And I certainly do. The UN personnel should never have been left there in the first place.

  13. a 28 year unarmed observation force is simply a make work program that the UN gets dues from nations for. Which nations do you think pay their UN dues and which do you think get free passes.
    Tear the whole UN down. It’s a useless entity.

  14. Hizbullah Ambush in Bint Jbeil:
    Dozens of [Hezbollah] Terrorists Killed
    Arutz Sheva ^ | Jul 26, ’06 | Hillel Fendel
    The battle for the Hizbullah stronghold of Bint Jbeil sparked again this morning into a major conflagration. Israel suffered 10-13 casualties, and dozens of Hizbullah bodies are strewn in the area. The IDF announced on Tuesday that it had completed the takeover of the village, which served as the capital of Hizbullah in southern Lebanon. Despite the announcement, it was known that dozens of Hizbullah terrorists remained in the area, 3 miles from the Lebanese-Israeli border – and in fact, around 5:00 this morning they surprised the Israeli forces. Ten Israeli casualties were originally reported, with the number later increasing…

  15. Hezbollah Muslim terrorists are already in Canada as reported earlier by CSIS; posted at SDA previously. …-
    Federal security agencies are on the lookout for several veteran terrorists amid concerns they might try to slip into Canada during the evacuation from Lebanon.
    At least two senior terror suspects with Canadian citizenship were living in Lebanon when fighting broke out two weeks ago between Hezbollah and the Israeli defence forces.
    Kassem Daher, an alleged extremist recruiter from Leduc, Alta., and former Toronto resident Fawzi Ayub, a Hezbollah operative, were among the 50,000 Canadians living in Lebanon.
    Stockwell Day, the Public Safety Minister, has asked the Canadian Security Intelligence Service (CSIS) and Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) to ensure they do not return. …-
    via nealenews

  16. This bit of news should not surprise anyone.The UN is an appointed bunch of hacks, responsible to no one. The surprise is that they themselves have not attacked Israel. Kofi and Maurice (It was just an investment)Strong have much to answer for.

  17. don’t forget we had one of our aircraft shot down by the palestinians over Lebanon in the mid seventies . . whoe

  18. Exactly one minute before the announcment on CNN, I was joking about the IDF “Accidently” bombing a UNIFIL site.
    However, I believe it was accdental, or at least hard to avoid, as I suspect Hizbollah would use the UNIFIL in the sam eway as they use other civilians.
    It remains to be seen. Typical hypocorrupt Annan jumps straight in with allegations.

  19. Well, it was a UN “observation post”. Perhaps they observed the IDF doing something untoward (like say, using white phosphorous munitions against civilians among oth er things) and therefore had to be silenced. You know, in the name of “freedom” and the greater good and all.
    Actually, I am surprised that no-one has brought up the Nazi analogy to this whole action by Israel. In occupied France and other countries during WWII, Resistance attacks brought brutal collective reprisals against civilians. So let me get this straight — Hizb’Allah kidnaps TWO Jews and kills/injures a couple dozen more in rocket attacks, and this is somehow just cause for Israel to kill thousands and decimate an entire country’s infrastructure, including targeting Beirut (from which no missle was ever fired into Israel?) Maybe the real problem is the very existence of the state of Israel when you get down to it. I don’t recall any historical reports of “islamofascist terrorism” before its establishment.

  20. Observer:
    Is there a solution somewhere in your remarks?
    Lets call it the Final Solution.

  21. Observer: There used to be an expression in Queensland, Aust, to the effect that “If you pick, (a fight with), a man, you pick his style”. Hezbollah ‘picked’ the IDF.

  22. Observer, I think the problem might lie somewhere in this quote

    “if they (Jews) all gather in Israel, it will save us the trouble of going after them worldwide.”

    Care to hazard a guess as to origin?

  23. Not a bomb – artillery. They just said bomb because, hey, it exploded! And bombs these days are lots more accurate than arty.
    Sorry to say it, but that’s what happens when you let the very terrorists you’re supposed to be watching set up fighting positions cheek-to-jowl with you. Why’d you think they wanted to get that close, anyway? ‘Cause they like you so damn much?

  24. “Maybe the real problem is the very existence of the state of Israel…”
    Anyone who brings along this sort of thinking is beneath contempt.
    I suggest we simply ignore “Observer.”

  25. #1: Anti-Zionist does not equal Anti-Semetic. Many mainstream Jews are protesting this action as we speak with flags stating this.
    #2: What idiot decided that creating a country in the middle east, filling it up with European Jews and then expecting the Arab Muslim neighbors to just “play nice” was a good idea?
    I love the way that ANY debate on this issue (at least debate that goes against the Israeli party line) automatically gets one branded as a Neo-Nazi or whatever. I guess that is easier than addressing the points at hand (which none of you thus far have BTW)

  26. The truth emerges about these observers and their roles interacting with hezbollah.
    Of course, CBC and CTV do not mention any of this.
    I believe this has turned into proxy war between the US and Iran. Between the US airlifts and resupplying and the Iranian resupplying, which one will triumph? I know the US can keep this up endlessly while how much can the Iranian economy afford? Is this Reagans victory in the Cold War being tried again?
    Then bring in China “observing” and selling munitions and technology to Iran. Do you think they might be gauging the effectiveness of their military technology?
    Of course, Russia must be lurking too, how much are they selling to Syria and Iran?

  27. sorry for feeding the troll, but I cannot stand this lie that Israel is made up of European Jews (and really so what if it was)
    Mr. Observer, do you know that there were Jews all over the Arab/Muslim world, in North Africa, India, Ethiopia?
    Following the 1947 United Nations vote to partition Palestine, Arab violence against Jews erupted throughout the Middle East and North Africa where more than 870,000 Jews were living (1945 estimate). Many of the Jews resided in communities with a continuous Jewish existence for 2,500 years or more.
    Even before the November 1947 UN vote, Arab delegates to the UN, in particular those of Egypt and Iraq, had hinted at their intentions in speeches, warning that Partition might endanger Jews in Arab lands, intensify antisemitism and lead to massacres of Jews. Jews in Arab lands already had to endure the pro-Nazi stance of the local Arab governments and nationalists (try googling Haj Amin al-Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem and his relationship with Hitler). In Iraq, new laws made Zionism punishable by death. In Aleppo, Syria, 300 Jewish homes and 11 synagogues were burned to the ground, and half of the city’s 4,000 Jews fled elsewhere. In Aden, 82 Jews were killed. Pogroms accompanied by confiscation of Jewish property and belongings was the norm in Arab countries. From 1948 on, Jewish communities that had survived in Arab countries since antiquity dwindled to a few families or became extinct.
    Aproximately 600,000 Jews sought refuge in the State of Israel. Since their belongings were confiscated as the price of leaving, they arrived in Israel pennyless, but they were welcomed and absorbed into Israeli society.
    It is a lie to imply that Israel is “filled up with European Jews”. If you spread lies about Jews you are an anti-Jew. If you spread lies about the state of the Jews you are also an anti-Jew. This applies to Jews and non-Jews alike.
    You say many “mainstream Jews are protesting”. Yes this is true and I would be interested if you could to the many mainstream Arabs/Muslims who protest the activities of Hizbollah, Hamas etc.
    Maybe you should ask Kate to open a thread where you can express your ideas about whether Israel should exist. Maybe you could educate us.

  28. ex-lib the one that needs an education is the lying scumbag that calls himself observer. I think Kate should send this wanker to lala land with all the other muslim luvin’ freedom hatin’ terrorists.

  29. Iran aside, there hasn’t been a really noisy response from the Moslem world about Israel’s military operations against Lebanon.
    Notably subdued is the response from the Arab countries; it’s mostly been mumbling about the plight of the Palestinians and such. Could this mean that the principal Arab leaders are not all that unhappy to see Hizbollah get it in the neck?
    After all, most of the Arabs are Sunni, while Hizbollah and Iran are Shia. The exception that proves the rule is Syria, which has a Shia leadership.
    But most Arabs fear Iran, not because most Iranians are Shia, but because Iranians are not Arabs. Iran has been the regional superpower for over three thousand years.
    Iran is building nuclear weapons. Iran is backing Shia Arab factions in Iraq that would support turning Iraq into an Iranian ally. Also scary is the fact that Iran is currently run by a religious dictatorship. Most Arabs have noted how that worked in Iran, Sudan and Afghanistan and want no part of it.
    Worse, the Iranian religious leadership believes that they would do a better job running the Hejaz
    Swiped, without shame, from IraqTheModel

  30. Whatever. The point being is that the majority of the inhabitants of the region do not want Israel there, and that US support of Israel and meddling in the region is a major cause if Islamofascist terror (and I am not talking about “pogroms” and the like, since the examples given were a regional problem. I am referring to bombings in Western cities, etc. perpetrated by Islamic terrorists. Didn’t have too many of those prior to 1947 did we?) You poke a wasp nest, you get stung. These people want NOTHING to do with us, they do NOT want to take over the world and make it Islamic. They just want to be left alone to practice their backwards religion and way of life. If it weren’t for US aid to Isreal, neither attack on the WTC would have occurred, and that is a fact.

  31. Observer said: “If it weren’t for US aid to Isreal, neither attack on the WTC would have occurred, and that is a fact”.
    As I recall, Osama blamed the WTC on ‘foreigners being on Saudi soil, or somesuch’, and that the Palestinians were a, much later, afterthought.
    Likewise, the Bali bombings were initially associated with Australia’s involvement in Timor.
    There’s always an excuse, and, as someone who’s spent some time in the Arab world, as far as Muslims are concerned, it’s ALWAYS ‘someone else’s fault’.

  32. Had it been my son they kidnapped under the noses of UN “observers” and they did nothing I would have shot the sons a bitches myself, Canadian included.

  33. Observer. When I read a sign that says “Islam will dominate the world”, and “behead the non-believers”, I get the message. You can’t unring the bell. Those that put those messages in front of our media in order for me to see have succeeded in getting their point across. I believe them.
    Now that the message has been delivered, and understood, their apologists such as yourself want to torque down the rhetoric. “Sorry about that beheading sign, didn’t really mean it”. You see, if you provoke someone whom you have threatened with annihilation, you can’t really be all that surprised when they fight like their life is on the line.
    Why don’t the ME Arab nations just engage in a UN process do undo 181? Or is the UN really a hollow trough?

  34. Observer is a liar, as so many on the left are.
    Of course there was no “Islamofascist terrorism” before 1948. The term is a recent one, twit.
    I suppose there was no anti-semitism before 1948, no war of extermination against the Jews. Let me tell you why Israel exists today. Because people like you in Western countries turned Jewish refugees away from Hitler’s Germany in the 1930’s (“none is too many”), or in places like France and Belgium, helped the local police track them down and hand them over to the “proper authorities” of the Nazi occupation, and because in the 1940’s the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem made a pilgrimage to see Hitler and express his enthusiasm for the Final Solution, and to press Hitler to allow 7000 of his non-white “palestinian” Arabs to be able to serve in the SS so as to help out with the “Aktion” and to help finish the job.
    Observer, I would in the past have excused you as merely uninformed. In these times, in the internet age, that is no longer an excuse. You are now either too dumb to be allowed on the internet, or are too wound up in anti-semitism to acknowledge the facts.
    You clearly don’t have to live 20km away from people who are sorry your Grandparents survived Auschwitz, but are here to guarantee you they are going to finish the job.
    Oh and by the way tell the families of the 80 000 000 Hindus killed by Mahomet’s armies in the 700’s, that Islam was just fine till the Jews came along.

  35. And note also that the Nazis made great use of Jewish volunteers to help round up the Jews, and to keep them in line in concentration camps, ostensibly so that they would escape any severe German retribution.
    So you can’t just trot out your Jewish opponents of Israel in order to try to validate your arguments. They prove nothing.

  36. Observer:
    Maybe the real problem is the very existence of the state of Israel when you get down to it
    How about the Assassins in the middle ages. Or the invasions of Europe & North Africa? Right up to the 18th century. Including the first world war.
    Did you know in the middle ages of this sect so feared it assassinated European kings?
    I have heard this bandied about by the left as another symptom of Utopian mental break down. Like this would even be possible in reality, or desirable. As for Nazis they too had a final solution, as you purport yourself, only they choose Madagascar. Who created Israel & why genius. This UN of course. I would ask why is it a Jewish problem when it comes to people like you & there illogical made up, animosity towards them
    Could it have been 4000 years of unstinting hate like you & your fellow travelers towards “A brave new world”. That set up the need? I mean 5 attempts at exterminating this people, starting with the Egyptians in the middle bronze age. Kind of make you wonder if there is a God eh observer?
    Anyway to counter your ignorance please read some links that actually have information. Not wishful thinking of ovens & bullets. That your lot always resort too.
    Like your good buddies the Vietnamese & Cambodians. How about those Rwandans the UN was so hot to save, Pops they allowed em to be killed. Real hero’s the UN. The gulags you folks set up are real jolly places.
    When it comes to Jews or Americans they are not allowed to fight back. Is that your thesis. That we all know Westerners are the font of evil. Right, with Jews as there lackey‘s? That Islam is the “religion of Peace” & would be children with flowers in there hair.
    In a Jew free world eh. They have been abused or kicked out of every nation on the Planet. Why? Because they just have to be Jews. it’s a mental illness like, seeing devils in day cares.
    News flash they hate You worse, & no amount of appeasement nor begging will stop them from chopping your head off. They have said it many times. Obviously your deaf.
    When will you Marxists grow a brain. Read first, before making idiotic statements of no value. Empty platitudes of none think emotional candy. No substance.
    Oh by the way in 1911 you had this:

  37. ladies and gentlemen !! step right up !!!
    I present to you ‘observer’, the ultimate in highly refined dieology driven, clucking leftist. spewing his anti-semitism, ignoring the FACT that Israel has been under attack and threat of attack for the ENTIRE 58 YEARS OF ITS EXISTENCE. all the while utterly ignoring the source of that threat because, well, that might provide an inconvenient wider view of the situation and that would contravene a central tenant of leftism, IGNORE THE BIGGER TRUTH AND CONCENTRATE ON MINUTE TO MINUTE ISSUES AND EVENTS.

  38. Observer, you must be blinded by racism or dumb as a brick to think if the Jews were to conveniently disappear that Islamofascism would stop. Islamofascists commit violence the world over. Israel is just one place, and does nothing to explain violence in Sudan, India, Phillipines, Nigeria, Ethopia, Indonesia, Russia, Somalia, and on and on. Stop being an idiot.

  39. In Thailand, they’re going after the Buddhists.
    No doubt because of the provocation of, uh….

  40. lmao, observer’s response to ex-liberals exposure:
    good debate.
    anyway, for genocidal tendencies of arabs before 48 just google Haj Amin al-Husseini or any variation of arabs and nazis.

  41. As I understand it, Hezbollah can go right up to the walls of an UN post and launch their rockets.
    If the UN can’t be bothered to shoot the terrorists, then yes, a mishap will likely occur sooner or later.
    Secondly, for 58 years, no one has forced to the oil-rich, land-rich Arab countries to resettle the displaced Arabs from the Arab invasions of Isreal.
    Jordan – close to 80% of the Palestine Mandate land.
    Time to shift attitudes and resettle all the “refugees” instead of leaving these toxic people in place.

  42. From the July 21, 2006 UNIFIL Report:
    Control of the Blue Line and its vicinity appears to have remained for the most part with Hizbollah. During the reporting period, Hizbollah maintained and reinforced a visible presence in the area, with permanent observation posts, -temporary checkpoints and patrols. It continued to carry out intensive construction works to strengthen and expand some of its fixed positions, install additional technical equipment, such as cameras, establish new positions close to the Blue Line and build new access roads. These measures resulted in a more strategically laid out and fortified structure of Hizbollah’s deployment along the Blue Line. Some Hizbollah positions remained in close proximity to United Nations positions, especially in the Hula area, posing a significant security risk to United Nations personnel and equipment, as demonstrated during the heavy exchanges of fire on 28 May.

  43. Observer… if the canary dies from the gas, you don’t just stop putting in canaries, and expect the problem will go away.
    Can you blame the jews for what happened in India? How about the children killed in cold blood in Beslan?
    Maybe the money and assistance given to Saudi Arabia, and Kuwait in the first war against Saddam? I think Ossama was properly pissed about that too.
    I guess when someone says they intend on giving me a choice “Convert or Die”, I take them serious.

  44. To all who are complaining about “Observer”:
    When I see all of the energy all of you are wasting, I am reminded of an old saying in our church choir:
    “Never try to teach a pig to sing…
    it wastes your time, and annoys the pig”

  45. Observer:
    You’re blowing smoke…you haven’t read a thing on this site because you forgot your glasses (don’t get offended); it’s plain to everyone that Hizbollah started this (kidnapping those soldiers, rocket attacks), and Israel will finish it.
    Dialogue is all the left loves…”let’s talk about it” they say. Please! Enough talk–bomb those terrorists into oblivion…nothing more needs to be said.
