Flags Of Complicity

Elder Of Ziyon;

Since 1978, the UN has had UNIFIL (United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon) set up. And since 1978, they have not lifted a single finger to stop rocket attacks towards Israel.
Since then, they have not lifted a finger to stop Hizbollah from building a full army under their noses.
Since then, they have not lifted a finger when Hizbollah built military posts right next to UNIFIL posts.

flags.jpg Jed Babbin;
The U.N.’s years-long record on the Israel-Lebanon border makes mockery of the term “peacekeeping.” On page 155 of my book, “Inside the Asylum,” is a picture of a U.N. outpost on that border. The U.N. flag and the Hezbollah flag fly side by side. Observers told me the U.N. and Hezbollah personnel share water and telephones, and that the U.N. presence serves as a shield against Israeli strikes against the terrorists.

Why our forces continue to be sent to serve on behalf of the criminal fiasco that is today’s United Nations is a question I hope someone in the Canadian government is asking.
More – FOX News Sunday, Chris Wallace interview with John Bolton;

BOLTON: Well, the U.N. force that’s there now really does not have the mandate to do it, and here’s an interesting little fact. That force is called the U.N. Interim Force in Lebanon. It was sent there on an interim basis in 1978, 28 years ago. So it’s been a long interim and I think, sadly, has not been successful.
That’s one reason why we need to look at the long-term possibilities of a sustained solution here, not another 28-year-long interim force, but to take the circumstances we find and see if we can’t build the foundations for a really lasting peace this time.

And now, the stagnation and inaction that defines the United Nations has cost the lives of four observers, including an as yet unidentified Canadian.
More – “If a space alien from a distant planet were to land at the UN…
(H/t Revnant Dream in the comments.)

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65 Replies to “Flags Of Complicity”

  1. i just want to reinforce the comment made this morning about canada withdrawing from the UN. thats a capital idea. i wish the states and great britian would follow suit….
    “Canada should withdrawl from the U.N. immediately. Its corrupt, incompetant, past its best before date,
    run by theiving bastards and tin pot dictators. I just don’t understand how the lefties can’t see this. Unarmed observers in a war zone? What the hell are they thinking?”

  2. i just want to reinforce the comment made this morning about canada withdrawing from the UN. thats a capital idea. i wish the states and great britian would follow suit….
    “Canada should withdrawl from the U.N. immediately. Its corrupt, incompetant, past its best before date,
    run by theiving bastards and tin pot dictators. I just don’t understand how the lefties can’t see this. Unarmed observers in a war zone? What the hell are they thinking?”

  3. “Whatever. The point being is that the majority of the inhabitants of the region do not want Israel there”
    Well the majority of canadians do not want immigration here. I’m guessing you support the lefty plan of putting European descended types in the minority within 30-50 years.
    Or is it ok to do it here but bad to do the exact same thing in the Mideast?

  4. Extremists in the IDF are most likely responsible for the UN post strike. Judging by the hostility to the UN on this board, I can see where they get their support from.
    Why do you all hate Kofi so much? He’s as sympathetic to Israel and Jews as anyone. His girlfriend is(was) Jewish.
    Actually, come to think of it, that’s probably one of the reasons you hate him so much. A powerful black man with a white woman? Call the lynch mob. A pure Jew with a goy schwarz? The christianazis and the zionists must hate that.
    Too bad he’s going to be replaced this year, you won’t have him to blame when the US and the IDF run amok over some more Muslim countries.

  5. Khalid,
    Run amok? Perhaps you might do us the favour of explaining what it is about the liberation of 58 million Muslims that so distresses you? America has sacrificed over 2700 lives and $300 billion to give Afstan and Iraq the opportunity to choose sanity over insanity and they have so chosen. So why is it that from the comfort of Canada you decry their choice? Are you anti-progress, anti-American, or not too bright or all three?

  6. Khalid,
    Run amok? Perhaps you might do us the favour of explaining what it is about the liberation of 58 million Muslims that so distresses you? America has sacrificed over 2700 lives and $300 billion to give Afstan and Iraq the opportunity to choose sanity over insanity and they have so chosen. So why is it that from the comfort of Canada you decry their choice? Are you anti-progress, anti-American, or not too bright or all three?

  7. Kofi is a prime example of what’s wrong with the UN.
    The UN post strike, from what I have been able to find out, was a result of Hezbollah terrorists surrounding the post, when the terrorists were taken out the post was, unfortunately, right in the line of fire.
    It doesn’t matter that he’s going to be replaced this year. His replacement will be cut from the same cloth.

  8. UglyAmerican:
    “It doesn’t matter that he’s going to be replaced this year. His replacement will be cut from the same cloth.”
    One of my fave Bolton quotes: When asked who he thought might be the next UN chairman he answered: “a proletarian”. I think I like it even more than “I don’t do carrots”. Which reminds me of a good one from Richard Perle: when asked what the carrot was, he said: “not using the stick”.

  9. Hey Khalid,
    I used to wonder why there are no great Arab theoretical physicists, why no great mathematicians (no, down boy, you stole the “Arabic” numerals from the Hindus), no (at least none that I’m aware of) World Chess Champions… Well OK maybe one or two out of the ENTIRE world’s supply.
    And then you came along and cleared it all up for me. You really should go easy on the Islam there, old boy. Islam has serious side effects on cognitive ability.

  10. “I used to wonder why there are no great Arab theoretical physicists, why no great mathematicians (no, down boy, you stole the “Arabic” numerals from the Hindus), no (at least none that I’m aware of) World Chess Champions… Well OK maybe one or two out of the ENTIRE world’s supply.”
    Classic schoolyard technique. Insult the intelligence of your opponent and his entire race (I’m not arab, by the way).
    The purpose of Islam is not intellectual elitism. Even so, during the zenith of Islamic civilization, when Europe was mired in medieval ignorance, it was the Muslims who lead the world in science, mathematics (al-jabr), philosophy, astronomy, chemistry(Abu Musa Jabir ibn Hayyan) and economics.
    The purpose of Islam is to convey to the world God’s final will and testament to humanity. Whether the world accepts or rejects that message, is not in my hands, I’m just a messenger who is allowed to fight back.
    Based on prophetic writings, in the future we’ll probably all be wishing Kofi was still around. Don’t hate on the man so much, that’s what I’m saying.

  11. Khalid:
    Muzzies are forbidden by koran to play chess.
    ‘Reckon muhammid got creamed, banned the game.

  12. Re: Flags Of Complicity
    Babbin’s picture in his book (which he shamelessly humping on the backs of the dead in Lebanon and Israel), is about as relevant as a picture of a Bloc Québécois flag next to the Canadian flag in Quebec.
    Even the wonderchild of American neo-conservatives, John Bolton, has publicly acknowledged his understanding of that issue, which is:
    “According to Security Council resolutions 425 (1978) and 426 (1978) of 19 March 1978, UNIFIL was established to:
    Confirm the withdrawal of Israeli forces from southern Lebanon;
    Restore international peace and security;
    Assist the Government of Lebanon in ensuring the return of its effective authority in the area.
    Most recently the mandate of UNIFIL was extended until 31 July 2006 by Security Council resolution 1655 (2006) of 31 January 2006.”
    Anyone expecting that ***UNARMED UNIFIL OBSERVERS*** with a very narrow and defined mandate should, or would, be doing anything to interfer with the legitimate conduct of the Lebanese people in their own country, be they members of Hizbollah or otherwise, is absurd.
    The reason that Hizbollah became the defacto guardians of Lebanese soil along the southern border rather than the “official” Lebanese troops are many and varied, just as are the reasons for the support of the political, social, and quasi-military “freedom fighter” arms of Hizbollah among the Lebanese people.
    Given the actions many years ago of the FLQ in Canada, the current relationship of many of their former sympathizers and supporters among today’s BLOC coupled with their supposed goals and aims to separate from Canada, Canadians of all people, should be able to comprehend and understand better than most the type of political and social climate that exists in Lebanon and why Hizbollah is a credible force.
    Imagine how the people of Canada would have reacted if England had responded to the FLQ kidnapping of British diplomat James Cross by bombing Quebec and Ontario and killing innocent civilians in retaliation.
    To some degree the UN and it’s members, and especially the statements of the Secretary General, likely gave rise to the events of the kidnappings of the soldiers.
    Earlier this year when the Lebanese government called for a six-month extension of UNIFIL’s mandate, Annan publicly replied that currently that the “circumstances conducive to United Nations peacekeeping do not exist.” The Council approved a draft resolution, submitted by France, for the one-month extension.
    The UNIFIL mandate at the UN was being renewed only for short terms, that ends in July of this year, in an attempt to encourage the Lebanese government to assume a more aggressive stance in defending it’s territory despite their lack of support in Southern Lebanon – a serious misjudgement.
    No doubt Hizbollah felt that the kidnappings of the Israeli soldiers would provide the UN with a reason to extend the mandate of UNIFIL, and continue to provide longer term protection against another land grab incursion by Israel – a serious misjudgement.
    The current situation of the middle east is a creation of the post WWII Allies/Axis, and they alone are responsible for ensuring it is resolved in a fair and equitable manner, protecting the lives and rights of ALL PEOPLES that they have set at each other’s throats for the past 50 years
    by well intentioned stupidity and politics.
