13 Replies to “Police Were Responding”

  1. ah yes.
    the old ploy, get the cops to do your bidding.
    it doesnt work any more, cops are too busy tracking genuine culprits. (not the fake culprits on cbcbc ‘reality’ fraud shows)
    Im voting for the home town favorite on Idol. theyre still a bit high pitched, insufficient rnage amateurish but the raw talent and necessary easy manner is there.

  2. People…on the streets..making noise..having fun
    On the streets..in Toronto…we’re not making this up…we’re not allowed to!!
    What a joke!I suppose it took old stoneface Mansbridges focus off how to “spin”the latest news from the war!Send him to Lebanon,so he and the lovely Adrian Arsehole can team up to create more garbage.SICKENING!!! Sammy

  3. I have a delightful feeling if Harper ever gets a Majority. CBC can kiss there collectivized butts goodbye.
    The banshee has already cried death to this ugly little propaganda scam. masquerading as news & information. Instead of canned comments & leftist ideology, laced with anti Americanism. A medium abused by a public broadcaster, passing as objective, but more in line with invective.
    Towards all who would challenge trooping socialism. The Utopia that never as or will be.
    Snake oil salesmen had more integrity.
    At least you got a kick from the medicine.
    This is like imbibing human waste for supper.
    We pay for this swill?

  4. Can ANYONE tell me what relevance the CBC has in these times?
    Regardless of their own attitude of’entitlement’and subversive left-leaning propaganda,I see them accomplishing NOTHING in the’spirit’of bringing Canadians across this great land together and fostering knowledge and respect for our diversity.Quite the contrary,they are directly responsible for alienating many Canadians,especially westerners and conservatives with their’center-of-the-universe-knows-best’attitude.
    It is time to KILL this national embarassment and find a more important use for our limited tax dollars.As much as I respect Harper,he would rather see this government funded travesty continue than stand up and take action on this….hey,I’m not naive,he would pay a heavy political price for attacking this’icon’of Canadiana.BUT,in case you haven’t noticed,and despite the blogosphere’s best efforts and the LPC’s horrid reputation,the left is still in control of the message in this country.One decent screwup by the minority cons and the left are in control again….then,you can say goodbye to Canada as we know it!

  5. Just make CBC a donation funded broadcaster. Hell, make it tax deductible. That’s fair. No-one is cheaper than a socialist when it comes to spending their own money as compared to spending mine. It would be broke in six monthes.

  6. Just read this on Nealenews. A little penis envy or what?
    CBC is going down! You can smell the fear.

  7. I guess the CBC doesn’t understand loud and raucous fun behaviour that is totally apolitical. To them if it’s loud and raucous, by golly, it better be a protest against Israel or the Conservative Party.

  8. The CBC being Canadian must have a mix of both good and bad.
    Like everyone here I am offended with the sneaky ploys of phone in segments where senior ladies in shakey fearful voices declare their fear of hidden agendas..
    This is obviously proaganda 101 and acting practice for seniors.
    Not wanting to discard worthwhile babies with the bath water, I do appreciate the encouragement to Canadian Musicians and artists from many CBC hosts.
    Programs like Saturday Night Blues with Helgar Petersen are really very good and devoured by musicians.
    There are a lot of programs that avoid the political spin and concentrate on support for music festivals, writters and poets.. mostly Canadian.
    We on the blogs, could take note of the hosts and reporters who skew stories in order to attack the CPC and raise a stink; petition for their removal from the CBC.
    Devide and separtate is always easier than trying for a full plug pull out. = TG

  9. The best thing that our GREAT Prime Minister could do for us is sclose the CBC and sell off the assets. I bid $100 for one of the cameras.

  10. Can anyone explain to me just why CBC is sending George Stumbleuffaguss to host their new talent show (the One) down in the good ole USA????
    I mean I have nothing against the search for good American talent, but shouldn’t Americans be footing the bill for that?
    How come the Canadian taxpayer (via the CBC) gets to pick up the tab?
    Am I missing something?
