The Civil Discourse

A member of the mainstream media tells us what he really thinks;

It’s all ideology with this crowd. All they care about is ideology. The President bought it, hook, line and sinker. He had it…it was just put into his head sometime after 9/11, and this philosophy is what was given him. He didn’t have any philosophy when he went in, and they handed it to him, these guys with…you know, the guys you used to make fun of at school, pencilnecks, the intellectuals, the guys you never trusted. All of a sudden, he trusted the intellectuals, the guys he knew at school. They’re a bunch of pencilnecks, and now he buys completely their ideology, because he didn’t have one of his own coming in. That was his problem.

An interview that reads like a garden variety troll comment. (Video at the link).

10 Replies to “The Civil Discourse”

  1. We are witnessing the classic “fair weather fan” phenomenon wrt to Iraq.
    Since the invasion, the MSM pundits have been more wrong about their predictions than right. They’ve noticed this too, and now some are taking the opportunity to preen when events go sideways, as they are now.
    The truth is, he never supported the invasion and is taking cheap shots to garner a nugget of political advantage.
    There is still a good case to be made that the Iraq war is another front in the war on radical Islam and this is a war that must be won, however ham-handedly waged.

  2. Years ago, during the Clinton years, i never missed “Hardball”.
    During that time, Although Matthews was obviously slanted to the Dems, he didnt suffer fools gladly, and he conducted some very good interviews. He would never have put up with the kind of nonsense he himself spouted on the Imus show.
    Kind of sad.

  3. Here in Canukistan, a former prime minister who could not string words together to make a coherent sentance in either ‘official’ language, gets people like Warren Kinsella to help him.

  4. You’ve got to be a friend of the Israel Yiddish Star.
    That statement leaves me absolutely speechless in its callousness and its ignorance of history and even vocabulary (it’s not the “Israeli Yiddish Star”, it’s the Star of David; Yiddish is a language, and it is not the official language of Israel.)

  5. If you really want to see the mental breakdowns from the left . Listen to this little beauty. Even Imus is disturbed at Chris Matthews & telkls him to take a vacation.
    More evidence if any was needed of Socialism being a pathology , that leads to a short circuited brain, with a Bush neurotic fixation. With a physiological aspect of foaming at the mouth & saying idiotic meanderings.
    Chris Matthews comes unglued on the Imus In The Morning program.
    If you’re a rancher, according to Matthews, you can’t be president.

  6. “we can’t play referee now. Everybody knows whose side we’re on, 100%.”
    Our position is now clear, we have removed the fence from our ass, we’ve taken a stance, we’ve chosen sides.
    How the hell am I supposed to spin this shit!
    AHHHHHHH !!!!
    More nuance ,MORE NUANCE!
    Side note: Imus feels compelled to offer an excuse for owning a ranch.
    “It’s not a real ranch.”
    Jumping sharks on a left turn only, tandem bike is great theatre!
    Thanks Kate!

  7. Don’t forget that Matthews also had a hate on for Clinton and Gore with an intensity that could rival any Bush hater – I recall him saying that he voted for Bush, at least in 2000. He just likes to stir things up. He’s another bloated member of the punditocracy that isn’t worth anyone’s attention.

  8. President of the United States – a title that these squawking egotistical pipsqueaks won’t attain. They are amusing however.
