Finding Nuance – The Empire Strikes Out

…me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me, me *

The saga continues…
Latest developments: Charles Adler is in the middle of an interview about the situation in Lebanon when the report is interrupted by breaking news on the crisis in the Parliamentary Press Gallery … Go to July 26th, 3:34pm at the audio vault. (timestamp corrected)

33 Replies to “Finding Nuance – The Empire Strikes Out”

  1. The headline of PM’s stance divisive is what really burnt me. Regardless of which position the PM chose, Canadians were fairly evenly divided. If he had chosen to denounce Israel, the headline would have been the same.

  2. The only solution to the PPG crisis is Hair Club for Men memberships for Craig “Flock of Seagulls” Oliver and Peter “I cross my arms when I’m perplexed” Mansbridge.

  3. Couldn’t find the event in the CJOB archives. I found the July 26, 2 pm archive, and listened starting from 2:30 to 2:45 or so and heard only an interview with a guy about the Mafia in Canada.
    Was the 2:34 PM time correct? or was it another time, or maybe a different day, not the 26th?

  4. That’s odd – I don’t have sound on this computer, but I got the info straight from Adler. The date is correct – must be the timestamp that’s off.

  5. If you’re talking about the G&M reporter whining about “the list” and then getting reamed out by Adler that maybe the war on Harper should be put on hold for now, it’s at 3:34 instead of 2:34.

  6. Nothing shows more clearly that the Canadian MSM are pawns and mouthpieces of the Liberal/NDP Party (note: Liberal/NDP ‘party’ is singular) than the media blitz against Harper.
    It’s relentless, it’s trivial, it’s unprofessional. Paragraph after paragraph, chatter and chatter – it’s all about how ‘Stephen Harper’ is ‘bad’; is essentially ‘unCanadian’ – that famous Liberal term for anyone who was not Pure Liberal Party.
    We have Jane Taber whining about ‘we pay our own way’. No, my dear, your MSM pays your way; not a penny from your own pocket. And whining about the PM doesn’t speak to us. About what? You are supposed to spend your time researching the background of your story – so that your questions to him are relevant and grounded and not, as they are now, personal, trivial and focused only on whether he hugs his children.
    We have the rest of the Cat Pack – whining and meowing about anything. That he diverted his plane to pick up Canadians from Lebanon – this is seen, not as an act of charity but as a ‘photo-op’.
    The ‘slowness’ of the removal of 30,000 odd ‘citizens of convenience’ from Lebanon? Blame it on Harper – and not the fact that Canada has no ships, that Canada must rent whatever ships are available in the Mediterranean (what use is one fishing off Brazil?); ships that are themselves safe, not filled with fish or whatever, and not already booked by some other country.
    Pro-Israel? What’s wrong with that? Remember, it was Israel that was attacked – by terrorist forces backed and supported by Iran. The conflict isn’t a simple one of ‘oh, the poor Hezbollah, all they did was cross into Israel and kidnap Israeli soldiers’; that was a setup. Iran wants war in the ME, so that it can take over. Do Jane and Gloria and Ken and Peter and the rest comment on this? No. Their comments have one focus. One focus. Against Harper.
    There’s a breathtakingly simplistic editorial in today’s Toronto Star. Against Harper. Why? They say that ‘BH -before Harper’ – Canada had a ‘unique voice’ in the world; that the World Listened To Canada’.
    Remember Paul Martin’s speech to the UN? Where he spoke to an almost entirely empty room? That was indeed unique. No-one came to listen to Canada. They come to listen to other countries. Canada was, BH, certainly unique. No-one listened to Canada.
    According to this openly pro-Liberal and anti-Harper propaganda in the Star, Harper is simply a clone of Bush. Nothing more. Rather than concluding that two people can have the SAME conclusions about something, and that might mean that each is logical, based on evidence and the use of reason – this editorial says that IF you have the same conclusion as anyone else, THEN you are copying the other person.
    So- if I conclude that 2 plus 2 equals four, and someone else has come to the same conclusion, it doesn’t mean that I know how to add. No. It simply means that I don’t know how to add and I came to that solution only by copying someone else.
    If I conclude that this mixture is a poison, then, it doesn’t mean I’m a chemist and know my stuff. It means only that I’m copying someone else who has come to the same conclusion.
    The Toronto Star editorial is openly Liberal- even stating that the Liberals must discuss this issue – of Canada’s ‘losing its unique voice’ in the world – at their leadership convention.
    We have a biased and unprofessional MSM. That’s not unique. It’s the same in communist countries.

  7. When your there in BODEGA BAY and visit THE TIDES restruant remeber to feed the seagulls becuase they wil EAT OFF YOUR HAND. SQUAWK SQUAWK

  8. Summary of Adler conversation with pathetic whipped poodle of a reporter:
    Poodle: Teacher, the dog ate my homework.
    Teacher: Then put your head at the other end of the dog, and answer the question. After removing your head from whereever it is currently embedded, of course.

  9. Editorial. But who reads editorials? Nobody reads editorials. No, no one reads editorials.
    Some nuance: “A Role of Pride and Influence in the World.” … from Graham, ex-Martin, Jr., aka $onarbiL. …-
    Policy lessons from Liberals
    The Whig-Standard
    Editorial – Wednesday, July 26, 2006 @ 09:00
    One of the last foreign policy acts of the late Liberal government was the 2005 release of a sweeping international policy statement entitled “A Role of Pride and Influence in the World.” In it, Paul Martin’s party explained that after decades in which Canada’s commitment to its military, foreign aid and international diplomacy had steadily eroded, the country was now ready for a fresh start. Look out, world, the Liberals seemed to say, We’re back!
    But back, how? Among its proposed fresh initiatives, the government pledged to rejuvenate the Canada-U.S. relationship; get tough on terrorism; and take a greater role in dealing with global calamities that are caused when failed nation-states can’t safeguard their own citizens. Specifically, the Liberals promised the “promotion of accountable, democratic governments that respect human rights, allow for peaceful dissent and fulfil the aspirations of their people.”
    This is the backdrop against which a comet-tail of critics, observing renewed Middle East hostilities with understandable alarm, accuses the Stephen Harper government of turning Canada’s foreign policy on its head with his recent statement of support for Israel.
    They shouldn’t hurl accusations too swiftly, however. Harper’s actions seem to indicate he has actually read his predecessor’s discussion paper, not blue-boxed it. But where Martin didn’t have much chance (or, perhaps, desire) to move beyond his own high-minded rhetoric, Harper is busy putting flesh on policy bones. …-

  10. RE: Toronto Star “Canada’s losing it’s unique voice in the world”
    When did we ever have one? Not Under Martin or Chretian, Trudeau? remember he was too busy running around being a flower child promoting his socialist views. Canada is just now starting to have a voice in world affairs & starting to be heard, However no matter what PM Harper say’s though, the msm will attempt to twist his words.
    Iam not listening anymore!! When you start reporting the news with Fact’s not Fiction I will listen again, Time to go back to basic Journalism 101

  11. Je suis d’accord, ET. Thanks for your post.
    Thank God Canada is “losing its unique voice in the world.” That unique voice was becoming increasingly shrill, smug, assinine, meaningless, bloated, puffed up, Lieberal,…how many more descriptors do we need?
    What a laugh, the Liberal leadership candidates’ discussing this issue. I’m sure they’ll be able to come up with all sorts of innovative ways to squawk about Canada’s “unique voice,” which will get them and Canadians absolutely…nowhere.
    I like Canada’s voice much better AH.

  12. Osprey News Network: 2 Interesting Editorials 07/27/06
    “Foreign policy shift is page from Grit Book”
    “Martin had rhetoric but Harper is busy putting flesh on policy bones”(osprey news ntework)
    Quote: First, he has paid careful attention to the Canada-U.S. relationship, salvaging something from a softwood lumber fiasco that had stymied the Martinites, and pressing for common-sense solutions on border security(also a Martin Gov’t aim).
    Second, he has reinvested in the military and shown a personal commitment(in the form of a risky visit)to Canadian troops in Afghanistan.
    “Harper’s shifting focus” (L.Ian Macdonald)
    Quote: Harper understands that Canada is seen to be influential in the world only to the degree to which it is perceived as having influence in Washington.
    Under the Liberals , there was neither a Canadian agenda, nor even a Canadian presence, on the Washington scene.
    In less than six months in office, Harper has restored good transactional relations without being seen as Bush’s toady.

  13. For more on Harper vs the PPG, listen to Rob Breakenridge interviewing Lorrie Goldstein
    here … Bring up Tue, July 25th, 8:08 pm

  14. I am reminded of Detroit of the late 70’s, so cocooned in their own twisted internal logic that they didn’t see that Japanese wave crashing ashore. Same goes for the MSM. The young voters are online, blogging, networking, not watching Pravda or the soon to be Teachers-Pension-Fund Network News. I don’t buy or read newspapers. I no longer watch television “news”. I don’t have cable. Every side of a debate I wish to digest is available in technicolor on the web. But what gives me the greatest satisfaction is witnessing the how wonderfully critical my children have become when confronted with MSM/Librano spin. Even my 11 year old can see right through it all. (Volpe has really helped that process of late!)
    The MSM is completely and utterly ignored in my household. It’s a status they’ve earned. Just like Detroit, though, they won’t figure it out until it’s too late.
    The hermetic seal in which the Librano cabal kept Canadians for as long as I can remember is coming apart at the seams as bandwidth becomes more and more available.

  15. This kind of irresponsible behaviour on the part of both Canadian and American press ( other than Fox News)is the kind of dereliction of duty that will cost all of us who believe in our way of life and democracy.
    The MSM in Canada fail miserably to understand first and foremost , their jobs. THEY think THEY are important at a time of extreme danger for our freedom around the world.
    They focus on themselves and their petty grievances , deliberately avoiding reporting anything that might prove a positive for our Conservative government. WE voted this government in and the press is not to determine whether that was right or wrong, it just IS.
    In times of peace and tranquility we might suffer these fools their delusions of grandeur even though in quieter times they have cost us endless grief and a boatload of money stolen from us by a government they covered for. Not only do some in the former liberal party belong in jail, some in the press belong there with them so aggregious is their abject failure to report the TRUTH.
    The developments of the day make it clear the safety and security of the free world is at stake,yet they continue their childish petulance and attempts to focus on their vendetta with our Prime Minister.
    Regardless of their behaviour and attitude it is our duty as citizens to stand by our government when they take action that is in our best interests and to protect us in a time of war.
    It is extremely important for the press to get the facts straight and impart that information in an impartial manner.
    The death of UN personnel is a prime example of how the main media take the opportunity to obscure revealing and important facts about what actually happened in favour of using the headline to attack Stephen Harper.
    We lost a Canadian in that attack. Three other countries lost a son. We all deserve to know exactly what happened and what lead to it.
    Not only was the truth covered up by Kofi Annan, who immediately stated that Israel did it ‘deliberatly’, not explaining why HE did not have all UN personnel removed from the war zone before something like this happened, it was covered up by our own media.( We have all had to learn from other ways that the UN posts are used as cover by the Hezbollah and are often overrun , even to Hezbollah bribing and using UN uniforms to obscure their real identity.)
    Kofi Annan had to know that. SHOULD have had all UN personnel removed when Israel warned they were coming in, which they do always. But what does he actually do? He immediately blames Israel for something HE is responsible for. As in the Oil For Food, it is clear we have people in positions of responsibility it is dangerous for us to tolerate, some of them right here at home.
    The Canadian press would rather spend their time apologizing for those non resident dual citizens from Lebanon who have no home here but use that duality as a convenience when the going gets tough in their chosen land of residence.(ignoring the fact that 30,000 to 50,000 Lebanese/Canadian citizens may very well have in that number terrorists using the opportunity to escape to Canada where they can continue to plot and plan against us)not to mention the cost to taxpayers to evacuate so many. Non resident dual citizens whose home is Lebanon should not be evacuated and put up in this country on our dime.
    The likes of the msm and especially OUR malfeseant media, the head of the corrupt and criminal UN are doing us no favours by their actions. It is times like these where the phrase “either you are with us or you are against us” comes to mind.
    All terrorist organizations are united in one aim: to destroy us and our way of life. They want us submissive to some autocratic and brutal order of life where beheadings and other barbaric methods are used to keep people in line.
    Do we really want to live like that?
    Because if we don’t we had better get onside with those fighting for us and take to serious and immediate task those who undermine that fight for our survival wherever they are found.
    Israel has started with Hezbollah and Hamas out of necessity for survival.
    President Bush started with Afghanistan and then Iraq, perhaps having to move on to Iran and North Korea for the same reason.
    Wherever they are they must be stopped.
    If the media get in the way then they must be chastised and either removed and replaced with those who understand this struggle or learn to put aside their bias and report the truth.
    And it is up to us to call them to task and to back our people who are fighting for our freedom and security whether that be in the government or on the battlefield.
    We can no longer afford to suffer these fools who abet the enemy and undermine our struggle.

  16. Black Rod always hits bullseyes. The media made it perfectly clear that they saw this latest calamity in the Middle East as their big chance to savage the PM and to attempt to reassert the LPC values they had thrived under for the last thirty years. What they ended up doing instead was kicking themselves in the forehead, because far more Canadians than they could ever have anticipated saw the ME coverage for what it was: ME ME ME coverage.
    I have been amazed by how the National never manages to bring themselves to condemn Hezbollah or to focus on Hezbollah’s actions. The ME, they make clear, is a complicated, nuanced place — unless of course the topic is Israel, at which point our trusted, Canadian LPC-bureaucrat activist-journalists refer comprehensively and at length to condemnations of Israel emanating from “analysts”, fellow journalists, the UN, the EU, etc etc. Any actions taken by tiny Israel, a nation set upon from all sides by those who want to destroy it, are portrayed variously subtly and overtly as being the problem in the eyes of CBC.
    As an aside: Did anyone catch Mansbridge positively fawning over Fawaz Gergis — effectively an apologist for Hezbollah, and a man who could barely conceal his excitement over what he felt was a burgeoning movement for a united Arab front? Mansbridge’s many warm thanks to him were excessive, delivered in the tone of someone who is exhausted and downed from injuries thanking someone who will continue the fight for him better and more eloquently than he was ever able to. Wow.

  17. Graham agrees that Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel is completely acceptable.
    Remember, Graham is the guy in the middle with the nuance in his mouth; balanced, proportionate, a peace “broker”, an even-handed liberal; level-headed he is. …-
    Graham: PM’s response ‘unacceptable’
    MONTREAL (CP) – Interim Liberal leader Bill Graham is criticizing Prime Minister Stephen Harper’s reaction to the death of a Canadian peacekeeper in Lebanon as “completely unacceptable.” …-

  18. Good point maz2. So Mr Graham, what’s YOUR response?
    Let’s keep in mind too that for those criticizing Mr Harper’s handling of the evacuation of Canadian citizens from Lebanon, if he were to follow the same time table as Paul Martin used in dispatching the DART to the tsunami victims, the first ship to evacuate Canadians from Lebanon would be leaving some time next week.

  19. “Did anyone catch Mansbridge positively fawning over Fawaz Gergis”
    Please. Not after lunch. Herr today, gone tomorrow Mansbridge will be, I hope, the first budget cut when the CBC is gutted.

  20. I didn’t catch I’m-Peter-Mansbridge-and-You’re-Not fawning over Fawaz Gergis, but I did catch him on The National last night grossly underestimating the crowd at the Stand with Israel Rally in Toronto.
    He reported the crowd as “over 1000,” which is kind of like saying that the crowd that came out to see the Pope was “over 10,000.” Yeah, like a WHOLE LOT OVER 10,000–just like the size of the crowd who rallied to Israel’s support was a WHOLE LOT MORE than 1000.
    It’s funny how that 1000 sticks in your head. I missed the “over” part of the number, went to bed thinking Mansbridge had said 1000, and was sure he must be wrong. How many National watchers, however, would have heard simply 1000, not given it a second thought, and would have, therefore, been totally misled into thinking that it was a small and insignificant gathering? Any chance that’s what the CBC wanted their viewers to think?
    Imagine my non-surprise this morning when I Googled the Rally and discovered that over 8000 people were there.
    I’ve written ANOTHER complaint to the CBC Ombudsman (, which may seem futile, but I totally agree with Snowbunnie (thanks for your post, BTW) when s/he says “it is up to us to call them to task.” It’s important to call the MSM to account and to let them know that we’re watching, that we’re taking notes, and that we’re aware of what’s happening. There’s a paper trail in case any of them say at some later date: “I just didn’t know.”
    ‘Have also written to CBC News and The National, asking why their estimation of the size of the crowd was so inaccurate, asking them whether it was an intentionally misleading report or just that they badly fell down on the job–and how come?
    How about if Pete had said “over 7000–or heck, even over 8000”–people had attended the Rally? But that’s just a fantasy; I’m daydreaming again…

  21. Craig Gull and the MSMBoys have given PM Harper the ole heave-ho.
    The honeymoon is over…
    It’s over, it’s over…. Can we still be friends?
    Breaking up is…
    Neil sings this in Yiddish, too. …-
    Poll: Tory surge gone
    OTTAWA (CP) – A new poll suggests Stephen Harper’s post-election surge in popularity has dissipated and dimmed his chances of turning his minority government into a majority.

  22. Interesting point nkotb: the CTV news described the same rally as a crowd of about five thousand. Even though that’s still an underestimate, it means that Perfect People’s Broadcaster was out by an order of magnitude. Maybe everyone in their newsroom, having counted all their fingers and toes. simply had no means of coping with a larger number that wasn’t fed to them by an outside “expert”. Or maybe Alan Rock was hired to do the estimate for them.

  23. yet another discovery in the world of biology:
    billus grahamus: wussus maximus.

  24. Black Rod….slams nails of truth into the squishy green wood of the MSM like an $80 framing hammer.

  25. I heard the interview. Got disgusted. Switched on the satellite radio and tuned-in the NRA news with Cam and Company… Has anyone else noticed that ‘ol chuckie got dumped as a columnist by sun media?

  26. “Or maybe Alan Rock was hired to do the estimate for them.”
    Waaaay to funny. rotflmao.

  27. maz2: Poll: Tory surge gone
    …according to the Decima poll made exclusively available to The Canadian Press …
    That article is here:
    You might want to take a look at the ipsos polls conducted at the same time (Bringing Canadians home):
    Seems like a small disconnect … maybe MSM will be using Decima from now on.

  28. Remember, Steven McKinnon, the Liberal, had to apologize to Ipsos Reid, for slanderous comments made about them on Mike Duffy’s show.
    I imagine the Liberals will only use Decima and I imagine there might be some back room tactics going on.
    Remember, polls are as variable as weather predictions. They depend on the questions; and the respondents.

  29. I was reading ET’s comments while listening to PM Tony Blair answer questions along with President Bush at todays press conference on the Lebanon Crisis.
    It was very telling how the MSM in the USA and the BBC, in particular, phrase their questions in such as way that they completely ignore the ongoing missile attacks from the terrorists in Lebanon which initiated the conflict and the suffering on both sides of the tragic conflict. What seems to drive the MSM to distraction is that the leaders of the UK, USA, Australia and Canada (despite party differences) are saying the same thing i.e. this is an ongoing worldwide conflict which needs to be addressed with fortitude, consistency and principle. Only such unbending courage in the face of the hateful ideology will relieve the Lebanese, Iraquis and others of the ongoing horror.
    The pathetic Canadian MSM seems only capable of grasping at straws in their jihad against PM Harper… e.g. the latest opinion poll (ignoring consistent positive polls for months). One wonders if Iran is footing the travel bills for the Jane Tabers of the Press Gallery (aka Canadian Hers… bull…yah). If not, they certainly are getting a freebee.

  30. This is a good reminder to keep exposing the MSM’s bias. The PPG had it’s ass kicked, but it hasn’t given up.
    Neither has CTV, they don’t miss a chance to show kids toys in the rubble or wounded civilians in Lebanon, but they never seem to notice that Hezbollah take great pains to cause as many Isreali civilian deaths as possible.
