Reader Tips

I’ll be mostly offline for the weekend, so until Monday afternoon things are going to be relatively slow. If your comments are held up, be patient – I’ll release them when I’m able. Avoid using smammer language (like “sex” “online”) and live links and you’re more likely to remain unfiltered. The spam filter is “learning” to recognize regular commentors, so it’s less of a problem than it used to be.
A few items sent along in past days;
Apollo 9 fakery – more evidence.
STrong Conservative examines the fallout of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld – giving terrorists status they don’t merit.
Forget MAWO’s terrorist sympathies – taxpayers should be ticked off about sponsoring the pro-criminal culture of hip-hop in the first place.
Why Israel’s Reaction is Right – in Spiegel, of all places.
It’s just not us here nuance-challenged racist rednecks sounding the alarm… From Citizen to Subject: The Rule of Experts and the Rise of Transnational Anti-Democrats

At the end of the Cold War, Francis Fukuyama pronounced that we had arrived at “The End of History”, and that capitalism and liberal democracy would now be the only global system left. But when I look at Europe today, I see democracies under threat because of an elaborate Eurabian bureaucracy and Islamic fanaticism. I see countries unwilling or unable to defend themselves against massive immigration/colonization.

Add your own in the comments.

48 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Here’s a reader tip, in the sense of a tip from the reader to Kate, on how to express appreciation for her hosting Small Dead Animals.
    This came up in discussion in another thread earlier this week: some people asked how they might make a donation to Kate in furtherance of defraying her SDA operating costs. I have it on good authority, namely me, that while Kate doesn’t solicit donations, a personal cheque to her mailing address as obtained from the links available on the main page will be graciously accepted.
    Those of you who enjoy SDA, and especially those of us who have a penchant for using up Kate’s service provider disk and bandwidth resources, might like to seriously consider this option.

  2. FROM CITIZEN TO SUBJECT. Plese take the time to read this article from The Brussels Journal.
    I think it explains how; 1) in the past some countries have lost their democracy. 2) it may be happenning in Canada, Europe right now.
    The article speakes to many of the arguments that are seen in this, and other blogs today.
    From the Desk of Fjordman, it is easier to see the insidious dangers of multiculturalism, NGOs, The United Nations, One world Governance, Earth Charter, MSM, gov’t sponsored activism, …
    The worlds problems can not be catagorised in black and white. There are always shades of gray. Completely free, un-controlled free enterprise would quickly see all the wealth in the hands of the most competent. But who would they sell their wares to ? a la 1930’s collapse/depression, when 5% of the people owned 95% of the wealth. On the other hand, state “we know what is best for you” just as quickly stiffles productivity to the point of collapse. a la USSR.
    Somewhere in between is the answer. Canada, itself, may be too big, too diverse to govern by one administration. Equalization has been a problem since Canada was invented. (collapsed again today in NFLD) Can you imagine the UN governing the world ??!! Mr. Dithers, to the nth degree.

  3. Tide of Arab Opinion Turns to Support for Hezbollah
    DAMASCUS, Syria, July 27 — At the onset of the Lebanese crisis, Arab governments, starting with Saudi Arabia, slammed Hezbollah for recklessly provoking a war, providing what the United States and Israel took as a wink and a nod to continue the fight.
    Now, with hundreds of Lebanese dead and Hezbollah holding out against the vaunted Israeli military for more than two weeks, the tide of public opinion across the Arab world is surging behind the organization, transforming the Shiite group’s leader, Sheik Hassan Nasrallah, into a folk hero and forcing a change in official statements.

  4. I concur with B. Hoax Aware. The Brussels Journal features some outstanding writing and should be read regularly, not just for the article referred to but for many others.
    That said, the last paragraph of the article makes a great tagline:
    “Political Correctness is mental AIDS. Wear an intellectual condom. Use the blogosphere.”

  5. Bill Clinton is having his 60th birthday party in Toronto.
    As the Churchlady would say, “Isn’t that special?”

  6. Dave M.
    Wishful thinking.
    To quote from a Kubrick classic;
    “Our source was the New York Times.”

  7. Fukayama was right in a way, it is the ‘End of History’ for some European countries like Andalusia, the whole ‘Spain’ thing will be erased – which is exactly what happens when Muslims take over, in Afghanistan they blew up the ancient Buddha statues, Indonesia has no history pre-Islam anymore. Even Iran used to be called Persia, and though elements of that culture still hang on, they will eventually be cleansed away by Allah’s fascists too.

  8. I thought anyone who read or referred to the New York Times or the Washington Times had no idea of the difference between fact and fiction..
    Or was a ridgid liberal looking for a supportive liberal flavoured argument regardless of facts. = TG

  9. This seems worth keeping in mind in the general scheme of things..
    In order to finance the training of these *volunteers,* as well as the seemingly endless barrage of rockets that have rained down on Israeli cities, Hezbollah has established an extensive fundraising infrastructure in the United States, as well as in Canada, South America, Europe, Africa, and the Middle East.
    Supplementing the nearly $100 million Hezbollah reportedly receives from Iran, Hezbollah operatives in the U.S. have engaged in a litany of criminal activities, including credit card fraud, cigarette smuggling, counterfeiting, drug running, and organized retail theft, that provide millions to the Shiite terrorist organization.
    Despite Al-Mabarrat-USA’s direct link to a Fadlallah-controlled organization, to date, the U.S. branch continues to operate unfettered.
    In fact, the organization appears to have gained a level of credibility in the U.S. as the Detroit Free Press reported earlier this month that *many Muslims in the region have donated to Al-Mabarrat.*
    Taking over a business complex, defaulting on the mortgage, keeping 6 months cash flow, not paying suppliers and vanishing with the bundle. Wonder if that is Hez fund raising?
    -ttp:// = TG

  10. Fukuyama’s problem was simple: his worldview didn’t allow him to pay attention to anything other than the Cold War rift.
    That’s the problem with being clever.
    You figure out 10 likely outcomes and reality picks the eleventh one.

  11. Nuance/Propaganda/Disinformation from Kofi Annan’s War On Israel. Source cited as an Arab newspaper… Not reliable. …-
    Arab newspaper: Israel retaliates after Syria shot down unmanned Israeli spy aircraft
    an-Nahar (Beirut) ^ | July 28, 2006
    UNCONFIRMED REPORT – News Flash *Al Liwa newspaper says Syria shot down an unmanned Israeli spy aircraft and the Jewish state retaliated by destroying the base from which the plane was downed.
    via free republic

  12. From the Spiegel article:

    But this seemingly nuanced point of view is misleading. In reality, German and European public opinion does take sides — and it tends to side with the apparent underdog and against Israel.


  13. Thought For Today:
    “WE are a peaceful world, for as long as we can live in peace…”
    Anecdotes from a Banana Republic
    This blog offers satire, news, commentary, media analysis and anecdotes from that borderline-retarded little country, Lebanon. Addendum: which is now in a state of war
    frenchy said…
    THank you…If you want to start an exchange of informations, i am a reporter from the international French press, in the USA.
    The support for Israel in this country, and worldwide is nauseating.
    But the truth will be heard, the Internet did much damage to the Bush administration, and i believe more damage is coming to the liars who have been empowering themselves for the last century ( at least).
    WE are a peaceful world, for as long as we can live in peace…
    Any alternative, will see an alternative response.
    Long live the truth

  14. Librano$ respond to TO Red Star’s pole:
    Summary: Can is losing Librano$ corruption, crime, graft, placemen, multicult, etc.
    Notice “nuance”— WTF is nuance? is it UNance? — makes its appearance, again.
    Boob “Cut-n-Run” Rae sends the scrofulous, old nag, Aunty-American, into the breach hoping to stem the tide of anti-Libranoi$m in Canada. Boob hopes to set up a buffet for Hezbollah.
    “Measured response” is measured and finds Joe Volpe shows lack of restraint.
    What’s new from the Librano$? Nada, nothing … same old bsbsbsbsbsbs …-
    Red Star: To Librano$:
    If you were prime minister, what would you do now?
    Not surprisingly, there are different views. But there was, in all interviews, an overwhelming sense that Canada is losing something important, perhaps for good. It’s how we are seen in the world, our good name and reputation as an honest broker in world affairs, especially in crises.
    Liberal candidates argue the Prime Minister has damaged Canada’s reputation by his actions, notably a failure to push for a negotiating role for Canada or to immediately call for restraint on all sides (however nuanced the comments) as the terror group Hezbollah lobbed rockets into Israel and Israel bombed Lebanon in efforts to destroy Hezbollah. Harper characterized Israel’s response as “measured.”
    Only Joe Volpe stayed away from mention of restraint.
    Most criticized Harper for following the lead of U.S. President George W. Bush — Bob Rae dubbed his a “cheerleader” role — and expressed the hope it’s not too late for Canada to make a difference, whether by sending the peacekeepers Harper appears to have ruled out for a Lebanese buffer zone, or for carrying out some form of Canadian shuttle diplomacy. via Red Star

  15. Martin (Don,not Dither$) on Harper and Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel.
    Conclusion: Librano$ 0; Harper 10. (Don: Harper is a winner: admit it).
    Don says there is no wiggle, no UNance in …. it is measured, though.
    Check out Harper’s pro-Israeli bias; the commandeering, the unilateral declaration, on behalf of Canada, rapturous rally in TO, Librano$ should gulp (Take that, Willy Graham; that’ll make Willy splutter, LOL), etc.
    Harper’s measured Mideast response
    Like it or loathe it, there’s no wiggle room in Harper’s position. Gone are the days when the Liberal government would search for a “firm but flexible” position to try and appease everybody.
    Harper has commandeered foreign affairs from minister Peter MacKay and, with nary a word of Cabinet consultation, delivered a unilateral declaration of pro-Israeli bias in the conflict on behalf of Canada.
    Even when it became riskier to stick with that script, he did not waver in correctly blaming Hezbollah as the conflict’s trigger, supporting only a conditional ceasefire after that Iran-sponsored militia has been exterminated and refusing to offer up a Canadian role in future Lebanese peacekeeping.
    It has been a cold, precise, vintage Harperesque performance. Even wading into a political minefield after the death of the Canadian peacekeeper by Israeli artillery fire this week, Harper showed little sign of a thaw in politics or personality.
    He raised some pointed questions, expressed a legitimate doubt about the United Nations’ blame game and demanded an investigation. He might’ve wondered why Israel didn’t warn the peacekeepers to vacate their well-marked UN outpost while they fielded one of their calls to complain about the close proximity of shells landing, but that might hint at an uncharacteristic shadow of doubt.
    The payoff for his positions so far was a rapturous reception by a 5,000-strong audience at a Wednesday rally in the last-stand Liberal fortress of Toronto, which should give the Official Opposition pause to gulp.
    And reaction in the Lebanese community has been fragmented. Six Lebanese leaders published a letter siding wholeheartedly with Harper’s stance. …-

  16. Toronto The ‘Not-So’ Good:
    Mugged 74-year-old mad as hell
    “…Evelyn said she’s disturbed no one travelling on the busy roadway near Cedarbrae Mall at Lawrence Ave. stopped to help them as they lay on the ground with the two men violently pulling at their purses…”

  17. “And reaction in the Lebanese community has been fragmented. Six Lebanese leaders published a letter siding wholeheartedly with Harper’s stance.”
    Indeed. I’d guess they were probably Maronite Christian and Druze leaders.
    That’s the problem with notions such as “Lebanese community” – they don’t represent a solid like-minded bloc of people.
    Go figure.

  18. Swedish Models
    Johan Norberg
    “…In a contentious European debate marked by hostility, riots and unrest, Sweden looks like a safe bet–neutral, uncontroversial and with no natural opponents. Sweden is a Rorschach test: The Left sees a generous welfare state, and the Right sees an open economy that pushes for deregulation in the European Union. The only thing British reformists and French protectionists could agree on at the EU summit in Brussels in March was that Europe should learn from the Scandinavian model’s combination of generous social provisions and a high-growth economy. Sweden is seen as the proverbial “third way”, combining the openness and wealth creation of capitalism with the redistribution and safety nets of socialism. It is the best of both worlds.
    But things in Sweden are not as good as the advocates would like to believe. Long the paragon of social democracy, the Swedish model is rotting from within. Ironically, the unique social and economic foundation that first allowed Sweden to construct its political edifice–and which makes it such a difficult model for other countries to emulate–has been critically weakened by the system it helped create. Far from a being a solution for the new sick men of Europe, Sweden must face serious and fundamental challenges at the heart of its social model…”

  19. Vitruvius #1 right, Kate deserves a lot of support in maintaining sda. In my younger years I had subscriptions to the likes of; Winnipeg Free Press, Macleans, Time CND, Country Guide, Scientific American, Flying, and others. The annual sub for the “news” in these publications would be hundreds of dollars. Add to that the advertising I had to suffer through in watching CBC, CTV, ect. Today Kate replaces all of that junk, with far, far more accuracy and a chance to talk back to the “radio” besides. My check is in the mail !!

  20. “…hailing the glories of an invented past as a path to a powerful future.” Pretty much describes the Canadian Liberal Left.

  21. It is up to us, who enjoy freedom and democracy, to love our head chopping Moslem friends and drag them kicking and screaming out of their 14th century misery.
    Our duty is to invite fudamentalist Moslems into our era of freedom, and agreement through debate, rather than through rocket launching.
    Moslem citizens are probably tired of the religious police who go around beating women for a momentary uncoverd face and men for looking a little too long at the curves under a burkah. = TG
    This comment is probably annoying to a number of people, but on the other hand, elements of truth are often annoying to all of us who should know better.
    Bombing only creates more blind hate amoung friends and family of those killed. Reason and logic do not apply to these wronged people. They see red and only want revenge by death.
    Obviously bombing is stupid and solves nothing, yet we give into the bombing impulse, making our problems ever larger.
    What purpose is human intelligence then, if we refuse to use it?
    IraqTheModel is worth a peruse.

  22. “…Our duty is to invite fudamentalist Moslems into our era of freedom, and agreement through debate…”
    Agreement? Through debate?
    It appears that various Muslim groups within Canada are finding it difficult to come to agreement on certain issues, even amongst themselves:
    Review: Muslim Strategy Meeting in Toronto
    July 5, 2006
    “Below is a biting critique, reposted with permission from the writer, of the Muslim Strategy Meeting organized by the Canadian Islamic Congress. The disorganization and lack of professionalism only seem to highlight the absence of competent leadership in the Muslim community:…
    “…To say that the occasion resembled a desi fish-market would be a polite understatement. The confused and helpless moderator was promptly replaced by Dr. al-Masri who, in a professional wrestler-like manner, managed to carry along the ill-disciplined lot of our “community leaders” until home-time at 4. During the event, few incidents stuck out. Before the group assignment, Mrs. Vahida Valiante, the Vice President of CIC, read for the audience a prepared list of her 47 “solutions” for all Muslim community problems (or was it 48? I lost count after 15).
    Mr. Zafar Bangash went near-berserk upon discovering a tape recorder left on a table recording the event and demanded that the recording stop immediately. Upon inquiring the reason, he simply said: “Recording is not allowed here”. I could be wrong but I doubt he is recording-shy….
    Here’s the outcome of that meeting, outlined in an article by Sumera Sheikh:
    I – Challenges Facing Canadian Muslims:
    1. Negative stereotyping of Muslims by the media…
    II- Short-Term Action Plan:
    1. Rejecting media-imposed calls for Muslim “extremist/moderate” discourse
    III- Long-Term Action Plan:
    1. Creating research-oriented “think tanks.”
    2. Making a greater effort to prevent the physical and mental ghettoization of Canadian Muslims…
    10. Creating a Muslim School Board….

  23. Examine the history of Canada, from the Pearson/Trudeau era up to the present time: behold, the enemy within.
    The UN has been captured by Islam, aided and abetted by the likes of Maurice Strong, Kofi Annan, Chretien/Martin, et al.
    The UN is an enemy of Canada.
    Down with the corrupt, criminal United Nations.
    Out with the corrupt Kofi Annan. …-
    Farewell To The United Nations?
    There is usually a close correlation between those in the West who champion Multiculturalism and those who champion the United Nations as in important tool of international affairs. We have an internal enemy that is post-democratic or even post-Western. They believe in Multiculturalism at home, transnational organizations, “international law” and the United Nations abroad. They are weakening Western civilization from within.
    Multiculturalism essentially means that all countries should become just like the UN, with hosts of cultures living together on equal terms and without any core culture. Multiculturalism states that all cultures are equally worthy or respect. The basic principle of the UN is that all nations are equally worthy of membership. Which means that the Sudan, Saudi Arabia and the Islamic Republic of Iran should be accepted on equal terms with, say, New Zealand. This is obviously ridiculous. Not all countries are worthy or respect, just as not all cultures are worthy of respect. It is an insult to human dignity that peaceful, democratic states should be treated the same way as terror sponsoring states that oppress their own population.
    Our external enemy is the Islamic world. Our internal and our external enemies converge at the UN. Islamic countries want to use the UN as a tool to influence Western and infidel policies, bogging us down with regulations that make it more difficult to avoid being demographically overwhelmed by Muslim immigrants, placing obstacles in the way of stopping terrorist supporters in our countries and from dealing with nations supporting terrorism and Jihadist activities. Meanwhile, Islamic countries will ignore any “human rights” resolutions and will continue with impunity their oppression of Hindus, Christians or other non-Muslims in their own lands. All cultures are equal, but some are more equal than others. There can be no United Nations with Canada and Syria since these countries have absolutely nothing in common.
    By discrediting or withdrawing from the UN, we will thus weaken both our external and our internal enemies. It would be more difficult for Islamic countries to influence infidel policies, and it would deal an ideological blow to Multiculturalists and transnational progressives, since the UN is the ultimate symbol of their world view of and a cornerstone of their ideology. It is easier to oppose Multiculturalism on a national scale if we first oppose it on an international scale. …

  24. What The United Nations, Maurice Strong, Jacques Chirac, Paul Martin, Koffi Annan et al, want is ABSOLUTE UN power. As in ONE WORLD GOVERNANCE.
    The Kyoto Protocol Scam was the most glaring example of UN attempts at world control over sovereign nations by unelected “do-gooders”.

  25. Who is Tony and what does Tony know?
    Tony Blair? …-
    The question is not whether Syria might try to assassinate Seniora, but rather if it will try to assassinate Berri.
    Posted by: Tony | Friday, July 28, 2006 at 04:58 PM

  26. New Kid said..
    Re Farewell to the United Nations: How do I sign up?
    Posted July 28, 2006 05:06 PM
    Easy, Gather support for the U.D.N. United DEMOCRATIC Nations, made up of countries who are really democratic and or dedicated to becoming democratic.
    We had a UDN page up at, but slime bags who enjoy the UN gravy-train erased it and there seems to be no record in the erased topics/pages section.
    Run with it. Put up your new page depicting your concepts of the new, responsible and prompt acting UDN. You can take credit for it and refrence your blogsite too.
    Be sure to specify that there will be a solid whistle blower protection provision to discourage frauds like the multi-million dollar Oil for Food fiasco. Only one of many UN scams by the way.
    Now the UN wants taxing authority. Yeah right! When pigs fly. = TG

  27. Update: From the front lines of Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel:
    Israel Hits 130 Hezbollah Targets in Southern Lebanon (Update1)
    Bloomberg – 12 hours ago
    July 28 (Bloomberg) — Israel struck as many as 130 Hezbollah targets in southern Lebanon, using planes and artillery, a day after ruling out an increased land offensive. The targets, including rocket launchers …-
    Over at Seattle, Wash., USA, there are rumours of a second front in Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel.
    Breaking: Shooting at Seattle Jewish Federation
    Possibly related to the Hizballah war? Several people shot at Jewish Federation in Seattle. (Hat tip: Joseph.)
    SEATTLE – At least two people have been shot at the Jewish Federation at 2031 Third Ave. in downtown Seattle. One or two people have been taken into custody but it’s not known if they are suspects. via LGF

  28. How will Rick, the left liberal/socialist, spin this?
    All 5 victims were women, including a pregnant woman; one dead.
    Of course, the liberal left feminists, will arise now, gird their loins, and denounce/condemn Hezbollah. (Psssst, Louise Arbour … did “he” commit a war crime?)
    Stand with Israel …-
    Humanitarianism in Asymmetric Warfare
    Lively discussion in comments about the shootings in Seattle, Israel’s strategy, the Bush-Blair refusal to set a ceasefire declaring an opportunity for a better Middle East and more … An example — BTW, all the victims of the Seattle shooting were women, one of whom was pregnant. So now the post comes full circle. It was originally about humanitarianism and war crimes in asymmetric war. Question: was the perp a combatant or a criminal? Question: did he commit a war crime? …-
    belmont club

  29. This is a comment borrowed from: * w
    [ Yes, there is a magazine for electric vehicles called ]
    Doug Canfield:
    Lets see. In 1994 we drove an EV1 at the Mesa facility 500 miles (806km)on a single charge. Less volume and weight than the PBA bats, and could recharge in a matter of a few minutes. This is news????
    28/Jul/2006 [29248]

    Is it any wonder those drivers who were allowed to lease the GM EV1 just loved them and were bitterly disappointed when GM refused to allow any sales.
    One has to wonder at the wisdom of destroying 800 perfectly good stylish EV1 cars. Gm crushed them at their secure facility in Arizona.
    No, no. I would not dare suggest the EV1 was too good a product and may yet ruin the corporate profits of both Big Auto and Big Oil.
    Besides, you would probably find it so boring to pay only ONE penny per mile for transport.
    It would take away the fun of paying big bucks for gas.
    It would rob Iran of the funds to support Hezbollah and pay for Nukes.
    It would reduce all the fun happening in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    It would subdue talk of Alberta separation.
    Electric Vehicle… Who would want one of those?… Eeeew.
    = TG TonyGuitar dot blogspot

  30. Interesting that this movie/documentary, on radical Islam, is coming to Montreal this week of premier openings….
    “We need to stand up for what we believe. Understandably, we don’t want to be intolerant.
    …..But, in our struggle to be respectful for different cultures, it’s almost as if we’ve confused multi-culturalism with basic morality.
    …..The oft-expressed idea that there is no right or wrong; it’s only a matter of perspective.
    ….By July of 2005, the UN still couldn’t agree on a definition of terrorism, and Libya had served on the Human Rights Council.
    ….These guys are very committed to what what they stand for, and they’re slowly railroading us.
    …..There are many beautiful ideals in our world. Many incredible things we’ve learned, over the centuries, about how to get along. And we want to preserve them, and see them flourish.
    ….But, if we don’t stand up for what we believe, in the face of a group of people who are very committed to what they believe, we’ll lose them.
    ……..We hope the film will inspire people to spend some time thinking about their beliefs, and commit to them, and fight for them.”

  31. Hezbollah politicians back peace package
    Hezbollah politicians, while expressing reservations, have joined their critics in the government in agreeing to a peace package that includes strengthening an international force in south Lebanon and disarming the guerrillas, the government said. ….
    Sounds good, any conditions?….
    It starts out with an immediate cease-fire.
    Why? The Israelis have cut off the supply routes for missiles, H’bollah’s current stocks will run out shortly.
    the release of Lebanese and Israeli prisoners; Israeli withdrawal behind the border; the return of Lebanese displaced by the fighting.
    Release the Israeli prisoners immediately, that is the first step. No terrorists released, terrorist prisoners must be punished for their crimes. The Israelis should withdraw to the border only when the security of Israel is assured by Lebanon and/or the world community.
    moves to resolve the status of Chebaa Farms, a small piece of land held by Israel and claimed by Lebanon. The proposal calls for the
    U.N. Security Council to commit to putting the area under U.N. control until a final demarcation of the border.

    Ah, there’s the rub. This shows that the government of Lebanon has been supporting H’bollah all along, and explains why H’bollah was ALLOWED to stockpile over 10,000 missiles and rockets in Lebanon. BTW, the UN considers the Chebaa Farms a part of the Israeli occupied Golan Heights belonging to Syria.
    the spreading of Lebanese government authority over the entire country,” meaning the deployment of the Lebanese army in the south, with the strengthening and increasing of the small, lightly armed U.N. peacekeeping force currently there.
    LOL. Well, maybe an international force, but not under UN control.

  32. when I wuz at the great UWO in the early 70s, about 70 years ago, there wuz a swedish chap running a massive and complex program which would carefully map out what each farmer was allowed to produce under the socialist meddlesom practice of allocating production to the last nit.
    the software he wrote and ran on a control data cyber 73 was called ‘fairshare’.
    only in a full tilt socialist realm.

    “30 July 2006
    A Lebanese Shia explains how Hezbollah uses human shields
    In a letter to the editor of the Berlin daily Der Tagesspiegel a Lebanese Shia explains how after Israel’s withdrawal from South Lebanon, Hezbollah stored rockets in bunkers in his town and built a school and residence over it.
    I lived until 2002 in a small southern village near Mardshajun that is inhabited by a majority of Shias like me. After Israel left Lebanon, it did not take long for Hezbollah to have the say in our town and all other towns. Received as successful resistance fighters, they appeared armed to the teeth and dug rocket depots in bunkers in our town as well. The social work of the Party of God consisted in building a school and a residence over these bunkers! A local sheikh explained to me laughing that the Jews would lose in any event because the rockets would either be fired at them or if they attacked the rocket depots, they would be condemned by world opinion on account of the dead civilians. These people do not care about the Lebanese population, they use them as shields, and, once dead, as propaganda. As long as they continue existing there, there will be no tranquility and peace.
    Dr. Mounir Herzallah
    (translated from the German by David Ouellette)”

  34. I goofed link/post got held up.
    Nealnews has a link from Isreal National News that “Senior IDF officers told reporters a short time ago that there is a contradiction in the timing of the bombing of the village of Kana and reports of the explosion that killed more than 50 civilians.”
    I’m sure that won’t make a difference to the critics.

  35. Just reading this posting on MEMRI: Iranian Assistance to Hizbullah – July 31/06 – Iranian Martyrdom Forces Have Been Sent To Lebanon
    “The following are excerpts from the Al-Sharq Al-Awsat report on aid extended to Hizbullah by Iran’s Revolutionary Guards:(1)”
    “The Iranian officer added that “thanks to the presence of hundreds of Iranian engineers and technicians, as well as North Korean experts brought [into Lebanon] in the guise of [domestic] servants by Iranian diplomats…”
    North Korean experts? Can’t say I’m surprised.
    There’s lots more.

  36. There is also a clip on Memri – July 28, 2006 No.1218
    Iranian Students Volunteer to Join the Fighting in Lebanon and Palestine
    Check the ‘Brother’ at 1:10 (Saudi?) who is prepared to die a martyr for his brothers in Lebanon, immediately after is another brother with a sign “Down with U.S.A.”
    From about 1:40 on there are brothers and sisters who believe that the U.N. is failing in their duties and all the global forces are against them, helping Isreral to attack a nation.

  37. in 20 or 30 years canada will be utterly ruined because of immigration,.
    If it doesn’t stop we might as move to Yugoslavia, Timor, Israel,…..
    Jihad is comming you Dhimmi’s.

  38. You know we all agreed that the electric vehicle could free us from oil wars. Well at least that is some part of it.
    Well, Uh oh, is the shocking problem with the GM EV1 or with GM?
    He drove one for six years. = TG
