35 Replies to “The One-Time Frontrunner For The 2004 Democratic Nomination”

  1. I can’t figure out why the Dem’s would choose this raving lunatic to be their lead candidate in 08 or any other year! The man is a complete and total nutjob.

  2. It looks as though all of you had a wonderful time.
    “Always communicate with your hairdresser!” Yeah, I can identify with that. I told mine to cut two inches off of the bottom. She cut two inches off of all the layer’s instead. I looked like a porcupine for three months! Happily, it’s almost grown out now. 🙂

  3. It was political grandstanding of the worst order for Dean to go mouthing off about al-Maliki and calling him an anti-Semite. But that doesn’t mean it isn’t true. Would you bet against it?

  4. Never ceases to amaze me how the people posting at this site have more knowledge of what’s going on than the actual people in the center of and embroiled in the fray being discussed.
    Or do they?
    3 cheers for computer stool crtics with nothing better to do than spread gossip.

  5. So the Iraqi PM is an anti-semite? Why does Dean have to look so far afield? How about Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, David Duke, Robert Byrd — good Dems all?

  6. Keep it up Dean. Good for the Democratic brand and all that. Lieberman must be smiling as he watches this race for the extreme left unfold. My appreciation for Koz grows daily as 2008 draws near.

  7. good point DrD.
    and let’s not forget that the most frequent visitor to the White House during the Clinton administration was none other than Yasser Arafat – this generation’s greatest Jew killer.
    If the prime minister of Iraq said things that were in line with the Bush administration’s position on Hezbollah, he would have been called, by the likes of Dean, a “puppet”.

  8. Y’know, that Howie Dean is more evidence that liberalism is a mental disorder.
    Astonishing for an ultra-extreme moonbat like Screamin’ Howie to accuse anyone of being anti-Semite. Isn’t the left itself generally anti-Semitic? And isn’t Howie a radical leftist?

  9. ex-liberal,
    I am an ex-liberal too, and find it interesting that we’ve had the same thought here. I find it highly ironic that the same lefties constantly undermining our progress in Iraq by squealing “occupation” and “puppet government”, are now feigning outrage and condeming Bush for “creating another enemy of Israel”.
    The Dems never seemed very bothered that Saddam was no friend to Israel. As a matter of fact, they pretend Saddam was not a terrorist supporter (a pillar of their “unjust war” mantra) inspite of paying suicide bombers 25K per attack against who? Israel.
    I am amazed that the Left has any remaining support. One would truly have to twist oneself into an ideological pretzel to follow their “logic”. They shamelessly play both sides of every fence. It is truly disgusting.

  10. Yes, I want to bring peace into the world and and social justice for all….

  11. Yes, I want to bring peace into the world and and social justice for all….

  12. The Democrats have become even more deluded than our own Lefty Socialists.
    After so many years of Bush hate, they have lost any grip on what “normal” ( Meaning those NOT, eco-fanatics, pro jihadist, anti American, anti Jewish, pro Marxist , twitching neurotics ) people.
    Joe Lieberman you have nothing to worry about. French fries to fudgeicles you will be the Next President of the United States.
    All thanks to Moon bat mayhem, twined with a mooncalf mentality. You folks are your own worst enemy . Not us.
    Time to give up your not inconsiderable socialist chimeras. Find some real issues that help people instead of punish them.
    Socialists only know the use of the stick or gun. Never the helping hand or carrot.

  13. So the Deaniac is suddenly concerned about anti-Semitism. Plus even John Kerry is making statements that Hezbollah must be defeated.
    Methinks the Dems are getting internal polls that tell them their old reliable Jewish base for votes and more importantly for funding is slipping over to the GOP. Giuliani, who can swing New York over from the Dems, is now looking very probable in 2008.
    Therefore the same will happen here. Watch for newfound support for Israel spewing out of the Liberal’s leadership candidates. They will have to make choices, as usual, follow the money.
    Having said that, it is ominous to view the fragility of Iraqi leadership, i.e. that Maliki, their otherwise sensible leader, is still stuck on Israel.

  14. Revnant, nondemet, looks like its between HC and JL to me. JE is keeping mysteriously quiet – must be heads down polling to figure out which way the wind is blowing. Forget Kerry. JE won’t stand in his shadow again.
    I hope it ends up Condi against Hilary. Condi is an achiever, smart, stalwart, American through and through.

  15. Shaken :
    I agree Condi would be an ideal candidate.
    Hillary a disaster. I don’t know why, but many of my American friends online. No matter what there politics. Find it hard to think of voting a Women in as President. Even the Ladies think that way.
    Some say its just too soon for that due to the war situation. After Maggie Thatcher whats to worry? I ask anyway.

  16. Astonishing for an ultra-extreme moonbat like Screamin’ Howie to accuse anyone of being anti-Semite. Isn’t the left itself generally anti-Semitic? And isn’t Howie a radical leftist?
    Are you saying he hates his wife and kids?

  17. It’s funny how everyone posting here links political communication and political strategy to ideology. Keep in mind that the conservative rhetoric in Canada and in the US are very different from belief / ideology.

  18. hanging to the left, it’s clear to me that what you say is true of the Left. I have not found that to be the case on the Right. Conservatives usually actually mean what they say. It’s a fresh strategy. You guys could give it a try, but of course none of you would ever get elected again.

  19. Jaymeister,
    are you trying to say that just because Dean’s wife and kids are Jews he could not be an anti-Jew?
    have you ever heard of self-loathing Jews? Jew-hating Jews?
    Let me introduce you to Karl Marx, Noam Chomsky, Norman Finkelstein, Grand Inquisitor Tomás de Torquemada, and some of my cousins and brothers.
    sad but true

  20. Way off topic,
    has anyone read about this…
    seems a few maritimers are tired of the lax justice system.

  21. Nouri al-Maliki’s comment that Israel is the aggressor doesn’t make him an anti-semite per se, although he may very well be anti-semite, or just plain stupid.
    If it were not for the US of A’s insistence that the world community take into account the CAUSE of the current conflict the UN would have condemned Israels response outright simply because of the escalation of violence involved. The UN has shown itself to be quite content with the constant terrorist attacks upon Israel and believe that Israel should absorb it all and not retaliate.

  22. have you ever heard of self-loathing Jews? Jew-hating Jews?
    Being Jewish myself, I take offense at that. Are all these brothers and cousins self-hating? Do you call any Jew who considers himself liberal to be self-hating? There is no difference between that and calling someone an Uncle Tom or throwing Oreo cookies at them.

  23. Jay,
    The Jewish people taken as a whole are a great and wonderful people and have made great contributions to civlization.
    You however, have your head in the sand.

  24. Are we going to have to pretend that some Jews don’t hate Judaism now? Like we have to pretend that some Americans don’t hate America? Of course, I know that not many do. I’m not of the mind that every Jew who is a Liberal is a Jew hater any more than I think every American Democrat is an America hater. But, some people can only see bad, never see the good, and never even give the benefit of the doubt. Now, explain that.

  25. Jaymeister,
    I have just spent the last 2 weeks on holidays with many members of my family. The liberals among them called me a racist, Hitler and a fascist – for what?
    For questioning the Lebanese Canadians of convenience, liking George Bush, thinking lower taxes would be good for Canada, liking Mr. Harper and standing up for Israel in her battle against Islamo-fascists. They are all non-observant and think the Bible is just a bunch of silly stories. My cousins thinks that the creation of the modern state of Israel was a mistake. It was like sitting down with Mr. Chomsky and Mr. Finkelstein. They think that everything is our fault, you know “we stole the land of the ancient Palestinians”. In another day and age they would be saying “yes we are Christ-killers, yes we are non-Aryan and deserve extermination, I hate me too”.
    Whether being liberal makes you a self-loather (note how American and Canadian liberals think their own heritage has caused nothing but grief and despair), or being a self-loather makes you a liberal, I don’t know. But the two do seem go together a lot.

  26. Jaymeister – sorry, but there are self-loathing Jews. Look at Hollywood, academia and the MSM – all over represented with Jewish folks. Can you deny this? No. To deny this phenomenon is being naive.
    I’m pro-Israel and not anti-semitic, but have never understood the Jewish propensity for voting Dems/Liberals which clearly aren’t in their best interest. It’s a conundrum I’ve never understood.
    What’s at stake here is that Islam wants us all dead. There is no Jewish-Christian divide on that. Voting for the likes of Howard Dean and Co. is European surrender. I pray that American Jews can walk from the, at core anti-semitic, Democratic party finally.

  27. Since Tom Penn is the only person who responded to me in a rational and non-over-generalizing way, I address this to him.
    But, some people can only see bad, never see the good, and never even give the benefit of the doubt. Now, explain that.
    I never said that there are no self-hating Jews. Plenty of people hate themselves and where they come from. To hate everything about your country or heritage is as irrational as to approve of everything. There are others who can only see the good and don’t want to believe that sometimes even good people do bad things, or that even good countries do bad things. It’s all about balance and calling people out for their shortcomings, while praising them for their strengths. I guarantee you that if it were a Republican who called al-Maliki an anti-Semite, many here would be yelling “You go, man!” and praising the direct, non-PC language, while the lefties would be crying foul. (As penny aptly reminded us, at the end of the day this is all about partisanship.)
    Back to your point, I have no pretense that there aren’t any self-hating Jews, but it seems that everybody who disagrees with conservatives gets this label, and most of the time it is unwarranted, as would be an oreo or Uncle Tom moniker for black conservatives. Our people should be proud of the ideological diversity, because we’ve seen what becomes of monoliths, and not be intimidated by others who want to dictate what’s best for us. To suggest Jews control public opinion via liberal Hollywood is no less anti-semitic than to suggest Jews control policy through AIPAC.

  28. Jay,
    I don’t think anyone here really knows Maliki well enough to know whether he is, or is not, an anti-semite. Howard Dean doesn’t either, and that is the point. The “Liberal” left (broadly speaking) can’t seem to ever put anything ahead of an opportunity to make political hay, no matter how presumptuous the basis of their “argument”. And that is all Dean was doing. He was not standing up for a value that he really believes in. This was an opportunity to honor a freely elected Iraqi head of state who has put his life on the line to help drag his people out of Saddam Hussein’s dungeon.
    “It’s all about balance and calling people out for their shortcomings, while praising them for their strengths.” It seems the left believes that the only culture to be “called out for their shortcomings” is their own. Nothing wrong with any other. Anyone who sees issues with political and militant Islam are “Islamophobic”. I am all for healthy self-reflection, and consider it a hallmark of freedom. But, for the Left, it seems WE are ALWAYS the problem. Where is the praise for western liberalism among the (I will argue largely self-loathing) left? How do they project “Liberal” values to their fellow man?
    I never hear a leftists wailing about the use of the death penalty in Iran or China. I never hear a leftist mention “gay rights”, or “women’s rights” in relation to the Arab world. In my opinion, THEY are the racist hypocrites. If they really believe in these “human rights”, shouldn’t they believe in them for every human, no matter their color?

  29. I don’t think anyone here really knows Maliki well enough to know whether he is, or is not, an anti-semite. Howard Dean doesn’t either, and that is the point.
    If you read my initial comment on this above, you’ll see that I agree with that. I said that it was political grandstanding of the worst order.
    “Liberal” left (broadly speaking) can’t seem to ever put anything ahead of an opportunity to make political hay, no matter how presumptuous the basis of their “argument”.
    The Liberal Left has no monopoly on this. What about the labelling of all who criticize Israeli government policies as anti-Semitic. Surely one can’t read the mind of everybody and know who the ractists are. There is a certain percentage who probably are, but most probably aren’t. So the label is thrown out there to intimidate.
    In my opinion, THEY are the racist hypocrites.
    It seems the left believes that the only culture to be “called out for their shortcomings” is their own. Nothing wrong with any other.
    You only come to that conclusion if all you listen to are MSM and right wing blogs. You must have missed all of the human rights protests down through the years.
    I never hear a leftists wailing about the use of the death penalty in Iran or China. I never hear a leftist mention “gay rights”, or “women’s rights” in relation to the Arab world.
    First of all, there is plenty of mention of those things, although probably not enough. However, in case you hadn’t noticed, Iran, China and most of the Arab world are under repressive regimes who aren’t going to be pressured by public opinion outside of their borders. Whereas you have the hope of affecting change in Western democracies. It is for the very reason that we DO have freedoms in our society that we should expect more from ourselves than to simply say “we’re not as bad as the other guys.” There is nothing wrong with striving for a “more perfect union”.

  30. Howard Dean who steals candy from babies kicks puppies and kittens evicts famlies from their homes so so can build a new cassino and leaves the elderly in a rat infested firetrap of a building and they says nothing
