Is There A Justice In The House?

The Caledonia saga continues

An Ontario judge is again demanding to know why his orders to police to end the aboriginal land dispute in Caledonia haven’t been carried out.
Justice David Marshall today called into court representatives from provincial police, the Ministry of the Attorney General, and the aboriginal occupiers. Marshall is hearing legal arguments about why the protesters remain at the housing development.
Six Nations members have occupied the land since the end of February, claiming it was wrongly taken from them by the Crown.
Lawyers for the Attorney General say Marshall’s orders have been carried out, noting police have laid 53 charges against 28 people.
But Marshall says his orders have been blatantly disregarded and the integrity of the court and rule of law are under attack.
“This is a matter at the very heart of the administration of justice,” Marshall said in court.
“If court orders can be disregarded the whole fabric of democracy falls to pieces.”

Never mind democracy – how about accountability? I believe this is the third time (I may be mistaken) that he’s summoned these pretenders in for an audience. Perhaps someone with a legal background can answer this question – why hasn’t Justice Marshall slapped the OPP and Ontario Attorney General with contempt of court charges?
Caledonia Wakeup Call is collecting reports (many from outside the mainstream) on continuing events on the ground. (To whom it may concern – the CWC website could really use a redesign. A little more New York Times, a little less Weekly World News and you’ll be surprised at how much more linkage you get.)

85 Replies to “Is There A Justice In The House?”

  1. You can toss a few other facts into the mix.
    1) Ottawa Police PSS are now in charge of investigating the OPP situation where the officers allegedly stood by while a camera crew was beaten
    2) Dalton McGuinty and Ottawa Mayor Bob Chiarelli are both staunch Liberals and Mayor Bob has supported Dalton by campaigning for him door to door.
    3) The day the above investigation was announced, Ottawa Police Chief Vince Bevan resigned unexpectedly.
    One would think the police force in the Premier’s riding investigating an OPP case regarding the Caledonia standoff, a case McGuinty is in charge of, would be a conflict of interest.
    Any other police PSS would have been better and acceptable.

  2. “Why hasn’t Justice Marshall slapped the OPP and Ontario Attorney General with contempt of court charges?”
    Well, who wouldn’t agree with that.
    But shouldn’t the band be charged first? Its executive members and those on the barricades are by far the most culpable. They are breaking the law. They are committing the act the judge wants ended. The cops and the AG are way behind in blame here.
    Too bad the ghost of that gun-totin’ Dudley George hangs over everything.

  3. Perhaps Dalton McNutless who is allegedly in charge of this province should be held in Contempt by the good Judge. Perhaps when our next election comes around the people be the judge and throw these nutless bozos out of office.

  4. There was only one way to stop this. Gather the troops (a combination of police and military), arrive en masse and arrest all the protestors. Those who respond with violence are to be shot. Dead.
    Then negotiate.

  5. *ahem*
    Errr, Brian M. … I’ll agree with your posit that the police and troops are to start shooting people (in your words – Dead)when I have some sense that you are personally prepared to go onto the front lines and take care of the dirty work that you apparently are prepared to task others with…in short, until you are prepared to rise from your armchair and actually do something, maybe tone down your rhetoric just a touch. I’ll cut you some slack and assume that you were talking a bit over the top when you made the suggestion.
    But Kate makes a very good point. I have personally had to stand before a judge and defend why we did not enforce his court order in a timely manner. Although we had good reason not to do so, it was definitely an uncomfortable experience. And…the implicit threat was that we would be liable for contempt of court proceedings.
    Those unfamiliar with contempt proceedings should examine the appeal provisions against such orders…essentially, there aren’t many…

  6. “Why hasn’t Justice Marshall slapped the OPP and Ontario Attorney General with contempt of court charges?”
    Perhaps he still has career ambitions, like Appeal Court, or Supreme Court. It’s a rare public official nowadays that will bite the hand that promotes him.
    Should he charge McGuinty, I’ll start a write-in campaign to have him drafted as a Conservative candidate in the next federal election. And maybe the same for the order of Canada.

  7. The Liberal government of Ontario is treating the people of Ontario with the contempt they deserve for voting Liberal in the first place.
    The Ontario Provincial Police force should be disbanded and replaced by local police forces, they have proven far too incompetent to handle this situation. The actions of the OPP are an example of unprofessionalism not witnessed since the RCMP worked directly for the federal Liberal Party.

  8. Be careful what you wish for. The seperation of judges from the enforcement arm of the law is a good thing as laid out in our laws and constitution.

  9. “The Ontario Provincial Police force should be disbanded and replaced by local police forces, they have proven far too incompetent to handle this situation. The actions of the OPP are an example of unprofessionalism not witnessed since the RCMP worked directly for the federal Liberal Party. ”
    And who says they don’t to this day? Or the OPP working directly for the Liberals in Ontario. Certainly the news that the Ottawa police are investigating smacks of that possibility. Not to mention the strange behaviour of the OPP during the heat of the crisis. A crisis that should never have ever taken place. Throw the bums off the land that does not belong to them and insist they take their fight to the right venue.
    But they allowed this to happen and refused to do their jobs and refused to obey a court order.
    You cannot tell me that their orders to defy a court order did not come directly from the Ontario government!
    Governments who charge the constabularly, whether provincial or federal to act on their personal behalf to cover for their incompetence or criminal neglect while allowing the law breakers to continue to act criminally against those who voted them into office smacks very strongly of a police state. The waft of odorous Chretienism can be uncomfortably smelt!
    The stink of the socialist state this country VERY nearly became and might still if the miscreants scrambling like rats to be the boss of the liberal party get their way.
    And all while we have much bigger fish to fry.Those muderers in Lebanon care not for chick nor child. Only their blood lust to murder Israeli’s. They wish this on all of us and Israel is on the front lines. They need our help and our concentration. Yet we have to put up with the criminal neglect that is the Ontario government.
    We should have had our house in order long before now.
    Personally, I think there will be a backlash against McGuinty and his henchmen when election time rolls around.
    Anybody who has watched the drama play out in Caledonia cannot help but be on the residents side. Hell, it could be any one of our own neighbourhoods this is happening to.
    If the Six Nations win this one ( and they are well on their way to doing just that) that swatch of land they claim all the way to the lake won’t be out of the question as far as they are concerned. Just like the terrorists in the Middle East: Give ’em an inch and they take a mile ( or the land you sit on right out from under you).
    We need government with backbone and brains enough to realize they speak for all of their people and we cannot forever be held hostage to the whims of criminals and thugs who insist on something that does not belong to them simply because they feel empowered by their ‘victimism’ and have been able to use it effectively to get what they should not have in the past.
    This country absolutely must be for all or it will not be forever.

  10. Dalton Mcguinty wears Caledonia like Jean Cretien wears helicopters. Those who politicize history (Ipperwash) become history.

  11. Dalton Mcguinty wears Caledonia like Jean Cretien wears helicopters. Those who politicize history (Ipperwash) become history.

  12. Dalton Mcguinty wears Caledonia like Jean Cretien wears helicopters. Those who politicize history (Ipperwash) become history.

  13. the party that originally obtained the order would ordinarily move for contempt. the liberals will never again seek any injunctive relief against natives lest they get what they ostensibly sought.

  14. Bruce, Brian said only to shoot those who use violence.
    Thats far more considerate to those doing the arrwests than mcNutless saying to take whatever they throw at you and don’t wear body armour.
    He’s making it easy on those doing the dirty work.
    Anyway McNutless by not doing anything has caused other problems to flare like Indians in MB shutting rail lines to draw attention from how they cut off welfare from anyone who complains about corruption and the algonquins want all of eastern ontario back. They have been emboldened by ontarios weakness.

  15. Asked similar question last week, Kate. I hope you get some answers. Specifically, my query was why the Courts can’t sack the OPP and jam the RCMP in there. Or can they?

  16. The Caledonia mayor is now calling for the resignation of Monte Kwinter for calling the occupation just a “symbolic” one; and pretending that life goes on as normal there. No problems. No mayhem.

  17. Just announced on 900CHML that Gwen Boniface will be leaving the OPP and joining a newly formed Irish policing force–first rat to leave the sinking McLiar ship?

  18. Here’s a little advice for Justice Marshall…
    ….Resign now….
    Don’t you realize that you have no mandate, no authority, you are nothing but an appointed hack.
    The truth is that mealy-mouthed idiots like yourself are a dime a dozen, this country is full of useless do-nothing appointed hacks like you.
    Your rulings and opinions mean nothing…
    …Get used to it…

  19. Does anyone have an e-mail for Justice Marshall.
    The judge needs to be reminded, just who it is that butters his bread.!

  20. A perplexed Judge Marshall ponders: ” Why his court order to remove rnegade blocaders from the now government property in Caledonia has not been enforced”.
    The short answer is because the police were ordered to essentially suspend the rule of law ( obviously)and enforce a political “policy” which was at odds with fundamental Peace Order and good government…. and the OPP brass did not have the civil responsibility to question or disobey such an unconstitutional order from their superiors. ( this is a truely freighting development that brings us into re-evaluate the police function and its public/constitutional accountability)
    The longer answer is because Dolton McSquinty gave the AG that order and both he and the AG are a typical Liberal autocrats whose dogma allows them to belive they are above the law and not bound by the “POGG” ( Peace Order and Good Government) oath of office nor the civil needs of mortals.
    As for Dildo and his jar head AG and his OPP brass meat puppet, contempt of court charges to not reflect the serious nature of his crime. He broke his oath of office…to uphild the rule of law and supply POGG to the beseiged citizens of Caledonia as they were held hostage to lawless renegades while police looked on powerless to acr because of their orders.
    This is not time a government in Canada where elected leadership failed its constitutional oath to enforce the rule of law (POGG) and protect citizens from lawless anarchy…however it may be the first time that a government gets away with it. It appears that Dolton is ignoring the courts insitance of accountability and if the court presses the issue ( pismire that he is) he will probably throw some poor police jarhead to the wolves to satisfy the court’s thirst for accounting.

  21. Well said redux, and might I add that these clods operate within their bubble of impunity because of their confidence that a lapdog MSM will spare them the proctoscope. The MSM that gives them a pass is equally complicit.

  22. Don’t forget what happened to the police witness to the Dudley George Inquiry–killed in a hit and run accident–no suspects! The OPP know how far reaching the power of a corrupt Liberal government reach–they follow orders or they are dead meat.
    The Judge is a stooge of McLiar–as is the leadership of the OPP Gwen Twoface! Now she is running off to Ireland–we will never find out what happened in Caledonia–the asses are covered–the msm, OPP and the Court have been silenced–onward Liberal criminal government

  23. There’s an interesting read on CWC’s site about the OPP that almost got run over by a stolen police van.
    If those two OPP’s who sat and watched don’t get disciplined, then at the most I wouldn’t be surprized if they don’t get ostrasized by other memebers – failing to protect event their own.
    Agreed, the CaldoniaWakeupCall site is on par with National Inquirer in presentation. Calling people idiot’s “Monte Kwinter is an IDIOT”, usage of CAPITAL LETTERS throughout the site and the cover title of ‘Gwen Boniface Resigns’ is a bit over the top – she’s sitting on a board to review Ireland’s police force. She will stay on till October, hardly a resignation.
    Offered to revamp his site n/c but ended up being told mine looks like a circa ’96.
    sniff sniff…thought it was more ’98…

  24. “Monte Kwinter is an Idiot” is a direct quote from the local Mayor from TV last night.
    I guess if I quote the mayor it makes you National Inquirer like – I present the news. The Mayor calling him an idiot is news and since I was on TV with her at the time she said it – I ran with it.
    This week I ran 12 stories about daily crime in Caledonia – did 10 radio interviews – one TV – website was banned by OPP and now Gwen moves on. OPP also know that lawyers are reviewing our site for lawsuits and inquiry info. Our evidence of numerous crimes is being given to Judge Marshall on Monday.
    You think McGuinty was going to allow this to continue until next election?

  25. Great question, Kate: “why hasn’t Justice Marshall slapped the OPP and Ontario Attorney General with contempt of court charges?” And it would seem it shouldn’t be that hard to answer–except that no one seems to have the political will–aka balls–to answer it.
    This question should have been answered months ago in the form of the Six Nations, the OPP, and the Ontario Attorney General being slapped with contempt of court THE FIRST TIME they refused to follow the judge’s instructions.
    ‘Must be, as many here have pointed out, that Justice David Marshall is just another complicit political appointee, even though we boast in Canada that the judiciary and the government are at arm’s length from one another. Yeah, right. ‘Pretty short arm.
    I get the distinct impression that no one’s in charge, that Ontario is in free fall under Duh-lton McGuilty. And, BTW, where the He** is the guy? I caught a glimpse of him via TV news at the Premiers’ shindig this week, but other than that, he seems to have taken a permanent vacation at just the point when he should have been having a press conference to tell the Ontario taxpayers just what the heck is going on in Caledonia.
    If not for SDA, Dust My Broom, Angry in the Great White North Blogs, to name a few of the very pertinent ones exposing what’s been going on in Caledonia, I wouldn’t have known from watching CBCPravda or reading most of the MSM that we have a MAJOR PROBLEM concerning freedom and democracy right under our noses.
    Thanks, Kate, for continued coverage.

  26. George :
    OPP and the Court have been silenced–onward Liberal criminal government
    An entirely correct assessment
    Have you wondered why the Feds have not intervened?
    Its not only because Harper has an aversion to interfering in Provincial affairs. He’s a firm advocate of provincial rights. Most Albertans are.
    No, it comes down to the old saying: Give them enough rope…..
    I think Harper is just letting Socialism run its vigilant course until no one in Ontario cannot but see how dangerous & weak these fools are.
    How inherently unequal if not prejudiced towards the victims, this polity is. If not how far from any democratic norms these corrupt coffin sellers have gone from.
    There ideology of enforced Political correctness by gender, race, sexual preference, social position or party affiliation. Is driving every nuance , as they put it of there government.
    Disaster is the only outcome of this made up caste system. As they run out of producers to loot. They become more like Zimbabwe by the day.
    With Natives, replacing Black land thieves. With Dalton Mcguinty as the major cheer leader of inequality in the name of equality.
    I believe Harpers strategy is a part of Toronto as well as they become the communist poster city of gun battles & other outrages. A typical banana republic. Ignore & deflect. Unfortunately for the Socialists, there ideals have born sickly fruit, that has now fallen onto them.
    Alkies, drug addicts, bums & the insane, that make up a city with in a city. Have created a climate of Anarchy, Lawlessness. Gangs taking over. Companies moving out of the city core. The town smelling like an open toilet. The lack of tourists because of park sleeping homeless people. Who are not above even wiping there butts after a dump in the flower beds in public.
    People not going to the core businesses anymore. Shooting right in crowds. Frightened to even shop . Yet these limousine liberals live in gated communities.
    Its only a matter of time before they collapse. Do not be surprised if these saints of Socialism, criminals & bums (The elite of Marxism thinks of them & criminals as almost sacrosanct victims of the bourgeoisie middle class) become even more strident in their demands for free drugs & booze . After all they get free bleach & needles. The next step in Liberal lefty evolution is for society to enable them for life to be tranquillized. To allow support there habits with crime.
    Than Harper can come in after other incidents start, because of Ontario’s timidity in dealing with what will become a National problem.
    Let Ontario stew, in its socialist heaven until even they call in the Calvary. Out of desperation if not fear of these morons with none policies with love a thug minds.
    As for the OPP . They are a dead police force. It happened when hey allowed 3 officers from another force to be beat up while they did nothing.
    No Police officer in North America will have anything to do with them. They are now so out of the loop, no other force will release information to them. They have lost any credibility & trust me . Are seen as political servants of a corrupt regime. To other police it becomes a matter of them thinking of politics before policing. They lose the right to be Peace officers, when the public who pays them becomes the enemy for political chicanery. It will take years but like Alberta s old Provincial police. The OPP will be disbanded eventually.
    They are not police, not even close. Any force that becomes this aligned with a set of bigoted of orders, is finished as a public order organization. They have no ones trust including every North American police department.
    When you become a political hooker of any party. Your objectivity is most certainly suspect. When citizens see the police are not on there side anymore, but only for political hacks. You have lost the Rule of Law.
    Just some observations of my own.

  27. An addendum to my last post: I wrote the CBC Ombudsman a few weeks ago (okay, okay, I know I’m a bear for punishment) to ask why the CBC had barely covered what’s been going in Caledonia, and still haven’t heard from him.
    Given that he’s a former CBC employee and a former instructor/professor in Ryerson’s Journalism (sic) program, it’s a foregone conclusion that I’m either likely not to hear from him or that his answer, like the answer to Kate’s question above, will be a non-answer.
    If he were to be honest he’d have to sell out his bosses, he’d have to bite the hand that feeds him, and as he’s just moved into a new house (I know, because he told me that’s why it had taken him so long to answer an earlier question I’d asked about Julie Van Dusen), it’s not too likely he’s going to do either any time soon.
    Same old, same old. Moral pygmies, every one.

  28. Tomax7 sez:”There’s an interesting read on CWC’s site about the OPP that almost got run over by a stolen police van.
    If those two OPP’s who sat and watched don’t get disciplined, then at the most I wouldn’t be surprized if they don’t get ostrasized by other memebers”
    The RCMP are now complicit in the crime for arbitrarily refusing to accept/investigate a complaint. So in this eye witness account ( and it appears that they have sworn an official deposition on the incident that is filed with police administration) we have 4 OPP and a local RCMP dispatch officer being complicit in breach of office, obstruction, aiding and abetting the escape of felons in question and add conspiracy to undermine fundamental justice to the charge list.
    There is no doubt in my mind that the political power and untouchability of the current police function in Ontario will have the juice to silence or discredit these witnesses and resist any investigation into this very grave crime by police.
    Not to scare anyone in Ontario but the backroom policy process that covers police from accountability to the law is a hallmark trait of the corrupt police state.
    Serious review of police function acountability and the government’s actions in directing them to abandon their duty has to take place….John Tory have you the balls to step up to the plate on this one? Has any government official or politician have the guts to challenge the unaccountability or unconstitutionality of the new politicized police function and their masive government lobby machinery?
    The odds are Tory hasn’t the guts to make this an election issue because he fears the political repercussions from the entrenched police political regime more than he does the backlash from outraged citizens.
    I’m unaware of any other free constitutional democracy where the police function is as unaccountable as in Canada…and Ontario particularly. Ten again the legislative trend towards expanded unilateral police powers leaves us open to this.

  29. As a resident of Ontario this Calodonia mess has serioua ramifications. 1) a planned major hydro transmission line to the U.S. happens to cross the “so-called disputed land”- it has for the time been put on hold to resolve the problem – Ontario is on the edge of rolling blackouts – this line is need now! 2)Algonquins now claim all lands south of Ottawa River from Hawksberry to Kempville and from Algonquin Park to St.Lawrence. Ottawa is planning a billion light rail which needs a portion of “Disputed” land to proceed. May delay the construction or cause detour and detour costs.

  30. …reminds me of the development plans for upgrading the highway from Lloydminister to Grand Centre/Cold Lake a while years ago.
    It was to go through Frog Lake Reserve, but the locals wanted I think a $1 million per mile lease payment, so Klein said screw it and routed the highway upgrade around the reserve.
    Love it!
    Poor suckers, they could have had a nicely paved road through their reserve, but stuck with gravel and dirt roads, unless they’ve paved it since the 90’s.

  31. Ode to the OPP
    There ain’t nobody here but us chickens
    There ain’t nobody here at all
    so quiet yourself and stop that fuss
    there ain’t nobody here but us
    we chickens tryin’ to sleep, and you butt in
    and hobble hobble hobble hobble it’s a sin

  32. Reading all of the above, and reflecting on the fact that the premier/OPP/provincial cabinet/provincial justice minister do not have the power to vacate a court order, I was just wondering:
    Are all the good Lefties finally clear about why the Liberals loooove gun control? Cops and politicians don’t have to be accountable if they have ALL the guns. Check out Lebanon ferinstance.

  33. RD, that would be “call in the cavalry” not the “calvary”, Calvary is the name of the hill where the crucifixion took place.
    One current bonus this country has is the several thousand toughened young soldiers who will come home from Afghanistan with major combat experience. Good people to have around in any country, certainly the sort of professionals required to deal with armed mobs challenging fundamental rule of law.

  34. Thanks, calgarian. Excellent point that this city slicker would never have thought. But, now that I do, I agree and am glad.

  35. And they have been fighting terrorists, so they should be able to handle the ones in caledonia.

  36. calgarian:
    Thanks . Being a Christian I already knew this little fact. Golgotha is the Aramaic word for the very same .
    A spelling error is only a spelling
    error. Not a misleading Transience of terminology. Nor an indication of heresy. (Rolling eye’s) (O:}.

  37. Free, that would be “Caledonia” not “caledonia”, caledonia is the name of the hill where haggis was first concoted.

  38. Cops and politicians don’t have to be accountable if they have ALL the guns
    Another thought to consider is that a third group – the really, truly bad guys – will always have guns too no matter what the law is.
    Nanny state lefties can’t solve that.
    Has anyone warned Ireland of impending ineptness?
    She’ll thrive there. Trust me on that. Been there. Anti-American, nanny state and smugly socialist.

  39. well well well.
    vince bevan who was in charge of the deplorably and uniquely incompetant bernardo-homolka investigation has now exited from ottawa.
    I used to walk my dog past the bernardo rented house. it wasnt a big place, an avg single story raised bungalow.
    the cops went over it for some 6 months as I recall. plenty of time to find the infamous tape tucked into a lite fixture.
    but the cops were so obsessed with cream coloured camaros they missed the favorite hinding spot for contraband.
    oh, and the car in bernardos driveway? a silver toyota.
    so vince bevan is suddenly OUT as ottawa chief.
    as far as the caledonia thing, I read the writeup about the near miss involving the opp officer and his audience/compatriots. ya gotta sympathize with the bell tech guy forced to hitail and leave his tools behind.
    Ive poured over many of the CWC pages and am shocked by the events there. a picture’s worth 1000 words. I like the part about opp guarding ‘charcoal’.

  40. Bruce:
    “when I have some sense that you are personally prepared to go onto the front lines and take care of the dirty work that you apparently are prepared to task others with”.
    You must rid yourself of this irredeemably specious argument. Other versions are: the chicken-hawk fallacy that the President must not wage war unless he himself goes into the battlefield; you are not justified in supporing a war unless you are prepared to “send your son or daughter” (which of course is an impossibility because if minors they aren’t accepted, if adults, not under the parents’ authority).
    What about this one: you must not criticize government unless you are prepared to run for office.
    Remember cops choose that occupation with all its attendant risks.

  41. U.S. must protect blacks, poor in wake of Katrina: UN panel
    CBCpravda continues the antiUS rhetoric.

  42. No government in Canada is allowed to direct the police on how to enforce the law. I have no doubt that it probably goes on behind the scenes, but it’s supposed to be a no-no.

  43. Let me just mention that normal policing in situations like this is not too difficult.
    No one has to move in shooting to kill, or ordering to disperse under the threat of death.
    Normally, one would move various police units into positions with water cannons and if necessary, rubber bullets.
    The crowd would be ordered to disperse, and if they did not do so, they would be assaulted with these instruments of non-lethal force, backed up with advancing police units carrying shields, night sticks, and other instruments of persuasion. Dogs on leashes can be used to threaten. Tear gas projectiles may be fired into the crowd.
    Once some deterioration of the offending aggregate has occurred, various aggressive members are put into handcuffs and taken in for questioning, charges of disturbing the peace, being a public nuisance, etc., etc.
    After some leaders have been forced to cool their heels in jail off and on, eventually people start being more cooperative in the direction of a political settlement.
    I only mention all this because the posts I have read here suggest that either some military contingent prepared for combat move in, or there is little anyone can do.
    In actual fact, just dealing with normal obstinate opposition and riot factors lend themselves to a wide contingent of civilian policing measures that do not have to be escalated to the level of lethal force under most circumstances.
    If the police have not responded in some manner such as I have discussed, then they simply must not have the slightest clue about what they are doing.
    Incidentally, one last aside before anyone accuses me of racism — I’m part Cherokee.

  44. Canada is an embarassment. A city is under seige and we have done nothing. I agree with Eric. This is now becoming a failure of leadership on Harper’s part. Send out the military and bang some heads.

  45. KRB says, “No government in Canada is allowed to direct the police on how to enforce the law. I have no doubt that it probably goes on behind the scenes, but it’s supposed to be a no-no.”
    It seems that all sorts of things that “are supposed to be a no-no” go on in Canada all the time, with Caledonia at the moment taking the lead in misdemeanours.
