Is There A Justice In The House?

The Caledonia saga continues

An Ontario judge is again demanding to know why his orders to police to end the aboriginal land dispute in Caledonia haven’t been carried out.
Justice David Marshall today called into court representatives from provincial police, the Ministry of the Attorney General, and the aboriginal occupiers. Marshall is hearing legal arguments about why the protesters remain at the housing development.
Six Nations members have occupied the land since the end of February, claiming it was wrongly taken from them by the Crown.
Lawyers for the Attorney General say Marshall’s orders have been carried out, noting police have laid 53 charges against 28 people.
But Marshall says his orders have been blatantly disregarded and the integrity of the court and rule of law are under attack.
“This is a matter at the very heart of the administration of justice,” Marshall said in court.
“If court orders can be disregarded the whole fabric of democracy falls to pieces.”

Never mind democracy – how about accountability? I believe this is the third time (I may be mistaken) that he’s summoned these pretenders in for an audience. Perhaps someone with a legal background can answer this question – why hasn’t Justice Marshall slapped the OPP and Ontario Attorney General with contempt of court charges?
Caledonia Wakeup Call is collecting reports (many from outside the mainstream) on continuing events on the ground. (To whom it may concern – the CWC website could really use a redesign. A little more New York Times, a little less Weekly World News and you’ll be surprised at how much more linkage you get.)

85 Replies to “Is There A Justice In The House?”

  1. Spokesman Janie is in mourning; Boniface was not blind, Janie says. (from cnews)
    Here is the jaw-dropper:
    “aboriginals don’t recognize Canadian law”
    Rebellion Janie says is coming. Shades of Louis Riel. …-
    Janie Jamieson, spokesperson for the aboriginals occupying the subdivision, said Boniface understood the dynamics of the dispute and didn’t enforce the law blindly by forcibly evicting protesters who remain at the site.
    “It’s a shame,” Jamieson said. “She seemed really dedicated to having patience and letting the land issue be resolved. Hopefully the next person will have the same peaceful resolve she had.”
    A new commissioner who fails to understand that aboriginals don’t recognize Canadian law could be risking rebellion across the country from those who support the occupation, Jamieson added.
    Kwinter says: the Irish government made her an offer she couldn’t refuse.
    Kwinter knows the parlance of the Sopranos/Librano$. …-

  2. Surely you realize that Peterson just grabbed a brown envelope (stuffed full-0-cash) and bugged out, right?

  3. Greg (outside Dallas);
    First concrete subjection I have heard, for a plan of action. Nice catch Greg.
    That avoids guns outside, of the fact the natives may use them. Why this is not being employed to administer the Court order, is anyone’s guess. Its sounds to sensible for political types.
    I don’t think they have the guts or will do so. At heart there appeasers & dithers. There none actions will only increase the level of aggression.
    If there is a rebellion or the start of one. Will that not nullify ALL there treaties? It will be day one again for them, & no one will be in a mood for concessions. There playing a dangerous game.
    I wonder. Do they honestly think they can win?
    As for the moon bat. How in the seven hells of Dante, do you blame this on Harper instead of your Socialist loser flake Dalton Mcguinty . Who is Premier of your blighted (With imbeciles of the left) Province? Supposedly he’s the top gun in this show, & responsible for Law & Order. In the Province of Ontario. Is that not why you voted for him?
    How does Harper fit into that? Why is this his fault? More mushy thinking from the left leaning nabobs of confusion.
    Your man has aggravated this situation out of control because of his own fears. He is projecting onto all of you including the debased OPP.
    His inaction bisected by trembling vacillating dogmas, that do not work in the REAL world. Only in Marxist land, where the poppies never stop growing with the blood of the persecuted..

  4. Slightly O/T: Nealenews – Mounties admit: ‘We’re outgunned’
    RCMP constables go public with plea for more firepower.
    Not sure that’s a good thing to let the bad guys in on… but I certainly understand their frustration. As I’m sure those in Caledonia do and a good many other Canadian Citizens.
    I read a travel article in the Edmonton Journal last Saturday by Dave Halliday; about RVing in the United States and the question of personal safety in regards to illegal immigrants in the desert. Apparently there is very little chance that they will bother campers because they think most are U.S. Citizens and likely to be armed.
    Imagine that.
    It’s good Boniface is gone. Evidently blood is thicker than the tin badge she wore.
    Too bad it isn’t as easy to get rid of Zaccardelli. Or is it? I read on the CWC website that the RCMP were called and refused to come when they found out it was happening in Calledonia.

  5. Faramir, There is no legal way for the Govt of Canada to deploy the military to this situation or any situation within a provincial boundry without a request coming from the respective provincial govt. Same goes with a natural disaster. There is a clear seperation of powers regarding this. The ice storms ,Oaka, forest fires and floods all the assistance provided by the CF was first requested. Its the law.

  6. Bruce, sorry to take so long to respond. Its been a long day…
    Just because I chose not to be a peace officer or a member of the military doesn’t preclude me from having an opinion. Also, I fully support all of our police forces despite the bad wrap that the OPP is getting in this situation.
    My thoughts were not ‘rhetoric’ but simply an alternative view of how many disputes should be handled – Caledonia just one among them.
    I want the people of Caledonia – in this instance – to be relieved of the burden of what amounts to terrorism (possibly an overstatement, I’m not there). If that entails eliminating the violent offenders (yes, I did earlier indicate the violent ones) then so be it.
    As far as leaving my armchair to do the dirty work, you may be surprised to know that it would not – truly – bother me at all. When I was imprisoned for doing so because of our inability to protect ourselves or our family or property, well, that would bother me.

  7. OT
    Shooting at a Jewish center in Seattle.
    1 woman dead – 5 or 6 others shot.
    Perp is a Pakistani muslim.

  8. Not unless you’re doing MSM-speak – the Pakistani Muslim was the shooter, the Jewish ladies were on the receiving end.

  9. Mississauga Matt,
    Yes, yes … it was Bush’s fault.
    Why would a peace loving person (allegedly) commit murder?

  10. methinks the CWC folks give themselves undue credit for boniface’s departure which is slated for autumn.
    business and political decisions are rarely for a single reason. the trick naturally is to please the maximum and displease the minimum, thus numerous reasons pro and con exist.
    as with boniface. lots of reasons to bug out.
    bottom line is, in a few short months that WORSE than useless copette is GONE from this side of the atlantic.
    generally single objective actions are found in the personal realm. oftentimes vendetta stuff. just look to the ME or ireland for a host of examples and the net results of letting emotion blind the actors.

  11. does anyone know the surface mail address for boniface’s upcoming employer? I want a mail in campaign to precede her arrival sothe irish are ‘properly aprised’ of her performance, not just the cv stuff.
    ought to be enough time to pull it off. hundreds of letters arriving, amnasty (note the spelling) international style.
    what a goddam useless &^$%^%$. responsibility for the severity of caledonia rests with HER for either letting her sympathies for natives cloud her actions or being too SPINELESS in the face of the political bosses to shove it back in their laps.

  12. Regarding whether Harper could send in troops without a request from McGuilty:
    The two most relevant examples from Canadian history are the Winnipeg General Strike, and the October Crisis. In the case of the Winnipeg strike, the Mounties were called in. This makes for an interesting call, as the Mounties are nominally a federal force, but in reality, provided much of the regular police activity outside of Winnipeg, just as the OPP and QPP do outside the major cities of Ontario and Quebec. So were they a federal force, or a provincial one?
    In the October Crisis, Trudeau met with Bourassa early on, and they agreed to take action jointly. After Laporte was kidnapped, Bourassa received a letter from him, pleading for his (Laporte’s) life. A few days later, he requested assistance from the Army. The next day, Trudeau invoked the War Measures Act.
    (A personal aside – as a 14 year old boy at the time, I was impressed. To me, this was how you dealt with treasonous violence; swiftly and massively. You don’t go for half measures or ask for negotiations – you go in fast, strong, and determined. And the separatists learned the lesson pretty fast. I don’t agree with any of the ideas of the PQ or the Bloc, but they are pursuing their goals through the democratic process, not by trying to kill people. As a classic liberal, I respect their right to try for change through the process, although as a Montreal born anglophone, I will do everything in my power to thwart it. End of digression)
    So, anyone trying to lay blame on Harper here is barking up the wrong tree. Until McGuilty requests federal support, precedent says Harper cannot go ahead.
    Now, an interesting case would be if some of the other native complaints also resulted in violence, ignoring court orders, etc., in, say, two other provinces besides Ontario. At what point then might the federal government say “Our country is under attack”, and be in position to take measures unilaterally? The War Measures Act allows them to do so under even the “apprehension of insurrection”, which technically does not require any specific overt act.
    So, if as has been posited on this blog a few times, natives in BC, Quebec, and Manitoba, as well as the Caledonian band, start to act more violently, Harper might have the *legal* authority to take action on his own. However, depending on the severity of the natives’ actions, and of course, whether they even get mentioned in the MSM, such a course might be political suicide.

  13. I actually blogged this a couple of days prior.
    What kind of political interference was there, and from whom, if the OPP weren’t acting of their own volition? For if it was entirely the OPP’s idea to allow lawlessness to reign and allow crime to pay and disregard the Charter of Rights and Freedoms’s imperative of equality under and before the law, the OPP would be in more immediate and more serious trouble. But it isn’t. Why not? What about the Liberal government of Dalton McGuinty of Ontario? What is their involvement in this terrible calamity?
    You know, the Tory government of Mike Harris never allowed this sort of thing to happen. They acted properly, upholding the rule of law and the Charter… without regard for any racial or ancestral differences of anyone whatsoever. The Tories treated everyone equally. The Liberals don’t.

  14. sooooo – after totally screwing things up for the front line OPP, Boniface is now leaving for an “opportunity she couldn’t refuse”.
    How many more upper level people are going to do (or be forced to do) similar in both the OPP and the Liberal Government of Ontario.
    The search is on Canada-wide for her replacement now. How difficult is it going to be to find an aboriginal, bilingual, politically astute, female where all of these factors will far outweigh sound policing ability. Perhaps the mouthpiece for the first nations in Caledonia has her application in the mill.
    Similarly the search is on in Ottawa for a new Chief of Police and it seems that being bilingual is much more important than are policing abilities.
    We can’t even solve the Caledonia issue and now there will be some 13,000 citizens of convenience arriving in Montreal/Toronto areas – many of whom will no doubt be looking for “settlement services”.
    It is time to get power back into the hands of the majority and out of the hands of the cohesive minority.

  15. Mississauga Matt posted at 11:20 PM on July 28, 2006:
    “Shooting at a Jewish center in Seattle.
    “1 woman dead – 5 or 6 others shot.
    “Perp is a Pakistani muslim [sic].” (Muslim needs a capital letter, MM…:-)
    Listening to the 9:00 a.m. news on CBC radio this morning, the shooting was reported with one pertinent piece of information left out. The reporter said that a man entered the Jewish Centre and announced that he was angry at Israel, and then began shooting.
    No mention of the shooter’s being Muslim.
    IMO this is grossly irresponsible reporting, censorship, in fact. If there was a widespread backlash against Muslims either here or in the U.S., with violence against them or discrimination, I could PERHAPS understand that the CBC might want to avoid an incitement to violence against them. As there hasn’t, however, been any such backlash, the only reason I can see for the CBC to leave out the fact that the gunman was Muslim is their ongoing anti-Israel bias. (You can be sure that if the gunman had been Jewish and had shot five or six Muslims because he was mad at, say, Hezbollah, the CBC would have reported every last detail of the incident.)
    Do I send the CBC yet another complaint? There doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day…
    Who will rid us of this sorry and arrogant excuse for a broadcaster, which doesnt’ seem to know how to observe even the basic rudiments of unbiased reportage? I’ve got girls to put through universtiy and could use my CBC tax contribution to help defray those costs.

  16. I think Harper is just letting Socialism run its vigilant course until no one in Ontario cannot but see how dangerous & weak these fools are.
    Revnant Dream – Awesome comment. I quoted you on my site & linked to Kate’s post.

  17. Thanks for your interest in my post. (O:}
    Looked your site over. I don’t know how you folks do such a good job setting these Blogs up. I just know it takes time & commitment, if not a dash of talent.
    People like you & Kate are making a difference in this Nation, more than you think.
    Your not only stirring up the MSM, but allowing millions to express themselves. Thus are birthed new communities sharing there individual lives & vision with others.
    As I have said before. We now have a medium that not only has archived the whole of human Knowledge . At the call of any Man or Women with a computer. We as well have the living experience, counted in billions of years of lives lived in ,real time.
    Keep up the good work . This is true Democracy at its best.

  18. Calgary Clipper — Read pierre the pigs charter of freedom and rights, it very effectively gives power to the government of the day to override the majority in favor of the minority, legally. We can hardly be called a democratic Country as long as it exists in its present form.

  19. So to recap,
    Various and sundry characters trespass on private property and refuse to leave.
    Property owner goes to court to obtain an order to have the trespassers evicted. Judge issues said order.
    Police attempt to enforce court order but fall back when additional trespassers arrive.
    Judge starts asking why his order has not been enforced.
    Government buys out private property owner with taxpayers money. New owner (us?) does not appear to care that said property was illegally occupied at time of sale.
    Governnment lawyers tells judge that his original order is void because the original petitioner has no standing. New owner is apparenty not interested in removing trespassers.
    Neighbours to said private property are upset as trespassers openly commit criminal code offenses and ignore local ordinances. Local police and bylaw officers seem incapable of dealing with said violations. New owner is arranging to buy out neighbours (with our money?) to reduce complaints.
    At this point in time, what do we expect the judge to really do? If we expect the rule of law to be enforced, the ballot box is where it will have to start.

  20. Don’t blame the judge. He knows that unless he personally arrests police and politicians that disobey courts orders it will not happen.
    (I grew up in the Cayuga area – down the Grand River from Caledonia – know many people in Caledonia and a few on the reserve)
    Marshall was a good MD when I was a little kid and I am sure he is a good judge as well.
    The violence and threats continue daily and won’t stop until either the OPP or RCMP take action to remove the natives.
    One thing almost for sure – OPP will be gone from the area once their contract is up and the town will have regional police again.

  21. I just know it takes time & commitment, if not a dash of talent.
    Revnant Dream, thanks. I am honoured to be placed in the same category as Kate. However, she is one of the original icons of Conservative blogging (along with others like Steve Janke, Stephen Taylor, etc. The rest of us are just stumbling and learning along the way. In my case, it takes passion and perhaps a bit of addiction. 😉
    Kevin, why do we have the OPP anyway? Does anyone know if any other province has its own police force?

  22. Boniface has lammed out for Ireland; she is already there. …-
    Gwen Boniface was invisible as OPP commissioner
    “Actually, she’s already there [Ireland] and will be working with former Boston Police Commissioner Kathleen O’Toole and former Minneapolis Police Chief Robert Olson in Dublin.”
    “Commissioner Boniface is, by invitation, a member of the First Nations Chiefs of Police.”

  23. Boniface has the Lieberals “Foundations” war chest to thank, for helping get her ass outa Dodge.
    Laundered Lieberal loot winding its way around the globe, comes in handy. Used to extricate inept Liberals from their own abyss.

  24. Quote: Does anyone know if any other province has its own police force?
    The answer, my dear, is the QPP in Quebec. OF COURSE they do… lol (insert socialist / separatist / moonbat-province punchline here)

  25. Thanks, Brad. 😉
    Kevin mentioned the contract with the OPP. When will that be finished? I’ll bet they can’t wait either.

  26. Tory Tory calls for a Gomery Inquiry. Tri-Chairmen to be: PetersonRaeFontaine. Location: UN HQ, New York, New York.
    Muffins and Kofi, free. Washrooms courtesy Maurice Kyoto Strong/AdScam Martin.
    Report to be final as of 22 January, 2015.
    Fecking ridiculous suggestion by Tory Tory. …-
    “Tory says the government should call an inquiry into the handling of the occupation.”

  27. Joanne asked why we have the OPP.
    It’s a big province with a lot of small communities. Rather than each community having its own police, which would be expensive and wasteful, we have the OPP outside of major cities.

  28. I’m suprised that nobody has mentioned the fact that Justice Marshall was an unsuccessful Provincial Liberal candidate in several Ontario provincial elections in the late seventies and early eighties. It might be a clue as to why he continues his dog and pony show every couple of weeks with no real conclusions. Is Justice Marshall playing fast and loose with his old Liberal cronies? Seems to me at this point in time it is the only logical explanation that can explain why the Judge has had all parties in court four times, and nothing has happened.

  29. Kevin, thanks. That makes sense.
    Proud Canadian – Judge Marshall should cross the floor; and I’m not talking about his courtroom.

  30. Judge Marshall is on his own. We have a government that will not back him up. The government promises Ken Hill a casino if they quiet deal in illegal acts, like guns, smokes and ECT. So Ken Hill wanted to put a casino on this property, he was turned down and mad. He hired the warriors and then all hell broke loose.

  31. There may be a big, stinking rat smell here.
    The new OPP building is situated on land “given” to the Ontario Realty Corp., by the town.
    The site abuts directly onto a Roman Catholic cemetery which has been in use/still is for 100-150 years+.
    It is unlikely to be an Indian burial ground. Is there a cover-up?
    This is fishy/rat smelly. …-
    Native burial site costing Prescott big bucks
    Staff Writer
    PRESCOTT — The Fort Town appears to be on the hook for more than $30,000 in cost overruns because of the June discovery of a native burial site adjacent to the construction site for a new OPP station.
    Prescott’s chief administrative officer Robert Haller said the bill, which would cost a one per cent tax increase to pay, is for archeology surveys and analyses of bone fragments discovered in a nearby mound of earth being used to provide fill for the Development Drive project just north of Highway 401.
    Haller said the costly analysis is mandated under the Ontario Cemeteries Act and goes far beyond the requests of the Mohawk Council of Chiefs, which he said engaged in “very co-operative negotiations” on preserving and protecting the one-acre burial ground.
    “(The chiefs) are not requesting us to screen all the soil that was removed and to do an analysis of the bones,” said Haller.
    “Their preference is to restore the property as quickly as possible and with as little amount of disturbance as necessary.”
    While the province regulates the procedures for restoring an ancient burial ground, it does nothing to help with the cost, he said.
    “The unfortunate part is there is absolutely no assistance. And we’re paying the lower level. It’s even more costly for (contractor) Guy Saumure and Sons.”…- more$rec=18848

  32. This was posted in Caledonia Wakeup Call
    July 28, 2006.
    Canadian Hydro Developers Inc.
    Suite 500, 1324-17th Ave. SW
    Calgary, Alberta T7T 5S8
    Attention: Ms. Ann Hughes, Executive Vice-President & Kent Brown, Chief Financial Officer
    Notice of Seizure by Six Nations Women Title Holders of “Melancthon Wind Farm” illegally built on “Haldimand Tract” at the source of the Grand River (Ontario Canada)
    Dear Sirs:
    According to Wampum 44 of our constitution, the Kaianereh’ko:wa/Great Law, the women are the title holders of our land. Title to our land is vested in the people through the women. We sent Canadian Hydro Developers Inc. a notice on February 6, 2006, objecting to your violation of our constitutional jurisdiction on our land known as the “Haldimand Tract”. Your company built 50 windmills on our land to create energy for the non-native market. Your incursion is also a violation of international law.
    Canadian Hydro Developers never consulted us nor asked us, the title holders, for our consent to enter our land and develop your wind mill project on Kanion’ke:haka territory. You were put on notice in November 2005 to discuss this project with the land owners even before you started construction. It is not only unsurrendered land, but according to our constitution it cannot be sold.
    The windmills on our land are now attached to the soil. According to law they become part of the land. They cannot be removed. As the owners of the land we are now the owners of the windmills.
    We would be glad to meet with you to discuss the full transfer of the project over to us since we now own it. We wish to explain the interests of the Six Nations people on the Indigenous territory in question so that you will fully understand our position. Also, we would like to inform you on the protocols and procedures required to deal with us on a nation-to-nation basis in the future.
    Yours truly,
    Kahentinetha /s/ ________________
    Katenies /s/ ___________________
    Cc: All media; Dalton McGuinty, Premier, Ontario, Queen’s Park, Toronto Ontario M7A 1A1; Hon. Stephen Harper, Prime Minister, Government of Canada, Ottawa, Canada; Toronto Stock Exchange; Montreal Stock Exchange; New York Stock Exchange; Tokyo Stock Exchange; London Stock Exchange; Hong Kong Stock Exchange; Zurich Stock Exchange; Six Nations Confederacy Chiefs; and so on…
    It’s obvious where this is going. Ownership of the four winds will soon be given over to the natives once and for all.

  33. McGuinty said he’s also encouraged by tests that shows corn can be burned to produce electricity.
    “Why isn’t Ontario Power Generation burning corn instead of coal?” he asked.
    via london free press …-
    Why are the indians burning tires at Caledonia, McGuinty?
    This idiot, McGuinty, is the Premier of Ontario. As enough said says: enough. …-
