Regina – The Exceptional City!


“Quite simple, this coup today, or this announcement today, will put Halifax back on top – above Moncton – as the cultural and entertainment capital of the Maritime Provinces.”
Mayor Peter Kelly said while the concert is not a “life-altering event,” it will give Halifax a chance to strut with the biggest cities on the continent, Regina being the exception.

39 Replies to “Regina – The Exceptional City!”

  1. Off topic perhaps, except in a regional rivalry/ happy warrior sort of way . Galgary Grit is holding another of his polls, this time on who would be the best Prime Minister we never had. It is in the preliminary stages with one getting to vote for 16 names out a list of 60 odd; next week the top 16 will pair off against each other.
    Robert Stanfield is holding the lead, but barely, with arrogant asinine pompous nincompoops like Stephen Lewis, Lloyd Axworthy and John Manley not far behind and the other Conservative contenders being slowly buried by Gliberal and lip service Dippers.

  2. Mayor Kelly just said that because he’s jealous that we’ve got a CFL team and his town is still dreaming 😉

  3. What does that statement mean?
    Aside from the cluelessness of it all, Halifax on the same page as Las Vegas etc. is laughable. Lovely town, just visited it in fact, but that guy is a dreamer.
    Go vote for Candas Greatest Eugenicist. I did my part.

  4. Yet another swath across North America;
    Mick must be feeling the alimony pinch again.

  5. Regina being the exception??????
    This pinhead has apparently never attended Grey Cup…………..ooops……forgot Halifax or Nova Scotia for that fact hasn’t a team let alone any professional ones…….losers.
    These idiots are still stuck on Liberals…….go figure !!!!

  6. I can’t wait to see the Rolling Stones on October 8 in Regina.
    Keith Richards (Mr Rock n’ Roll) is God…no offense God. 🙂

  7. Poor old Regina – the Rodney Dangerfield of provincial capitals.
    I always think of those big Air Canada seat sale adds that would appear in the paper now and then.
    Regina $499 return.
    Paris $599 return.
    Regina or Paris? Tough choice…
    But seriously, Regina’s OK. I’ve had some good times there.

  8. “Halifax isn’t part of the Maritimes anymore. It’s just a little eastern wannabe Toronto, without all the money and professional sports franchises.”
    LUCKY HALIFAX. Who’d wan’t to be Toronto? I’ve been there. Zero!
    Regina is a nice city. I’ve been through there a couple of times. It’s better than either Halifax or Toronto.

  9. Hey Halifax
    Ever hosted a Grey Cup game? …Oh,I forgot you did host a CFL exhibition game and you packed 11,000 into your lovely stadium there.
    If you have to brag about getting ahead of Moncton as a cultural and entertainment centre I don’t really think you’re running with the big dogs!

  10. …zoomed over to Regina while taking the youth group to Youth Quake back in the early 90’s. Nice city.
    First thought as I watched it expand for 10 minutes on the horizon –
    “gadzooks, there’s a city growing in the middle of bald arse prairie”.

  11. Are you guys that obtuse? It’s a reference to the fact that Regina is also hosting a Stones concert. It’s an unfortunate choice of wording, but the intent is pretty clear.

  12. Me thinks hydrocarbon is right on this one, just poor wording by the mayor. Don’t think it was a slam at Regina.

  13. Greatest downside to Regina is the vast number of Socialist inhabitants aka the beard and birkenstock crowd. Throw some marijuana into the mix, and Regina becomes the perfect place for a Stones concert.

  14. Wasn’t there a sign on Regina’s garbage bins
    “Help keep your Regina clean”
    I heard that rumour somewhere once upon a time.

  15. Regina’s a mix of new east-side box store growth and old town decay. The city’s hasn’t really grown since the mid-70’s and most of it’s young people have been historically compelled to move away to greener pastures (like me). Without the government’s help the city would have been vacated long ago (like the Plains hospital) by most of the remaining value adding individuals.
    Best thing the government’s done recently is to scoop the goose poop and weeds out of Wascana to finally change it physically from a stinky creek to a nice little lake that now compliments the legislature.

  16. What I’m concerned about is the $800,000 that the dippers are putting in to this damn thing.

  17. “What I’m concerned about is the $800,000 that the dippers are putting in to this damn thing”
    I must have missed that part. What’s their return to be, if any. Is it a loan or a grant.

  18. Martin B., I don’t think the gov’t was responsible for the cleanup of Wascana Lake. They may have contributed funds, but I believe it was neither their idea nor their implementation. Now if only the goose poop and weeds could be removed from the legislature…

  19. As a resident of Regina I think it’s a great place to raise a family. It is growing just check out the NW and the East part of the city. Our police force isn’t as corrupt as Saskatoon’s force. I went to school with Clive Weighhil. He’ll do a great job as chief in Saskatoon. He’ll straifgten things out. Our Police Chief is doing a great job in Regina. Our city council is pretty scandal free but they’re a little right wing. Our parks are nice and for the most part people will talk to you out and about. We have a problem in the core area with crime etc. Look a Saskatoon just west of Idylwild and west of the midtown centre. A tougher area. It’s so nce to here people acknowledge the positive in Regina. I’ve lived in Saskatoon(6 mos) and heard nothing but bad things about Regina. Well guess what Saskatoon is no better. People make a difference and so does city hall.

  20. As a resident of Regina I think it’s a great place to raise a family. It is growing just check out the NW and the East part of the city. Our police force isn’t as corrupt as Saskatoon’s force. I went to school with Clive Weighhil. He’ll do a great job as chief in Saskatoon. He’ll straigten things out. Our Police Chief is doing a great job in Regina. Our city council is pretty scandal free but they’re a little right wing. Our parks are nice and for the most part people will talk to you out and about. We have a problem in the core area with crime etc. Look a Saskatoon just west of Idylwild and west of the midtown centre. A tougher area. It’s so nice to hear people acknowledge the positive in Regina. I’ve lived in Saskatoon(6 mos) and heard nothing but bad things about Regina. Well guess what Saskatoon is no better. People make a difference and so does city hall.

  21. “SaskTel president Robert Watson says his company’s $270,000 sponsorship was rated for its commercial value and he’s pleased with the deal.
    “With this [sponsorship], we’re looking for the youth, promotion of products for youth,” he said.”
    That is hilarious, average age at the concert is likely to be around 45.

  22. Our power bills will not go up because of the sponcership. For crisakes city governments in the states have built stadiums for sports teams by raising the sales tax. This is good for Regina. It puts us up with other modern cities. Everyone who listens to our news media and the SaskParty thinks we’re all a bunch of hardup farmers. This proves otherwise. Did you know that Pink Floyd played Regina in 1971??? Well they did. I wasn’t a big fan back then but I knew people who went to the concert. I saw KC and the Sunshine Band at the Old Gold. We used to get good bands in the bars. We’re doing well for a change. It’s our turn. Now if we could muzzle the opposition in Gov’t people will think better of us. We have always been a socially progressive province with ground breaking medicare, CWB, UI, and every other farm marketing board there is. The rest of the world looked up to Sask.for our social concience. Not we’re getting world class acts like the Stones maybe more will be in the future.

  23. ok4ua:
    Got your NDP/Commie rose-colored glasses on, have you? As a Saskatchewanian, Regina is the second worst armpit of Canada. (Winnipeg is the worst, IMHO)
    And, yes, because of the nearly communist prov. government we live under, the cost of all gov’t services will increase. The province is rolling in revenue with the high price of oil and gas. Has the tax portion the gov’t charges on gas been reduced? No! Will it ever been lowered? No!
    Sask. is not a progressive province nor a world example of social conscience. In fact, we are not an example of anything other than the fact that long-term socialist government ruins economies.
    Under Calvert’s reign, this province has lost over 15,000 tax-paying young citizens. Sask. is the most violent province, with Saskatoon and Regina being the Canadian murder capitals. We are also the fattest province with the most unhealthy people. Sask. has the highest aboriginal birth rate and Saskatoon the highest teen prostituion rate. As for our “world class health care system”; we have the longest wait times in Canada. Siast has an 18 year wait list for some of its programs. We have the distinction of having the worst roads in Canada. And on and on it goes!!
    Statistically, Sask. is a shithole compared to any other Western province. And, the fact that the Dippers and Crown Corps. have to sponsor the Stones to the tune of 1 million dollars to come here, that says it all!
    This province is a national disgrace and thesooner the Dippers get the boot, the better off we will all be!!!

  24. ok4ua: Doesn’t it raise just a little bit of a question when gov’t can spend just over half a million in sponsership and _not_ raise taxes?
    To me that’s a red flag that says I am being over taxed.
    And no, for all the whiners, I chose not to buy tickets even though I could have because I’m a Riders season ticket holder.

  25. I won first prize one time in a contest. two nights in Regina.
    Second prize was a week in Regina.

  26. Hey Needlehead get a life. You’re not a prick or an asshole you’re a scrotum………..

  27. As someone who lives in Regina, I like it here! Things have actually improved since Pat Fiacco become Mayor. Pat is working hard to create a climate that will allow the private sector to blossom here. Pat was also the first person to stand up and say “I Love Regina”. I credit Fiacco with the good things that are happening in Regina.

  28. Scrotum — quite a useful item for containing my raison d’etre.
    most liberals could use one to prove they had cahones.

  29. Mayor Kelly has a slight speech impediment and could not be accused of eloquence. He is probably no more the pliant tool of developers than were any of his predecessors (or his likely successors). He previously represented the tiny bedroom suburb of Bedford, NS before it was incorporated into the Halifax Regional Municipality, and he retains his style as a “Bedford Booster”.
    The pathetic and embarrassing stunt of luring the geriatric Rolling Stones to tie up downtown traffic and destroy some of the few playing fields in the city is not untypical of what passes for leadership in Halifax. Now it has climbed the ladder into the big leagues, with Moncton and Regina. Someday, maybe, IKEA may return there.

  30. For a preview of the Rolling Stones Regina concert, head on down to the Royal Saskatchewan Museum and check out its dinosaur exhibit.

  31. Hey needlehead of 15000 who leave 10,000 will come back. We offer alot for our residents but Alberta offers a dream. It’s like the land of Oz. Most of the hype is for dreamers.

  32. As a recent Haligonian, I think Occam hit the nail on the head. Halifax is in full-blown NDP fairyland, with visions of itself being far grander than what it really is. Peter Kelly is a dunderhead who likes to pick fights with the provincial government to show he’s “standing up for Halifax” while not actually doing anything of consequence with the powers he does have. We’ve also got a blood red Tory premier who’s allying himself with the Liberals to keep himself afloat while making a complete dunce of himself on completely stupid issues like gas regulation and Sunday shopping.
    What a political wasteland.

  33. Hey needlehead where do you live? The hood? Or a cave? It’s people like you that make the tories/saskaTory party look bad. And they want my vote. Fat chance in this lifetime.

  34. Regina has a high crime rate for a small city. Mostly low life killing low life. I know a police officer who worked 2 years in Calgary and he stated Regina is a piece of cake compared to Calgary. 10 times the population = 10 times the crime. Regina is prospering in fact Sask is prospering.
