Charles Adler With G&M reporter Alex Dobrota

The Black Rod has the transcript;

Adler: Now, some people say that it, it’d be okay if they could pay the money back. I don’t know if there’s much of a history of, uh, Canada charging refugees, uhh, for evacuations. Uh, but is there any feeling at all, um, as far as you know, as far as the news conferences that you’ve been going to, the journalism you’ve been doing, is there any feeling at all on the part of any government officials to charge people for the evacuations, to help defray the cost of it ?
Dobrota: Well, so far, I mean it’s hard to answer that question. Um. Obviously the journalists were there yesterday. We would have liked to ask Mr. Harper a follow up question. Uh. But as you know, uhh, many of us refuse to put our name, uh, names on a list and so therefore, you know, he would not, uh, we tried to, to ask him, to put that point to him but, you know, he, you know, we tried to ask him questions after the question period but he wouldn’t let us. So obviously that’s something that we would like to, to clarify, as well.
Adler: This has to do with the ongoing conflict between the journalists and the government. Uh, do you think. and I guess I’m putting you on the spot here, but, do you think that, uh, I realize there’s a conflict between the national press media and, and the government, uh, because the government wants to do things a little differently than the previous government did, and find out who wants to ask questions first and et cetera, et cetera, et cetera. I don’t want to get into a lot of inside baseball, but…
Dobrota: Right
Adler: …do you think at a time like this it might be a good time to have a ceasefire between the people in the national press gallery and the Government. I mean you can, you can have your point. It can be as principled as you want it to be. But can’t you go back to that after this conflict is over?
Dobrota: Well, you know, I wouldn’t venture to, to speak for my colleagues, um, but I think what’s interesting to, to know here is that as much as, as his policy can, can hinder, um, our job, or my job, where I couldn’t, you know, I would have liked to ask him a follow-up question on his comments, if they, I didn’t have a chance to do that. I think that as much as it can, you know, it can hurt me, I think it can hurt, you know, in a way, him as well, because he doesn’t have a chance to clarify. And so, you know, he gives us a quote and we run with it and then, you know, we do a story on it. and you know, I just think that, you know, I think it’s damaging to him as well.
Adler: I just, I just, I, I, I guess what i’m trying to say is that these events are larger than either of you, and would be in the interest of the public, or, wouldn’t you agree that it would be in the interst of the public to drop the Press-Government conflict for now?
Dobrota: Well, as I said, I wouldn’t, I wouldn’t, you know, I could hardly answer that. I wouldn’t want to speak for, for all my colleagues. I think it’s a larger issue than myself included.

Well, actually, Dobrota – no it isn’t. In fact, it really is all about you.
More of the transcript at the Black Rod link.

75 Replies to “Charles Adler With G&M reporter Alex Dobrota”

  1. Well, I’ve just read my last, owned-by-me Saturday G & M: unlike the NP, where I can immediately remember 4 memorable articles–Jonas, Fulford, Krauthammer, and Frum–I can think of only two articles, Rex Murphy’s and Blatch’s, that really resonated. (And there’s a whole lot I can’t stand, including the insufferable Tane Jabber: Her gossip column’s graced by a HUGE picture of the NDP, multicultural, poster couple in a canoe on the Nahanni River. How with it! How posh! How expensive!)
    I did like the all caps headline at Section R, TROUBLE AT CBC, but it didn’t talk about the real trouble–that almost no one’s interested in ANY CBC programming–only the bad executive decision to run a really dumb AMERICAN reality show that was cancelled by ABC.
    Any article worth its salt about trouble at the CBC would have to be an in-depth investigation of the avalanche of complaints received by its ombudstoady, and his abysmal record solving any of them. The ombudstoady’s correspondence, which documents the bias and spin of the taxpayer fraud called the CBC, would expose why our “public” broadcaster is in such trouble. I have no sympathy whatsoever: If CBC made any attempt to fulfill its mandate by providing balanced–“nuanced”?–coverage of issues, its audience share would certainly improve.
    CBC’s obdurate insistence on being the mouthpiece for the lapdog l(L)iberal elites of this country, at the expen$e–literally–of the rest of us, is a national disgrace. Except for the music on Radio 2, the CBC’s done nothing for me except raise my blood pressure. Good riddance to it, the sooner, the better!
    The G & M’s not far behind in my estimation. And the “going, going . . . gone” ratings of both of “Canada’s media of note” couldn’t happen to a more deserving duo. 🙂

  2. I think you guys are deluding yourselves in thinking that the MSM is becoming irrelevant or that blogging will replace it. Unless the MSM is totally banned from publishing or the airwaves, which is highly unlikely, Harper’s feud with reporters will come back to haunt him. Since he doesn’t want to talk to reporters, they will spin stories in whatever way suits their political agenda. Of course, they have always done this, but in some ways it’s easier now…interviewing biased pundits because the PM or cabinet ministers aren’t available, or implying that “he doesn’t want to talk to us so he must have something to hide”, etc. They will continue to shape public opinion (to a certain degree) and because of this feud, they will not go out of their way to shine a positive light on Harper or the Conservatives.

  3. Iberia, the media do “not go out of their way to shine a positive light on Harper” no matter what. In fact, it seems the more he says–and the more they can edit his remarks and even his body language out of context–the more they’re likely to spin.
    I get detailed, regular emails from the PMO, with announcements and speech texts, far more straightforward information–information, period–than I ever got from the Liebrano$. The PPG has access to the info I have and probably more, made available, in print, by the CPC.
    I can’t recall anyone here suggesting “that the MSM is becoming irrelevant or that blogging will replace it [sic].” But we are seeing a modicum of balance and ACCOUNTABILITY being introduced to the information mix and a well deserved snub of the prima donnas of the media world who used to be the only singers in town. They aren’t now and are having to share the stage and face the out of tune music.
    As I said before, it couldn’t happen to a more deserving crew! 🙂

  4. Iberia – It’s absolutely untrue that Harper doesn’t want to or won’t talk with reporters.
    We’ve had more one on one interviews with Harper than with any political leader in the past decades – interviews that actually produce serious, well-thought out answers rather than the pompous empty rhetoric of Martin/Chretien.
    He takes questions at all speeches and again, gives thoughtful and open answers.
    Same with his ministers. We’ve heard from Ambrose, MacKay and others – thoughtful, articulate answers to questions.
    The hold-out group is the PPG, which is not interested in the news and is engaged in a personal power play – The president of the PPG wants to select the questioners rather than the PM’s office. It’s trivial, it’s personal, it’s juvenile. It’s a situation that tells us something about the personality of the president of the PPG. He’s not interested in the news; only in his own power.
    As for the MSM and the columnists, the majority are Liberals; they are part of the latte CBC crowd, brainwashed in the naive 1960s isolationism of Canada as a ‘peacekeeper’ (what the heck is that? what does a peacekeeper do, hand out candies?); Canada as multicultural (= Canada as a hotel); Canada as tolerant (sure, anything goes as long as it’s anti-American)..etc, etc.
    The Jane Tabers, Kevin Newman, Gloria Galloway, and so on -all part of The Press Gang.
    More and more people are turning away from the MSM, not because of the ideology, i.e, pro Liberal, but because the MSM keeps saying the same thing. In that situation, where the same conclusions are always drawn…the themes become propaganda. A population doesn’t listen to propaganda as news; it doesn’t even listen to propaganda.
    And – blogs are important. They took down Rather and Kerry. We shouldn’t underestimate blogs.

  5. ET, well said. Looking at the blogosphere: it is highly accessible; information travels extremely quickly; it metamorphizes faster than any other medium I have experienced; each issue is examined from every different angle; synthesis of insight grows organically from a heterogeneous web of inputs. And, it’s free.
    Against this onslaught the petulant PPG throws its hissy-fits. And what is at stake? Their power. They’re not losing their power because of PMSH. They’re losing it because of the factors I list above, only they can’t see it because they are blinded by their own self-importance.
    The Librano lapdog MSM is rusting out, which I see as a huge positive for Canada. The PPG whining is just making it rust a little faster.

  6. dobrota is upset because can’t ask follow up questions because he won’t sign a list and this is PMSH’s problem !!!
    your pissing in the wind dobrota and it looks good on all of you.

  7. lberia
    “I think you guys are deluding yourselves in thinking that the MSM is becoming irrelevant or that blogging will replace it.”
    Sometime tells me it’s more delusional to think that MSM are becoming more relevant or staying the same.
    At one time milk, in glass bottles, was delivered to homes via horse drawn carts.

  8. The likes of iberia and whootwhoot have their minds made up…we shouldn’t confuse them with the facts.
    lookout has started a good campaign here…’Pacifiers for the PPG’…mine will be in the mail Monday…

  9. Press Release.
    From: Not-A-Friend-Of-CBC. (snip)
    George (Vroomvroomvroom …splat) Strombapapopolous is returning via Hog to his day job at Canada’s National Broadcaster in TO/GTA. Vrooooomm….
    Mr. Stroumboulopoulos said yesterday it was good luck that his motorcycle arrived in Los Angeles yesterday, barely a month after he ditched it in Chicago to take up the offer of the plum American hosting gig. “It’s kind of a neat little bookend,” he said. “I’m just basically finishing up a couple of things I’ve got to do. Then I’m going to get back on my bike and come home.”
    STAY IN LALA LAND YOU CORRUPT CBC POS …. !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    via voy forums

  10. they will not go out of their way to shine a positive light on Harper or the Conservatives.
    Iberia – What’s it matter how Harper treats the smarmy lefty press, like Bush, he’s never going to get fair treatment no matter how he accommodates the agenda driven idiots.
    Like every other thing involving the internet, since its inception, adaptation evolves and quickly hit critical mass. Blogs of thoughtful, fair and balanced political value will replace the insipid MSM as time passes. Only the stupid and incurious stay stuck. We found Kate and others like her. All of use using the gifts that the internet has given us are the MSM’s worst nightmare. No one ever spoke back, ridiculed or called these idiots on their false facts and biases before with such speed and numbers.
    Payback is a bitch.

  11. I’m got a brilliant solution to the PMSH and PPG problem.
    The guy who calls the press conference desides how the questions are asked. Harper has a press conference-its his call. PPG calls a press conference(probably no attendess) they get to control the questions. Simple.
    Horny Toad

  12. We should never rule anything out. No one can foresee where this is going.
    Already pod casts are replacing e-mail.
    Newer tech is being produced as we type.
    This communication revolution is still much in its infancy.
    All I know is that before this medium & the descent of the MSM we only got two sides of a question, if we where lucky. Of an opinion the Media itself decided was worthy. Now we all have access to the world data, plus the minds behind it. This is irrevocably changing human behavior patterns. We are no longer bound by conglomerates nor guilds. A lie today has the clarity of a supernova. Someone always knows the truth. In this way they can attempt to stay out of any fray. Most rational Web users are becoming inured at false data . If not adepts at deceit.
    I hope to see a new renaissance after this war is won. New forms of Art , communication, science . Heck even SeTI uses the net now & for years to suppliment there power. How can we possibly know the new twists & turns coming our way?
    The PPG is so far behind its becoming laughable. While swimming in the shores of self aggrandizement. The tide is leaving them stranded in an extinct era.

  13. vf, “Pacifiers for the PPG”: Great campaign motto! Mine will be in the mail too. 🙂 🙂
    Really. Don’t forget to send yours.

  14. Pacifiers for the PPG (Parliamentary Press Gallery) Campaign: Here are the two addresses given at the (very amateur looking) PPG web site. I plan to send one pacifier for the adult toddlers of the PPG to each address.
    If you wish to customize your offering, e.g., to someone like Jane Taber, check out the list of members at CPPG, Ottawa.
    TELEPHONE (613) 992-4511
    FAX (613) 995-5795
    KIA OA6
    ROOM 607, 150 WELLINGTON ST.
    TELEPHONE (613) 992-6517
    FAX (613) 996-2076
    KIP 5A4

  15. The Aussies call a pacifier a “dummy”. They also have a saying “spit the dummy” which means:
    To indulge in a sudden display of anger or frustration; to lose one’s temper. The phrase is usually used of an adult, and the implication is that the outburst is childish, like a baby spitting out its dummy in a tantrum and refusing to be pacified.

  16. Well, well, well. It seems the “adult toddler”, dummy, pacifier allusion is an archetype well suited to the “childish outbursts” of our very own PPG.
    Thanks, ural.

  17. A Urnalist speaks re libel law/chill. 1/2 credit at Cartoon U, aka Carleton U… isn’t that the U where Warren spent his beer money?
    bbq is code for all ears. …-
    A BCer in Toronto said…
    Rat, obviously as a journalist I do have some understanding of libel law. However, my brief education on the topic (half a credit at Cartoon U) was just what I needed to know as a print journalist.
    The Internet is a different ball of wax, and one where, while I’m not a lawyer, I think the law is not yet fully formed. Particularly around blogging, ie., is blogspot the publisher or am I, do I publish a commentor’s comments or do they, or does blogspot?

    Secondly, as a journalist I work for a publication with libel insurance and a laywer. There are resources to fall back on. As a blogger, I’m on my own, no support system to even fight back against a frivious complaint. Or even determine its viracity.
    Thirdly, knowing bloggers lack such a support system and resources, we’re much easier targets. Slap a lawsuit or fire a warning letter to a media company, if its crap they’ll fight it. Most bloggers can’t, so at the sight of a scary legal letter they’ll fold.
    I’m sure you know what libel chill is, and that’s why I’m concerned. And that’s why freedom of speech on the Internet is important. Yes, libel is bad, and libel should be dealt with. My concern is corporations and politicians using frivulous threats of libel suits to stifle criticism and fair comment because they know we’re easy targets.
    As for the green party case mentioned in the release I don’t know the background or details of that case, but Mark I look forward to getting the inside story at the bbq.

  18. “The likes of iberia and whootwhoot have their minds made up…we shouldn’t confuse them with the facts.”
    Posted by: vf
    Nice to know that you have all the facts. Don’t be so sure they won’t bite you in the ass.

  19. The PPG has become irrelevant in the daily news media. They write their columns and opinions based on TV coverage or reading speeches or press releases. Harper knows he cannot win with the PPG whether they like him or not. He is prepared to meet with them and let them ask questions but it is the PPG that refuses to meet with the Prime Minister. So much for caring about news coverage in Canada. It is all about the whining PPG and their play for power.
    K.D. Lang was in the press yapping about Harper not showing tolerance by avoiding the Out Games. What happens? Fortier goes and is booed and shouted down by this so called tolerant group. Can you imagine the press coverage if Harper had gone and he was booed etc? Harper was right to stay away. It just goes to show tolerance is only expected on one side as this minority group tries to legitimize their lifestyle as mainstream.

  20. What a great post!
    Two complete idiots with nothing to say and no clue..a real meeting of ‘minds ‘ ??
    The pompous and self serving Adler dooing his level best to encourage the self righteous and incompetent Dobrota.
    Truth recorded for posterity.

  21. I’m looking at my two-for-one, beauty, NUK Gerber pacifiers for the PPG. They’re shiny and very colourful! I think I’ll mark the Tory blue one specially for Jane Taber, aka, Tane Jabber. 😉

  22. David Warren has a good essay on TV News – July 30, 2006
    TV news – “What I found most remarkable in my old editor’s suggestion, was the notion that TV reported raw news.”
    “Television, in my own received opinion, which exhibits my own class prejudice, is for people who don’t need to know, and don’t mind being manipulated. I would not go so far, however, as to dismiss the judgement of the general public. For if TV had manipulated people successfully, neither George W. Bush nor Stephen J. Harper would ever have been elected.”

  23. MSM from Palestine? Where is Palestine? There is no country named Palestine; ergo, there is no Palestinian media.
    Interim Leader, Willy Graham, of the Lib/Socialist Party of Canada/Toronto will appreciate the lack of nuance in the black SS propaganda issued by the Arab’s Der Sturmer/Volkischer Beobachter.
    Rice is black: How would El-Goebbels have portrayed Sammy Davis, Jr.? Sammy was the only one-eyed, black Jew in the world. …-
    Palestinian media use racist terms to describe Condoleezza Rice
    Palestinian media outlets refer to Rice as the “black woman,” “raven,” “colored dark skinned black lady” and “black spinster.” …-
    via nealenews

  24. Wimpy newsguy / “I really wanted to ask Primeminister Harper THE poignant question!”
    “You know, “Do you love Canada?””
    But Sandy Renaldo would kick my ass if I did my job”!
    What an incredible situation we have in Canada, the major news agencies are imposing a war with the PMO and they can not truthfully articulate their disingenuous position as to “Why”, while they monopolize the air waves and newspapers with their suicidal, shallow, blind groupblather (George Bush bad ,Harper = Bush.) What an embarrassing lot these liberano$$$/marxists sycophants truly are.
    They would rather disgrace themselves, their profession, and obliterate their trusted position as the publics sentinal looking out for corruption in government.
    F them and their adscam/terrorist supporting message of destruction.
    They are not just wrong, “They ain’t never been right”
    Good riddance.
