Prisoner Exchange

An idea whose time has come;

At any rate, it seems as though there are plenty of people who aren’t at all happy here in the West. I have it on good authority that there are people who are none to keen on living in repressive dictatorships.
With all this talk of prisoner swaps, I’d like to go one better. I’d like to exchange the Islamists bent on destroying my country from the inside with the democracy advocates being tortured in Iran. Sounds fair to me.
The people worship oppressive dictatorships can just go live in one. The people who will not choke on the sweet air of freedom can come live here.
That’s about all I have to say to you folks. If things continue as they are, you’ll be looking back on this and wondering why you didn’t take me up on it.
In other words, I’m tired of the worst 5th Column in the history of 5th Columns running around my country. They openly support a terrorist organization. They openly praise Hitler. They openly support the destruction of Israel. However, to make mention of this in public makes you an “islamophobe” and may get you charged with a hate crime.

48 Replies to “Prisoner Exchange”

  1. Im printing up a bunch of Israeli flag with “support Israel, support freedom” printed on them. Next week Im going out in downtown Vancouver and glueing them to everything. Lets hope I wake a few people up.

  2. In other words, I’m tired of the worst 5th Column in the history of 5th Columns running around my country. They openly support a terrorist organization. They openly praise Hitler. They openly support the destruction of Israel. However, to make mention of this in public makes you an “islamophobe” and may get you charged with a hate crime.
    Speaking of which, a Pakistani Muslim in Seattle, evidently mad at the events in the Middle East, opened fire on some Jewish ladies at a Jewish community center and killed one of them.

  3. Australian PM John Howard is looking into what steps he can take against Aussies who go to Lebanon and fight alongside Hizb’allah.

  4. There should be no prisoner swaps. This only encourages terrorist organizations to kidnap Israelis.

  5. well, Im going to the local flag store and get a nice big fat standard size 3 X 4 star of david flag if they dare sellit, and plant the thing right in front of my 24/7 video equipped front step.
    that should ferret out any local hezbollah sympathizers in these highly charged times, which of course is the REAL objective.
    the only time Jews come after you is when you attack them FIRST. theyre smart enough not to fall for the common provocations and offences against their ‘honour’ and ‘rights’. all they want is to live in PEACE. all the muslimists want is to dredge up flimsy excuses to engage in confrontation, commit mayhem and pursue jihad.

  6. I wish my country were free of people who put their particular race or religion above their loyalty to our country.
    I really feel the federal liberals let Canada down by importing so many sexist hate mongers, so many Pakistaniis, so many radicalized Lebanese…..
    I like Kates idea of exchanging them for persons who are victimized by Islamofacism and would wish to come to our country and contribute.
    You know that if the intimate truth be known, if Canada would open the doors to the oppressed people of Pakistan or Iraq even, there wouldn’t be a christian left in either of those countries..
    If you are not a MUslim, you are a dhimmi,which means you must be subordinate or die..
    I believe a way must be found for those who supporyt terrorrist organizations to be deported..
    The status quo with these ungrateful “Canadians” of convenience can not go on..
    They possess not the sense of responsibility nor a desire to maintain secular governance which is vital for our nation to survive as a free nation..
    The Liberals have to be called on this but no one can raise the issue of the import of intolerant persons and their hate doctrines(such as radical Islam) without being branded a racist..
    I support Israel and all other independant democracies in their quest for freedom and peace without being assaulted from beyond their borders..
    We really should urge all western powers to show courage, to support Israel in whtaever it needs..

  7. Re: Clueless in Seattle (and Toronto)
    From Atlas Shrugs – the Northeast Intelligence Network reports:
    *Murder weapon: Appears to be 12 gauge shotgun;
    *All victims are reportedly female, between ages of 19-35, three are reportedly in critical condition and are in surgery, while 2 others are listed in satisfactory condition. One of the latter group is reportedly 5 months pregnant and was shot in the arm. Doctors stated her prognosis and that of her unborn child is “good.”
    *Shooter reportedly in possession of a copy Qu’ran;
    *EXCLUSIVE from law enforcement sources: “Shooter reportedly in possession of Arabic language terrorist documents,’ shooting well planned, might have conducted surveillance of facility days before shooting. ‘The theory of an accomplice is being investigated.”
    *”At very least, this is a hate crime against the Jews. At worst, this is these will be the first shots fired in the war in North America .” –Lt. [Name Withheld by request,], Seattle, WA.
    Federal Profiler: “EXPECT MORE OF THIS…”
    Jewish Institutions in North America put on Alert:” Jewish institutions across America and Canada have been put on heightened alert following reports that the Islamic terrorist group Hezbollah is making plans to strike targets in North America.
    Over at MyBlahg (comedy central)- The blame is on the consevatives…
    “I hope conservatives are happy with their efforts to turn a minor problem into worldwide chaos.”
    A minor problem !!? What a nutjob.

  8. Dougie B,
    I couldnt agree with you more. The vetting process has to be stronger, and those who donot respect the institutions of this nation should be put on the next boat out.
    I should probably add that I have my issues with the way the Israelis are going about things, and I m very unhappy about the death of a Canadian, but I do agree with the war on the conceptual level – the Hizbollah have to go. Of course given the destruction of civilian life, I think the Israelis ought to have been a hell of a lot more careful.
    Robert J and FREE,
    Theres no point in barking at barking dogs. While showing your solidarity with Israel, maintain your dignity and self respect. Dont descend to their level. Its not worth it.

  9. I agree with you Dougie. If someone calls me a rascist because I wish all the terrorists sympathizers deported then that is fine with me. I know what I am and what people think doesn’t bother me one damn bit. I am sick and tired of political correctness, too old to even bother trying to be correct. I’m also sick and tired of these so called parades in support of the terrorist group Hezbollah taking place in my once quiet country.
    I also think it’s high time the UN is removed from NY and the building put to better use. Maybe round up se terrorists we have here in Canada and the U.S. Put their families in that building and the terrorists in Alcatraz. It’s a good thing I’m not the President or Prime Minister. LOL.

  10. Can it be true, Mother? The Halloween UNICEF box money was a scam by Maurice Strong, et al, to fund Islamist terrorists?
    Yes, Virginia, it is true.
    Read all about Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel.
    Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel has now reached the USA. Canada is not far from the USA, Virginia.
    The Fifth Column has surfaced in North America with the Islamist murder in Seattle.
    More to come? Where? How? When?
    Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel is one front in the Islamic worldwide War of Genocide. …-
    UN’s dangerous double standards
    “The United Nations’ behavior in recent weeks after terrorists launched attacks on Israel reveals an awful truth: The U.N. is not neutral in this conflict. It seems to favor the terrorists.”
    via newsbeat1

  11. Barnstormer…
    Remember Baruch Goldstein (What a nutjob)? He was the Jewish terrorist who murdered 29 people at prayer a few years ago.

  12. Copied from a post by yours truly on another SDA thread, vis a vis the shooting of Jewish women in Seattle:
    Listening to the 9:00 a.m. news on CBC radio this morning, the shooting was reported with one pertinent piece of information left out. The reporter said that a man entered the Jewish Centre and announced that he was angry at Israel, and then began shooting.
    No mention of the shooter’s being Muslim.
    IMO this is grossly irresponsible reporting, censorship, in fact. If there was a widespread backlash against Muslims either here or in the U.S., with violence against them or discrimination, I could PERHAPS understand that the CBC might want to avoid an incitement to violence against them. As there hasn’t, however, been any such backlash, the only reason I can see for the CBC to leave out the fact that the gunman was Muslim is their ongoing anti-Israel bias. (You can be sure that if the gunman had been Jewish and had shot five or six Muslims because he was mad at, say, Hezbollah, the CBC would have reported every last detail of the incident.)
    Do I send the CBC yet another complaint? There doesn’t seem to be enough time in the day…
    Who will rid us of this sorry and arrogant excuse for a broadcaster, which doesnt’ seem to know how to observe even the basic rudiments of unbiased reportage? I’ve got girls to put through universtiy and could use my CBC tax contribution to help defray those costs.

  13. Lebanese president gives full backing to Hezbollah
    ohoh—CBCpravda reporting the news , but it aint what they like. uberHomo BillGraham wanted to support the charitble organization too.

  14. Kinda like my feelings on what the West should say to all the ELB’s [eastern liberal bastards/bitches] living here, move back home. As cretien once said about the people in the West, you are different, yes a lot of us are, different morals, different values, different ethics. It would be nice to be able to ship out all the lib/left in the West for clear thinking, objective, truly responsible people from the East of the Country and elsewhere. A new Western Canada where the practical and the logical with a little common sense would prevail minus the warped logic of the ELB’s.

  15. new kid: I live in Vancouver. Saw local Seattle news on KOMO and was quite startled at their unabashed reference to his Pakistani origin.
    CBC has to make you laugh. The perp himself evidently shouted while shooting, “I’m an American Muslim”. Presumably he would join you in his disgust!
    Obviously the CBC, the handmaiden of LiberalCanadian values, is institutionally unable to mention anything which might cause people to question our national multi-culti mythology.
    Personally, I gave up all CBC viewing and listening several years ago (after the drive-by shooting of Stockwell Day). I consider it outright masochism to watch/listen to CBC. It is not an exaggeration to say it is actually unhealthy (blood pressure)for people of our general world view.
    That said, I’m sorta coming to the same view of political/ideological blogs of any persuasion.

  16. You’re absolutely right, Me No Dhimmi: Watching the CBC is very bad for people with high blood pressure. I gave up watching CBC news for Lent one year, and had absolutely the best and most blissful sleeps I’ve ever had.
    There’s something about wanting to see what they’re up to, however, that keeps me popping in to their broadcasts every once in awhile. After all, dammit, my tax dollars are keeping them on the air.
    On the other hand, I have just one eye and one ear on the screen. Being female–sorry, cheap shot!–I find it quite easy to multi-task, so while I’m watching I’m-Peter-Mansbridge-and-You’re-Not, I’m also reading my latest book, which BTW is rarely anything CanLit, as inwardly-spiralling, concentric-circle navel-gazing is hard on the eyes, not to mention one’s intelligence .

  17. Canada is free to sell LAVs to whomever it wishes. Why don’t the Saudis get to have LAVs?
    good luck with your Star of David flag Robert. I’ll be putting up my PLO flag at the same time. Of course i don’t need 24/7 video monitoring to raise that flag and you do.
    You can never be too careful about the company you keep.

  18. Dear Free,
    Let me know where in Vancouver you put them up. Don’t stray too far from Oak and King Ed.Me and my crew will be looking for you. I’ll be ripping them down as fast as you can paste them. We’ll draw a crowd with our noise and disturbance and you know in Vancity the crowd ain’t going to be on your side.
    So watch your back…..

  19. Two Israeli soldiers for how many hundreds of terrorists?
    Now THAT’S disproportionate!

  20. I agree, NM…2 for hundreds is disproportionate. In terms of their value to the human race, it should be more like 2 for millions.

  21. hassle,
    it’s comments like yours that make ordinary nice people wish the holocaust had gone on just a little longer.
    Remember, the only reason Israel exists is because it receives $12 billion in military aid from the US. without that, it would be destroyed. And it will be destroyed eventually, it is only a matter of time.

  22. Hey Kate,
    Do you think you could post whootwhoot’s IP address so I can have the RCMP go visit this violent asshole and arrest him for the threats he just posted.

  23. new kid on the block:
    I’m-Peter-Mansbridge-and-you’re-not! LMAO. Is it original? Perfect. Yeah, I know, it’s really like rubber-necking a very serious highway accident. You know it’s really bad form, and it is itself quite dangerous, but you just can’t help it. Something primal.
    Remark on blogs: I meant the comments, not the links and host commentary. It’s weird, Little Green Footballs which I visit frequently to keep up on the lastest islamofascism-fashion, I’ve never read a single comment. Or PowerLine, etc.
    To wit: whootwhoot’s jejune ugliness above. I need a shower.

  24. Nasty troll.
    I bet sobsob is the sound he makes after the RCMP let him phone mommy.
    Posters on sda enjoy Kates blog and reading posts and opinions from people who are loyal (to Canada AND its allies), funny, smart and may like the RCMP and Canadian Armed Forces and our hostess Kate, know how to handle horses, dogs and guns.
    IMHO those are all Canadian values. :0)

  25. Me No Dhimmi: Originally, from SNL: “I’m Chevy Chase and you’re not”…….Chevy’s anchorman persona.
    But…good nonetheless.

  26. “Remember Baruch Goldstein (What a nutjob)? He was the Jewish terrorist who murdered 29 people at prayer a few years ago”.
    Yeah…Damn those limited capacity cartridge clips anyhow. ;-0

  27. Thanks, Nemo2. I wasn’t sure where “I’m Peter Mansbridge and You’re Not” came from. My husband started calling Mansbug that a few years ago and like Me No Dhimmi I L-edMAO.
    I once took Peter M. to the Ontario Press Council, who rapped poor Pete’s knuckles because I’d caught him red-handed with his pants down (shocking!). He’d misreported a certain group’s event and, I pointed out, misrepresnted facts about them which had been in writing for years for all to see.
    I got a personal letter from the Great Man-Himself, which was mean and condescending and essentially said how dare you little pipsqueak, nobody stay-at-home-mom in the Maritimes question the Great and Wonderful Wizard of TO(Z)?
    ‘Showed ‘is true colours, ‘e did: nasty man. OWWWW…

  28. How about “the Great and POWERFUL” Wizard of TO(Z)”??
    That’s more accurate on two counts.

  29. Just to correct what the idiot troll posted, Israel’s neighbours receive more money from the U.S. than does Israel. Egypt, for example, gets a tidy 2 billion.

  30. Says whootwhoot: “it’s comments like yours that make ordinary nice people wish the holocaust had gone on just a little longer.”
    What unbridled, unabashed hatred. Crawl back under that rock and don’t return, you lowlife scum. “Give them enough rope and they’ll hang themselves”…that statement is figuratively correct in your case, it is too bad that weren’t literally true!

  31. I just found a link on primetimecrimedotcom to a Van. Sun story that says; “A former CSIS informant who once kept tabs on terrorists says the Iranian regime is “mentally and spiritually” preparing its people for war against Israel.”
    Couple that with the new report from the U.N.; that they are circulating a draft resolution to be voted on Monday, giving Iran until August 31 to quit uranium enrichment.
    According to a BBC report (Bourque link); “The US envoy to the UN, John Bolton, said the Council would consider sanctions if Iran missed the deadline.
    But Russian envoy Vitaly Churkin stressed that the draft resolution did not contain the threat of sanctions.”
    I bet President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is shaking in his boots.

  32. Beware Islamofascist WOLVES posing as Liberal/leftist/socialist SHEEP on SDA. There are a few that come to mind (Baghdad Bob and whootwhoot, as two examples)…although they COULD just be your common, run-of-the-mill, garden-variety anti-Semitic scum.

  33. hassle: this is what happens to wolves in sheep’s clothing: click on ‘woolves’
    LOL !!!

  34. Report: From the front lines of Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel.
    Stand with Israel. …-
    UPDATE: Here’s another example, this one from Lebanon.
    The situation in Ain Ebel is unbearable. Thousands of civilians have fled to the village from nearby villages and more than 1000 rockets have hit the village, there is no more food neither clean water and diseases r spreading.
    Now here comes the most sickening part:
    Hezbollah has been firing rockets from the village since Day 1 hiding behind innocent people’s places and even CHURCHES. No one is allowed to argue with the Hezbollah gunmen who wont hesitate to shoot you and i ve heard about more than one shooting incident including young men from the village and Hezbollah.
    Urgent appeals have been done through phone calls from terrified people who wouldnt give out their name fearing Hezbollah might harm or even eliminate them.
    This is the true image of our brave Islamic Resistance, putting the civilians and their homes as body shields to the Israeli bombardements.
    Let the message spread and let those criminals move out of the village once and for all.
    Free Ain Ebel from the terrorists !

  35. I heard lots of discussion yesterday amongst pundits etc. about islamofascism being far more threatening, prevelent that naziism. After reading the Vancouver Sun story and the cuurent taking of sides for Hezbollah it seems as though the world can no longer hide from this monster. I think it’s off it’s leash and about to bite someone in the ass.

  36. Cheri: The biting has already begun, and the irony is, that should it evolve into mastication, once its immediate enemies are destroyed, the next to feel its teeth will be the ‘useful idiots’.
    I hitchhiked through Syria/Iraq, (among other places), in 1963, only 18 years after the end of WWII; Arabs would greet us with the question “Deutsch”? (It was expedient to say yes).
    They would then tell us, in English, how they loved the Germans because the Germans killed the Jews, and that THEY would soon kill the Jews, (which kinda deflates the whole “It’s because Israel took land in 1967” BS).
    I wondered at the time, and have wondered ever since, how they could have been so stupid not to have realized that, to the Nazis, the Arabs were simply more ‘Untermensch’ to be disposed of.
    The ‘usual suspects’, of anti-whatever rabble, are supportive of Islam without comprehending that they are an anathema to it.

  37. Slogan from Iran: “This war is our war.”
    Soldiers in the German Wehrmacht wore belt buckles inscribed with Gott Mit Uns (God is with us).
    The rhetoric, the signs, the words are ominous; hope for the best; prepare for the worst. …-
    Iran Beating the War Drums
    Iran is preparing for war: ‘This war is our war’. (Hat tip: Hulugu.)
    A former CSIS informant who once kept tabs on terrorists says the Iranian regime is “mentally and spiritually” preparing its people for war against Israel.
    The Ottawa man, now in Tehran, says the hate campaign against Israel is “everywhere” on the streets of the capital.
    “It is not good. It is sad,” he told the Citizen.
    “There are posters at intersections of (Hezbollah leader Sheik Hassan Nasrallah) saying Israel must be erased from the map.”
    Opponents of the Iranian government in Canada say they have received similar reports describing huge posters of Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, hardline president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and the Hezbollah leader alongside the slogan: “This war is our war.” …-
    via LGF

  38. Nemo2:
    The ‘usual suspects’, of anti-whatever rabble, are supportive of Islam without comprehending that they are an anathema to it.
    Isn’t that the sorry truth?
    Its like watching the cast of movie Mars Attacks.
    When the Aliens show up no matter what they do everyone keeps believing them when they say “We come in Peace”. Nothing dissuades the hopes of fools. Its become that much of a farce.
    What bothers me the most is this will translate into more bloodshed before these Pod people are restored to a semblance of sanity.
    Maybe I should say if?
    Collective mental breakdown seems to appear before War. To those so invested in an ideology, mythology & social fads. They fail to see there own demise. It seems to work both ways. Some rulers have literally eaten there own rugs, while being overrun by reality.
    Usually in the form of expected victories becoming defeats. Only we have a group in this Country who courts ruin with glee.
    Its a shameful era . When men stop standing for the right. Democratic ideas, rule of law, equality of person, equal before the law.
    To appease the vanity riding odium of the Anti Semites. Or any strutting Totalitarians who wish to dominate us all.
    Israel is an ally fighting the same foe. I stand by them in this dark time for us all, but especially those on the front lines of the world conflict.. Mistakes will happen in war. But to sit by & watch a people who have been abused horribly for thousands of years. Than cheer for there killers in yet another guise is unconscionable.
    Canada & the US abandoned the Jews before. Will we again?

  39. Update:
    From the front line of Kofi Annan’s War Against Israel.
    French General Surrender Monkey of Kofi Annan’s UN-unarmed force in the ME speaks/drinks the Vichy water of surrender.
    Israel cannot ever defeat Hezbollah. …-
    “Hizbullah are still strong” 17 days into the conflict, peacekeeping chief, Maj. Gen. Alain Pellegrini told The Associated Press. Pellegrini told the Times newspaper that “a military victory will never be possible.”,7340,L-3282947,00.html

  40. Kofi says: Aaahhh, mes amis, les Frenchies… zey will do zee heavy lifting for moi. My War Against Israel needs a boost of zee French elan (merde). …-
    France Springs Into Action, Quietly Pushes Ceasefire
    In an amazing coincidence, just as we hear about the proposal for French forces to guard Israel’s northern border, we also learn that France is pushing the UN to impose an immediate ceasefire: AP: U.N. council weighs Mideast cease-fire.
    NEW YORK – A draft resolution circulating Saturday among U.N. Security Council members would call for an immediate halt to fighting between Israel and Hezbollah and seek a wide new buffer zone in south Lebanon monitored by international forces and the Lebanese army.
    The proposal was sent quietly by France to the other 14 members of the council ahead of a possible meeting of foreign ministers in New York to discuss Lebanon sometime next week. A copy of the draft was obtained by The Associated Press.
    The proposal stresses the need “to create the conditions for a permanent cease-fire and a lasting solution to the current crisis between Israel and Lebanon.”

  41. Revnant Dream (coolest handle here!), Nemo2:
    Along the lines of the total mental breakdown, excellent piece in the London Telegraph: The tall story we Europeans now tell ourselves about Israel, By Charles Moore

  42. Me No Dimmi; that was an excellent link. Thanks.
    I had the radio on Friday when Adler came on, (too busy to turn off). He had a quote from a reporter – London Sun – George ?, who asked of Bush and Blair; What messages they would like to give the Governments of Iran and Syria, given that, they say, this is the crisis of the 21st Century. Their answers sounded reasonable. I didn’t like Adlers’ slant on Bush (never do). He said Bush memorized it from a cereal box, Blair came out sounding like a leader. He picked on one thing Bush said in error (caught himself), and used it to call Bush a dummy and Blair a genius. Whatever.
    Adler precedes to ask this question of his callers; If Tony Blair were the President of the United States would the world be a safer place to live?
    So I’m thinking about that question. I think that it wouldn’t make a darn bit of difference. The fact that Bush is President may have hastened the current affairs, but as sure as the sun rises in the East, Isreal’s and America’s enemies will stop nothing short of annihilation.
    The real question isn’t why Bush and Blair are allies, the real question is who ISN’T their allies. IMO, Canada and other Countries have allowed this impending fight to brew to this stage, by not taking sides against those who want to destroy Isreal and America. I think things would have looked a lot different, wrapped up a lot sooner, if more Countries had allied themselves with America, G.B., Spain, Aus. etc.. Maybe the current situation wouldn’t have unfolded as such.
    Al Qaeda, Iran, Syria, Iraq et al, have been like sharks circling, ever since 9-11. Emboldened by their successes, their isolation of their enemies in the eyes of the dhimmis. Things are falling into place quite nicely for the terrorist nations intent on the demise of Isreal, America and other democracies.
    Note: when I checked my spelling of dhimmi, I came across a good article in the Canada Free Press – Apr. 17/06 – Will your kids be named Dhimmi? by Henry Lamb (
    This is a quote:
    “Americans who demand that the troops be withdrawn now, either don’t know the consequences, or don’t care. This unwillingness to recognize and engage the real enemy wherever it may be found, increases the chances that a future generation of American kids will either be Muslim, or named “dhimmi.”
    I know Kate had a similair posting but can’t recall if this was the source.

  43. Me No Dhimmi : Sir Peter Tapsell, as I understand it, purports to be a firm supporter of/and believer in U.N. Security Council Resolution 242, which would return Israel to its pre-1967 borders, and thus ‘ensure everlasting peace’. Now, anecdotal as it may be, as related earlier, the Arabs I encountered 4 years prior to the ’67 war, were all for the destruction of Israel and didn’t believe that even the 1948 borders should exist.
    Sir Peter has both a very diverse military/financial background and a strong association with the Islamic world, so one has to sense a certain dichotomy here.
    – Is he, in this instance, pandering to Islamic influences for personal reasons?
    – Is he, as a member of Britain’s Opposition Party, merely trying to embarrass Tony Blair?
    There ‘must’ be underlying motives generating this kind of non sequitur which, one would think, must run contrary to everything his military education/training has taught him.

  44. Associated Press, aka AP, shills for the Muslim Islamist terrorists, aka Hezbollah, Hamas, Fatah, etc.
    The MSM is anti-Jewish, anti-Israel.
    Stand with Israel. …-
    Southern Lebanon hit by air strikes
    JERUSALEM (AP) — The Israeli air force carried out strikes Monday in southern Lebanon despite an agreement to halt raids for 48 hours after nearly 60 Lebanese civilians were killed in an Israeli bombing, the army said.
