136 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Warwick, I’ve sent a post supporting your first–I thought–moderate remarks and addressing Franz’s first comment. My post has entered the filter, so let’s see if it sees the light of sda day!
    Franz, I appreciate your latest post. Thanks for your comments.

  2. My point is that people won’t assume that anyone wearing red shares your political perspective. They’ll assume that wearing red means nothing.

  3. Leftist said, “Millions of us who oppose the Afghanistan ‘mission’ will also be wearing red, Fridays and other days, just because we like red.”
    Then (s)he posted again to explain the meaning.
    Leftist, we’re not morons. I think we understood you very well the first time. (Good point too, I thought.)
    Rather than just wearing red–I often do any day of the week–I think we should wear something else to show we support Canada’s deployment of troops in Afghanistan, which I most definitely do.

  4. I would like to thank you all for your comments, Warrick thank you for your reply. I will have to do some reasearch on those stats. But from what I have seen the AIDS death toll could reach upwards of 75 million people by 2025.
    As for Mr. Harper decision not to attend, I believe we will agree to disagree.
    On youtube.com search canadian military and you can video of our boys in action! Wow do we look good under fire!!!

  5. Franz, thanks for your reply. Sorry I can’t help you with the ribbon request.
    In my earlier “still sitting in the filter” post, I noted that there are many other diseases–I Googled–that, for numbers, appear to outstrip AIDS. But, as it’s the lefties’ “Disease of the Week/Month/Year/Decades”, it’s no wonder that one hears both a disproportionate amount about it and a disproportionate amount of chest beating. Is that you, Stephen Lewis?
    Whoops, of course not: It’s your gigantic, flapping, multi-syllabic, dissembling lips I hear!

  6. Franz..great videos! boy, do we swear a f**king lot!
    and yes we ARE good under fire thanks to the leadership of the nco’s you see barking the orders..small unit cohesion looks to be quite strong.
    It’s a tough life, and to think..you escape from ambush by fighting your way into the heart of it..indeed as the the one infanteer commented,”i’ll bet that guy is dead..”
    On another note… was not the scientist who finally put a name to HIV/AIDS loathe to attend this conference(or any like it..) due to its circus like nature…?

  7. Franz – a conference attended by 20,000 people is no longer a conference but a sociopolitical event. As such, I wonder how effective it is in the fight against AIDS.
    It is NOT a scientific conference; there is no way for genuine scientific papers to be presented to such a gathering. Scientific conferences are small (a few hundred is more than enough), to enable very precise and technologically difficult papers to be presented and discussed thoroughly. That can’t be done within a framework of 20,000. You will find that most scientists in the field do not attend this International Aids conference and that it has moved out of science and into the social zone.
    There is nothing wrong with that – for we all know that AIDS is not an infectious bacterial disease but a socially (directly) transmitted virus and therefore, treatment by drugs alone is not the answer. A key tactic in dealing with AIDS is dealing with and constraining the social transmission of the disease. So, a conference devoted to the social tactics of constraining AIDS is vital.
    The problem, however, is when an activist group moves in to control the tactics of dealing with AIDS. The disease doesn’t exist only among the left or among the right. It has moved out of its original host population, gays and drug users, who are found among the left – and into the general population. But what has happened with treatment of the disease is that the left has moved in to ‘own’ both the disease and its cure!
    This is quite shameful – because the left is politicizing the disease. It is asserting that concern for victims of AIDS is not merely a human concern but a political concern. If you are concerned, then, you are politically ‘left’; if you are politically ‘right’ – they declare that you are not concerned. This politicizing of a disease that affects all – is disgraceful.
    That’s exactly what Lewis and the others of the Toronto conference have done; they have politicized AIDS, declared it ‘a left disease’, and declared that constant ‘obesience’ to it is necessary or, you are defined as ‘evil, cold, capitalist, right…etc’.
    Harper sent Clement; the conference rejected him, which showed they are not interested in dealing with AIDS; their sole interest is to exploit it for their own political agenda.

  8. Kursk
    Did you see the video on youtube where I think they are with a Afhgani Policeman and the Canadians are actually aiming over the wall returning fire and the Afghan is just sticking his over the wall and shooting randomly, its hilarious try to find that video.
    Dont you think you would swear a f**kin lot if the Taliban was shooting as you.
    As for the scientists @ the conference as I mentioned before Dr.Peter POIT was one of the headliners. Google him for more info. Very interesting. But I am through with that topic

  9. “Leftist, we’re not morons. I think we understood you very well the first time. (Good point too, I thought.)”
    Sorry. I didn’t mean it that way. There are some smart people here. Wrong, but smart 🙂

  10. Franz:
    you can find the ribbon at most R.C.Legions also try “military families resource centres” they have them, you can find your nearest on line to contact them & they will do an order over the phone or net.

  11. When I went to the legion on commercial dr they all looked at me like I was a wacko for even mentioning it . 2 weeks later I found the ribbons in a K-Mart in Seattle. Go figure.

  12. Monday, August 14, 2006
    The Corruption of the Media
    In this our third day of what is proving to be a marathon, we are continuing with this unique blogosphere experiment in co-operative writing. Comments, new pics and information is still pouring in and being built into the piece as it is being written. My thanks to everyone for the now thousands of messages received – they have been incredibly useful.
    With luck and a fair wind, we will finish today. Currently, progress is indicated below. For convenience, I have split the report into separate posts, each with their own links, which are set in the progress board.
    Progress board
    Part 1 – Introduction.
    Part 2 – Act 1: The dead baby – more or less complete.
    Part 3 – Act 2: The Red Cross workers – more or less complete.
    Part 4 – Stretcher Alley – more or less complete.
    Part 5 – Act 3: The camera runs – Scene 1 – under construction – nearly complete, with significant additional material.
    Part 6 – Act 3: The camera runs – Scene 2 – under construction
    Part 7 – Act 4: Caught in the act – not yet in place. …-

  13. Some legions are not carrying them. Why, i do not know?. Our legion is carrying them as we are only 30min. from LFTC Meaford. You may have better luck at Military Families Resource Centres.
    Anytime Franz glad I could help.

  14. Red Fridays.
    Thanks Mary for your post.
    We are happy to know that the troops are supported far more than we know or is reported.
    We will be wearing RED on Fridays to let the troops know we support them.

  15. Franz…
    “Dont you think you would swear a f**kin lot if the Taliban was shooting as you?”
    yup! i remember swearing like that..As Christie Blatchford says,they didn’t call us the f**king Canadians in WW2 for nothing..:)
    Nothing like sending back a volley of 5.56 mm curse words to make your point!
    I saw the other videos..we used to call that spray and pray..it truly is a waste of ammunition..one of my friends quipped that perhaps he was the designated air defence…

  16. In the absence of Prime Minister Stephen Harper, photographers at the AIDS conference had to find someone else to slander visually.

  17. Kate in San Fran… unexpected!
    I’m a bit out of touch with the goings-on at SDA lately, but either there’s a doggy peoples’ convention in SF… or Kate’s onto something juicy about the left. 🙂

  18. When I see huge numbers of people attending a conference I have to wonder if the money used to put on and participate in these “shows” couldn’t be better spent actually providing aid to the HIV sufferers?
    Too simplistic?

  19. mr/ms enough-is-enough:
    well Ive looked at it thru that lens also, but the fact remains the disassociates I make a pretty much cut from the same cloth: superioristic types. I dont call them enemies, Im not in conflict with them, I just dont see why the religionists consistently, across denominations, quickly treat me like a n*.
    I am in discussions with a shrink right now, Ive suggested to him I may have some degree of asperger’s. thats when you dont pick up on subtlties and nuance and body language.
    the problem with the human species, that is the primary mode of communications and religionists are too superior to lower themselves to ever spell out what they are really thinking.
    Im not like that. I use a comprehensive background of experience and training and common sense to size things up, and one gets a great deal of flak when you poke holes in decisions that are made based on half baked ideas and doomed plans. THAT is why I have these ‘enemies’.
    what I also have however, any house I have ever owned after a time, depending on the shape its in when purchased, I wind up with an abode where everything functions as it should. the place I had in burlington for instance, I wired floodlights pointed at the front door parallel to the lights of the door opener. there was no door between the garage and the inside of the house and the wife didnt want one put in, so when you clicked the garage door open the whole front of the house was lit up like times square, showing the safe path from inside the garage to the front door and thence into the house. Ive never seen anyone else do this. I also put low temp smoke detector in the garage and wired it in common with those inside the house. if there was a fire in the garage, that detector would sound the alarms in the rest of the house. it took a great deal of searching to find one that was designed to work in sub-zero temperatures.
    I am very technically minded, my handicap is dealing with hughmahns and their moods and hidden agendas and constant flux and biases based on ego.
    nuff said !!!
    also: * you jerry mclarty and your floating axe head.

  20. Damn it Mary M, you got me all teared up with that letter about the soldiers. As a parent who missed more than one or two birthdays, Christmases and special events in my kids lives, it kind of hit close to home. As my kids grew older they understood but it still hurts.
    The basic problem with the AIDS conference is precisely what was mentioned above. By not showing over-the-top support for one cause they are branded to be against the cause. Prostate cancer kills more than breast cancer but gets less coverage. Why? While I don’t suggest dropping AIDS research, how about tackling the things that we can do? Clean water, treat malaria, Dysentry and the like. Get a bit more bang for the buck and please keep the cash out of those tin pot dictator’s grubby hands. You remember, Jean Cretien’s buddy and his ilk.

  21. like I heard ol’ Rush Limbaugh say before he lost all that weight: the aids virus doesnt gives a rats ass what your political allegience is. it is a MEDICAL condition turned topsy turvy into a political one guaranteeing it will spread.
    his prediction is proving true because his arguement is based on truth.
    aids will continue to sweep every nook and cranny of the globe. I personally think we could have a time with drugs dragging out the life expectancy of victims (but not making a dent on their behaviour) a world where almost HALF test +ve for exposure. and it will STILL be viewed thru a political filter.

  22. oyph.
    theyre getting quite vitriolic over at CWC now.
    aaaaaand Im still waiting for a conservatist to step up to the plate and defend the pmo’s tactic to threaten a lawsuit. theyve even managed to correct the spelling on that item headline.
    shoot the messenger types come on down !!!

  23. I am now the proud owner of a “support our troops” magnet ribbion, which is PROUDLY displayed on the back of my vehicle for the whole of Saskatchewan to see.
    Picked up at my local Legion for 4 dollars. A small price to pay for such a profound statement.
    I also picked up one for my parents vehicle.

  24. Inkless Wells will now resign from the PPG. It’s Steve Bush’s fault. …-
    11 universities bow out of Maclean’s university rankings
    News@UofT – 3 hours ago
    On Aug. 14, the University of Toronto joined 10 other major Canadian universities in declining Maclean’s invitation to assist in this year’s University Rankings exercise. As a public institution, the University …
    11 universities opt out of Maclean’s survey Globe and Mail
    11 Canadian universities refuse to participate in Maclean’s school … Calgary Sun

  25. ET,
    To be somewhat fair to the conference organizers in reference to Tony Clement, the co-chair in his introduction let the audience know Clement was committed to the fight against AIDS and that he should be shown a respectful welcome. The protestors in the crowd ignored him.
    That said, the organizers would probably be better off restricting access to the more political side of the conference and keeping the protesters outside so world leaders, who the conference is looking to finance their operations, can come and speak without being run out of town. It’s an interesting fundraising strategy to resoundly boo your donors but I don’t think it’s a very effective one.

  26. Assad: Syria will liberate Golan Heights (Haaretz)
    Haaretz ^ | August 14th, 2006 | Haaretz alert
    Just on the banner at the top of Haaretz. Waiting for article. Assad: Chance for peace with Israel low, Syria will liberate Golan Heights (Haaretz)
    Commenters said:
    Looks like Syria is getting ready to invade Israel.
    Given the fact that (as reported by FOX yesterday) Syria has removed the mines on the Israel/Syria border and that they’ve stationed 30 tanks there, I think it’s a safe bet to assume it’s going to be rather soon…-

  27. Interesting conversation regarding the nature of “symposiums”. I think we all need to recognize that Socialists wrote the book on globalization. After 9/11, I searched the internet for expert opinions on a number of various topics to better understand why the world hated us. I noticed the same “expert” names kept coming up on some crazy f**ked up “news” articles and “scientific” papers. I got suspicious and started researching the authors and found that many of these widely recognized “scholars” and “experts” were featured speakers at this Socialist convention here, and that Communist forum there.
    The moonbats are highly organized and VERY GLOBAL. It’s like they have created a self-sustainable ideological echo chamber of “scholars” and “scientists” and “experts”. I suspect many have jobs paid by taxpayers in socialist countries. No need to take a chance on ideas in the free market. There is a global socialist government funded ideology cult that keeps these people singing from the same page.

  28. ET, is it possible that you and I were separated at birth?
    Franz, the danger of this wrapping “science” around a political agenda is that the truth remains buried and the cure elusive. There is no room for political agendas and ideologies in the scientific arena. Facts only, please.

  29. Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed, Mohammed, ,,,
    The MSM will name the Mohammeds as “Lebanese civilians”. …-
    List of 180 Dead Hezbollah Terrorists Released
    IMRA ^ | Monday, August 14th, 2006
    IDF SPOKESPERSON ANNOUNCEMENT List of 180 dead Hezbollah terrorists released of an estimated 530 killed since start of fighting Over the last two days the IDF dropped leaflets over Lebanon containing lists of Hezbollah terrorists killed in fighting with IDF forces. The lists contain the names of 180 terrorists killed and whose identities were verified by IDF forces. (The IDF holds the names of additional Hezbollah terrorists whose deaths also have been confirmed.) According to IDF estimates, over 530 Hezbollah terrorists have been killed since the start of the fighting. The IDF has also broadcast the lists of these names…

  30. San Francisco?
    You sure have that right. I live only thirty-five miles away. I’ve been there once in the past four years, when a neighbor of mine had an extra ticket for the opera. What a disgusting place, and what a waste of a breathtakingly beautiful site for a city.
    I don’t know whether Kate was actually spending time in SF or just changing planes in the airport, which is, fortunately, about ten miles south of SF, and, therefore, in relatively sane territory.

  31. Aidez-moi. We are surrounded by Israelis. Toot suweet. Souvenez-vous Dien Bien Phu, mon General? …-
    Head of UN Force Wants Reinforcements
    Forbes – 3 hours ago
    By JAMEY KEATEN , 08.14.2006, 02:49 PM. The head of the UN peacekeeping force in southern Lebanon said Monday he wants reinforcements “as soon as possible” and warned that the situation in the Middle East remains fragile. French Maj. Gen. …

  32. All:
    WRT yellow Support Our Troops ribbons, they may also be available in the Orderly Room or Ships Office of many Reserve units across Canada.
    If you live near one, give them a call. Not only would they be likely to have them, they would be pleased and heartened if people showed an interest…

  33. Alex – there’s no excuse for the behaviour of the activists at the conference. And furthermore, there’s no requirement for the chair to state that Clement wants to ‘fund research on AIDS’ or that he’s ‘on our side’. Do these activists only permit someone to speak if they hand over money and ‘talk the talk’?
    The facts are that the activists/protestors aren’t interested in a cure for AIDS; they are involved in a political agenda against the CPC. Here we have Harper’s gov’t, which is willing to fund Aids research – and the activists boo the Minister of Health. Why? Because he’s a Conservative. Therefore, they have shown that they are not interested in any search for a cure for AIDS, or any dev’t of social services for AIDS victims. They have defined the disease as ‘the property of the Left’ and are using it to bash the ‘right’. That’s all.
    Tom Penn – yes, we do share a lot of perspectives!
    And yes, the socialist gangs do turn up, at conference after conference, symposium after symposium. The current Toronto AIDS symposium is turning out to be quite the circus – a term used by others, scientists, who refused to attend. I don’t, myself see the point of the conference. All those 25,000 odd attendees already know the situation with AIDS; the big money donors have already donated the money. I don’t understand the need for this conference.
    Now- a scientific conference, with a limit of a few hundred scientists – is useful, for it enables them to meet, talk, talk, talk and plan shared research.
    But – this type of mass media, mass convention – I don’t know how it will advance the fight against AIDS. Most certainly, the platform, that AIDS is not simply a physical malady but is a social malady in that it is transmitted by social behaviour – is vital. But – this is already known. So- what’s the end-result of this conference? To raise awareness? We already know. To raise money? That’s being done.
    Why not spend that money and use that massive organizational time and energy, in more productive ways?
    Oh – is it about the Left taking the disease as their own – and using it to wage a political battle? That’s an unsavory action…
    So- what’s the point of the conference?


  35. Silicon Valley – I guess we all view things differently. I like San Francisco very much – I was there last Xmas – and heard an opera soprano, singing Ave Maria downtown, outside, in Union Square.
    Of course, as a visitor, one has a different and ‘fleeting’ and therefore superificial perspective; Fisherman’s Wharf, near-vertical streets, Stanford, and I know homes are expensive, expensive. But, to see Magnolia trees in bloom in December…

  36. ET –
    There are certainly nice things about San Francisco; however, there are also many truly nasty things. When I worked there (on Market Street, between Seventh and Eighth Streets, from mid-1999 to mid-2001), it was virtually impossible for me to go leave the building without seeing somebody relieving himself outside, trying to do a dope deal, etc. The city’s government makes no attempt to make its streets and parks safe for families (sit down on a park bench in SF and it’s a matter of seconds until some bum starts panhandling you, and I wouldn’t let a child out of my reach, much less my sight), and is positively hostile to employers. As you note, much of this isn’t visible to a visitor, and Union Square, while probably less than a mile from 1155 Market Street, is much different.
    Thirty-five years ago, I liked San Francisco a lot, but the quality of life there has deteriorated dramatically.
    Stanford, where I did my graduate work, is some twenty-five miles from San Francisco. It is indeed a nice place.

  37. Silicon Valley, as ET said SF is definitly a different city if you are just passing through. The obligitory sites are indeed worth seeing. In my work I have been to the area (Milpitas, Concorde, etc) many times and also as a photographer, I have taken many terific shots. The recognition factor for movie and tv buffs is worth it alone. I was even at Haight/Ashbury once to play out an adolescent quest. No dope or love-ins but there is a Ben & Jerries there.
    However, if you read the papers, watch the media there you fast realize that those folks are really different as in nuts. This is the place where the term “left coast” comes from.
    As to the relativily sane airport… have they ever finished the construction there? I spent an hour one time trying to return my rental ;-(

  38. My question to all those who would insist that PMSH attend the AIDS conference is simple what is he supposed to do once he gets there. Should he windmill like Paul Martin and “promise” billion$$$ that everyone knows will never arrive. Or go there to be condemned by the trough feeders whose main interest is feathering their own nests on the backs of the suffering. The truth of the AIDS epidemic is that it is largely a disease perpetrated by one’s chosen actions. Even those poor souls who received tainted blood received it because of the immoral actions of those who were in control of the blood system. Information I received would indicate that Bill Clinton is one of those in the tainted blood cycle and he is at the conference!!!! If I were PMSH I would stay away for that reason alone.

  39. 10 katyushas fired towards israel BREAKING ON CNN
    CNN ^ | Augest 14 2006 | CNN
    CNN Is saying live on t.v. that 10 katyushas were fired from nothern lebanon towards israel!

  40. Nealenews link: Passport photo of girl, 5, banned as exposed shoulders ‘may offend’ muslims.

  41. Warning: Gruesome. …-
    A Death Cult Party in Jenin
    Here are some mainstream media photographs of a death cult party in the West Bank town of Jenin that are definitely not faked or staged, as Palestinians murder a “collaborator” in a public square in front of a celebratory crowd—who then take pictures of the murdered man with their mobile phones, propping up his head to get a better angle.
    Have you ever seen people more deserving of their own state? …-

  42. Pyjamas Media:
    Dictator in Pyjama-clad; si, por favor. No aides in sight, por favor. …-
    Pyjama-clad Castro stars in video
    The Australian – 52 minutes ago
    By Patrick Lescot in Havana. CUBAN television today showed video of Fidel Castro following two weeks of speculation over the ailing communist strongman, who says he still faces a long and possibly risky recovery from surgery. …
