136 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. that aids conference/event in Toronto is just a gong show for the left wing political whackjobs.
    Its the medical version of kyoto . . create a panic, sensationalize the issue and get governments to shovel truck loads of money at them so they can get rich, travel the world with the heads up their arse end attending conferences and waste funds that should be going into the hands of medical researchers.

  2. Texas Canuck: Me too! I have been thinking of that letter every since I recieved it. May they all return home safe.

  3. Liz J; your rant ( I have ’em 2) reminds me of a couple Rutherford guests/topics on radio today. One was about the public hate rallies, politicians showing public support for hate groups. He made the point; if it was KKK or Hitler worship (not those words ex.) that it would NEVER be tolerated.
    It occurs to me that with various politicians showing support for certain groups/causes and the amount of lobbying they are subject to, that they should not publicly support ANY groups. Period. At least that way they can’t get accused of favoring one over another. Besides where does it end? And at who’s expense?
    The second guest was Senator Colin Kenney on airport security. He said re: new efforts to check passengers is superficial, feel-good P.R. Backdoor is wide open. No-one checks caterers, mail, contractors, etcetera. Said gov. and transport Canada have learned NOTHING since 9-11 and other scares. He hates to think what it’ll take. He wants RCMP to take over security from Transport Canada. Anyone who knows a pilot or about airports will agree on Transport Canada being useless. I can’t recall if they discussed the mom/baby angle, but I think given the current Brit. cell and the womens blog related to our group of 17, I think they have to re-think their ideas.
    They were also discussing Harper and Hans Island. I can’t help thinking, given the situation in Caledonia, and these pro-Hizbollah rallies; we’re starting to look like the Middle East and Arctic Soveriegnty is the least of his problems.
    Also in relation to that, I was quite saddened to read last night that Lebanese residents are feeling very alone and disenfranchised by the media. They feel the media doesn’t give a crap what they feel, are only interested in their anti-Isreal, anti-American agenda, and I think they meant all media. I can’t remember where I read that but it was in relation to the ceasefire and an insider that belongs to a Lebanese Citizens Group. I will try to find link, think it was lgf or M.M.
    Maybe instead of banning immigration, marches etc. we should ban media. Can Reuters, AP, the green Helmet Guy be charged with interfering with human remains etc.?

  4. In regards to Slick Willie’s participation in the AIDS conference, is he there pro bono, or is he charging them his usual outlandish speaking fee?

  5. ET, I couldn’t agree more with your analysis of the AIDS Conference in Toronto. I can’t even get myself to watch coverage of it on TV, though my husband watched some tonight.
    He reported that Bill Clinton–why’s HE there?–said something to the effect that coming together (pardon the pun) to find a cure for AIDS is connected to “having respect for women.” Splutter, splutter…come again (sorry), Bill????
    What would Beel Cleenton know about respect for women? I wonder how “respected” Monica feels, or Hilary for that matter?
    The Conference sounds like a total zoo. It is an absolute disgrace that AIDS activists have turned it into a political rally, with Prime Minister Stephen Harper as target practice. My hope–faint, I admit–is that when mature individuals see what a partisan carnival this gathering has become they will recognize these immature, exhibitionist activists for what they are.
    Though I recognize that AIDS is no longer solely a “gay” issue, gay activists are front and centre when it comes to AIDS being a politicized disease. They have the money, the power, and the clout to push AIDS to the head of the handing-out-of-money line.
    Heck, I could have been a much more active activist if it hadn’t been for the time and energy I gave supporting my husband and children. Children also cost a lot of money (every penny worth it), but it means that those of us with families have much less time and far fewer resources than gay activists with which to press our agendas.
    Does that make me a victim?
    Can I get some funding, please?

  6. Joe- the reason the AIDS conference people wanted Harper to attend to conference was so that they could boo, hiss and scream at him. That’s the only reason. They weren’t interested in his support for the conference, weren’t interested in gov’t funding, weren’t interested in anything other than THEIR opportunity to denigrate and demean him.
    These people aren’t interested in the money or support from the gov’t; they showed that by their rejection of Tony Clement, the Minister of Health. All they wanted to do- was boo and hiss at him – because he’s a member of the Conservative Party. His role in funding Aids research isn’t of any importance to them.
    Harper didn’t give them what they wanted – a ‘hate-fest’. He gave them what they needed – gov’t funding. They aren’t interested.
    That’s because the Left has politicized AIDS, made it their ‘social disease’ and added evaluative qualities to it that define YOU as a person. If you are a Conservative, then, by definition, you are indifferent to AIDS; if you are a Liberal/NDP, then by definition, it’s Your Pet Disease – and you ‘feel’ for those who are affected by it – particularly if they are gay/lesbian, impoverished in Africa.
    It’s the same with Islamic fascism; it’s the Pet Cause of the Left. They aren’t interested in the FACT that Islamism denigrates women; that Islam is unreformed, tribal, vindictive and repressive; that its followers are pathological murderers. No, it’s their Pet Cause because Islamic fascism is against the West, against individualism, against reason, against capitalism, against the US. They make their decisions based on the agenda of ‘being Against’.
    So, AIDS is a disease about, in the beginning, Gays and drug users’; the Left asserts that Conservatives are against these people – and so, for that reason, it supports AIDS conferences. That’s the only reason – they flock like lemmings to whatever shrieks ‘Against Reason, Against Law and Order; Against Democracy; Against Capitalism; Against Individualism’. That’s the left.

  7. re: the university rankings:
    my daughter who is now doing web design (the real kind, not the hack stuff) chose carelton because as a new building it had the best accessibility by far.
    it ranked way down the list in the mccleans ranking for some other reasons.
    she is making twice as much as I am.
    because of the research skills and connections she garnered at the low ranking carleton.
    I think mccleans should do the honourable and wise thing and quietly pack it in with the schools rankings.

  8. wh- wh- WHAT !!!???? sputter sputter harumph. how DARE they turn out aids conference into a political circus. the affrontry. harumph. fap.

  9. what ET said.
    Here’s somethings you should not say around lefties and liberals about Aids: “maybe they should keep it in their pants”; “maybe they should be monogamous and not frequent prostitutes”.

  10. ET,
    I’m not excusing the behaviour of the protestors. Their actions were disgraceful and organizers should be ashamed of themselves for creating an environment where such an act can transpire. However, the loud chorus of boos for Clement from protestors among the conference delegates does not necessarily mean the conference rejected Clement (re: 2:42 post). The attempt by the co-chair to dissuade the activists from heckling Clement, which you correctly point out he has no obligation to do, suggests to me that organizers were glad he was there and did not want him embarassed. The views of certain members of a group, do not necessarily define the views of that entire group.
    The conference does seem to be more of a political convention than a conference. If organizers are truly interested in creating a productive conference, and I see no reason why people who devote their lives to combatting AIDS would not want a productive conference, then they should kick the protestors out because when they have the appearance of being affiliated with the conference and are creating a divisive atmosphere they do more harm than good.

  11. ET NAILED IT !!
    The Socialist Wakos are in a panic. The MSM is in the panic with them. WHY ?? Because they are losers and have lost. Why are they losers ?? Because they flock to losing causes. Why ? Because it is the easy way out ?? Give me taxpayer’s money, we flunked out. Kill the goose.
    Drugies, Pot Heads, hypies, Basket Weavers, Berlin Wall, Eastern Block, Artsy-Fartsies, Prostitutes, Kyoto Hacks, Al Gore Cultists, Spin Journalists, Protestors, Terrorists,
    They are all in the same boat, and their only way to save face is to try and sink EVERYBODY !!

  12. With the exception of those unfortunate to have been devastated with tainted blood in the late 80’s, the AIDS plague apparently continues to infect unabated.
    One has to seriously question the usefulness of a massive gathering to highlight and politicize a lifestyle disease.
    Canadians should be repulsed by the presence of Bill Clinton, ( accused rapist of Jaunita Broddrick) and seller of tainted Arkansas prisoner blood to Canadian companies, yapping about the scourge of aids on a Canadian stage.
    Interestingly MSM, the happy hookers, oblige unquestioningly the snake oil pitch for money to promote condoms or gels or new cocktails, without ever once pointing out the need for self control.
    Meanwhile the seething hatred shown by Stephen Lewis for the Prime Minister is evident in his referring to the prime minister on CTV simply as “Harper”.
    Well ” Stephen Lewis”, can you relate to prick?

  13. the great mantra about ‘use a condom’ is whooey.
    condoms fail about 5% of the time or more for a number of reasons, ignorance being one.
    skill testing question of the day:
    what is smaller, a sperm cell or an aids virus?
    etc etc
    abstinence people, learn to practice ABSTINENCE and if you cant, at least be sexually MONOGAMOUS.
    this is why africa is aids epicentre; it is also where it is a sign of prestige for a man to have a harum of girlfriends. he will also boink prostitutes to add variety. and then go back and infect all the girl friends. aids isnt really easy to get, on avg it requires multiple exposures for the infection to establish.
    this is why in n america the predominant std’s are the OUUUCH kind you know about in a couple days; unprotected sex with a gonorrhea infected woman is pretty much a guarantee youre in for the clap as well. and will find out soon after.
    generally, in n america the extramarital stuff is one night stands, thus the diff rates of diff std’s
    aids takes years to show overt signs, the blotches, thinness, etc. and in that time the person can infect dozens of others and you know the rest.
    but sexual monogamy would put a HUGE dent in these avenues of infection, for both aids and all other std’s. Im not a prude, but Ive never had clap either. I was about 10 years old and stumbled across my parents medical encyclopedia and read it for about a week straight, fascinated with all the different diseases humans can suffer.
    the std stuff scared the * out of me to the point I had something of a phobia until I finally lost my cherry at the old age of 20.
    I have been sexually monogamous ever since.
    works for me !!!
    naturally a message like THAT aint EVER gonna come (pun intended (giggle)) out of this farce conference.

  14. mr lewis misses the reasoning behind harper’s decision:
    if he shows up he gets hounded and ridiculed.
    if he doesnt show up he gets hounded and ridiculed, maybe a wee bit less since ‘far from sight far from mind’.
    sooooo, if hes going to get hounded and ridiculed either way, why not do something productive elsewhere where his presence will be appreciated?
    its dat simple ‘lewis’.

  15. Kate, just want to correct DJ’s false statement.
    Harry Wu of Laogai Research Foundation had investigators in Sujiatun on 3/12, 3 days after the news broke.
    To insists 10,000+ people including guards, doctors, nurses, supply, equipment, ration, can vanish into thin air in 3 days, is science fiction.
    In addition, here’s a Congressional Executive Committee on China brief, regarding Falun Gong’s concentration camp allegation:
    “Emma Ashburn, a research associate at the Congressional-Executive Committee on China (CECC), said that the Matas-Kilgour report really “offered nothing new” in terms of evidence on the matter of organ harvesting. The evidence they did collect, namely the phone calls and testimonies, were dubious in their objectivity.
    Specialist in Asian Affairs at the Congressional Research Service, Thomas Lum, noted that the evidence could have easily been distorted. The individuals calling the hospitals were all affiliated with FLG, and Lum said that it is unlikely for doctors and officials working for the state to casually divulge such sensitive and damaging information so easily. Moreover, Lum’s efforts to contact both the Chinese journalist and doctor’s wife have been fruitless, as FLG members direct all communications toward these individuals and they often do not respond.”
    I hope DJ will contact Ms. Ashburn and Mr. Lum on their research and conclusion.

  16. Here is information on the governance of the Conference with links to the consultation minutes with different groups. I haven’t looked at all of them, but the Activist and Industry consultation minutes are interesting (and they would be funny if the issue wasn’t so serious).

  17. ?Robert J,
    If you are making that many enemies, maybe the problem lies with you”.
    My son is a steelworker.A couple of years ago he mewntioned that he had worker for most of the local steel erection companies in our city and quit at each one calling the owner an asshole. But then he said to me” you know, what I’ve finally come to the conclusion of, is that I’m the asshole.” Ring a bell Robert J.?
    Horny Toad

  18. Don’t know bout Falun Gong specifically, but here’s some info on organ harvesting of executed criminal and political prisoners.
    Thursday, 28 June, 2001 news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/1411389.stm
    “China has denounced a former military doctor who says he removed skin and organs from executed Chinese prisoners that were then sold, sometimes to foreigners…
    China says the former doctor is making it up to try to gain political asylum in the United States…
    Dr Wang Guoqi told the US Congress that he had removed skin and corneas from nearly 100 executed prisoners.
    He said he had operated on at least one prisoner whose execution had been botched and was still breathing during the procedure…
    He said prisoners selected to be donors were tested before execution for suitability and then shot in the back of the head so as not to damage their heart, liver, kidneys or skin.”
    Wednesday, 19 April 2006 news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/asia-pacific/4921116.stm
    “The British Transplantation Society says an accumulating weight of evidence suggests the organs of thousands of executed prisoners in China are being removed for transplants without consent.
    Professor Stephen Wigmore, who chairs the society’s ethics committee, told the BBC that the speed of matching donors and patients, sometimes as little as a week, implied prisoners were being selected before execution.
    Chinese officials deny the allegations.
    >>>>>…Just last week a Chinese health official said publicly that organs from executed prisoners were sometimes used, but only with prior permission and in a very few cases…

  19. At the AIDS conference, Richard Gere declared that Aids was the ‘real terrorist’ confronting the planet.
    Sure Richard. Uh huh.
    Ya. Right.
    I wonder if he got the chance to parade along side Hezbollah a few days ago. I suppose that would have really made his day. 🙂

  20. The alpha/omega of Robert J.
    These words must be saved.
    Here they are: Preserved in amber for posterity. …-
    the ONLY time I ever voted conservatist was a ‘strategic’ vote to get martinet out on his tush. it half worked, the lieberals won their minority. martinet did the rest, repeatedly shooting himself in the nuts.
    the rest is history.
    anybody catching on why I dont support any party whole heartedly?

  21. Planted?
    Blink and you miss it… the very first frame (black arrow indicates the time) of a video report by Mazen Ibrahim on the Aljazeera channel, commenting on the coverage of the Qana “massacre” in western media. But it is quite definitely there and, equally definitely it is the body of a baby.
    This is in the first stages of the rescue/recovery operation at Qana and, if there is one thing all the media reports agree on, it is that there was only one body of a baby recovered – and here is the recovery, by Red Cross workers. …-

  22. ET,
    It’s very imporatant for the leader of our country to maintain high visibilty on world stages, especially when they’re in our own back yard.
    His absence sends out the following messages.
    1) He’s homophobic.
    2) He’s anti-social.
    3) He’s afraid of his political rivals.
    4) He can’t deal with confrontations.
    Shameless photo-ops are just that…shameless. Snubbing is just plain unforgivable.
    His stonewalling of the media is strike 1, failing to attend this conference is strke 2. Strike 3 is just around the corner and will signal the depreciation of the CPC.

  23. Pornography from the left liberal/socialist MSM:
    Fake rape photos published by the MSM: From an Hungarian porn site. …-
    Don’t Trust If They Won’t Verify
    By Glenn Harlan Reynolds
    We’ve seen this kind of fakery before, of course, and not just where Israel is concerned. The Boston Globe ran fake rape photos purporting to show U.S. troops raping Iraqi women. The photos turned out to come from a Hungarian porn site. Nor does the fakery stop with photos. Rutten’s own L.A. Times ran a nasty piece about Paul Bremer’s departure from Iraq, saying that he didn’t even give a farewell speech and suggesting that he was afraid to look Iraqis in the eye. In fact, Bremer had given a speech that was nationally televised in Iraq. As columnist John Leo observed in response to this bit of bogosity: “What’s new about the press is that so many people who follow it with a critical eye now have an outlet to howl about inaccuracy and partisanship. The big media used to be able to shrug off critics like this. Now they can’t.” …-

  24. Holy/holey condoms, Batman. Steve has resigned.
    Ugh, kemo sabay!
    Steve “Mr. Condom-AIDS” Lewis has since resigned. Steve Lewis lost his war on AIDS.
    Good riddance. …-
    Ugandan Anti-AIDS Activist Demands UN Fire Lewis For Pushing Condoms
    Previous Uganda UNAIDS official promoted homosexuality and lesbianism
    KAMPALA, Uganda, September 7, 2005, (LifeSiteNews.com) – The ongoing campaign by condom advocate Stephen Lewis, the U.N. secretary general’s special envoy for HIV/AIDS in Africa, has resulted in an open letter to Kofi Annan demanding that Lewis be immediately fired and removed from UNAIDS.
    The letter, written by Pastor Martin Ssempa, Director of The Global Center for Uganda’s ABC Strategy, is very direct. “Mr. Lewis”, Ssempa writes, “is using the entire body of the UN for his personal agenda of condomizing the developing nations. Why he has the audacity to fight the only nation which has demonstrated success in reducing HIV/AIDS is utterly beyond me. … Steve seems to have a problem with Bush administration and is fabricating lies to further attack Uganda’s ABC strategy.”
    Ssempa demands that “Mr. Koffi Annan should ask for the resignation of Steven Lewis who is further sinking the credibility of UN in the Great Lakes region. Mr. Lewis is the type that reminds us of the UN staff who did nothing to stop the genocide in Rwanda where close to a million Africans were butchered under the close supervision of the UN.”
    In comments he made in a teleconference last month from Johannesburg Lewis complained about the lack of condoms stating, “There is no question in my mind that the condom crisis in Uganda is being driven and exacerbated by PEPFAR (the U.S. Administration’s AIDS assistance program) and by the extreme policies that the administration in the U.S. is now pursuing in the emphasis on abstinence, … That distortion of the preventive apparatus … is resulting in great damage and undoubtedly will cause significant numbers of infections which should never have occurred.” Lewis made his remarks in spite of the fact that the U.N. itself has warned about the inadequacy of condoms to prevent the spread of the disease.
    In response to Lewis’s charges Ssempa writes, “Lewis is asking for the government to immediately release on the market the defective “Ngabo” condoms which were filled with so many holes that Ugandans called the police inspector general to report this crime. Does Lewis want more Ugandans to die from HIV? Mr. Lewis doesn’t seem to base his comments on facts rather bias. He should resign to restore credibility to the UN efforts. …-

  25. Nothing more then shameless rhetoric out of the left.
    The Prime Minister has only doubled the promised monetary aid from the Government of Canada to 80 million by 2008, any thanks None whats so ever.
    The Prime Minister sent a representative that is more qualified to speak, any thanks none whats so ever.
    The last time the conference was here in Canada the Prime Minister of the day was a NO SHOW(Chretian) Do the left remember that, you bet they do.
    Shameless photo-opting at the expense of a peoples lives that have been ravished by a terrible disease all for the sake of buying votes.
    How dare you sit there and shake your heads in the stands spouting rhetoric over & over when you had over 13yrs in power to make an effort in the fight against hiv/aids, the ones that should be hanging your heads are you.
    At least Stephen Harper has made an effort to combat this desease.

  26. Warning: AIDS Conference.
    Stay back. AIDS is contagious. …-
    More government no-shows at AIDS conference
    For the second day running, Canadian cabinet ministers have cancelled scheduled press conferences at the International AIDS Conference
    …- cnews

  27. As to the relativily sane airport… have they ever finished the construction there? I spent an hour one time trying to return my rental ;-(
    I don’t know about the status of any construction at SFO. The BART line has been finished for a while. SFO has been under some substantial construction every time that I can remember being there, dating back to 1971. But I nearly always use San Jose on the rare occasions that I fly.

  28. bryanr,
    Your post rambles a bit. I’m trying to understand your point.
    When you say ‘left’, what is your definition?

  29. Fox Shows Green Helmet Staging Corpse
    This is excellent news, as mainstream media (Fox News, anyway) begins to examine the very serious evidence that photographs from Qana were deliberately staged for propaganda: Fox airs German clip of Green Helmet staging a scene at Qana.
    09:53 AM PDT …-

  30. Merde le dingdong… Jeancula AdScam Chretien is a homophobe; in French, un homophobe. Oui, oui. …-
    Chretien under fire for shunning AIDS conference
    Reuters NewMedia, Inc. – 5 July 1996
    TORONTO – Canadian AIDS activists said on Friday they regretted Prime Minister Jean Chretien’s decision to shun an international AIDS conference in Vancouver and urged him not to give up the fight against AIDS.
    The 11th International Conference on AIDS opens on Sunday in Vancouver, but Chretien has said he is too busy to attend.
    This will be the first time in the history of the conference that the head of government of the host country will not open the event. …-
    voy forums

  31. I was at Union Station today. Young people in AIDS Conference T-shirts were standing in the concourse politely soliciting passersby to “buy a pin to support the AIDS Conference” (or words to that effect). I wonder if they had official sanction to do this. I wouldn’t imagine that many causes are allowed access to the thousands who pass through the station each day.
    Rather than tell them what I really thought about the conference, I lied (sorry!). I said, “I gave at church.” (I used to be an Anglican, now a major cheerleader for the gay–whoops, AIDS–cause.)
    Then I sat down on a bench to wait for my train. What I noticed was interesting. Nearly every person to whom the young people spoke declined to give. Some–I noticed a young woman and older man: granddaughter with grandfather?–kept their distance. They actually walked around the soliciting youths.
    I think Canadians are discerning the propaganda and not liking it one bit.
    The MSM’s vitriolic attack on the PM for not being at the conference may well backfire: I think the majority of Canadians, whether they’re willing to say it or not, are lauding the PM for a wise and courageous decision.

  32. 7/17/06, “The Plot to Hijack Your Computer”).
    “We’re finding that the social-networking sites like MySpace are turning out to be hotbeds for spyware,” CEO Dave Moll says. “People are creating multiple profiles, and the links on their sites will take you to sites that will either download or drive-by download adware and spyware.”
    ht tp /www.businessweek.com/technology/content/aug2006/tc20060816_466084.htm?chan=top+news_top+news
    ht tp /tinyurl.com/gcryb
    HIGH INFECTION RATE.  It doesn’t help that many younger users aren’t sufficiently cautious about where and how they surf the Web, Moll says. “They’re not looking out for danger in quite the way that more skeptical adults do,” he says. “Kids on MySpace and sites like it act as though they are in a safe youth-only environment, and as a result their behavior is less cautious, and that is something that is being preyed upon by all kinds of Internet villains. And we think spyware creators will be the most aggressive in exploiting that.”
    To date, Webroot’s researchers have identified some 527,000 malicious Web sites, an increase of 100,000 from a year earlier.
    Overall, Molls says, 89% of consumer PCs are infected with some kind of spyware, a rate not seen in a year. And, on average, home computers contain 30 individual spyware programs.
    ==================== So many people enjoy the game of *Rip-off*, eh? = TG

  33. Hey Bob,
    Read carefully the Kilgour Matas investigation report confirming organ harvesting targeting Falun Gong practitioners in China.
    Harry Wu got there (to China) to inspect SJT after March 9th. He missed the boat — he should try again later. Wait until the UN envoy gets there, if China ever opens their door that is.
    This is what Kilgour says about SJT.
    The US State Department carried out their own investigation, has that report been released?
    David Kilgour: Well thank you for raising that, that’s called the Sujiatun issue, and yes, you’re right, and members of the US Consulate went to the Sujiatun hospital in north-east China, about three weeks after the thing had broke. We point out that an operating room after an operation is over looks exactly as if nothing has happened. To go three weeks after this thing blew open, if you like, we have not given a lot of credence to that matter.
    I met with Mr. Wu, Harry Wu, in Washington for a long time, and we discussed this very carefully, and I, as I’ve said last night on ABC, that I have great respect for Mr. Wu, but he is talking about what happened in Sujiatun hospital, after the 9th of March.
    99 per cent of this report, if you like, of this report is talking about other hospitals, and what happened before March 9th, so I know there’s been people that have tried to mix Sujiatun with another 99 per cent of the report, but I’m trying to stress to you and everyone else about a much much larger situation than the Sujiatun hospital since post-March 9th.
