40 Replies to “Taliban Jack’s Defense Critic”

  1. Caught this on the drive home , the repeated “.. it’s a war .. ” to all she initially said was pretty good .

  2. I’m happy to say that the e-mail Charles quoted from was sent by myself. I’m in the Nanaimo-Cowichan riding which put forward and then withdrew a motion which accused Canada’s military of “acting like terrorists, destroying communities, killing and maiming innocent people”.
    Our NDP MP is absolutely useless, a clueless moonbat like Black, who immediately assumes that an accused Taliban combatant must be telling the absolute truth when claiming they were tortured by the Afghani police.
    Given the situation, I frankly have little sympathy or regard for any poor relations between alleged Taliban and Afghani Police forces.
    Hopefully, unmasking the NDP on these issues will help us rid ourselves of our own moonbat MP.
    BTW, how weird is politics when the NDP vote with the Conservatives – but from diametrically opposing points of view? Strange bedfellows, indeed.

  3. The NDP did have the good sense to vote down the Liberal resolution today in a vote of 150-134.
    While Dawn raised the issue of 50-60 degree Leopard 1 tanks, this should be ameliorated by the delivery of air-conditioned Leopard 2 A6M and provide greater protection and firepower.
    While everyone would like to see more reconstruction that is simply not possible on what is a front line battle. Pouring concrete into form work while an RPG or mortar is incoming doesn’t work very well.
    The reality is that showing enough suppressive force will force the Taliban to vacate their positions or be terminated.
    Having children go to school is all well and good , but if the Taliban manage to lob a grenade into the school or behead the teacher it is somewhat counterproductive.
    You either put the Taliban to flight or one is quite frankly wasting one’s time. It would also be rather short sighted to tell 55 families that their sons and daughters were expended to no purpose.
    Dion’s grandstanding on a previously Liberal approved mission is not only hypocritical, but quite simply disgraceful and insults the memory of those already lost.
    Truly appalling.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  4. Was listening to this garbage while driving..it was one of those times I did talk to the radio!Pumped my fist in the air..yelled’you go Chuck! Wanted to call him and just say a simple Thank-you,from a REAL troop supporter,but couldn’t get thru…so Chuck,I know you read Kate..thank you so much!

  5. I am really pissed off right now at Kate … to post this, and right after supper … it was all I could do to keep from hurling.
    “Progressives” … so progressive they’ve talked themselves right out of reality.

  6. I’ve just listened to the interview. A very stupid and ignorant lady she is – “I’m with the soldiers – but don’t give them big guns”.

  7. The left are tripping over themselves to be more pacifist, more green, more anti-Harper than the other guys. What a bunch of pathetic excuses for political parties.

  8. The NDP position seems to be to somehow make it a peacekeeping mission before peace is achieved. I think the NDP have been watching too much CBC. Just what colour is the sky in their world?

  9. I posted this before but apropos to this topic:
    We visited a family a few weeks ago who live at the Lancaster Park (Namao) airforce base outside of Edmonton.
    How do military families feel about the NDP trying to make political hay by “saving” our soldiers and demanding they come home?
    This family had a blown up photo of Dawn Black on their dart board.

  10. Would it not be better to have the biggest guns in a fight?
    Does she want us to lower our milatary to their level to make it a fair fight?
    (I just reread that last sentence and it is soooo NDP isn’t it?)
    All those Soviet tanks she talks about littering the countyside have one minor difference with ours-we are trying to help, not annex, conquer, defeat, run or rape and pilage this country.
    When will the world see the benifit of a free and stable middle east?
    I too am so mad I could spit…….I heard this this afternoon while driving…….had to turn her off. Adler could have asked a few more tougher questions though, I think.

  11. For a connoisseur of black humor (no pun, really!), this rates as a minor classic. Ms. Black’s problem is that she’s stuck defending a disingenuous policy: of course the NDP are an anti war party, but they don’t want to come right out and say it because that’s bad politics. So instead we get the hilarious spectacle of Dawn Black sputtering on about big, nasty guns and wishing that we could just go in as peacekeepers, winning hearts and minds, handing out candies, singing “Give Peace A Chance,” the whole fatuous lot. Well, this ain’t a blue helmet occasion, it’s a war, and one we’d better win. Read Lawrence Wright’s “The Looming Tower” to find out why. Bet no one in the NDP has (also bet they’ve read several by that damned idiot Chomsky, though).

  12. Dawn Black is clearly in the dark.
    It sounded like Charles wanted to jump through telephone line and show Black a real escalation.
    “I’ve been to Afghanistan”
    “WHO CARES??”

  13. Tonight on CPAC Alexia McDonough asserted we must build a Enternment Camp in Afghanistan to house the Terrorists which aren’t covered under the rules for the Geneva Convention , except Jack layton wants to appease the Taliban by pulling out troops out now.
    Typical Leftists tripe and double speak , the NDP propped up the Liberals to keep them in power and yet attacked them for poor Policies and Surplus Budgets .
    They are against Trans-Fats for obesity reason and yet Libby Davies still pounds the junk food in her mouth , they want Social equity and Equal Justice except when Svend Robinson was caught stealing a $60’000.00 ring , they are Pro-Choice Gay-marriage friendly and pro-feminists but used Arar’s Orthodox Sharia-law Hijab anti-abortion anti-gay marriage wife in Ottawa to run for them on the Anti-USA/Israel platform.
    They are for Kyoto and want tough pollution standards buy sucked up to the CAW and Jack and Olivia supported the CNE Indy race and AirShow that spew soot of toxic fumes , they claim to speak for Immigrants and Families and yet think these same people are too stupid to raise their own children at home and need State-run Daycare with high paying Union jobs that can Strike and force you to stay home from work anyway.
    Now Jack has given up on Darfur and taken sides with the Taliban to protect them from Canadian Troops that commit War-Crimes by-proxy but when Maher Arar was Alleged to be link to Terrorist the NDP wanted evidence and called the RCMP Islamophobes and doing Racial-Profiling with fabricated evidence .
    But the real insult is that while 99% of the Afghan population are Muslims , Layton and McDonough feel these Muslims are violent thugs and oppressors that don’t have the Moral values to be trusted with Human Rights for Prisoners or respect the Geneva Convention .
    If Layton doesn’t trust the Muslims we are trying to help that are on OUR side, then why does he trust the Torture claims by our enemies like the Taliban that are True followers of the Quran as Fundemental Muslims that force females to wear Burka’a and shoot them in public for offences to Sharia law.

  14. Let’s see Black doesn’t want to abandon the mission just revamp it so it is not one of counterinsugency. Makes sense. That wasy there will be no more body bags coming home. If we leave unarmed Canadians to build schools and roads we won’t have to worry about body bags coming home. There won’t be enough Canadians left alive to look for the bodies of the dead Canadians let alone send them back to Canada. Thanks alot Dawn Black

  15. And quite a few other nations are now saying that if americans gave up their guns we would,nt have such as what happened at VT SREW THE WORLD these liberal fools running these nations have killed more then hapened at VT and tell GEORGE SOROS,IANSA and the rest to TAKE A HIKE

  16. Utterly clueless.
    And so typical of the NDP: force our soldiers to fight with one hand behind their back, and when things (predictably) go downhill, then clamour to haul ’em back home again.
    These fools can’t get it through their one-track pacifist skulls that there can be no “peacekeeping” until you’ve eliminated the aggressors on the other side. Otherwise you don’t have a “peacekeeping” situation, you have “war”.
    I wish the NDP would one day just find the b@lls to admit publicly they have no use for our military, and would much rather see the CF disbanded and the money saved shovelled at more socialist handout schemes. Yes, it’d be truly outrageous, but at least you’d have to respect their outright honesty.
    As it is now, they are reduced to soundbytes like this, insisting they are “behind” the troops, as long as it doesn’t require them to buy into the idea of giving them bigger guns, more allies, a stronger mandate to kill the enemy, etc.
    at gmail d0t calm

  17. I’m curious. The NDP and their moonbattish allies always claim that the war for Afghanistan is a failing enterprise, defeat is inevitable and that nothing good is being done.
    We hear about how our allies are not shouldering the burden because they are hanging out in the majority of provinces that are safe. So if the majority of provinces are relatively safe and reform is occurring there, how is the mission failing? That sounds like success to me. That sounds like progress from where we were five years ago.
    A more realistic analysis is that the front lines, as liquid as they are, are being pushed farther and farther back, and with pressure finally beginning to come from Pakistan, the Taliban’s days are numbered.
    It is my sincerest belief that the majority of moonbats want the mission in Afghanistan and more importantly in Iraq to fail, so that they can point their fingers and say I told you so. It would seem they have as much to lose as the Taliban.

  18. Not a fan of Adler, but he nailed this interview.
    Hopefully more radio interviewers will continue to ask the Dippers sensible questions and expect that be answered properly.
    The dippers are becoming more irrelevant as the likes of their former green devotees and Buzz Hargrove no longer wish to be associated with their policy of continuous outrage at any position which attempts positive change.They will soon be left with only the welfare cases, single mothers, loony left students and professors (of which there are sadly too many)
    The next election will see a major decline in dipper seats even here on the left coast. So I thank Dawn Black for assisting this effort.

  19. Not a fan of Adler, but he nailed this interview.
    Hopefully more radio interviewers will continue to ask the Dippers sensible questions and expect that be answered properly.
    The dippers are becoming more irrelevant as the likes of their former green devotees and Buzz Hargrove no longer wish to be associated with their policy of continuous outrage at any position which attempts positive change.They will soon only be left with the welfare cases, single mothers,loony left students and professors (of which there are sadly too many)
    The next election will see a major decline in dipper seats even here on the left coast.

  20. I’m getting the impression that all of those voices who appose Canada’s participation in the war in Afghanistan do not have any actual risk or investment in the mission other than thier own personal sense of well being and moral virture.
    My impression is is that being in Afganistan diminishes their childish lore about the gentle Canadian, the fable that is the bedrock of their self image – the one that makes them misty eyed when they’re in bed at night and they imagine how other people and nations look upon who they are and what they are a part of.
    It’s an uncanny talent that the conspicuously benevolents possess – being able to vividly see the world through other people’s eyes. Unfortunately,(let’s be honest here), that vista usually involves them personally, as they extrapolate the reverence that they MUST command in the eyes of others; being that they are so wonderful and selfless (but modest, or at least it would seem). That private pleasure that is the true motivator of there philantrophy – a motivational reward for that psudo-selflessness but a secret that they will never reveal.
    Everybody’s got an angle, unfortunately in the pecking order of their necessity, they place their peak of achievement above the lives of our brave and legitimately virtuous soldiers as well as the poor tourtured souls of Afghanistan. Now that’s narcissism, in the 5th normal form.

  21. The left’s current concensus view on terrorism, Iraq, Afghanistan, the war on terror and Freedom is flatly wrong and cannot be justified by the facts that are out there. Their rhetoric is designed to obfuscate and deny objective reality –which they don’t even believe in to begin with. The motivation for their continual anti combat in Afganistan stance is simple: Fighting Taliban thugs is the current symbol of their demise–the fly in their utopian ointment; the light shining in their darkness; or, to be more precise, the symbol of the end of their ideology.
    It forced them to openly move toward what they have supported surreptitiously all along–the elimination of free speech in the name of political correctness and multiculturalism; a dictatorship where the pseudo-intellectual, politically correct priesthood rule; and complete control over the lives of others (for their own good, of course). Since their objectives dovetail nicely with those of the Islamic terrorists, they have made common cause with them and have not lost many opportunities to enable and encourage them, even as they denounce the principles of freedom and democracy. (which in my opinion can only be won at the point of a gun, the bigger the better)
    (paraphrased from a long post on “Denial” by Dr. Sanity here:

  22. So would Dawn Black think that our police force shouldn’t “search and destroy” criminal activities in Canada? Afterall, the police would probably use guns, battling rams, etc to attack drug houses, etc.
    I would love to know her expertise in military, security, and nation building matters. All I can get was that she was an executive assistant in her pre-political career.

  23. She is an idiot, and Alder nailed her hide to the barn wall. To be as stupid as Dawn Black should be a crime. Putting our soldiers lives at risk to play politics makes my blood boil.
    It did serve us well that Taliban Jack is such an opportunist though. He knew if he voted to pull the troops out, there would be an election, and that would leave the ndp where? The ndp being the terrorist supporters they are will only lead to them becoming obsolete. That is a very good thing.

  24. She is an idiot, and Alder nailed her hide to the barn wall. To be as stupid as Dawn Black should be a crime. Putting our soldiers lives at risk to play politics makes my blood boil.
    It did serve us well that Taliban Jack is such an opportunist though. He knew if he voted to pull the troops out, there would be an election, and that would leave the ndp where? The ndp being the terrorist supporters they are will only lead to them becoming obsolete. That is a very good thing.

  25. She is an idiot, and Alder nailed her hide to the barn wall. To be as stupid as Dawn Black should be a crime. Putting our soldiers lives at risk to play politics makes my blood boil.
    It did serve us well that Taliban Jack is such an opportunist though. He knew if he voted to pull the troops out, there would be an election, and that would leave the ndp where? The ndp being the terrorist supporters they are will only lead to them becoming obsolete. That is a very good thing.

  26. The NDP insulted our intelligence yet again. They don’t want an election, plain and simple. Ditto the Libranos.
    Jack the Dipper hasn’t figured out which way the wind will blow for Green Momma May who stole his thunder on the Environment and made a pact with Dion, the great do nothing “expert” on the file.
    It’s been interesting to note the popularity of the adjective “PROGRESSIVE” since the Conservatives dropped it from their moniker. The Libranos and the Dippers are now labeling themselves as progressives at every opportunity.
    There were 14 Liberals missing for the vote that’s how important it was for them to win the motion.
    Talk about playing games with serious matters.
    At worst they’re undermining the Mission and the fighting men, playing into the hands of the terrorists. They’re relaying the message we are divided and lack resolve. Nothing like giving the enemy a heads up on your departure date. They win!
    The stupid idiots, Libs, Dippers and Bloc are even against equipping the forces to save their lives in future conflicts.We either have an Armed Forces or we have no protection for our Sovereignty.
    We’d be sitting ducks, come take us over.
    It must give terrorists world wide great comfort to know Canada has representation in Parliament who support their causes.

  27. “We’d be sitting ducks, come take us over.”
    In case you haven’t noticed, we are being taken over….slowly but surely. It’s taken time….the take-over got its start when our misguided governments thought Canada could be all things to all people. And unless we start showing some backbone and learn how to say NO, that is not how this country operates, the take-over will continue like a snowball going downhill..going faster and growing bigger. Multi-culturism may be wonderful on paper but it does not work in practicality.

  28. Seeing this mind-clouded view of realities is spread across the dipper crew, I’m wondering if deep colonic enemas are due for the entire dipper caucus…I mean cut the crap out so to speak.

  29. This was sent to me by a friend who retired from the Canadian Military after a long and distinguished career there.
    Re: Furor over Taliban Treatment
    Boy, I sure feel sorry for those Taliban boys who were caught by Canadian Soldiers before they could blow themselves up in populated areas and do a number on their fellow countrymen and our countrymen, I purely do! I think a few of them didn’t even get to shoot any of their’s or any of ours! And just think, when our Troops catch the bastards they are handing them over to the very people the bastards are killing. How uncivilized. Inhumane! And how just! And I understand the Afghanistan folks who have and are taking custody of these poor boys, some of whom are unfulfilled murderers and some who probably are fulfilled, are not too happy with the wayward beggars and they aren’t showering much affection on them. How unfeeling! How un-western!
    That part of the world has got to be taught our superior western moral values and the liberal Party of Canada has a solution; Canada must build detention centres in Afghanistan and take care of the blighters in true Canadian comfort and security. Or we could bring ‘em all back to Canada and really make them feel at home; the Liberals think that would be ok too.
    Stockwell Day recently said in QB speech recorded in the Globe and Mail:
    Mr. Day said the problem is that Taliban fighters “have no compunction about machine gunning and mowing down little children, they have no compunction about decapitating or hanging elderly women.”
    When Canadian troops catch people suspected of attacks on civilians, he said, it is difficult to persuade Afghan authorities to treat them humanely. (Duh?)
    “Now we’ve captured them and, yes, these people that we’ve captured want nothing more to do than to kill you and your children. And we’re asking you to treat them humanely,” he said in a speech in Quebec City.
    Well, if we brought them back to Canada our ‘justice system’ would probably grant them parole. Hey, they could check out some of our infrastructure for future reference so they wouldn’t have entirely wasted their time! Maybe they’d take a university course or two and learn the Canadian welfare system……endless possibilities……
    The politics of our Afghanistan mission is starting to get up my nose. The goofs in Ottawa must get off our Soldiers’ backs and let them get on with the job we’ve given them. I support that Afghans be detained in Afghan prisons..period!

  30. A lot of comments are made by one side and the other about “intellectual dishonesty”. To me this is not only a prime example of “intellectual dishonesty” but also one of pure ignorance. I thought that Adler, in his unique and effective style, showed her and her party to be a huge contradiction on the one hand and very damaging to our troops on the other. Given their position on this mission and Canada’s role, how dare she and others in her party show up in Afghanistan at all.
    Her leader quite appropriately wears the monicker of “Taliban Jack”.

  31. I agree with Liz J. All the grandstanding is Taliban Jack’s attempt to steal back the far left from the Greens. He is going to hilight/initiate as many wedge votes as he can on this and other issues important to the moonbats. When election time rolls around, he can then show their voting record in contrast to the Green supported Liberals and hopefully swing the far left back. What I love, is the Greens are going to pull the Libs even farther left…I feel the perfect storm is brewing for a Conservative majority.

  32. Listening to the crap that comes out of the mouths of moonbats like Dawn Black has got to make any thinking person ill.
    These people represent nothing of Canadian values or traditions. They are lowest common denominator bottom feeding scum who depend on the support of the ignorant the delusional and the just plain stupid!

  33. Dawn Black sez:
    Its a war…I know I’ve been there, but don’t you think it would be better if Cdn. soldiers were issued paint ball guns instead?
    That way everybody could agree to lay down and play dead when marked with paint.
    We wouldn’t have to worry about big noisy tanks and howitzers that are so big that …you know they’re scary.
    And besides paint washes off or maybe we could issue raingear so that participants don’t have to worry about getting messy.
    Now isn’t that a much better idea?

  34. I e-mailed Dawn Black a while back, regarding her party’s stance on the Afghanistan mission, and their labelling of our soldiers as “terrorists”.
    The response I received was a smart a**ed reply, stating that when I “board the plane” for Afghanistan, she would be standing there to see me off. I suspect that it is a stock reply that she sends to anyone who disagrees with their party’s stance on the issue.
    I wrote back to her explaining that she is indeed correct, I will not be boarding a plane for Afghanistan, but my husband is already in Afghanistan, and that maybe she should refrain from stock smart a**ed replies.
    It’s something I find often from the left, the old argument “if you or your family was there…”
    Which completely ignores the fact that our soldiers go willingly, and the families support them, even the families of our fallen.
    A soldier’s poem which bears repeating:
    Ole Jack Layton ~ Thoughts From A Soldier
    Dear Jack Layton,
    You sit there in your quiet home
    No fear is in your heart,
    You sleep soundly certain that
    It won’t be blown apart.
    Your children they can go to school
    And play out in the park,
    They’ve never seen a bomb explode
    Heard air raids in the dark.
    They’ve never seen dead bodies
    Piled up on the street,
    Your wife, she won’t be beaten
    Treated like a piece of meat
    You are free to form opinions
    Read any news print you can see,
    You enjoy your rights and privileges
    In this country wide and free.
    The reason you can live like that
    Is because I fight your wars
    I fight and push the enemy back
    I keep them off our shores.
    I am here and you are there
    Pretending you know best.
    Well Ole Jack now listen close
    While I get this off my chest.
    You have the right to criticize
    You have the right to complain
    You don’t have the right to drag me down
    In a stupid political game
    The thing about your rights Ole Jack
    The part you can’t comprehend
    Is you work in the very system
    The democracy I defend
    I stand on fences around the world
    Protecting those that need it
    It is not for you too determine Jack
    Whether or not it’s worth it.
    Ask the people in Afghanistan
    If they want me to stay,
    Women and children depend on me
    You say just walk away.
    I don’t need your changing policy
    Trying hard to not lose face
    What I need is you behind me
    Helping protect this place.
    You know its hard to do this
    When I Think I’m all alone.
    I hear stories of young punks
    Pissing on memorial stones.
    I read the papers over hear
    And they tell me what is said.
    Canadians are losing faith
    I can’t get it through my head.
    You say that it is hopeless
    It really brings me down
    Don’t tell my mother we’re losing
    Spread that rumour around.
    I’m doing good, were winning here
    But no-one will believe
    Because we are way over here
    Where no one there can see.
    Women here can work you see
    Children starting school.
    We built a working government
    We’ve broken Taliban rule.
    We are so close to winning this
    It’s not too far away
    History will show that we
    Were in the right to stay.
    When that brilliant day arrives
    Victory you’ll claim is ours
    You’ll forget you said to run away
    Forget you are a coward
    On that day just thank me
    For my courage and my trouble
    Find another place that needs help
    And send me on the double.
    written by Josh Forbes
    Calgary Alberta Canada

  35. Sorry, I just feel the need to add to my thoughts:
    I find it oddly typical that the very party that does not want our soldiers “soldiering” and dying in Afghanistan, has no such issues with them “soldiering” and dying in Darfur–just so long as they don’t have tanks.
