65 Replies to “You Just Know This Had To Hurt”

  1. god did you see the look on girlyman’s face . .
    he looked like he had just crapped his Depends past the fill line.

  2. The just, fair and principled position of the Canadian government.
    As opposed to the ‘nuanced, we are all Hezbollah’ position of the rat nest Liberals.
    A clear distinction.

  3. Mansbridge looked like the front man for one of those “Gas-X” commercials, only more realistic.

  4. hezbollah are terrorists and I am pleased and proud that Harper’s government says so and backs it up with stopping funds to terrorists. Good for Israel. Go Jews!
    That said, when are the coutnries of the world going to stand up, stop blathering and actually do something about the ongoing genocide in Darfur? Is nothing done because they are black? Is nothing done because many of them or Christians or non-muslims of some other ilk?
    If there is a benevolent supreme being he or she is going to be pissed if we don’t do something about this.

  5. Made my day!
    Mansbridge’s suit: $2,000
    Tie: $75
    Polish for head: $12
    Look on face: Priceless!

  6. Wonder how much we the taxpayer pays for Mansbridge to not look bald? Also, whomever is doing the make-up could use Harper’s stylist. You could see the racoon eyes from his sunburn around his sunglasses. Too funny.

  7. Irrefutable proof that Mansbridge is merely a stuffed shirt.
    Got that C(ommie)B(ullshit)C(ollective)?

  8. You could tell that Mansbridge had to stifle any comments but it didn’t matter cause the body language and the look on his face told the story.

  9. By the look of obvious discomfort on ‘ol Peter’s face can there be any doubt that right after the interview he had to apply his Preparation H with a 4 inch brush.

  10. EyesWideShut, you just described the UN when you wrote “the coutnries of the world”, that’s what they were chartered to do. But, they don’t.
    Maybe, if the people in democracies would work toward dissolving the useless UN and replacing it with a chartered group of democracy only countries committed to policing the evil, withholding aid from the corrupt and not wasting billions, the next Darfur will not happen. One lone country can’t save Darfur. The UN refuses.

  11. One could just watch Pete “shrink”. His body language was funny! Our Prime Minister could be a roll model for world leaders, beautiful!

  12. Patrick B, sums it up eloquently, gives a whole new meaning to the terms ‘hot seat’ and ‘squirm’. ROTFLMAO.

  13. Excellent. Girly boy didn’t know whether to shit or go blind!!!. World leaders! And we should be proud of the job our forces are doing.Got that, DeYawn? Something you liberal pukes haven’t heard in a long time. ROTFLMAO

  14. I must be missing something here as, to me, Mansbridge just looks as professionally bland as ever.

  15. Here is your money quote:
    …”we appreciate Canada’s disciplined and explicit foreign policy statements.”
    …”Canada can play an important role in the negotiations with moderate Arab states to influence the peace process in the Middle East”
    That should send all the LIEberal critics howling at the moon.
    Stephen Harper and Peter MacKay; take a deep bow.
    EyesWideShut said:
    “If there is a benevolent supreme being he or she is going to be pissed if we don’t do something about this.”
    The Good News is that there is a supreme being.
    Reminds me of bumper sticker I saw on a plumber’s van some time ago which read:
    Yeah I would like to see the faces of the perpetrators of the Darfur debacle in the face of the ALMIGHTY having to account for this UN REPORT:
    “The High-Level Mission concludes that the situation of human rights in Darfur
    remains grave, and the corresponding needs profound. The situation is
    characterized by gross and systematic violations of human rights and grave
    breaches of international humanitarian law. War crimes and crimes against
    humanity continue across the region. The principal pattern is one of a violent
    counterinsurgency campaign waged by the Government of the Sudan in concert
    with Janjaweed /militia, and targeting mostly civilians. Rebel forces are also guilty
    of serious abuses of human rights and violations of humanitarian law. All parties to
    the conflict must recognize that applicable human rights and humanitarian law
    standards must be respected during internal armed conflict and that the “fog of
    war” is not an acceptable justification for violating these standards. While
    important steps have been taken by the international community, including the
    African Union and the United Nations, these have been largely resisted and
    obstructed, and have proven inadequate and ineffective. The needs identified by
    the Mission include immediate, effective protection of civilians, renewed progress
    toward peace, expanded humanitarian space, increased accountability for
    perpetrators, action to address root causes, meaningful compensation and redress
    for victims, and concerted efforts to implement the many existing recommendations
    of authoritative international human rights bodies. The Mission further concludes
    that the Government of the Sudan has manifestly failed to protect the population of
    Darfur from large-scale international crimes, and has itself orchestrated and
    participated in these crimes. As such, the solemn obligation of the international
    community to exercise its responsibility to protect has become evident and urgent.”
    Thus far the response of the international community with respect to human life has been on the level of suggesting to the ALMIGHTY:
    I am pretty sure DIVINE PROVIDENCE will not be amused.
    Hans-Christian Georg Rupprecht BGS, PDP, CFP
    Commander in Chief
    Frankenstein Battalion
    Knecht Rupprecht Division
    Hans Corps
    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  16. Pansybridge looked like the lawyer questioning the witness who then gives an answer which unravels the lawyer’s whole case. You could see Pansybridge’s lifetime ideological narrative exploding in his face.

  17. Penny, at 1:25 Perfect UN assessment and cure.
    I saw that on TV last night and I*m so glad it was captured for wider viewing.
    For a minority government to get such a powerful endorsement is remarkable.
    Conservatives getting things done. Yeah!= TG

  18. I was watching “one on one” last night and noticed poor old Peter going red faced over and over. Then at the end he was back to normal. I wonder how long it took for his blood pressure to return to normal so they could record his final remarks.
    I thought Peter took a pounding. Imagine if Olmert had not been so gentle with him. The comparison was astounding. Super heavy weight vs.fly weight.

  19. I’m not sure what y’all are reading into Mansbridge’s expression. It is well known to him that Harper has been a vocal supporter of the Israeli government, so it should come as no surprise that the PM of Israel would express his appreciation of that support. It was pretty much a leading question to induce a generic “Rah Rah Canada” response, and the answer was predictable to everyone including Mansbridge.

  20. TruthSeeker
    I don’t think so.
    The question was simply…”does Canada have a role in all this?”
    Nice try.

  21. amazing , looks like PeterPansbridge left the enema hose in. his whole fantasy world ready to go down the toilet.

  22. So if Mansbridge and the CBC have an anti-Harper agenda, why didn’t he edit that part out?

  23. So if Mansbridge and the CBC have an anti-Harper agenda, why didn’t he edit that part out? Or if he was truly upset about what Olmert said, he could have edited out the cutaways.

  24. When will the media talking heads learn that their body language and facial expressions tell us more than their mouth does.

  25. Truthseeker may have a valid point.
    Mansbridge knew in advance such a leading question to Olmert would get a positive response.
    The problem for Mansbridge was the inability to hide his personal distaste for what he was hearing from Olmert.
    The smileys are easier when interviewing the Suzukis or other lefties.

  26. amazing , looks like PeterPansbridge left the enema hose in. his whole fantasy world ready to go down the toilet.
    Posted by: cal2 at April 24, 2007 3:44 PM
    LOL! I was just thinking he got called from his bathroom break before the job was done but his pained expression told me he may need that break AFTER the interview.

  27. “the inability to hide his personal distaste”
    Exactly. I never watch the guy, so it was hard to judge. But, yeah, usually there’s the furrowed brow, the sympathetic demeanor.

  28. Never have I seen anyone’s body language so easy to read. Petey looked so tight and puckered, don’t know how he managed to end the conversation. He sure looked too puckered to poop.

  29. Several years ago, before CBC.ca eliminated their open discussion forum, it was revealed that they had filtered out the use of the words “Jew”, “Hebrew”, “Israel” … but allowed the words “Muslim” “Arab” and “Islam”. Their excuse whas that the former words created too much controversy and anger on the CBC forum and they had to be expunged …. so poster just wrote “jevv” “Hebrevv” and “Isræl” … until the sh!t hit the fan in a NY newspaper, then the CBC decided to close the forum.
    FYI ….

  30. I’m-Peter-Mansbridge-and-you’re-not looked totally SPOOKED!! LOL!
    What gets me in the world of news journalism where, apparently, the idea is to not let your viewers know what side of a political issue you’re on–or you wreck your credibility–but to report the news as dispassionately as possible, the Clearly Biased Clones at Mother Corp never fail to spell out their position IN BOXCAR LETTERS.
    Poor Peter. ‘DREADFUL for him to hear how highly thought of PM Stephen Harper and his government are–and how courageous.
    But, what would Pete know about courage? His sinecure (“a position that requires little or no work but usually yields profit or honour”: Canadian Oxford Dictionary) at CBCPravda has him living in the lap of luxury at no cost to him: just to us, who pay his inflated salary.

  31. From my viewing of the clip, more than anything I concluded he was entirely disinterested in what Olmert had to say…rather than squirming, I saw more of an image of enduring boredom, as if what was being said was so “out in left field” as to be tiring.
    Mansbridge gave the impression that he had already made up his own mind as to the topic at hand and didn’t want to be bothered listening to anything anyone else had to say.

  32. I think he soiled his pants because CBC was expecting a better “Bash for the Buck” and he failed to provide the scathing denegration of Harper that CBC demands from their little whores.

  33. Oh boy, Harper has been endorsed by a bunch of war criminals. Conservatives are obviously very proud today.

  34. “Oh boy, Harper has been endorsed by a bunch of war criminals. Conservatives are obviously very proud today.”
    This is the same uneducated little boy who wants us take care of taliban pow’s. What a freak.

  35. Richard Ball: “The tone of the comments on this site is deteriorating.”
    Just vis a vis albatross39a, or in general?

  36. ARRRGH! Alby the troll is here 🙁
    I know the unwritten rule is “don’t feed the trolls” but after assinine posts like alby’s, I wish to wring it’s scrawny little neck!

  37. Wonder who the people are behind the scenes?…someone caught the ‘attitude’ on tape and another employee edited and included the facade…
    What were they thinking!!and do they still have a job?
