11 Replies to “Black Like Her”

  1. Hill is gonna clean up the Whitehouse?
    She will probably turn it into the Whorehouse!
    Two words for ya Hillary (or maybe it’s one word): Whitewater!
    The old boot should STFU and maybe think about a face lift.

  2. The Tag team of Shrillary and Slick Willie just keep tryin’…they had a wrap on one of the most corrupt and domestically blood thirsty regimes in US history…Hill-billie’s big enemy were the red state people and they used every rogue fed agency to repress them…there were never so many confrontational incidents between armed feds and average people…Ruby Ridge and Waco were just 2 of several thousand incidents.
    The Klintons ran a regime of fear in the beltline where inside fed agencies and bureaus were scared to reveal the malfeasance they knew was occuring in the whitehouse.
    The Klintons lest a trail of bodies washing up on the shores of whitewater and Bills past affairs.
    I don’t think much of Bush ( he’s the ultimate insider) but the Klintons are pure criminal white trash.
    Again it looks like the American voter hasn’t much choice unless people like Senator Ron Paul can stave off candidacy elimination from party insiders.

  3. BTW: Shrillary is the ultimate chameleon changing ideology, family background, cultural orientation and even accent depending on who she’s attempting to manipulate for a vote.
    We can all have fun as the presidential race heats up watching Shrillary’s oral mutations…I just lover her act…switching local dialects/accents depending on where she speaks ( as if she’s a local)….sometimes I think she gets confused keeping all those accents separated as I have heard her slip a bit of Texas drawl into a New York address or a Bronx twang may break out for a line or two in an address to a southern Baptist congergation…great stuff…fun to watch a shameless manipulating political whore disgrace themselves so openly…my Gawd this woman is desparate for power…the primary reason she should be denied it.

  4. I agree with Redux. I can’t wait for Hill to show up at an American Reservation to address the Natives and sound just like who? Well, Tonto, of course.

  5. Something to think about: a fifty-something menopausal woman with her finger on the trigger of a nuclear bomb. God save America!!!
    The Democrats can’t.

  6. In Michelle Malkin’s blog of today she pillory s Hillary about her black like Hillary moment.
    http://www.michellemalkin.com/ At the end there is the following reference.
    A Lucianne.com commenter notes that everyone can translate their blogs and speech texts into jive now at Gizoogle!
    For fun try pasting the URL for SDA into the site

  7. In Michelle Malkin’s blog of today she pillory s Hillary about her black like Hillary moment.
    http://www.michellemalkin.com/ At the end there is the following reference.
    A Lucianne.com commenter notes that everyone can translate their blogs and speech texts into jive now at Gizoogle!
    For fun try pasting the URL for SDA into the site

  8. It could have been worse: she might have shown up eating watermelon. HRC has not got her husband’s infinite capacity for insincerity and ham fisted crowd massaging, and it shows. The striking thing is that she’s dumb enough not to see the obvious folly of it or anticipate the consequences: Michelle Malkin is surely only slightly ahead of the curve on this one. There will be more of this to come, and it’ll be worse- worse, at least, for Clinton.

  9. well lick my lips and stick me on da wall, why I aint talked like dat since I cooked me all up a big mess of chiltans , biscuits and gravy and a side of squirrel.
