Canada’s New Self Appointed Government: Bob Fife

If anyone can grab and save the segment of this evening’s CTV national news in which Ottawa Bureau Chief Bob Fife uses a report on an SES opinion poll as career springboard to the role of foreign policy advisor and military analyst, I’d muchly appreciate it.
UPDATE – Ask and ye shall receive!
Flaggman has it;

Reporter (not pundit) Robert Fife draws anti-Conservative conclusions on the latest public opinion poll, which actually shows little change from previous polls. He talks of “pockets of resistance” in the country; spouts the conventional wisdom that the country is against the Conservatives on “Afghanistan and the Environment”, and quotes an (unnamed, of course) “Senior Military Commander” who says that we are “creating more terrorists” in Afghanistan.
The pattern is clear: create a narrative that is only tangentially tied to reality; repeat it as much as possible; then use the lie to create more stories supporting the narrative. These guys aren’t interested in finding stories or telling truth; they simply want to promote an agenda, and fluff their political pals.

That pretty much sums it up. (Click the Flaggman link for the video).

42 Replies to “Canada’s New Self Appointed Government: Bob Fife”

  1. Kate
    That’s easy… Bob is omniscient and he has the boyish good looks. The only thing that could make the trifecta would be if he was a Lib.

  2. Lol, you tories crack me up. And here I thought Bob Fife was an arse kissing Harperite.
    Have you gals and guys noticed that 2/3 rds of Canadians disagree with just about everything Conservatives believe in; Afghanistan, Kyoto, gun control, MJ decriminalization, national child care, etc, etc. Harper’s a genius alright, you just havent’ figured out he’s a closet Liberal.
    Enjoy your brief sojourn in the sun (as pathetic as your flip-flopping minority government is), because you’re toast in the next election.

  3. Bob has some good political instincts. However he has been around the hill so long and unable to act on his intents that he gets antsy for some political power.
    Bob never really bought into the whole running for office, get elected, effect change mentality of liberal democracy…that’s why he chose journalism…he feels he can effect more political change as a media hit man than as an elected representative…and ain’t that the Gawd-awful damn truth of a hubris-prone fouth estate that thinks it has a divine mandate to set public policy by manipulating public opinion and the truth?

  4. Yes, a Quantum Liberal.
    I would imagine that means someone who is a parasite on society and offers little in the way of advancing the discussion on how to correct the last dozen years of Liberal debauchery.
    Judging by the use of “arse” that’s pretty much what you are sitting on when not stuck in the ice while attempting to smack Heather McCartney.
    Such a stellar cast of dinguses.

  5. Yes, a Quantum Liberal.
    I would imagine that means someone who is a parasite on society and offers little in the way of advancing the discussion on how to correct the last dozen years of Liberal debauchery.
    Judging by the use of “arse” that’s pretty much what you are sitting on when not stuck in the ice while attempting to smack Heather McCartney.
    Such a stellar cast of dinguses.

  6. Quantum Liberal: “Have you gals and guys noticed that 2/3 rds of Canadians disagree with just about everything Conservatives believe in; Afghanistan, Kyoto, gun control, MJ decriminalization, national child care, etc,”
    QL, reasonable people can disagree on Afghanistan. As to the rest, those are motherhood issues. Just because you are too weak to live with the consequences of your decisions, (or quite likely to even make them) does not mean that all Canadians are. I neither need, nor want government running my life, if you can’t face the day, e-mail me and I’ll come and sort out your pathetic existence for you. Look on the bright side, it will at least give your mother in law the day off.

  7. I saw that CTV segment. I think O’Connor is doing a GREAT job! Fife is Ottawa-stale. So is Don Martin, THE acid-tongued cynic.

  8. Yeah, like I’ve been saying: Members of the MSM should have to be elected because, as it is, they like to think they run this country. Look at the threats of the PPG when PM Stephen Harper first took office: We made you, we can break you.
    Their arrogance is breathtaking. So much so, that I rely on Canadian Blue Lemon’s nearly nightly report on what Puffy and Waxmuseum-man and their media buddies are up to. Especially irritating are Bob Fife, Blinky Oliver, Janie Taber, Greg Weston, Jim Travis, Susan Delacourt, Julie Van Dusen’t…and the list goes on and on.
    A Quantum Liberal is obviously getting his/her stats from the deeply compromised and biased MSM: “most Canadians disagree about the CPC’s stand on Afghanistan, Kyoto, gun control, MJ decriminalization, national child care”?
    Not so, but you’d think that if you get your info solely from the mainstream media. They’re GR-8 at concocting stories that fit their desired scenario, which is CPC is bad and LPC/NDP is good.
    Just one piece of evidence, AQL, to support the FACT that there are far more Canadians than you credit who approve of PMSH and his government: How is it that the CPC has their coffers full from hundreds and thousands of small donations across the country (within the legal limit, you’ll notice) while the Liberals are struggling to get out of the red. Per capita, the Librano$ are way behind in donations to their party. They’ve always relied on the BIG BUCK$ of major corporations which, in turn, have pulled their puppet strings.
    Blather on, AQL, but watch out, because all the hot air is contributing to “Global Warming.” We wouldn’t want that, would we?

  9. Just a thought to those on the left lurking about.
    If you get your wish and NATO pulls out of Afghanistan and the US pulls out of Iraq, you can bet good money that we will have to go back in 4 to five years. Only the next time it won’t be against some insurgents slipping in and out of Pakistan in the spring.
    It will be on par with a Normandy style invasion.
    Best pray it doesn’t turn into a Dieppe disaster.

  10. Quantum Liberal asks: “Have you gals and guys noticed that 2/3 rds of Canadians disagree with just about everything Conservatives believe in”
    Yes! And do you know why? Because anti- Conservatives – who are largely brown and female and gay – have an enormous FINANCIAL incentive to vote out the Conservatives. It has nothing to do with ideology and everything to do with greed.

  11. “Because anti- Conservatives – who are largely brown and female and gay”
    Posted by: Bob at April 26, 2007 7:40 AM
    I’m impressed. It’s not often you can find someone who can jam that Tory holy grail trifecta of bigotry, mysoginy, and homophobia into a single sentence. Well done, Bob!!!

  12. “Covering national politics since 1978, Fife beginning his career in the parliamentary bureau of NewsRadio and later United Press International (Canada). He then went on to work as a senior political reporter for Canadian Press and spent a decade as Ottawa Bureau Chief and political columnist for the Sun Media chain.”
    Now based in Ottawa as CTV bureau chief.
    Pretty impressive record, had the Libs retained power he may have been scheduled to follow another Liberal lickspittle, Jim Munson to the Senate.
    Admittedly I do not know what Bureau Chiefs do but I suspect turning a blind eye to one of the most corrupt administrations in the country’s history
    seems to me a dereliction of ones responsibilities.
    Look for continued attacks on Harper and conservatism form CTV, G&M.
    Same old , same old!

  13. “Covering national politics since 1978, Fife beginning his career in the parliamentary bureau of NewsRadio and later United Press International (Canada). He then went on to work as a senior political reporter for Canadian Press and spent a decade as Ottawa Bureau Chief and political columnist for the Sun Media chain.”
    Pretty impressive record, had the Libs retained power he may have been scheduled to follow another Liberal lickspittle, Jim Munson to the Senate.
    Admittedly I do not know what Bureau Chiefs do but I suspect turning a blind eye to one of the most corrupt administrations in the country’s history
    seems to me a dereliction of ones responsibilities.

  14. Polls, polls, polls; don’t give your vote to polls.
    Tories-Liberals In Dead Heat: Poll
    A new Decima Research poll shows Prime Minister Stephen Harper and Liberal leader Stephane Dion are running neck and neck. …-
    Tories Have Six Point Lead: Poll
    The Strategic Counsel suggests it would be very difficult for the Liberals or the Conservatives to go to the polls with “these numbers.” …-

  15. It’s evident Bobby has a lot on his mind,last week his hair was strawberry blond, this week it’s turned gray.
    Don’t take Fatso or Newman seriously, they’re manipulators and on par with supermarket rags. Duffy, who calls himself “the old Duff”,puts on his most cherubic smile when his Liberal guests talk over everyone else.
    Newman is now cutting in on his mouthy guests always saying he’s trying to manage the time.
    Susan Smith, Liberal talking head and regular guest panelist on Newman, is an example of obnoxious and rude. Her manner cancels out anything she has to say.
    Decima polls tend to be Liberal friendly. The questions asked would be geared to get the right numbers to avert an election the Liberals can’t afford, no money, weak leader, divided.
    ‘been around the block’, you list them all, the Rogues’ Gallery of the MSM, most sickening lot in the history of Canadian journalism.

  16. Hmmm…..Why doesnt PM Harper just circumvent the MSM .Just don,t speeak to them,this includes Newman and Duffy.The conservatives can just put the message out to reporters and TV/RADIO stations they trust.They have no obligation to do interviews with these anti government PPG idiots.And as far as question period,if the opposition keeps on SQUEELING like pigs during this whole process, just shut it down and go on television directly to the Canadian people.We after all own and pay for the CBC ,so airtime would be no problem for the government.PM Harper could just go on the air with a list of questions the opposition wants answered give the answers without being interrupted by the squeeling pigs.ANY thoughts on this??

  17. “Have you gals and guys noticed that 2/3 rds of Canadians disagree with just about everything Conservatives believe in; Afghanistan, Kyoto, gun control, MJ decriminalization, national child care”
    Tee hee silly Liberal..confusing left wing media for the voter…or reality.
    Liberal Trudeaupia only exists in the liberal media, the rest of the nation live normal lives totally detached from the illusory partisan hype the media spins as “what Canadians think or do”.
    As a de facto political entity the Liberal Party of Canada is a “brokerage party” that trades power for patronage favors…it has a distinctly anti-democratic criminal bearing and it formulates policy behind closed doors where it drives the agendas of its CORPORATE patrons ahead of any social/civil considerations.
    It then ‘sells” the undiscused policy as something different and wraps it in a warm humanist planket of propaganda through its media sycophants.
    LPC’s caucus engage in pure theatrics devoid of substance, they lie continuously about their intentions, they steal and criminally breach public trust…and they have as corporate welfare clients the nation’s media and its ownership and editorialists who give them a free ride in establishing a Canadian Kleptocracy.
    So when I see partisan liberal cheerleaders like QL, I know that they have never gotten past the media image/mythology the LPC spins…and .frankly are too naive to vote responsibly.

  18. ‘mysoginy”
    Don, I’m not sure you’re allowed to be a liberal unless you can spell all the key words.

  19. I missed the Bob Fife blathering as I no longer watch any MSM TV news. Nevertheless, I recall that another poll was out last week showing Harper close to the 40% mark. That one, for obvious reasons, didn’t get much attention.
    One thing to keep in mind is that no matter who is doing the polling, Dion’s numbers seem to be locked in around the 30% range. Funny that the MSM never seems to criticize Dion for his obvious lack of momentum.
    In this latest SES poll, the big winners were the Dippers and the Greens. I think this indicates that support for leftist parties in Canada, and I include the Libranos in that category, is becoming more fractured and less unified. Similar to what happened for many years to the political right post-Mulroney. The result of that schism was to allow the Libranos to grab enough seats to form several majority governments. Might we see the reverse happening today, to the benefit of Harper’s Conservatives?

  20. I got a call earlier this week from a polster.
    It was not decima and the question was a straight up “which party would you be most likely to vote for today?”
    Wonder where the results of that got published?
    Everyone knows the polls are used to push agendas so why bother paying attention?

  21. On CPAC rught now..Layton up in the House,demanding ‘ceasefire’ in Afstn…wants troops out NOW! debate goes on…What a useless piece of skin this man is.

  22. I read a good one over at another blog…can’t remember which one…
    The Liberals should change their name to the Progressive Peoples Communist Party, because they want to force their “progressive” ways on Afghanistan like they have forced it on us poor buggers here in Canada.
    I particularly liked the politically incorrect saying…….”the only good red is a dead red”
    Heh heh heh

  23. I have to laugh at the MSM and the Liberals.
    Whenever there is a poll showing the CPC in a substantial lead, it’s always “polls are only a snapshot in time”.
    When a poll comes out like the latest Decima, they are all over it with various reasons why the CPC is sliding, from Afghanistan to the environment to gun control.
    It starts to get sickening after a while.

  24. I wonder if Bob Fife is getting revenge on the Prime Minister for his comments in the House this week that was directed at bleach blonde Fife and his red haired owly CTV sidekick, Oliver.
    Did you catch it?
    The Prime Minister was himself making a joke about the so called furor about an “image consultant”. Fife & sidekicks were absolutely the worst and cruelest about this and defamed this woman for a week running.
    Harper said (paraphrased) “Maybe an image consultant would be a good thing. Especially when I see some of these reporters who are older than me and still have blonde or red hair.”
    Everybody knows who he meant. Fife is quite a metro-man – very dude-ish. I am sure he pays (or CTV pays) a lot of money for that glued down bleach blonde comb over, his manicures and his custom fitted suits as he is just a little skinny fellow in real life.
    Craig Oliver’s perpetually red flaming locks (or strands at this point) have been a joke for a number of years – very unbecoming an elderly fellow but indicitive of his fear of growing older I would guess.
    Fife and Oliver are bleached and dyed and hairsprayed and made up and dressed and image consulted on someone else’s dime daily.
    I think the PM’s comments made a point that these two hypocrits were the loudest critics that he has a tour assistant to take care of incidentals for the leader of our country.
    So, Fife’s ego was bruised and of course with our media it is all about them.

  25. ” just about everything Conservatives believe in; Afghanistan, Kyoto, gun control, MJ decriminalization…” Gee, I didn’t realize that Moose Jaw (MJ) was a crime!

  26. Yes Lorraine I did catch that red and blond hair comment by Harper. It was pretty bold by Harper knowing it will only inflame their hatred.
    But I guess Harper trusts the listeners more than we trust each other to sort out the mis and dis- information in the MSM?

  27. I am reading Allan Gotlieb’s diary from when he was Canadian ambassador to the US. On page 393, he says,
    “Mulroney said he talked to Trudeau the other day,and Trudeau commented, ‘Brian, I have an advantage over you. I had no respect for the press when I came to office,and I had no respect for them when I left. Unlike you,I had no friends in the press. Your mistake is you have a few.'”
    This was one of the few times when Trudeau was right.

  28. To QL et al I say – if you think 2/3 of Canadians so unhappy with Tories, then team up with you fellow socialists and force election.
    Why not? Maybe because you know Harper outpolls Dionsky every time on every issue. QL, funny you didn’t mention Libs vote has stagnated. They are not yet down to their core vote who would support them if Stalin was their leader. That won’t happen until the next election.
    BTW, using your reasoning, 70% of Canadians “disagree” with just about everything Dion supports. So what, you’re just playing with numbers to suit your argument.
    When the electorate compelled to make choice, in election, they will look at Harper and Dion and make their call. Do the math on that one! Bring it on.

  29. “Craig Oliver’s perpetually red flaming locks (or strands at this point)…” (Lorraine):

  30. What gets me is what self respecting MSM’er wouldn’t be embarrassed as hell pushing Stiff-on DeYawn’s agenda?
    I guess I just answered my own question…self respecting being the operative phrase.

  31. Best of all, Harper’s clever comments in QP put an end to the silly subject of Image Consultants and Astrologers with some very clever answers.
    If the silly old farts in the MSM think we don’t notice when they dip their heads in the dye pot maybe they should try smuggling dawn past a rooster.

  32. Here is a copy of my e-mail to Mike Puffy yesterday.
    Hi Mike,
    I watched with interest your segment today given the interest by this countries media and leftist politicians regarding the treatment of the Taliban “Terrorist” detainees. I can’t for the life of me understand why you people care so much about what happens to these thugs and to start suggesting our troops are the “War Criminals” is the supreme irony. Talk about giving comfort to the enemy and useful idiots!
    I also found interesting your suggestion of; what is wrong with bringing the prisoners to Canada just like we did during the Second World War. Correct me if I am wrong, but, I don’t think we had a Charter of Rights and Freedoms at that time. As I understand it, if we bring them to Canada they can immediately apply for refugee status and we are stuck with them forever, as they can say they will be tortured if we send them back and our wonderful Charter protects them. Only in Canada you say! Thanks to the years of the Liebranos bringing Liebrano voters to Canada, we are now stuck with enough assorted terrorists and thugs from all over the world, thank you very much.
    It’s too bad you media folks don’t spend some time looking into what those “Freedom Fighters” (can’t call them terrorists in our Politically Correct Canada) that are already here are doing, instead of wasting your time trying to get a thirty year Military Veteran General fired from his job! You Ottawa/Toronto media are a sad bunch, putting the Taliban sensibilities ahead of our brave servicemen and women. As someone on another form of media says, “If you won’t stand behind our troops then you should go and stand in front of them so we know for sure whose side you are on”.
    Your pack mentality with the Liebranos and the NDP remind me of what the wolves of Canada and hyenas of Africa do to their prey. They hound them to exhaustion, rip them apart and then go on a feeding frenzy, just as you are doing to Minister O’Connor. You are vicious and unrelenting in your manufacturing of a phoney story and ignoring what really should matter to Canadians.
    I think the Conservatives should just stop talking to you people, PERIOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Have a nice day.

  33. Excellent letter Capndan. Puffy will think you are a fringe right – funny how the msm think they ‘know voters well enough to predict that they will happily vote for Deyawn!! Nobody I know wants to ‘get to know’ Deyawn – he is a stick man and a stick man with a very corrupt past! People , even uninformed people, still have a certain ‘pack’ mentality – a pack of dogs never follow the weakest dog because they want to survive.
    Lorraine, I caught that crack made by our Prime Minister too and I knew the little msm fella’s feathers would be ruffled. Fife thinks he is pretty slick and ‘Olive oil’ is fast and heavy with the dye bottle too – all the others too – and the gals – don’t get me started! They all consider themselves ‘dashing’ and ‘intellectual sophisticates’ – too funny!! No wonder they don’t want to interview the PM, beside Mr. Harper they look like washed out male harpies. Dare we call them “Harpie Dolls?”

  34. For thos who feel getting out of Afganistan, and Iraq is the answer for peace, I’ve got a fly for your ointment.
    Pakistan remember has nukes. Easy enough to bump off the present leadership, and send Taliban fans to run things.
    You can bet things WILL get quite interesting. But again, what do I know..

  35. Hey Odie441…..”the only good red is a dead red”
    I concur, but would also add, the only good red comes in a bottle & goes well with…gasp…BEEF!!!
