CTV’s Icy Dilemma

These are the people who bring you the science behind global warming. Reporting from Fishing Lake;

“Standing in rubber boots in a flooded yard, with the lake behind her, she said that the waters will rise more once the lake’s surface ice, visible in the shot, melts over the coming weeks.”

LIke David Akin, who a few weeks ago soberly informed CTV viewers that “even if C02 levels were reduced to zero”, anthropologic global warming would continue.
In fact, according to Al Gore, flooding in Saskatchewan during April runoff is a sign of global warming. Thanks, Al! Now, when they report hail in July, frost in September, and blizzards in February, we plebes will finally have the answer to an age old question – “why?”

90 Replies to “CTV’s Icy Dilemma”

  1. The premier pointed to more than 400 youth from across the province who got tickets from SaskEnergy to hear the speech and take part in a day-long “enviro-action” symposium, as well as others who got their own tickets.
    Which is exactly why I’m against state run daycare. I’m tired of the socialists using the education system to brainwash/indoctrinate the youth of Canada.

  2. “LIke David Akin, who a few weeks ago soberly informed CTV viewers that “even if C02 levels were reduced to zero”, anthropologic global warming would continue.”
    Geez, the verbal hod carriers at the conglomerate that own CTV, G&M all appear to be infected with
    Suzuki- Goreitis.
    They are about as believable as the tribe at CBC.
    Has objective investigative reporting been abandoned to agenda driven outcomes in Canadian MSM?

  3. This whole GLOBAL WARMING is a fruad and a big fat lie its nothing more then a nafarious plans by unscruplious persons to control our lives and all this global warming is the biggist fruad around and the biggist amount of HOT AIR comes from AL GORE and the eco-wackos everytime they open the big fat lying pieholes

  4. In first year at the University of Winnipeg [not recently :)] I asked my far left sociology prof why, if Communism was such a great system, that people were regularly shot trying to escpate across the Berlin wall into west Germany. She confidently informed me that the victims were U.S. spys trying to sneak into east Germany from the west.
    So it is with adherents to what Michael Crichton calls the “religion of choice for urban atheists”.
    They always have an answer for everything and it is accepted by the MSM with little or no critical analysis.
    The good news is that, to paraphrase Martin Luther King, all lies have a shelf life.

  5. …I couldn’t help thinking that lady with the RBLT’s standing in the water reminds me of the Monty Python skit with the farmer standing in pig crap with a napkin on his head and talking like a retard.
    The water levels will go down from ice displacement, once it melts you twit.

  6. http://www.canada.com/nationalpost/news/story.html?id=ebd65ed3-80c2-441b-98ca-c4fbc7233e96&p=3
    A couple of money quotes from the article gave me a good laugh seeing as my father was in the Hitlerjugend and my degree is in math and physics.
    “Q That’s encouraging. Because I find the indoctrination at schools to be pretty relentless. On a recent Grade 7 test my daughter was asked something to the effect of, “How are you going to educate your parents about global warming?”
    A I know. It’s straight out of Hitlerjugend.
    Q Having said that, are there any behaviours we should be changing, as a society, in order to protect our planet?
    A Yes. We should learn math and physics so we don’t get fooled by this idiocy.”
    I see ze Terminator and Premier Gordon Campbell are now setting up a ‘carbon credit’ trading scheme along with the “Goracle”.
    Yep, pimp your ride, anything to turn a buck and another excuse to take some more tax dollars via taxation/fines.
    Global warming carbon credit klutzes brought to you by billionaire ‘wannabes’.

  7. C’mon now, Spike. Are you suggesting that we actually quantify the amount of CO2 that humans produce, and, say, compare it with the amount that is naturally produced? What good would that do?

  8. I’d just like to throw in a kind word for poor old El Nino, that once famous but now forgotten ocean current or whatever it was that a few years ago was the cause of all our weather mayhem. Progressives, journalists, and junk scientists are a fickle lot.

  9. Surly: Conservatives going to ban incandescant light bulbs
    The Ontario gov’t has made the same step in an annoucement just last week.

  10. Bart F said:
    “In first year at the University of Winnipeg [not recently :)] I asked my far left sociology prof why, if Communism was such a great system, that people were regularly shot trying to escpate across the Berlin wall into west Germany. She confidently informed me that the victims were U.S. spys trying to sneak into east Germany from the west.”
    Yep, that is why the East German border guards were so friendly to me with their safety off round in the chamber machine pistols. (not recently)
    Another pheasantasy brought to you by a leftard.
    The carbon credit “I wanna be a billionaire” Goracle travelling road show brought to you by former divinity student at Vanderbilt Univ. is still in full swing.
    Kentucky Fried Chicken and Chicken Little assert falsely that the sky is falling! The Goracle suggests you stop breathing. But wait, if your dead you can’t be fleeced. The Goracle will raise you to new life so you can buy carbon credits for the privilege of breathing.

  11. Blackadder,
    You’re not keeping up, I’m afraid. The Gorbal Wormening crowd claims that Groobal Warping causes more severe El Ninos.
    Nice try!

  12. You know … all these global warming zealots may over-played their hand. They got everyone’s attentions by scaring the crap out of the kids, but now they are just blowing lot nonsense.
    I now see them a parodies of themselves. Gore and Suzuki have taken on cartoon character status.
    They have “jumped the shark” so to speak and are now looking like the keystone cops of climate change with their followers going around playting the “Gotcha game”.
    They will soon start to fade away as just another pack of “the end is near” wackos that they are.
    The short attention spans of most people will take over along with the realization that a Prias is dorky car and most people like to think they are cool.
    We would so well to just start the old passive resistance routine with these fools and them enjoy their fear and loathing on their own.
    “Live your life like there is no tomorrow and you will be living your life as you should” … that is good advice at anytime and for any reason.
    If our climate is really changing (again) we will adapt as we always have. The only think that is different this time is that there are lot wealthy lefties who don’t want anything to change for them.

  13. Would it be any less catastrophic if the glaciers were advancing? Unless you think we are capable of overriding 4.6 billion years of planetary change, they have to do one or the other.

  14. Jeff- re: “millions face glacier catastrophe”
    Since this event occurred in 2005, what are the disasters that occured related to the fearmongering article you referenced?
    Also “Mr.Fearmonger’,Please do explain to us, how it is that the Nile, the Mississippi and the St. Lawrence rivers, all among the largest in the world do not have a drop of water from glacier melt in them, and yet are so large?

  15. If CO2 levels were reduced to zero we wouldn’t have to worry about anything at all because Earth would be too cold to support life on the surface, even at the equator. Photsynthesis couldn’t take place, either (remember? CO2 + sunlight = C (i.e. plant tissue) + 02–it’s not rocket science, it’s grade 8 science.
    I once worked in a area of government that worked at the edges of the federal Kyoto response and have never encountered a greater number of scientific illiterates (or remote car starters among the staff for that matter–make that car nice and toasty in the winter!). . . and the press is just as bad . . . Canadians really need to realize that the ‘sturm and drang’ of global warming is being touted by people who are communications professionals–just professional mouthpieces with no understanding whatsoever of the basics of climate science, biology or much else.

  16. The reason the CPC is banning incandescent bulbs is not because the Ontario government announcd it…but look to Australia, where they did it.
    If it happens in the Howard government it will happen here. Just they way of the world these days.
    It is soemthing everyone can do and if people object to that then maybe the whole enviro vote isnt what we thought it was and then you can safely ignore the whole darn thing.

  17. Is is a ban on buying/selling or actually owning/using because I can’t see a thing with those compact fluorescents so I’ll be making a trip south and bringing them back. Do you thing they’ll have a quota, like booze and smokes?

  18. I don’t get the left, never have actually, case in point: Always railing against two tiered healthcare,Always pro public education. one sysem for all,bla ,bla, bla, —
    Then how can they justify a society developing where “rich people” are able to buy carbon offsets to compensate for thier lifestyles, when the average joe that they supposedly are standing up for will have to cut back.
    They should be marching in the streets over this.

  19. Jeff,
    One, your source is the Guardian. You may as well have quoted Pravda. They both make the Toronto “red” Star look sane.
    Second, if you go to any of the great lakes, you are looking at the results of digging that occurred when glaciers receded. It happens. In fact, if you go the Glacier Parkway between Jasper and Banff, you can go look at glaciers that have been receding for a few thousand years. They’ve been marked for about 100 of them by humans. You can see where the glaciers were at various times in the past. The numbers haven’t yet reversed. They always march forward.
    The planet’s temperature is always changing and always will. Money spent on foolishness like Kyoto is money not spent on habitat protection, cleaning up contaminated land, saving the rainforests of Indonesia from clear cutting so that retard lefties in Europe can feel all smug at how green they are for burning the biodiesel that was grown on the clear-cut land…
    Kyoto isn’t an environmental solution. It’s a fraudulent scam that is preventing the protection of the environment. Kyoto will have an effect on the environment though. It already has. Its effect is negative. The cost to the poor third world will be more negative. Good luck feeding your family in Mexico when the price of grain skyrockets cause all the food is being used to make biodiesel…
    Leftards never think of the consequences of anything. If their policy fails, we need the same but more of it. If the government program designed to fix problem A creates problem B, you just create another program to solve problem B! Of course that creates problem C but there’s no end to the number of useless, damaging programs the government can create if the left just votes for more of it!

  20. Ben In O
    Thanks for the insight. It does point to where the real problem lies.
    Hey, we need all types to make the world go round but when one dominates the other things get distorted as we are seeing with the GW hysteria. The left dominates the media because they tend to be much better at communicating. However, the left tends to be lousy at discerning fact from fantasy. Journalist and the media is made up of people who are not trained but even worse do not have the acumen to understand mathematics or science so they tend to believe anything that makes the story sound sensational. Good writer anbd reports but lousy at understand science.
    The right tends to be more based in fact that in fantasy, good at math and science but lousy at communication. The truth will surface once the masses get bored with the GW fantasy. Lets just hope not too much damage gets done in the mean time.

  21. Nicole,
    Once the gun registry is scrapped, they can use the same bureaucracy to create a lightbulb registry.

  22. Posted by: surly
    “Start hoarding carbonated drinks right now. In another 5 years you’ll be choking down flat Coke out of wax-coated recycled-toilet-paper bags.”
    Nope, nope, nope! If we go to one sheet of toilet paper per visit there will not be enough toilet paper bags in circulation. We will have to recycle the *used* toilet paper instead. Used toilet paper into coke containers; now there’s a thought!
    Posted by: surly
    “Unless you think we are capable of overriding 4.6 billion years of planetary change, they have to do one or the other.”
    Now THERE is a rather unique observation. Do you think any of them understand that? Or care to try to understand that?

  23. Ice floating on a lake or ocean displaces precisely the same amount of water as it would if the ice were melted. In other words, when the ice melts, the level of the lake or ocean remains the same.
    Silly reporters.

  24. I’m going to start smuggling incandescant bulbs in from Mexico. I just hope the Hells Angels don’t get into this business.

  25. It would appear that as far as Suzuki goes, Canadians are still going to decide with their pocketbook.
    Total new car sales 2006: 1.6 million
    Hybrid sales 2006: 8,800

  26. An excellent read. Written by Richard S. Lindzen, M.I.T.
    By Richard S. Lindzen, M.I.T.
    Dr. Lindzen is the Alfred P. Sloan Professor of Meteorology at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. His research has always been funded exclusively by the U.S. government. He receives no funding from any energy companies.
    -“The current alarm rests on the false assumption not only that we live in a perfect world, temperaturewise, but also that our warming forecasts for the year 2040 are somehow more reliable than the weatherman’s forecast for next week”
    -“A warmer climate could prove to be more beneficial than the one we have now. Much of the alarm over climate change is based on ignorance of what is normal for weather and climate.”
    -“Moreover, actions taken thus far to reduce emissions have already had negative consequences without improving our ability to adapt to climate change.”
    -“An emphasis on ethanol, for instance, has led to angry protests against corn-price increases in Mexico, and forest clearing and habitat destruction in Southeast Asia.”
    -“Carbon caps are likely to lead to increased prices, as well as corruption associated with permit trading.”
    -“The conclusion of the late climate scientist Roger Revelle—Al Gore’s supposed mentor—is worth pondering: the evidence for global warming thus far doesn’t warrant any action unless it is justifiable on grounds that have nothing to do with climate”.

  27. spike and reid,
    Try home brew, it makes nice CO2 while fermenting corn sugar and malt into BEER.
    Almost FREE BEER. No tax, as all ingredients considered as FOOD…

  28. “Ice floating on a lake or ocean displaces precisely the same amount of water as it would if the ice were melted. In other words, when the ice melts, the level of the lake or ocean remains the same.”
    Exactly, unless the locals missed the deadline to get their ice fishing shacks off the ice. The weight is what determines how much water is displaced. assuming all of the weight is from snow and ice, it will not change the level as the extra volume is above the water level.

  29. “Carbon caps are likely to lead to increased prices, as well as corruption associated with permit trading. (ENRON was a leading lobbyist for Kyoto because it had hoped to capitalize on emissions trading.) The alleged solutions have more potential for catastrophe than the putative problem.”
    Yep, global warming bringing a carbon cap ENRON trading company to you.
    Jump on the GORACLE’s travelling money show and get your carbon credits now before its too late!
    Carbon credits have ‘blue sky potential’.
    What they don’t tell you, it that your carbon credit paper is about as good as Sheryl Crow’s one square toilet wipes after use.
    The only blue sky you will be looking at is the one you are looking at after you’ve collapsed realizing what a sap you were for buying carbon credits.
    After all carbon credits were supported by ENRON, that should be all the endorsement you could ever need!

  30. Now I’m the last to believe the kyoto koolaid nonsence but ice melting can raise water levels very easily if the ice that melts happens to be on the fricken mountains and not in the fricken water. The ice/glaciers melt and it turns into streams which end up adding to the water that is usually there.

  31. did i just read that the Vancouver Education Board is going to Make Al Gore’s Inconvient Truth part of there Social Studies?

  32. “Won’t get fooled again”
    Pete Townsend.
    First was the ice age, then the ozone, then y2k,….
    We’re having weather! Run! Run! for the hills and pay Gore some carbon credits.

  33. AJ in Cal. I do brew my own wine, but I just can’t seem to get past the guilt associated with all that CO2. At least it’s a health food, grapes ans such. Ah well, just sit back and pour another glass and try to forget about it.

  34. Laws of Nature!
    Flood plains that are thousands of years old tend to flood!
    Leftards with attention spans of nanoseconds tend to get confused by pretty much anything!

  35. Is anyone aware of recycling facilities for CFLs? I’m not.
    Think of the increased municipal taxes in order to put the infrastructure in place to recycle all these CFLs.
    I wonder if the EPA is going to go after Steve Carrel for that scene in “The 40 Year Old Virgin” where they’re smashing the fluorescent tubes.

  36. B.C. joins Schwarzenegger’s ‘carbon credits’ trading market
    Yeah ENRON, Kyoto carbon credits only for governments
    and the extremely rich!
    Kyoto cultists and the “ENRONator” join forces to bring you your future:
    CONAN & RED SONJA team up to bring you advanced cave dwelling!
    Honey could you close the bear skin door there is a draft.
    The “Canuckleheads” are on glacier ice tonight.
    Could you bring me a brewsky and popcorn my little mugwump?
    Yeah, Yeah the CO2 lite beer.
    Oh intermission for glacier ice sports.

  37. Several years ago the lib govt banned certain products going into cattle fee. Caused BSE they said. The problem was, many farmers stockpiled it as there was no order to destroy the product already produced or bought. There is still some of it out there on some farms. The same will happen with the light bulbs. I am not going to put new lamps and fixtures in my house. I will stockup on the bulbs I use.
    Wait for the lawsuits from all those suffering from epilepsy. My grandson has seizures everytime he is around flouresent light or flashing lights for more than an hours. Changed all our lights and for 3.5 yrs, no hospitalization or intensive care. Poor kid, can’t go to concerts, fireworks or be in a store for more than an hour. But, it is easy on the wallet.

  38. Humanity can only survive any catastrophe as it has in past, by standing together and facing reality and digging down deep for the answers. Maybe praying will help, it should. But a leftist would have us all destroyed before they have any idea of where to begin. The left is the canary in the coal mine but it is not the miners.

  39. cal2,i wonder how much mercury will be needed to produce the billions of bulbs necessary to replace incandesent bulbs. you are right ,we can’t forget the law of unintened consequences.

  40. jmorrison:
    Some simple math. According to various sources (including GE) there’s about 5mg of mercury per CFL.
    Assume 20 bulbs per house in Canada, 110 million households
    = 11,000 tonnes mercury required.

  41. Ooops.
    Didn’t mean 110 million house holds.
    meant 11.
    So that’s 1,100 tonnes.
    My bad.
