Inbox: “Incoming!”

Jonathan Kay;

The reason multiculturalism now seems like such a fraud is that experience has taught us that old-school racism has nothing on the sort of hatreds brought into this country by the immigrants themselves: hatred toward homosexuals, toward heretics, toward “loose” women and, most importantly, toward each other.
It’s hard to get too riled up about Don Imus or alleged “racial profiling” by cops, for instance, when I see Canada becoming home to African blacks who have been charged with murdering other blacks by the villageful for the crime of belonging to the wrong tribe. Ditto when I watch Canadian Sikhs who are so proud that one of their coreligionists murdered another group of South Asian Canadians that they hold a parade partly in his honour. And then there’s the Liberal candidate in Edmonton- Mill Woods-Beaumont, who will have to explain to his constituents what he meant with his attacks on Israel, India and France.

53 Replies to “Inbox: “Incoming!””

  1. Kay is a bigoted,pro-white,Nazi thug.How dare he suggest that the great Turdeau experiment is wrong.ALL people,except whites,are right,and that’s a fact,ma’am /sarc off
    My question is, why was Canada choosen as the place for this failed experiment to take place?

  2. Don’t forget they’ll outnumber us in a few years making our once great country as wonderful to live in as say Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Rwanda,…
    course I’m just a white male everything I say is mere bigotry while Al Kaida is tolerance.

  3. Kay is bang on. I’m tellin’ ya: the Pakistani extremist thugs who roughed up a reporter the other day made a grievous error, for if there is perhaps one thing that will make the media circle the wagons and turn against anything they’ve previously supported it’s an attack on one of their own.
    Except in the case of Daniel Pearl, of course…..

  4. Migrant/minority bigotry is certainly the most recently visible flaw in the utopian theory of Multicult, but certainly not the most malignant.
    Within a generation or two even the most closed minded migrants assimilate into the broader dominant North American culturem leaving only the older generations in the ethnic “community” ghettos…our freedoms and the affluence a stable, constitutional civil society brings mellows old prejudices and encourages a single ideal to acheive….but it is much harder and slower for this effect to take hold in a newcomer community than it was before multicult.
    There are always a small fringe portion of society who must “hate” to externalize their own underacheivement….and who will cling to old cultural ways for comfort in coping with cultre shift…in multicult this faction forms into a ethnic community an effectively ghettoizes itself from mainstream culture.
    The real danger with Multiculturalism is the balkanizing effect it has on cultural/social cohesivness in the kleptocratic patronage state ( like the one run by degenerate socialists). They factionalize society into “groups” each fighting one another for “extra” goodies from big brother…each being worked against the other for political gain…each “group” becomes a ghettoized community with it’s own leaders. The harmony of the melting pot is lost to this factional warring for ‘entitlement” and patronage.
    Ask Sheila Copps what happens when the multiculy patronage stops.

  5. And right on cue, the Sikh, Muslim, and Hindu cab drivers of Toronto had a major sh%t fit in Toronto’s council chambers yesterday:
    The police had a heavy presence in the chamber yesterday, when angry airport taxi drivers derailed debate on the new policy [stopping out of town cabs from picking up rides] as the meeting started in the morning.
    As Moscoe [NDP gasbag Howard] rose to introduce the proposal, drivers who had packed the council chamber leapt to their feet yelling: “He is lying.” The chaos continued and council speaker Sandra Bussin suspended the meeting and asked for the chamber to be cleared. City hall security staff then called police, who filed into the chamber but made no move to eject the crowd of more than 200.
    At one point, police closed down the chamber, not allowing anyone to enter; Bussin said afterward she was unaware the police had sealed off the chamber. Eventually, Bussin restarted the meeting, but put off discussion of the airport taxi policy.
    The meeting continued until the lunch break, when many of the drivers left except for about 15 airport taxi drivers, who stayed in their seats despite being asked to leave. Rajinder Singh of the Airport Taxicab Association, said they were afraid they wouldn’t be readmitted. “Our issue is going to be debated, and we are going to interrupt them again,” Singh said in an interview.
    Police finally moved in on the stubborn drivers. Singh and Karam Singh Punian – who had led the earlier disruption – insisted on being handcuffed before they walked out of the chamber. The rest of the drivers allowed themselves to be ushered out. Five were cited for trespassing, but no criminal charges were laid.
    That’s how it’s done back home, so why wouldn’t they do the same here if we asked them to come and do so?

  6. However racist you may be, you can always find reassurance in the fact that there is someone out there who is more racist than you are.

  7. Well, we are finally starting to talk about the ‘other’ racism. I wonder how long it will take the politicians to catch up with real Canadians.

  8. “However racist you may be, you can always find reassurance in the fact that there is someone out there who is more racist than you are.”
    Don’t be so hard on yourself, Jose. Just keep trying your best. I’m sure we’re all with you.

  9. Multiculturalism is a disastrous policy – which we, in our policies and in our Charter, set up. What it does, is to reject ‘civic citizenship’ and set up, instead, ‘tribal citizens’.
    A civic citizen is a Canadian, first and foremost, acknowledging that all other citizens are equal, are equally empowered with the same rights and responsibilities. And acknowledging that the ultimate authority is the laws of Canada.
    We haven’t supported civic citizenship and the definition of everyone as first, Canadian. Instead, we have enabled ‘origin or tribal citizenship’.
    Tribal citizenship defines people by their origins. Religious, ethnic, linguistic. They are hereditary members of this ‘tribe’. The group is not simply a cultural ideology but has been, by our charter and by gov’t policy, politicized.
    This politicization means that these separate groups define themselves as having authority over their members. The group leaders set up rules for that group. So, ethnic or religious or linguistic rules are superior to the Laws of Canada.
    Then, our gov’t (particularly the Liberals and NDP) reward this balkanization by funding, by power. We give massive funds to these multicultural groups, who use that money to further isolate their members from others, to promote their origin ideology, to reject collaboration with others, to insist on special privilages and powers.
    Instead of defining ourselves as an immigrant country, with the agenda of developing collaborations and a common identity of ‘Canadian’, we set up multiculturalism. This rejects any collaboration, any evolving common identity, and rejects adherence to one Rule of Law.
    Why? For votes. The Liberals did this to get great blocks of votes from these ‘distinct groups’. They have rewarded the groups with massive funding over the years, special privileges, and so on – but – the result is a divided society.
    We are divided linguistically, by setting up Quebec and the ROC within a linguistic identity and giving these identities political power – rather than defining the languages as communication systems, not political systems.
    We are divided into groups by setting up new Canadians into sealed isolate groups defined by origin and preventing the development of civic citizenship. We have given these ‘origin-groups’ political power, setting up each group to have leaders who are authorities in that group, each with their own rules. We have set these groups up as political systems.
    We have completely rejected the notion of ‘Being Canadian’ and a civic citizenship.
    This is a Liberal strategy- but it’s disastrous for Canada.

  10. Multiculturalism was a repudiation of the civilization that provided the moral, social, and political foundations for Canada’s success and prosperity — the UK.
    It was also introduced, in part, as a secularist foil to the predominantly Christian culture of the day. It succeeded wonderfully at this task, but the vacuum created is now being filled in ways both intended and unintended.
    Hence, the Liberals desperate attempts to make a secular state religion out of “Canadian values”.

  11. WL is right.
    In “pre-multicult” days, ethnic groups tended to “Canadianize” fairly rapidly.
    Sure, the Irish might have brought their arguments with them to the Canadas. But over the space of a couple of generations, they got on with building a better life for themselves and their families as Canadians.*
    You’d be hard-pressed to assemble much of an Orange Day parade in Orangeville this coming 12th of July.
    And yes, the Germans or Italians or Ukrainians or Lithuanians have their clubs, associations and Saturday-morning language classes for the kids.
    But these things have rarely interfered with the mainstream culture they live in (except the odd “why-couldn’t-you-find-a-nice-Polish-Catholic-girl?” argument with Mum and Dad).
    And if they did pop up, it was generally in a positive way: hard to argue against Oktoberfest in Kitchener-Waterloo!
    Now of course, we are not allowed to let the “chip-on-the-shoulder” grudges, grievances, bitches and hatreds from the “Old Country” gently fade to inconsequence with each successive generation.
    They have to be hammered into the rich “cultural mosaic” of Canada.
    * Now there’s a novel concept for politicians to pursue.

  12. The only politically correct bigotry and hatred is against whites, males, gun owners, heterosexuals, business people, working people, non-drug addicts, non-gender confused individuals, and Christians.
    Unless it’s hatred within one’s own multicult group from ‘the old country’. We encourage those to fester as a sign of our tolerance for diversity.

  13. This is about a culture clash. In the late 90’s a rather large group of Somalis or Sudanese have moved to Calgary. It turned out that they were catholic. Anyway they used to go to the downtown catholic church on Sundays. It was kind of cool the Caucasians being a minority in the situation. They all sat together, which is understandable, being new in an unfamiliar place. As it was, they took over the mass, nothing wrong with that in general, except due to them not speaking English that well, when they sang all these unfamiliar songs, nobody could understand them and could not join. Caucasian attempts to mingle were unsuccessful. Eventually they stopped coming all at once and were never heard of again in the place. It was apparent, they did not feel comfortable. Say, what do you do?

  14. The biggest fraud with multiculturalism was the presumption, now codified as dogma in academia, misguided and misapplied hate speech laws and the MSM, that all cultures are equal. They aren’t.
    We are forbidden to critique behaviors and attitudes that are dysfunctional without being labeled racist by some programed lefty Koolaid drinker, poorly read, not up to the task of rational dialogue.
    Jose’s remark my case in point.

  15. …two things will come out of all this:
    1. Whites will finally have the benefits of being a minority.
    2. Whitehorse in the Yukon will be a mecca (excuse the pun) for Whites – that is before the laws of the land change the name to Rainbowhorse.

  16. tomax7 “We are forbidden to critique behaviors and attitudes that are dysfunctional without being labeled racist by some programed lefty Koolaid drinker”
    You’re free to say what you like. Unfortunately if you say something idiotic or hypocritical someone might point this out. If you find this grating I suggest growing up a little.

  17. Multiculteralism is a fruad its a rediclous concept being put forth by the usial bunch of wackos

  18. Why do you think the multicultures are so successful at making trouble? They are united! They go to their islamic centers and all sorts of temples, they fight in the supreme court for the right to carry concealed daggers to schools, they raise hell with the ministry of transportation to allow their veiled photos on DL, while we are typing away in the blogs and sipping bear at the bars. Divided we fall. I want a conservative politically incorrect temple in every municipality!

  19. Not sure what recently shook Kay loose from what has too often been a regurgitation of typical GTA/Liberal echo chamber boilerplate in his columns (he and Radwanski were often in agreement at the Post)but I really like it.

  20. …ummm Jose, read the posters name first. Penny said that.
    BTW, I did grow up, I’m 6’0″ now…
    Beer, beer, beer…

  21. Jonathan Is misspelled in the post link.
    I hate it when my name is misspelled. Just thought I’d mention it.
    Not trying to be politically correct or anything, just respectful to Mr. Kay.
    Great piece. It’s good when the MSM finally catches up with it’s readers.

  22. The garbage known as Multiculturalism has Maurice Stong’s fingerprints all over it, just as many of the other failed but costly social experiments the government is in the process of disbanding.
    When you step foot in OUR country, you abide by OUR rules or get the hell out. Very short and sweet.

  23. Oh dear. Now you make me feel bad for defending this loonie. I m not sure that immigration was all wrong. The refugee policy on the other hand…
    The real question is “What is multiculturalism?”. There seem to be two competing defintions:
    a) Multiculturalism is allowing immigrants to hold on to their views and traditions, resulting in an inability to integrate into the “culture” of their newly adopted homeland.
    b) Multiculturalism is allowing coloured people to enter the country.
    No, I m not accusing anyone of being racist, but attacks on the “great Trudeau experiment” do suggest that some on the board hold the secondary view. Trudeau did, after all, open the door to immigrants from outside “White” countries.
    There is also a rather bizzare fear, as stated by DrWright, that immigrants will
    “outnumber us in a few years making our once great country as wonderful to live in as say Yugoslavia, Sri Lanka, Rwanda”
    Now that is bullcrap. Immigrants arent a homogenous group hoping to turn Canada into either of those countries. Nor are the numbers of immigrants from those countries high enough for any of the inidiviual groups to succeed.
    That immigrant “terror” groups have been operating under both Liberal and Conservative governments is also beyond doubt. Mulroney was very much in power when the Air India bombing happened. The Tamil Tigers also acted with immunity under both parties until the recent 9/11 reevaluation.
    Mississauga Matt shows up with a wonderful analysis
    “That’s how it’s done back home, so why wouldn’t they do the same here if we asked them to come and do so?”
    Lets not make broad statements of idiocy along the lines of “thats how they did it at home”. They didnt do it at home like that because they cant. Only they know why they do it here. Probably because they are the riff-raff of the immigrant communities. God, and the Liberals, know that the educated, qualified type usually flee the country after 3 years, albeit with Canadian citizenship, because their qualifications arent recognized (no Canadian experience and all that), and because they see no point in becoming taxi drivers. That the Canadian economy cant absorb qualified folk is something the policy makers need to recognize. If Canada needs only taxi drivers and pizza deliverymen, then it is going to absorb only the least educated least qualified types. The rest will continue to march in and out of the country, coming in because of their qualifications, and leaving because nobody here recognizes them, apart from the immigration department.
    “In “pre-multicult” days, ethnic groups tended to “Canadianize” fairly rapidly.”
    In pre-multicult days, racism was a lot more overt. Ethnic groups were tiny and generally marginalized. They didnt Canadianize, they imitated. They didnt adopt, they put on masks. They did what they needed to survive, and not out of any respect or love for anything Canadian. They probably hated Canada and Canadians more than any of the multicults nowadays. The Italian mafia in Canada is no myth either. It came a long time ago. And its still around.

  24. If you find this grating I suggest growing up a little.

    Yeah, grating, like a little mouse chewing on an eletrical cord in the middle of the night that wakes you up. It’s grating, but then, ZAP! the grating little mouse is gone.
    Keep chewing little mouse.

  25. True Jeremiah, and it’s been joined by the Russian mafia, the Jamaican mafia, the Vietnamese mafia and the Sudan mafia. All competing with our home grown bikers. Note the wide racial distribution of organized misbehavior. Failure of criminal justice, not just immigration controls.
    For myself, I don’t care who people hate or why, what they wear, what they eat, who they screw or what their religion is. I’m good with it all so long as they do it
    A) out of my face,
    B) with their own money,
    C) and I’m free to return fire if somebody gets out of line.
    None of which is the case these days. Hence my being somewhat testy about the whole thing.

  26. In pre-multicult days, racism was a lot more overt. Ethnic groups were tiny and generally marginalized. They didnt Canadianize, they imitated. They didnt adopt, they put on masks. They did what they needed to survive, and not out of any respect or love for anything Canadian. They probably hated Canada and Canadians more than any of the multicults nowadays. The Italian mafia in Canada is no myth either. It came a long time ago. And its still around.
    You know, jeremiah, you’ve got a lot of unsubstantiated assumptions written there. Who exactly are you talking about that “didn’t adopt” and were putting “on masks” 30 years ago, on what evidence? Who were these people that “probably hated Canada” more and what are they doing a generation later?
    As far as your rebuttal to DrWright, don’t you think that you need to add some demographic facts such as what are the current and projected immigration rates and birth rates between groups?
    The Mafia is about what percentage of the Italian population???
    Your blathering is getting old.

  27. Posted by: Aaron at April 25, 2007 10:26 AM:
    “…while we are typing away in the blogs and sipping BEAR at the bars…”
    Speak for yourself, Aaron, as I prefer to sip BEER at the bars. 😉

  28. penny,
    In the premulticult days, a ship full of Sikh immigrants was sent back. So was one full of jews. The evidence you re looking for is available in a range of books and academic journals.
    The general gist has always been that of the identity problem – being viewed as a foreigner in Canadian society, indeed, there was a bestseller by a Japanese girl about being sent to a camp by the government. I dont think you would like it. Nor do I think you would like the behaviour of the Canadians in BC who so disliked the Asians that they supported sending them to internment camps because it suited them. Unmaintained houses tend to collapse, ridding neighbourhoods of unwanted elements. Theres so much literature its amazing.
    “As far as your rebuttal to DrWright, don’t you think that you need to add some demographic facts such as what are the current and projected immigration rates and birth rates between groups?”
    Whenever he provides the evidence to show that what he says is true. He hasnt proved it, therefore the onus cannot be on me to disprove what hasnt been proven.
    “The Mafia is about what percentage of the Italian population???”
    Here, let me spell it out for you. Multiculturalism or not, intra-community violence will exist. It is NOT an outcome of multiculturalism. Multiculturalism doesnt help, but neither does it cause this. The Italian mafia example is given because the Italians have been around in Canada for a while and they have continued these practices both with and without multiculturalism. Its not an attack on the Italians, its merely an example of how one ethnic group that has been in Canada for an awfully long time, has maintained its own practices both WITH and WITHOUT multiculturalism. Get it?
    You sound awfully upset most of the time. Everything okay?

  29. There are criminals in every group. Mafias are not the point.
    The point is that there WAS a culture here and that culture built something that attracted large numbers of people from other cultures here. Destroy what made the country and people will stop coming. Turn us into another Yugoslavia and there will be precious little point at coming.
    The “others” that used to come here before multiculturalism knew that THEY had to adapt, that THEY had to assimilate and they were not mollycoddled and given handouts indefinitely while plotting to take the place over. They came from many cultures and countries and all had the expectation that hard work, not easy handouts were expected. They were expected to adapt to Canada and accept that they had to buy into Canadian values and culture. We didn’t compromise for them. We built the place. This is our home. You don’t go to someone else’s home and expect to change whatever you don’t like.
    I don’t care that we have a lot of immigrants, I just want the immigrants we used to get under the rules we used to have.
    I want the goal of immigration to be assimilation. I want the expectations raised and I want those who violate Canadian hospitality shown the door.
    Family immigrants and refugees should be severely curtailed but economic class immigration should be wide open. With that, no immigrant is entitled to freebees. If you don’t get with the program you are invited to leave. If you violate the law, leaving is mandatory. Learning the language and accepting Canadian values are mandatory. I don’t care what colour you are, what religion you are, where you come from, when you get here you get with the program. Period.
    Multiculturalism changed the calculus. We now get losers and deadbeats. We are the world’s public toilet. People come here for a free ride. Too many people are told even before they get here that having a chip on your shoulder and a list of demands pays dividend and that hard work doesn’t. Multiculturalism denies that Canada has a culture and a people and that they matter. If you have no culture, you have no people, you have no county, you have nothing to hold yourself together. People won’t sacrifice for people they don’t know and don’t like. Since that ass trudeau came along, our social cohesion has dropped to zero. Each region and group are out for themselves. No one feels bad about taking. There are now about a million separatists groups (even Danny Millions is getting in on the action.) That would be unacceptable in a “real” country.
    That I expect others to respect my country, my culture, the people who were born here doesn’t make me the racist. The people who claim that “white people” are the only people on earth that have no culture are the racists.
    People like Jose are perfect embodiments of racist hypocrisy.

  30. Just a thought to throw out in this debate. When Trudeau introduced Multiculturalism and brought in the hundreds of thousands from Third world countries, what he was actually trying to accomplished was state sponsored slavery and white supremacy. He allowed Third world immigration into Canada to fill low paying non-skilled positions. There was never any movement by the Liberal party to recognize credentials from countries, other than Europe. The first influx of educated immigrants that landed in the Sixties and Seventies seldom attained employment in their chosen field of endeavour. This was the Trudeau/Liberal plan, cheap labour. The frustrated immigrants resentment was enacted at home and now we are inheriting the demands of the children of these immigrants. Now we may only be feeling the first breezes of a Tempest that may blow our historical culture apart.

  31. It’s a dangerous road we are going down with Multiculturalism. It encourages people who come here from places with whom we have no history and have nothing in common with our way of life, to ghettoize. We pay them to get started and urge them on. At the same time we dummy down our traditions so as not to offend them.
    Over time this ,along with Charter Rights,is a recipe for disaster.
    We will end up Balkanized and have all sorts of factions fighting just as they have in the Middle East since the beginning.
    My God, can we really be so STUNNED AND STUPID?

  32. The Italian mafia example is given because the Italians have been around in Canada for a while and they have continued these practices both with and without multiculturalism
    One more time, how many Canadian Italians live like Tony Soprano(or are involved in as you said in Mafia “practices”, in case you don’t get it)?
    A specific question, requiring a specific numerical answer, no words necessary, no complete sentences, no paragraphs, just a %.
    If you can’t follow through, I say you get voted off the island.
    We are waiting.

  33. jeremiah – don’t insert fallacious tactics into your argument – eg – an ad hominem against penny that she sounds ‘awfully upset’. That’s not only ad hominem, it’s patronizing. Stick to the issues.
    And, your problem is that you move, always, into ambiguity and diversions; in a word, you slither, rather than provide facts.
    Your two definitions of multiculturalism are invalid. The first claims they hold onto their ‘views and traditions’ rather than integrate into the ‘culture’ (your quotation marks imply there is no Canadian ‘culture’). Your second is a subset, defining the immigrant only as ‘coloured’.
    This is not the definition of multiculturalism against which so many of us are arguing. Your definition is deliberately superficial and ambiguous – what ‘views and traditions’? To use such general terms ignores the crux of the argument.
    The view that a man can have four wives, against our civil laws; that a woman has no rights – against our charter; that religious laws trump civil laws; that a man may kill his daughter to ‘secure the family honour’? These views and traditions?
    The view that Sharia law trumps Canadian law? The view that their religious laws, food habits etc, must be acknowledged by non-members?
    By the way, the immigration from non-European countries, was a post WWII phase, and wasn’t simply due to pre-war ‘racism’, but to post-war upheavals in Africa, Asia, India, as they moved out of peasant agriculturalism, uprooted peoples from traditional homes, were unable to provide urban housing and employment – etc. Again, you are ignoring history, context and facts.
    No, your assumption that all educated immigrants from non-European countries flee Canada because they can’t get jobs here is an invalid generalization. The statistics reveal the opposite. Some do; a lot of Canadians do the same.
    Equally, your claims that immigrants didn’t ‘canadianize’; that they put on ‘masks’; that they hated Canada are all totally unverified and are specious assumptions on your part. I suggest that when you debate, you provide us with facts.
    Your claims of what happened in ‘pre-multicultural days’ are not relevant. Equally, your claims are empty because you don’t provide context, eg, that the Japanese internships were during WWII. Remember? It wasn’t done ‘because it suited them’; what a juvenile remark, ignoring that it was during a war, and not out of personal decisions (it suited them).
    The Italian mafia has nothing to do with the multicultural policy. Equally, the Italian mafia is not about an ethnic group’s identity. The Italian mafia is not a description of ‘being Italian’.
    You simply don’t understand multiculturalism – I’ve explained it before and won’t repeat it, but it is not about cultural behaviour; as a policy it is about defining a population by ORIGIN, (ethnic, religious, linguistic etc); it is about rejecting civic definitions of a population; it is about defining a population by kinship; defining behaviour as different from the behaviour of others – and then, giving these groups political power.
    These are serious and very real issues and yet, you define multiculturalism without acknowledging them.

  34. “one thing that will make the media circle the wagons and turn against anything they’ve previously supported it’s an attack on one of their own.”
    Yeah, like the kidnapped Italian journalist who was ransomed for two million bucks? His translator however, who was Arab, was apparently worth nothing and thus, his throat was slit.

  35. Re: Japanese internment.
    As was pointed out, it was a time of war. Moreover, those who were internned lived on the west coast and there were fears (unjustified or not) regarding their loyalty to Japan rather than Canada.
    Oh. And there were occasional Japanese balloon bombs floating in over Vancouver Island.

  36. Oh. And there were occasional Japanese balloon bombs floating in over Vancouver Island.
    Plus some Japanese in BC fought in the Japanese army.
    If they were willing to do that more would have helped had they shown up in BC. National survival isn’t worth the risk.
    PS theres ukranian blood in my house and ukes were interred in WWI, when will Harper show me the money?

  37. An article last week by the Ontario Medical Association showed that contrary to the MSM assertion that doctors from other countries are discriminated against and not allowed to practice here the real reason is they do not have the medical qualifications or ability to pass the tests. These tests are the same ones Ontario grads must write to get their medical degree. As the examiner explained standards are not the same around the world with many not even meeting primitive qualifications let alone Ontario’s standards.
    I, for one, would not like to see any lowering of these qualifications to achieve some multicultural goal in such a critical field.

  38. ET,
    Relax. That was a response to “Your blathering is getting old.”
    My quotation marks arent there to suggest that there is no Canadian culture, they are there to accomodate whatever definition of culture you deem worthy.
    Immigrants arent a homogenous group. Hence the vagueness. Not all immigrants like Shariah, you know? But here, lets stick to your line :
    “The view that Sharia law trumps Canadian law? The view that their religious laws, food habits etc, must be acknowledged by non-members?”
    Anyway I m too thoroughly distracted to respond coherently. Probably shouldnt have posted in the first place. Big game on the other side of the Atlantic…Chelsea v Liverpool. I m a scouser. And I ve got pre-match jitters. Even took work off for the afternoon.
    All educated immigrants dont flee. A number of them do, depending on their status. I m sorry if I said all. It was an honest mistake.
    Okay I cant be bothered to refute you on everything. You re pretty much nitpicking and I ve got better things on my mind. Here, I ll concede. You re right. I m wrong. Thanks for pointing it out.
    Now lets hope Benitez can silence Mourinho.

  39. …”As the examiner explained standards are not the same around the world with many not even meeting primitive qualifications let alone Ontario’s standards.”
    What a crock of shit! These standards 99% consist of the knowledge of what drugs the pharmaceutical companies want the doctors to prescribe, and 1% of what the Doctor’s colledge DOES NOT ALLOW the doctors to tell the patients (stuff like gluten and sugar substitutes are dangerous and cause obecity and other ailments).

  40. Jerimiah: “Chelsea v Liverpool. I m a scouser. And I ve got pre-match jitters. Even took work off for the afternoon.”
    Hmmm. Just wondering – you don’t work for any level of gov’t (federal, provincial or municipal) do you Jerimiah? Taking a ‘sick day’ or are you actually going to forego an honest day’s pay to watch the game?

  41. ET – if jeremiah, now a fixture as the site pest, can’t answer my last direct question, he’s ducked all of my others, with a hard cold fact, then, I think it’s time to cut off his oxygen.
    You are only going to get another lame polemic from him. His attention is diverted and he is off the hook. I’m sick of the standard juvenile troll tactic of alternating factless blather and glibly ignoring any direct rebuttal questions. It’s not how the adult world works.
    So, I’m asking everyone to assist me in cutting and pasting my question to him every time he surfaces with another topic. You don’t make as many lame statements as he has, one of which is inferring that the Mafia is a common “practice”(dumb wording) in the Italian community and not get nailed for a fact to support that.
    So….One more time, how many Canadian Italians live like Tony Soprano(or are involved in as you said in Mafia “practices”, in case you don’t get it)?
    Hint: Google crime statistics by category and ethnicity, then extrapolate that from the % of the Italian population.
    You made the statement. Answer the question.

  42. Interesting reaction Aaron. My doctor told me at least 5 years ago that Aspartame, an artifical sweetner, was dangerous and to avoid any product that contains it. Here is something you may want to read.
    “New aspartame data to be presented at Mount Sinai School of Medicine in NYC, USA
    A second study conducted by the European Ramazzini Foundation (ERF) confirms the carcinogenicity of aspartame. The results of this study will be presented April 23, 2007 at the Mount Sinai Medical School of New York, where ERF Scientific Director Morando Soffritti will receive the third Irving J. Selikoff Award. [vedi testo completo per l’italiano]
    Aspartame is an artificial sweetener consumed by hundreds of millions of people worldwide. It is used in over 6,000 diet products including soft drinks, chewing gum, candy, desserts, yogurt as well as in pharmaceuticals, in particular, syrups and antibiotics for children. In 2005, the European Ramazzini Foundation published important experimental data demonstrating the carcinogenicity of aspartame. These data demonstrated for the first time that aspartame is a carcinogenic agent, inducing various types of malignant tumors in rats, even at dose levels currently considered acceptable for humans”
    Remember using our medical system is purely voluntary. If it doesn’t meet your standards try some alternate system like home diagnosis and self-healing.

  43. Gah. Liverpool lost 1-0. But the second legs at Anfield, so there is some hope. Anybody see it?
    ET, I ll spare you the polemics. I m not in much of a mood to give enough thought to a substantial answer. You ve caught me on some points, but others require a detailed explanation and nows just not a good time.
    No Guff,
    Government? I most certainly wont. I m just taking advantage of the mess they ve made. Acquiring startups for a major Euro software company that I work for. I really do enjoy explaining the rigid company rules on recruiting and sacking employees. Apparently companies in this part of the world are a lot more liberal with pink slips. Dont think its doing them much good. Finalised the acquisition of two US startups last month. Employee turnover is pretty damned high in this part of the world. But I digress.
    I m only responding because its fun getting under your skin
    “One more time, how many Canadian Italians live like Tony Soprano(or are involved in as you said in Mafia “practices”, in case you don’t get it)?”
    Well, seeing as there is no census of Mafia folk, your guess is as good as mine. Its not like theres a box to check if you re a mafia member. Unless you know better, in which case, I can only wonder why.
    But I ll wager its approximately the same percentage as that of pan-Islamic extremists relative to the Islamic population of the world. How much do you want to bet?

  44. First a great column by J Kay.
    And I have to laugh at the misunderstanding that exists in ‘opening up Canada to the world’ policy of that selfish little creep Trudeau.
    When the PCs under Diefenbaker won the government in the late 1950s, Trudeau was outraged to find out that immigrants from the British Commonwealth could immediately vote in any federal election while immigrants from other nations had to wait 5 years before they could vote.
    In his typical mean spirited way, when Trudeau formed the government he changed the laws so that the British subjects lost that voting privilege, because they would usually for the Conservatives.
    He then gave all immigrants the right to vote after they were here for only 3 years.
    With elections usually held every 4 or 5 years, the Liberals in govt then proceeded to import huge numbers of immigrants from anywhere but the British Commonwealth countries, since they were loyal to the Queen and mostly voted conservative.
    By importing huge numbers in the year after the election (ie 3 yrs before the next election), it ensured that the Liberals would have many more votes in the next election.
    And lots of ridings that were won by Liberals in the cities were by the slimest of margins.
    Trudeau’s typical selfish, short-sighted Liberals needed and wanted immigrants who were mostly ignorant of Canada’s politics and would blindly vote for the party who were responsible for letting them into the country.
    Incidently, importing non-English immigrants to Toronto was a way to dilute the political power that the English establishment had in Cdn politics, and to increase Montreal’s French Canadian political power at the same time.
    Finally, instead of calling it by the fake name of ‘multiculturalism’, please call it by what this retarded social program really is – collectivism, based on race and/or ethnic group.
    In reality, the narcissistic Pierre Trudeau ranks as the most socially regressive PM that this country will ever have.
    As they say, the evil men do, lives after them.

  45. I just want to add another point in the multiculturalism debate.
    That program is for English Canada only
    When I checked the Election Canada data a few years ago, I found out that Quebec had a population of around 7 million.
    It also had a visible minority population of only 440,000 at the time.
    Of that 440,000, 400,000 were in the Montreal area. And only 40,000 spread around outside of Montreal among the other 4 million people of Quebec.
    So in effect there has been absolutely no multicult going on in 98% of Quebec.
    Which is strange since Quebecers have been Ministers of Immigration for most of the Liberal reign.
    With 2,500,000 immigrants over the last 10 yrs, Quebec should have gotten about 25% or 625,000 immigrants and yet they did not.
    Gee, I wonder why?

  46. rockyt – exactly – it isn’t genuine multiculturalism; it’s collectivism or tribalism. It defines people by their hereditary origin; their ethnic, religious or linguistic origin, and locks them into that tribe.
    It ignores the development of a communal Canadian civic identity in favour of this plurality of tribal identities. It then politicizes them, sets them up into adversarial ‘blocks’, competeting with each other for political and financial power.
    It happened exactly as you outlined, as part of the Liberal agenda to obtain and retain political power in Canada. Again, it had nothing to do with the well-being of Canada or of these immigrants. It had only one agenda – Liberal power.
    And yes, you are exactly right. This is primarily a problem in the ROC. Multiculturalism has balkanized and disempowered the ROC. Quebec maintains control of its own immigration and the result is exactly as you point out. Almost all immigration from non-European countries are found in Montreal – about 600,000 in total. Check out stats Canada Immigrant population by place of birth, by census metro areas, and visible minority population by census metro areas.
    Almost none of this group are found anywhere else in Quebec. And, even this number, is the smallest ratio in all of Canada. For example, in Quebec City, with its population of 673,105, the visible min. is 11,075. In Winnipeg, population is about the same, of 661,725. The vm is 82,565 – that’s over seven times.

  47. ET says, “This is a Liberal strategy- but it’s disastrous for Canada.”
    EVERY Liberal strategy has been a disaster for Canada. ‘Just too bad that the people who’ve been saying this for over 25 years have been thought to be backward red-necks.
    Ted Byfield, an amazing self-described “red-neck” (and proud to be!) has been blowing the whistle on Librano policies from PET on down, and has probably been called every name in the book.
    A prophet has no honour in his own country.
    Pity. And damned annoying.

  48. tom said, “The only politically correct bigotry and hatred is against whites, males, gun owners, heterosexuals, business people, working people, non-drug addicts, non-gender confused individuals, and Christians.”
    You left out stay-at-home-moms, tom! I’m sure you didn’t mean to. 😉
