Inbox: “Incoming!”

Jonathan Kay;

The reason multiculturalism now seems like such a fraud is that experience has taught us that old-school racism has nothing on the sort of hatreds brought into this country by the immigrants themselves: hatred toward homosexuals, toward heretics, toward “loose” women and, most importantly, toward each other.
It’s hard to get too riled up about Don Imus or alleged “racial profiling” by cops, for instance, when I see Canada becoming home to African blacks who have been charged with murdering other blacks by the villageful for the crime of belonging to the wrong tribe. Ditto when I watch Canadian Sikhs who are so proud that one of their coreligionists murdered another group of South Asian Canadians that they hold a parade partly in his honour. And then there’s the Liberal candidate in Edmonton- Mill Woods-Beaumont, who will have to explain to his constituents what he meant with his attacks on Israel, India and France.

53 Replies to “Inbox: “Incoming!””

  1. Aaron, you rightly pointed out, “Divided we fall.” And then prescribe for this ailment, “…a conservative politically incorrect temple in every municipality!”
    We used to have just that: They were called churches.

  2. “But I ll wager its approximately the same percentage as that of pan-Islamic extremists relative to the Islamic population of the world. How much do you want to bet?”
    I wonder, if we opened immigration up to Italians, or Sicilians to be true mafioso, and shut down muslim immigration, would we see an influx of terrorism?

  3. “In the premulticult days, a ship full of Sikh immigrants was sent back. So was one full of jews [sic].”
    Minor quibble, “jeremiah”:
    If they were sent back ie, never allowed to land, they could hardly be considered immigrants since they never actually had the opportunity to settle in Canada and “Canadianize.”
    Their rejection is a sad footnote to Canadian history but irrelevant to this discussion.
