Muslim Opinion

A poll of four major Muslim countries – the good, the bad and the ugly;

There is strong disapproval of attacks by “groups that use violence against civilians, such as al Qaeda.” Large majorities in Egypt (88%), Indonesia (65%) and Morocco (66%) agree that such groups “are violating the principles of Islam.” Pakistanis are divided, however, with many not answering.
But there is also uncertainty about whether al Qaeda actually conducts such attacks. On average less than one in four believes al Qaeda was responsible for September 11th attacks. Pakistanis are the most skeptical—only 3 percent think al Qaeda did it. There is no consensus about who is responsible for the attacks on New York and Washington; the most common answer is “don’t know.”
Most significantly, large majorities approve of many of al Qaeda’s principal goals. Large majorities in all countries (average 70 percent or higher) support such goals as: “stand up to Americans and affirm the dignity of the Islamic people,” “push the US to remove its bases and its military forces from all Islamic countries,” and “pressure the United States to not favor Israel.”


76 Replies to “Muslim Opinion”

  1. On the samosas I will agree Don. They are damn good. But why does one of the local colleges here have a separate room,facing east for the Muslim students,but no chapel? And yes,a chapel has been requested. Turned down. Might insult somebody. This is the hypocrisy (PC’ness) I am talking about. And no, I do not attend said college,but my better half works there. Hell. The last time I was at college was to see April Wine!!!

  2. don- a punjabit new year’s celebration isn’t the multiculturalism we are talking about! As I said – it’s not about foods, dances, dresses. No-one objects to different foods, restaurants, festivals. How many times does this have to be made clear to you???
    It’s about defining a population within a set of normative rules that is not only not shared with the rest of the population but is antithetical to that population. You haven’t answered my questions.
    What do you do when faced with a group that insists on polygamy, that insists that women are not equal and must not be educated, and that insists that Sharia law is the only acceptable law – and rejects our civil laws? How do you deal with a request to have separate swimming times? How do you deal with a request for a special menu?
    You haven’t answered my questions and instead, have given as an example of multiculturalism, the trivial ‘foods and dances’ notion. That’s not what we are talking about!
    As for boz hoag – he’s best ignored as a troll.
    And by the way, don, with regard to your reference to ‘we don’t prosecute differences’ – I’d suggest you check out Quebec and their langauge police. They do indeed prosecute differences; you aren’t allowed any signs that are not in French. No Korean, Chinese, or English allowed. They prosecute you. How many Canadians have marched against this rule??? None.

  3. Figures that Don just dances around the question of “tolerance” and focuses on the relative superficialities of food, dress, etc. He can’t come right out and say that he aligns himself with Islamofascists and the like (or rather, perhaps, won’t criticize them) because they generally (a) are fashionably ethnic, (b) hate the USA, and (c) are prone to violence, which leftists find revolutionary and exhilirating when directed against American/Western targets.

  4. justthinkin, there are always going to be problems and friction in a multi-cultural society. Do I believe in Sharia Law? Hardly. Some things are much better left at home, they just don’t travel well. Seperate swimming times? God, I wish the problems were all that simple. But, reasonable people can make allowances.
    Look ignorant racist baffoons like boz, penny and morris all desperately want it to be 1956 again. Sorry, that’s not going to happen. Can we learn to all live together. I hope so. But every group is going to have to learn to accept and compromise. Sharia Law? No. Mountiesd wearing Turbans? Ok. Equality of women? Definitely. how do you enforce it? I just got back from the Dominican Republic where it is mandatory that all students attend school to Grade 12. I thought it was an interesting concept. I’m also in favour of every youth spending at least one year in mandatory service to Canada, whether it be in the military or planting trees in B.C. Rather than whine about the problems, or suffer the shrill cries of bigotry, let’s try and come up with some solutions.

  5. Don, this just in from Great (NOT) Britain.
    MUSLIM women were yesterday given the full backing of the law to wear veils in court – even if they are standing trial for crimes.
    Defendants who are told they must remove their face-covering garment could even be allowed to give evidence in secret so as not to offend them.
    Senior judges ruled that religious dress – including the full niqab which leaves only the eyes exposed – should be allowed for anyone involved in a court case unless justice is threatened.

  6. Hey, Don, since you interjected me in your comment as an “ignorant racist baffoon”, and, I don’t see any racist comment made by me today or ever, in fact, the only comment I’ve posted is this one:
    Don, I have a question for you. Who exactly is getting prosecuted?….”We tend to celebrate our cultural differences rather than proscecute people for having them.”….By whom? For what offense?
    You threw it out there, want to defend that statement?
    …I think you better prove that smear or a stand as the liar that you are. Go for it, big guy.

  7. “baffoon”
    The man launches a self-righteous rant about someone else’s ignorance and he can’t even spell his insults.

  8. Don. There is no such county in Ireland by the name of SLINGO. There is a SLIGO however.

  9. Don, if you want to know how to celebrate all this multiculturalism let me tell you. I have a Greek daughter-in-law, a Pakistani niece through marriage and a half Pakistani great niece and great nephew. I also have a Chinese great nephew and a great great niece and nephew who are part Chinese. Should I go on. This is the celebration of Multiculturalism. My Pakistani niece is Muslim and we all get along fine. No one is threatening or trying to change the other.
    This is what Canada should be. Balkanizing the country as the Libs did is why TO has quite a few problems
    Now if you can do better than that show us, if not then it’s time for you to move on.

  10. Look, a certain amount of limited pluralism is a good thing.
    However, multiculturalism conforms to the economic law of diminishing utility. One hamburger is good, two or three might be OK, but a thousand hamburgers is not only not useful, but becomes a huge problem.
    Look at the difficulties we’ve had in the States with trying to integrate black Americans into our culture. Although there are black Americans I would vote for for President in a second, I have to admit that after 200 years and the War of Northern Aggression, we are still struggling with white and black America.
    Multiculturalism only gives rise to fractionalized political blocks that then battle other political blocks for power and dominance over the political process.
    Politicians often think it’s great. They play one group off another. They promise the largesse earned by one group to the desires manifested by another group.
    They diminish the cultural relevance of one group by elevating the cultural relevance of a different group.
    Our big cities are manifestations of the various sorts of corruption and deception that occur when you have the black power structure, the Mexican-American, the Asian, the Islamic power structures all attacking the white power structure to gain dominance and vote themselves concessions and benefits that everyone has to pay for.
    They hold referendums, issue bonds, re-district political blocks, create activists who launch frightening guerilla theater, all to try to beat down one faction, to facilitate their ascension to power.
    And let me add as a personal note, that I have been forced, for my sins, to work and rub shoulders with a lot of different racial and religious groups. This has almost always been an awkward and uncomfortable experience. Different groups have different triggers, different sensitivities, different colloquial expressions, different demands and expectations.
    With some, you’re hard pressed to know what is going to trigger some episode that crosses the line.
    So I think a measure of pluralism is a good thing. However, multiculturalism creates a monstrosity of collective fragmentation, misunderstanding, and contention over power.
    At its worst multiculturalism can be hell on earth.

  11. Mississauga Matt,
    Damn straight! 🙂
    It’s my tribe against the jungle.
    Who is this peace of excrement named Don?
    Penny’s husband is a former US Marine.
    I invite Don to say face-to-face what he just said on the Internet.
    If her husband is tied up for some reason, there are plenty of us who would be happy to stand in for him with Don.

  12. Thanks for the support, Greg. I think my old Marine guy could still give him the whomping of his life.

  13. Don appears to be a leftard troll, looking for a reaction. Why bother to feed him? He’s evidently beyond reasoning.
    Witness: ET’s posts above, asking Don a couple of simple, non-threatening questions. Like most liberals, when confronted by fact or logic, Don beats a hasty retreat and begins slinging the ad hominems, marginalizing everyone in the room.
    Really, Don, do you ever wonder that you’re arguments are false when you can’t debate without denigrating your opponents as “racists”, “homophobes” and “pieces of human garbage”?
    But go ahead & revert to type; if you can’t attack the message, then nail the messenger instead. It’s worked wonderfully for the liberals the past 13 years, and to all the accolytes of political correctness, eh?

  14. All I can say is Don is fascinating. Penny asks a question, Don can’t process a logical answer. So rather than look stupid, he fires of an insult and leaves.
    Its frightening that such large swaths of people in our country flail about like Don does. Here is a quote from Dr. Sanity that seems to fit Don’s modus operendi.
    “Problem solving and decision making will deteriorate as the entire focus of energy becomes the maintenance of the denial. In place of rational alternatives, excessive emotionality in general; and specifically anger and rage escalate toward those who are “blamed” for the reality that does not conform to the denier’s worldview.”
    Pretty much describes his response to Penny.

  15. Ooops. Sorry Don, thought you took the easy way out. What kind of an insult will you thow my way, since I doubt you have the critical faculty to anwer in an intelligent way.

  16. “Penny should get laid more often, it would improve her disposition. Greg, you’re a jackass.
    Posted by: Don at April 26, 2007 12:13 AM ”
    Don’t know whether to laugh or cry.VERY good argument there,Don. What’s the matter? Mommy take away your basement key? Or are you just jealous that penny may actually know what getting a little sex is all about? And who said her disposition needs any improving? Seems just fine to me,taking a round out of penisle frustrated twits like you,only more nicely than I can express it.

  17. I think Dawn is just suffering from penis envy, because Penny has a bigger dick than him. As for me being a “racist baffoon”, it’s time for you to wake up and smell the humas. Thank God for the internet and a chance to interact with like-minded people. And ET, you’re very intelligent but I’m afraid you waste some of it on closet Islamophilia.

  18. I know one shouldn’t feed trolls, but it can be funny sometimes. I just savour Don, et al’s rapier wit and iron-clad arguments.

  19. …somewhere deep in this blogstream are postings about Muslim Opinion’s and not the length of someone watoozah.

  20. “not the length of someone watoozah” will die, infidel dog. You have made reference to something Holy to Allah and his goat-f&*ker follower,Mohumad.Why do you think his pedophiliness rejects argument and wisdom? Jooz behind the rocks will die! /sarc off
    I am just a little curious though…watoozah???

  21. …what’s a watoozah?
    Well boy, open yer pants and lookie down at Mr. Happy and say wat-ooz-ah?
    Guess you flunked Sex Ed 101 eh.
    PS- did you pay GST on that stuff yer smokin?

  22. A probably apocryphal joke but one that’s good for a laugh anyway:
    A dope-smoking moonbat thinks the imposition of Sharia law would be a great idea.
    Because a Muslim once told him that as soon as Sharia law was in force, he’d get stoned immediately.
    Anyway, where’s the Ottoman Empire when you really need it? When there was a Sultan in Constantinople as Caliph, he sure knew how to deal with wacky Islamists.
