58 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. 1. The Tim Hortons mug: magnificent!
    2. Women’s pay: simple – it’s called “equal pay.” Not “pay equity” or “pay parity” which are stinky, weasel-words used cynically by the “social justice” crowd and the unions.
    3. There’s nothing wrong with Reid being sceptical about the situation in Iraq or what the General says about it. But it’s another thing again to assume a priori that Gen Petraeus should not be believed. This is essentially stating that the General is a liar. Presumably, the General is at least as honest as Mr Reid himself.
    Reid is an ass; the Dems do themselves no favours with that thing on the team.

  2. 1. The Tim Hortons mug: magnificent!
    2. Women’s pay: simple – it’s called “equal pay.” Not “pay equity” or “pay parity” which are stinky, weasel-words used cynically by the “social justice” crowd and the unions.
    3. There’s nothing wrong with Reid being sceptical about the situation in Iraq or what the General says about it. But it’s another thing again to assume a priori that Gen Petraeus should not be believed. This is essentially stating that the General is a liar. Presumably, the General is at least as honest as Mr Reid himself.
    Reid is an ass; the Dems do themselves no favours with that thing on the team.

  3. Trudeau bid threatened by double team
    Justin Trudeau’s bid for the Liberal nomination in Montreal’s working-class riding of Papineau could be derailed this weekend by a common front against him by his two opponents.
    He decided to seek the nomination in February, initially running afoul of party leader Stéphane Dion, who had a preferred female candidate lined up for the riding.
    Since then, the 35-year-old has also angered his opponents in the nomination battle.
    Because he’s seen as an interloper from his tony Outremont neighbourhood, there are suggestions of a backroom deal in which the likely second- and third-place candidates would combine to upset Trudeau on a second-ballot vote Sunday.
    “It’s an anybody-but-Trudeau story,” a local Liberal organizer told the Star. “The thing that will make the difference is the deal making.”

  4. Kyoto fraudsters win.
    Mao Strong is the winner.
    Tories rush out clean air plan
    OTTAWA (CP) – The government promises to ban inefficient light bulbs, cut greenhouse gas emissions by 20 per cent and dramatically reduce air pollution as part of a national environmental initative. (cnews)

  5. AdScam Chretien goes to Moscow.
    With brown envelope$$$$$.
    Chretien Asked To Represent Canada At State Funeral For Yeltsin
    Former prime minister Jean Chretien and Gerald Comeau, deputy leader of the government in the Senate, have been asked to represent Canada at the state funeral of the former Russian president Boris Yeltsin.

  6. I am no fan of Justin Trudeau. I really don’t want him as an MP, but, those planning to cook a deal to keep him out should pay attention to what was elected as their leader in Dec, by making deals to keep certain people out.

  7. Blue Tories are now Green Tories.
    The “climate change” fraud has been swallowed by the Conservatives.
    Tories to flick switch on inefficient bulbs
    Natural Resources Minister Gary Lunn is expected to announce plans Wednesday to ban inefficient light bulbs in the first flash of the Conservative government’s larger strategy to combat climate change. (cbc.ca)

  8. A story last night on CBC News regarding the incorporation of “An Inconvenient Truth” into a BC school curriculum. CBC included clips from a right-wing oil baron (no slant, interestingly enough) saying he is paying for “The Great Global Warming Swindle” to ALSO be shown in that school as balance, plus a clip of Dr. Tim Ball (also no slant).
    The only minor evidence of a slant that I could detect was their off-hand second reference to the BBC documentary…rather than repeat the whole name, they just called it “The Swindle”.
    The can’t avoid slipping in at least some bias, eh?

  9. A story last night on CBC News regarding the incorporation of “An Inconvenient Truth” into a BC school curriculum. CBC included clips from a right-wing oil baron (no slant, interestingly enough) saying he is paying for “The Great Global Warming Swindle” to ALSO be shown in that school as balance, plus a clip of Dr. Tim Ball (also no slant).
    The only minor evidence of a slant that I could detect was their off-hand second reference to the BBC documentary…rather than repeat the whole name, they just called it “The Swindle”.
    The can’t avoid slipping in at least some bias, eh?

  10. Mao Strong’s Kyoto Fraud expands.
    Notice the scare/fear words: global warming + pollution + polluters; the use of scare quotes on “carbon credits”.
    BC government leads the way in salvation scam; the mania grows; the bubble expands.
    Governments are legalizing fraud.
    B.C. Joins Schwarzenegger’s ‘Carbon Credits’ Trading Market
    British Columbia’s government announced Tuesday it will be the first Canadian province to join an emerging international system to fight global warming by creating a carbon trading market that lets polluters buy “carbon credits” from cleaner and greener companies. (national newswatch)

  11. Cerberus: Re: programs to tax women less than men.
    Cerb…you sound confused at this reasoning…the concept of bearing a “sin” tax for being a male is obviously a dystopian mind fart fresh from the source; a fabian authoratarian brain trust that sculps public policy right from the anals of the mullahcracy or other great leaders of autoratrianism. Patriarcy, Matriachy…it’s all a matter of who oppresses who…and it’s payback time for sexual fascists.
    Once you realize that sexual politics (or post suffragette feminism as well as Radical Islam) is nothing more than sexual fascism, these policies make sense.
    Fascism inherent in sexual politics made public policy is easy to sell to decadent socialists because they care not if it brings equality…only if it has the “APPEARANCE” of making equality….in this case equality comes from the oppression of 50% of the population…makes good sense to any demented utopian..can’t you see the logic in it?

  12. Daniel,
    Interesting comment from Guiliani. It’s not unsurprising, though, as the Republicans used the same tactic in 2004, implying that the US would be “hit again” in the event of a John Kerry election win. Will it work again? Time will tell. Personally, I think it’s still so early in the 2008 race that comments like this, unless repeated often as a theme, will ultimately fade away.

  13. ‘De-Communization’ Key to Freedom, Says Human Rights Panel
    Hear that? If one won’t fight communism to destroy it worldwide, then one doesn’t truly care about human rights. This means most leftists/”liberals”/”progressives”. After all, these leftists prefer to condemn the Free World, where human rights are actually respected, while looking the other way on the tyrannical, butcherous Non-Free World’s complete absence of human rights.

  14. *
    Speaking of politically correct revisionism…
    “After some 60 years of loyal service, Uncle Ben is being elevated
    from fictional cook to fictional CEO of the fictional Uncle Ben’s Inc.

    Mars, which owns the brand, is about to spend $20 million on a
    campaign to spread the news.”


  15. There’s no such thing as an “exit strategy”
    Lewis MacKenzie
    Pardon my rant, but this ridiculous debate about when we should abandon, retreat, wave goodbye to Afghanistan is getting under my skin. Considering the sacrifices of Canadians killed and maimed to date, and those of their families and loved ones, the “let’s go home” crowd just doesn’t get it.
    Western democratic governments of all political stripes have spent the past four decades, post-Vietnam, agonizing over the criteria to be applied when determining if their nation should deploy in support of a war effort. Overworked bureaucratic terminology such as “an identifiable end-state,” “adequate resources to ensure victory,” “willing partners” and, the pièce de résistance, “an exit strategy!” show up ad nauseam. And yet every minute dedicated to developing such criteria is a total waste of time because governments never apply the criteria when making the decision to go to war. That decision is based on national self-interests as determined by the government of the day, the majority of those interests being much broader than the specifics surrounding the war itself.
    The criterion that most entertains members of the military over a beer is the political concept of an “exit strategy.” There is no such thing….-

  16. Breaking news(from G&M): Very sad day for all of us here..ROSIE is leaving The View!!! Would love to hear real reason behind this.

  17. Sammy: Last wkend Rosie was very rude and crude at an awards show for women. Used the F word repeatedly, and grapped her crotch and referred to the Donald and said Eat this. Via drudge, yesterday. How could ABC keep her, after all the fuss made re Imus and a few words, and the backlash over the VT killer.

  18. I forgot her comment re the toilet paper rationing, Have you seen my ass.
    Notice how all those Bush haters are falling out of favor-Alec Baldwin, Rosie and a few others. Gore/suzuki will be next.

  19. Decima to the rescue again!
    Poll out today:
    Conservatives 30%
    Liberals 29%
    What do they do?…phone 1000 people in Toronto?

  20. Re an exit plan. Has talibanjack or dion talked to Osama about his exit plan. Has anyone talked to the muslim terrorist supporters in Canada about their exit plan to leave Canada. Hey, if we have to have one, why not them.

  21. Eeyore, “The Swindle” isn’t a documentary from BBC, they have too much credibility to put their name on that pile of garbage.

  22. Re: Decima poll. I consider this a blessing in disguise. Maybe Dionsky will be emboldened by this “dead heat” poll and force election. Then, unengaged electorate will finally see Dionsky in action, as opposed to policy inaction so far, pandering for votes.
    Bring it on, especially debates, As for Clinton Mayday, forget it, you won’t get to be Dionsky’s english spokesperson on environment.

  23. Canadain Liberal leader MayDion’s defence “critic” is Denis-We-Are-All-Hezbollah-Now-Coderre.
    Coderre partnered with Hezbollah, aka Muslim Islamist terrorists.
    Remember “Green Helmet Guy” pimping dead bodies for Hezbollah?
    […] How the Media Partnered With Hezbollah – Harvard’s Cautionary Report
    While the war between Israel and Hezbollah raged in Lebanon and Israel last summer, it became clear that media coverage had itself started to play an important role in determining the ultimate outcome of that war. It seemed clear that news coverage would affect the course of the conflict. And it quickly transpired that Hezbollah would become the beneficiary of the media’s manipulation.
    A close examination of the media’s role during the 2006 Israel-Hezbollah war in Lebanon comes now from Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government, in an analysis of the war published in a paper whose subtitle should give pause to journalists covering international conflict: “The Israeli-Hezbollah War of 2006: The Media as a Weapon in Asymmetrical Conflict.” Marvin Kalb, of Harvard’s Shorenstein Center on the Press, Politics and Public Policy, methodically traces the transformation of the media “from objective observer to fiery advocate.” Kalb painstakingly details how Hezbollah exercised absolute control over how journalists portrayed its side of the conflict, while Israel became “victimized by its own openness.” …-

  24. Liberal MayDion: Muslim Islamist terrorist sympathizer. MayDion said to bring Islamist rapists, murderers to Canada. MayDion is an obscene socialist who would destroy Canada.
    Dion Accuses Gov’t Of Lying About Afghan Detainees
    Liberal Leader Stephane Dion is accusing the Harper government of intentionally hiding the fact it was aware of allegations that prisoners were being abused in the hands of Afghan authorities.
    (national newswatch)
    Meet the Iraqi Police in Kirkuk – “If America pulls out of Iraq, they will fail in Afghanistan”
    Michael Totten
    “If America pulls out of Iraq, they will fail in Afghanistan,” Mam Rostam said.
    Hardly anyone in Congress seems to consider that the Taliban insurgency in Afghanistan might become much more severe if similar tactics are proven effective in Iraq.
    “And they will fail with Iran,” he continued. “They will fail everywhere with all Eastern countries. The war between America and the terrorists will move from Iraq and Afghanistan to America itself. Do you think America will do that? The terrorists gather their agents in Afghanistan and Iraq and fight the Americans here. If you pull back, the terrorists will follow you there. They will try, at least. Then Iran will be the power in the Middle East. Iran is the biggest supporter of terrorism. They support Hezbollah, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, and Ansar Al Islam. You know what Iran will do with those elements if America goes away.” …-

  25. A few weeks ago I stated that it didn’t matter whether the rednecks believed in man made global warming or not. That in the end you will be legislated into conforming and will eventually be forced to reduce your greenhouse gases. To my surprise it’s Tubby Guts Harper that’s starting the ball rolling in that direction by introducing the first ban on inefficient products. In a few years you will only be able to purchase energy efficient light bulbs, so you will comply or will be in remain in the dark (something cons are particularly adapted to).
    Cons must really hate it when I’m right, again.
    Of course Harper can’t take real credit for this, the opposition majority has been dragging him around the environment issue by his leash ever since the previous environment minister introduced their little joke referred to as the “Clean Air Act”. But the incandescent light bulb ban wasn’t all his own idea I’m afraid, he stole the idea from Australia and the Ontario government. To come up with an idea like that might suggest Harper has vision, and we know that “Conservative and vision” go along as well as conservative and respect for human rights. Somewhat like oil and water.
    Oh and we can’t forget Harper was the first to introduce the first carbon tax on gas guzzling SUVs. I know he doesn’t call it a carbon tax, but you can call it anything you want it still adds up to a carbon tax.
    So tell me cons, have you taken Chretien’s picture down from your dartboards and replaced it with Harper’s yet?

  26. “Whoever undertakes to set himself up as a judge of truth and knowledge is shipwrecked by the laughter of the gods.” Albert Einstein

  27. Watching the Senate meeting on Afgan. Alexa Mc was an absolute idiot. The guy talking now, liberal, Akin, was sleeping during most of the questioning. However, a conservative did bring out that it was the liberals who signed and agreed to the agreement re the handing over of prisoners to the afghan government. Agreement signed Dec 18, 2005, by the cdn govt. So, this is another example of the liberals backtracking on their word. And Iggy says canada reputation is being ruined, sorry, it is the liberal reputation. I await for them to backtrack on the Charter of Rights. That I would agree with.
    Why are the ndp and liberals so concerned with beheaders. Why are they not concerned for our troops. Alexa tried to blame our troops for the many deaths of civilians by the taliban.
    And, again, how did the globe get the interviews with the prisoners. If anyone is being abused it is the cdn public by the talibanjacks and liberals.

  28. Jack’s Newswatch knows who the enemy is, where the enemies are in Canada; two enemies of Canada acting in concert.
    Here is #1: The socialists: Taliban MayDion-Liberals-Taliban Jack-NDP.
    Here is #2: The MSM media.
    The pen “IS” mightier than the sword
    Therefore you will forgive me for pointing out that I almost became physically ill today watching Stephane Dion come out and accuse Stephen Harper of being a liar. General Giap [Vietnam War communist] knows about people like Dion – how desperately they seek power — and how easily they are used. He also knows that Canadian media outlets which are hostile to our current military action in Afghanistan will hang on Dion’s every word and never question the source as they unwittingly obey their Muslim masters and print fiction as “truth”.
    When you stop to consider that some Canadian reporters are, at this very moment, going out of their way to find and interview “brutalized detainees” in order to advance their theme you will see (because you’ve read this entry) that Giap is right.
    Our “throat slitting” enemies do not need tanks and guns.
    All they truly need to win is a “useful fool” with a willing pen. …-

  29. “Why are the ndp and liberals so concerned with beheaders. Why are they not concerned for our troops.”
    Well you do have that wrong. Lets not forget it was the Liberals and Bloc who wanted to take the troops out of combat in 2008 and cons that want them kept at risk for an undetermined length of time. The NDP, well we’re not sure what the NDP wants and neither is the NDP.

  30. All they truly need to win is a “useful fool” with a willing pen. …

  31. I see Alby is declaring himself winner of the argument nobody had with him.
    No, Alby you lost the argument. It must really make you mad when Harper does the right thing, as opposed to Redgreen Dionsky who has yet to do a thing in his entire political career. Oh that’s right, he helped spend $50M of taxpayers’ dollars for a failed Kyoto meeting in Montreal, where as do-nothing enviro minister he was host, I mean chair.
    No wait, he stole the Clarity Act from Harper and Manning. I can’t wait until electorate gets load of this guy.
    Libs once again outflanked by Tories. Sucks to be you Alby. Besides, I could care less what arguments you care to make up. The only one that matters is that Tories are in power right now, and surely will be after next election.
    I don’t even have a dartboard. If I want the equivalent to Lib policies, I just have to turn on the comedy channel. BTW, Alby you’re not much of a socialist, unless you’re over 50 and haven’t got a brain, which may be the case.

  32. Guantanamo North
    May 7th, 2008
    Peter Mansbridge: Six months after the Governor General appointed Stephane Dion as Prime Minister, the Liberals have made good on their first priority as a government: setting up a prison in Canada for Taliban prisoners. Our Wendy Mesley travelled to the secret location on a Nunavut Island where the first prisoners are getting accustomed to their new home.
    (cut to to a woman in a cyan blue burqua holding a microphone. Next to her stands the newly appointed warden, Jason Cherniak, ‘an elfin type with fierce eyes’.)
    Wendy (muffled by cloth): Thanks, Peter. I’m standing next to Jason Cherniak, Warden of Camp Happyland, where Taliban fighters caught by Canadian forces will be held for the duration of the mission which ends in 2009. Mr. Cherniak, congratulations on the new appointment.
    Cherniak: Thanks, Wendy. Hold on a sec, I’m live blogging this over my wireless blackberry. …-

  33. From Chuckercanuck comments:
    Calgary Junkie said…
    A chilling preview for Liberals of how their professor-who-cant-think-fast-on-his-feet Dion is going to get massacred in the election debates. And not just by Harper, but by Layton and Duceppe (although Duceppe will probably show some mercy, so as to keep his federalist opponents as even as possible).
    I mean, here’s Dion, given a gift of a club to use on Harper–no less than a front page story from the Globe & Mail. And there he is
    looking self-satisfied in a scrum,
    asked a question that he should have anticipated, and given any one of many evasive non-answers. But he rambles on too long, all professor-like, sky-bluing that hey, maybe we can bring the prisoners here to Canada !
    After about six more months of these gaffes, Liberals will be begging Harper to call an election just to put them out of their misery.
    Tuesday, April 24, 2007 10:38:00 PM
    Splendor Sine Occasu said…
    I guess it’s true…the Liberals care more for the Taliban than they do Canadian soldiers.
    Piss on them! …-

  34. Telegdi … “has worked closely with the
    Canadian Islamic Congress (CIC) and spoken out against security
    Thu, 02 Mar 2006 Bulletin)
    DionMayLiberals, Telegdi = sympathizers of Muslim Islamic terrorists.
    [DionMay Liberal] MPs want review of case against Charkaoui
    “Liberal MP Andrew Telegdi, vice-chairman of the Commons citizenship and immigration committee, said the certificates are a flawed practice — although his own party used one against Charkaoui.’…-

  35. It must really make you mad when Harper does the right thing.
    Not really because Harper only does the right thing when the opposition forces him to do it. ie. Kyoto, Clean Air Act, same sex marriage debate etc. and of course now we are looking at O’Connor hoping Harper does the right thing by firing that ass-clown.
    “I don’t even have a dartboard.”
    That may be a good thing, we wouldn’t want you to hurt yourself.

  36. OK can we have Rona Ambrose back as the Environment Minister? This guy Baird is a disaster!
    At least with Ambrose you knew that policy was being formulated on the basis of science and not on day-to-day polling. He is a Librano in sheeps clothing and a disastrous policy maker.
    She p–ed off the dippers and lieberals because she understood that Kyoto was a hugely flawed policy based on science that has since been revised by its authors. She also made the mistake of not clearing house of all the KoolAid drinkers before trying to implement new policy.
    Recall Ambrose, allow her to fire ministry employees who are still bleating the nonsense of Kyoto despite scientific evidence to the contrary.
    Put in place a meaningful policy for adoption of NUCLEAR energy with adequate safeguards, and development of storage facilities for spent fuel (this is where I agree with Dion we could develop an new industry for the benefit of the world and make scads of money) We already have mothballed uranium mines in Sasketchewan emitting natural radiation with suitable remediation the spent fuels could be redeposited in their natural environment safely.
    Our future is NOT in banning incandescent light bulbs, lets think bigger than that and allow the market place to decide where the consumers best interests are.

  37. TalibanMayDion Liberals + Taliban Jack-NDP sympathizers of Taliban cowards using/perverting a 12-year old boy.
    Islam: a religion of the Taliban; sadistic perverts.
    Taliban Video: 12-Year-Old Boy Beheading Pakistani Man
    The Taliban is showing a video of a 12-year old boy being encouraged by men as he takes a knife to behead a Pakistani man accused of being an “American spy.”
    As the boy performs the slaughter, the men around him scream “Allah is Great.”
    Source: Al-Sharq Al-Awsat, April 23, 2007

  38. IQ39,
    Time to gleefully tear the wings off your arguments.
    I suspect buying or selling the odd incadescent lamp will not get you jail time. Yet the 75% lighting energy conserved may be enough to save building a multi billion$ hydro project. Will that save us taxes? Is that a good thing?
    OH, Gas guzzeling SUVs? Harper laid on incentives for Hybrids and EVs along with some of the provinces. Great idea. Yes?
    Try not to be too stubborn now. You could end up sitting at home in the dark, unable to go anywhere because your gas vehicle is dry and a conflict in the straight of Hormuz has made gas unavailable at any price.= TG

  39. “As the boy performs the slaughter, the men around him scream “Allah is Great.””
    I do believe that at least one women is involved (holding his ankles), good to see no job discrimination.

  40. To all leftie moonbats;since you like to brag that it was your ilk that dragged Prime Minister Harper to ban incandescent light bulbs,will it also be you who compensates me for my loss of income? (I paint used light bulbs).Thanks a lot you envirowackos!

  41. Fraud in the Saskatchewan NDP caucus?
    Mr. Krawetz: Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, in 1992 the NDP [New Democratic Party] caucus office hired a new director of administration, a woman named Ann Lord. In late August 1992 Ann Lord disappeared quite suddenly. It turns out that she was on the run from police, and Ann Lord wasn’t even her real name. Her real name was Ann Davey, and she was wanted for 85 counts of fraud and embezzlement in the United States.
    Mr. Speaker, to the Premier: did Ann Davey ever commit fraud or any type of misappropriation of taxpayers’ money while she worked in the NDP caucus office?

    Mr. Krawetz:— Mr. Speaker, on November 21, 1992, a story about Ann Davey appeared in the Leader-Post. In that story, police said there were no complaints against Davey in Saskatchewan. And according to officials in the NDP caucus office, there was no . . .

    Mr. Krawetz: — Thank you, Mr. Speaker. Mr. Speaker, my questions have to do with the use of taxpayers’ dollars and with the administration of justice. Mr. Speaker, the Saskatchewan Party has obtained a copy of a letter dated August 23, 1992. It is a letter of confession. The letter says, and I quote, “I have used Caucus Office funds for personal use by inflating the cheques payable to me for petty cash and other cash reimbursements.” This is written in confidence from Ann Lord.

    What else are the NDP hiding? What about the alleged fraudster at SaskPower who still has not been charged with a crime, nor has been named publicly? (a year later). Are they covering up for him too?

  42. Time to gleefully tear the wings off your arguments.
    “I suspect buying or selling the odd incadescent lamp will not get you jail time. Yet the 75% lighting energy conserved may be enough to save building a multi billion$ hydro project. Will that save us taxes? Is that a good thing?”
    Well I don’t suppose buying and selling incandescents will put you behind bars, especially since those that sell them won’t be able to get them if they aren’t made.
    Well yes saving on not building a power plant is a good thing, but like I said, it wasn’t a con idea. Do you really think he would have done anything had the opposition not forced him to do it? But lets face it, there still has a lot of CO2 emissions to be cut.
    “OH, Gas guzzeling SUVs? Harper laid on incentives for Hybrids and EVs along with some of the provinces. Great idea. Yes?”
    It was an opposition idea long ago.
    “Try not to be too stubborn now. You could end up sitting at home in the dark, unable to go anywhere because your gas vehicle is dry and a conflict in the straight of Hormuz has made gas unavailable at any price.= TG”
    Well wouldn’t that be interesting, especially since Canada has lots of oil of it’s own. Are you suggesting Harper and the Cons would sell Canadian oil to the Americans and leave Canadians without? Oh and sitting in the dark because of the Strait of Hormuz. No I don’t think that will happen in Manitoba since we are an exporter of electrical power made from hydro.
    But lets face it, the fact that a fair percentage of the world’s oil passes through the Strait of Hormuz (thirty percent if I remember correctly) tels us we should be finding alternate fuel sources for our vehicles.

  43. Another poll out today, showing libs and conservatives in a tie. I doubt that is true, but if it is, maybe conservatives who are polled are tired of being governed by the opposition. We had the lib/ndp for 13 yrs, and it seems they are still ruining our lives. Good news is the libs are down from 60% to 44% in Ontario 416 area. NDP is up. Time for PMSH to pull the plug and call an election.
