26 Replies to “Sanitizing Art”

  1. WHAT!
    Is the BC legislature mad! Don’t they believe in employment equity. I see no sign of chains or that these were slaves. The white guys are carrying things too you know. Clearly, this is an inspired representation of a happy multicultural society working together and respecting each others customs. You will note there is no cultural oppression regarding clothing, even the women’s culturally appropriate topless is honoured and recognized not hidden.
    How can you possibly object to such a wonderful work of cultural sensitivity and gender equity?

  2. Another glorious advance brought to you by the BC Ministry of Truth.
    War is Peace; Freedom is Slavery; Ignorance is Strength.

  3. The Aboriginals have become breast fetish sensitive. Too bad.
    I liked them better without the white man*s off balance hyper sensitivity.
    This is something like the silly fuss about natural parts on the stature in front of Vancouver*s Pacific Press building on Granville in Vancouver.
    Very few if anyone objects to natural parts on statues in Europe, but that could change with the Shia Muslim influx. = TG

  4. We had to take this artwork down because it is fictional…it shows Indians working.

  5. Gordon Campbell
    Congrats…you get the Dewitty prize for the best comment of the day in the humour category!

  6. It’s interesting how puritans always go after art: and make no mistake, modern leftism is a form of puritanism. What’s next on the smash-it-up list?

  7. I agree that the murals should stay as part of BC’s history but unfortunately for Gordon Campbell and all us residents of BC there is huge issue to be resolved. Unlike the rest of Canada, most of BC’s first nations have not yet negotiated treaties. This was supposed to be done by the federal government as a condition of BC entering confederation. We’re still waiting.
    Currently the natives claim land territory greater than all of BC. The problem is that any land claimed by a first nations tribe is very difficult to develop due to the uncertainty of ownership. Who wants to invest in a project which could be taken over or closed down if the land is eventually granted to a first nation.
    After 20 years and many supreme court cases only one treaty has been negotiated (Nisgaa) and another is up for ratification. Gordon Campbell is just trying to make nice to speed this process along so us white guys can continue to rape and pillage the environment.

  8. well, im all for showing the natives in their natural state. it was white puritans who were ashamed of the human body that forced the natives to clothe themselves. i like this picture because it shows european man and north american native man cooperating as they should

  9. well, im all for showing the natives in their natural state. it was white puritans who were ashamed of the human body that forced the natives to clothe themselves. i like this picture because it shows european man and north american native man cooperating as they should

  10. “modern leftism is a form of puritanism”
    You mean like crucifixes in jars of urine? You’re almost as funny as Gordon Campbell.

  11. Let’s get specific. The nipples and aerolas must be covered with pasties to obscure the offending sexual perversion of the artists. Of course the other pov could be that squaws hauling logs can have those sweet bods with those lucious big perky boobs that women nowadays would kill for ….

  12. And the world condemed the taliban for blowing up a Budda in Afgan. Guess they are closer than we think. Whose stupid idea is this, that will be mocked for years by our children and grandchildren. (if they survive global warming)

  13. …this coming from a province that had a nude boy walking in front of the Vancouver Sun building on Granville back in the 70’s.
    Could never figure out the family statues, all were dressed except the kid. Was going to put a jock-strap on it for my Grad year, but chickened out a the last minute.

  14. Well we live in a neurotic culture.
    Recall “TEETGATE” with Janet Jackson’s wardrobe malfunction. I think that went on for weeks.
    Every kid with an internet connection was viewing it on youtube.
    According to this website:
    Pornography Industry Statistics
    Size of the Industry $57.0 billion world-wide – $12.0 billion US
    Adult Videos $20.0 billion
    Escort Services $11.0 billion
    Magazines $ 7.5 billion
    Sex Clubs $ 5.0 billion
    Phone Sex $ 4.5 billion
    Cable & Pay Per View $ 2.5 billion
    Internet $ 2.5 billion
    CD-Rom $ 1.5 billion
    Novelties $ 1.0 billion
    Other $ 1.5 billion
    Porn revenue is larger than all combined revenues of all professional football, baseball and basketball franchises.
    US porn revenue exceeds the combined revenues of ABC, CBS, and NBC (6.2 billion)
    Child pornography generates $3 billion annually
    With statistics like that why bother with the artwork in the legislature? Hardly a pressing priority.
    Maybe if we watch more hockey during this year’s playoffs combined sports revenue might edge out the porn industry this year.

  15. BC has been sanitizing history for years. Try finding any reference to cannibalism or slave killing in the Victoria Museum’s “first nations” display.

  16. ALL history showing any of this reality must be removed/destroyed/bulldozed/whatever.After all,Utopians do not live in reality,so why chronicle/preserve it? If you get rid of it,it did not happen.Thus the hand wringing leftards can feel good about denying that their great-grandfather/mother,thrice removed,actually had anything to do with it.Thus they can be happy going to the museum in Victoria,because they just have happy scenes! But, do not swim there,in the polluted cesspool they created by dumping raw sewage into the harbor.Oppppsss.Sorry.That doesn’t happen either. Twits.

  17. And, as I posted on another site, after we’ve expunged all vestiges of white man’s oppression of the Noble Savages, what then is the basis of their claims of victimhood?
    Does this signal the end of Native activism, and finally joining the new world? Waste of time.

  18. historically inaccurate. what did natives invent tube tops or bra’s?
    they should also be shown smoking and a 2-4 of Blue down by the side.
    are they going to replace it with a portrait of the first premier of BC. D’amour de Cosmos (lover of the Universe)
    the left coast has a long legacy of lunacy.

  19. speaking of natural art.
    when will the mussi’s knock off Davids willy in Florence, after all he is a joo.

  20. I was going to make the connection between destruction of art in BC and the taliban’s destruction of art in afghan but then I noticed the post already did.
    At least have the decency to cover it up and not destroy it. The victorians wrapped a stone fig leaf over Michaelangelo’s David but it was reversable. Other works had the twig and berries smashed off with hammers.
    Vandalism against art is the work of the oppressors and the tyrants.
    Shame on the BC Liberals.

  21. Here we go again, everyone will have to change history to accommodate anyone or any group who might be offended. This is not new but most of the time stuff has just been ignored or put out of the way. I remember when my son came back from a high school trip to Greece. Some of the artwork (replicas obviously) and pictures were definitely interesting. Seems they didn’t have the same hangups back in the day and the pictorials showed several sexual positions and variations I had never seen. And those dudes were civilized!
    This segues into a pet peeve of mine. Who decides what we can see or what we can’t on television? A case in point: a medical show was doing some stories on surgery. One was a breast reduction surgery where the nipples were fuzzed out, I guess to keep the public from getting aroused by a nipple floating in a pool of blood and tissue surrounded by green cloth. Second was a young teenage boy who had a condition where his breast tissue overdeveloped. So were those nipples fuzzed? No, and for the life of me I can’t figure out the logic. Kind of like the video of an African tribe where bare breasts are out there for all to see but the moment one of the white explorers joins the dancing the fuzz comes out. Now, if that had been an African-American explorer, what would have happened? People are strange but some are stranger. Kind of like seeing the TV version of The Terminator where he says beep “gosh darn…” beep before the blood and guts fly. Logic fails me but then I’ve seen people in a tizzy about a statue of a naked cherub on top of a building (kind of like Manitoba’s golden boy) and wanted it covered up.

  22. Manitobas legislature is a giant masonic temple. watch what you are saying.
    in canada, Im not making this up.

  23. What’s the big deal about Native women’s bare breasts? Heck, in the advertising industry, alone, we have white women’s breasts selling everything from gum to jeans to Oil of Olay to cars to…you name it.
    The Native mammary glands in the murals are far more tasteful than white women’s crass commercial boobs in magazines, subways, newspapers, television, and billboards. If they take the breasts off the Native women in the murals then I, as a white woman with two young white women daughters, DEMAND that they take our boobs off all advertising materials.
    That’s equality.

  24. Translation of that hyergliphic YOU SAW MY WIFE IT HIT YOU IN NOGGIN WITH THIS HERE STICK
