Wheat Acres Down 10%

Barley up 13.3%, according to the March producers survey by Stats Can.
Meanwhile, back at the CWB;

The CWB has dropped its 06/07 Pool Return Outlook for barley, claiming that customers are “reluctant to make purchases as they are anticipating their ability to access supplies from multiple sellers at values lower than a single-desk seller”.
Say again? The CWB will not lose its monopoly on barley marketing until the end of this crop year. So barley sales made in the 07/08 crop year will affect returns in the 06/07 pool? How does that work?
If customers are holding off on purchases until the next crop year, that has no affect on the PRO for this year. Unless, of course, the CWB royally messed up by underselling the market earlier in the year, hoping to make up for their poor performance in the 11th hour.
What exactly was the CWB doing during the last three months of excellent barley prices? Sitting on their hands? Why else, with only 3 months left in the crop year would they need to drop the PRO by 8 dollars per tonne?

h/t Catprint

7 Replies to “Wheat Acres Down 10%”

  1. Perhaps with the Barley returns so visible , this year the CWB will get caught price fixing barley for the big malters/brewers who have been getting protected pricing for years at the grower’s expense.

  2. Does the ethanol strategy benefit farmers?
    Can they choose to sell (spoiled or feed grade) barley to ethanol plants instead of the CWB?
    For a better return?
    More markets, more choice, more demand?

  3. …what no popcorn?
    CWB must think the farmers and consumers out west toe the Liberal line, beer and popcorn.
    Sad, and good riddance to them. What bothers me, like Liberal voters, is the farmers still holding onto the CWB as a security blanket and their government issued paycheques as a soother.
    Time to step out of the comfort zone folks.

  4. Hey I’m waiting for the U of Sask CWB supporters to explain this barley pricing disaster to us barley growing morons.
    Maybe in a book called ‘Barley Marketing for Dummies’?
    The U of Sask blind mice boasted that the CWB knows more about selling barley and maximizing returns to the producers than anybody else in the world.
    And we would lose $59 million per year if the CWB lost its monopoly.
    And then this news comes out.
    Obviously, that should have been that we would lose at least $59 million per year if the CWB DOES market our barley.
    The cold hard reality is that the CWB has NOT been a real grain marketing agency for at least 50 years.
    It has been a make-work, ripoff social program controlled by selfish Liberals from the Really Crooked Liberal Party of 3 Big Cities.
