Close The Borders

Do it now.

The federal government announced Tuesday it will begin widespread testing of both human food and animal feed to determine to what extent melamine or other related chemicals may have crept into the diets of not just pets, but people.
U.S. Food and Drug Administration regulators said pet food tainted with melamine was sold to hog farms in as many as six states, and to a poultry farm in another.
The new federal testing, to begin this week, will target six vegetable protein sources commonly used in animal and human food products: wheat gluten, corn gluten, corn meal, rice bran, rice protein concentrate and soy protein.

12 Replies to “Close The Borders”

  1. Yes, close the borders to imports of Chinese food, until it can be tested and verified safe. While the majority of food is safe, the instances of contaminated food is just too high to ignore this latest set of problems.
    My understand is that in the individual ration packs issued to Canadian Forces troops, there is (or was) packages of imported Chinese honey the was unfit for human consumption.

  2. HUH??? I thought that was in their job description already. How nice that they are going to start inspecting the food stuff coming across the border. Who checked it previous to this? We are constantly told our food supply is safe–from what testing did this pronouncement emanate? Or was it just more feel-good statements that were not worth the paper they were written on?
    When I was in Arizona a few years ago the US was caught trying to export cattle with Blue Tongue into Mexico. Instead of focusing on China we should be focusing on ALL imports. Our agricultural producers are held to the highest standards–why is this not demanded of the food we import?

  3. TruthSeeker,
    I bet you thought that was clever?
    You misunderstand the function of both the market and the role of government.
    Even Adam Smith foresaw market failures and the role of the state in regulating where the market was incapable of adjusting/correcting.
    You should learn some economics before trying to sound smart. Condescension backfires when you get it wrong. You end up looking stupid.
    The government’s job is to regulate in the market to correct market failures and provide pure public goods. We also have criminal and civil laws to curb anti-social and damaging behaviour. The market serves its purpose, the government its purpose. What libertarians and conservatives object to isn’t government but government’s usurpation of the market’s place in the economy. The government is SUPPOSED to be dealing with its responsibilities and customs and trade is most certainly the government’s place to regulate – as is public health laws.
    So, before shooting your mouth off, at least come up with a valid and factually based insult.
    Now go catch your bus or you’ll be late for class.

  4. We do not need to be importing any foodstuffs for pets or people from that human rights abusing place, beloved sanctuary of Mo Strong. They starve their own people in favor of their huge army to defend their Great Tiny Leader while he proceeds with his nuclear ambitions.
    We should have less and less to do with such a regime and NEVER trust the starving weasels.

  5. China gave me a great liver to tide me over till the Islamofacists take over and can supply new parts for the elite!

  6. Wr did,nt have any problems with flus until they stared letting in all these illegal aleisn without the vacinations. aaanndd iimmm ggeettiiinngg bbbiiirrrddd fflluu iimmm ggrroowwiinngg ffeeaatthhheerrrsss aaannddd wwiinngggsss aanndd aaaa bbeeaakk aaanndd iii wwaanntt tttooo bbbuuiillddd aaaa nneeessttt SQUAWK SQUAWK

  7. Chinese are lying, treacherous, murderous sacks of shit. Send a message to these mofu’s by closing the border immediately.
    They pirate movies and software, they have no problem with deceiving and denying everything about how they do things, including poisons in their wheat gluten. Its all one and the same. They are an inferior culture. Nothing is real, everything is perception and deception.
    Melamine probably was added to inflate the protein content of the food. Thats just scummy.
    Teach these lying bastards a lesson and close the border to their products until they evolve from the monkeys that they are. Ching-chang-chong… I can’t understand you … go back to your country.

  8. Chinese are a lying, treacherous, murderous people. Send a message to these mofu’s by closing the border immediately.
    They pirate movies and software, they have no problem with deceiving and denying everything about how they do things, including poisons in their wheat gluten. Its all one and the same. They are an inferior culture. Nothing is real, everything is perception and deception.
    Melamine probably was added to inflate the protein content of the food. Thats just scummy.
    Teach these lying buggers a lesson and close the border to their products until they evolve from the monkeys that they are. Ching-chang-chong… I can’t understand you … go back to your country.
