Reader Tips

I’ve been putting in 12 – 16 hour days this week, so you’ll have to entertain each other with your tips and links for now. Sorry – I just don’t have the time to follow them up!

99 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. Not so much a tip, as it is a gripe.
    What’s with the Harper Conservatives and their swallowing of the Kyoto KoolAid. I’m really disappointed in their Enviro announcement from yesterday.
    Carbon credits, banning lightbulbs, etc… What a load of crap. I know they have to suck up to the green crowd a little, but this has gone way too far.

  2. I agree Scott, what’s with these people??
    As a lifelong Conservative/Reform/Conservative, I can’t believe they would get sucked in this far.

  3. Arrest warrants for Hollywood actor Richard Gere and Bollywood star Shilpa Shetty on Thursday for kissing

  4. Kate, For goodness sake cut out these long long days- we need you healthy and alert on the canada world watch beat!

  5. I think Harper is holding back on announcing Sheryl Crow’s “one-sheet” plan until during the next election campaign. Harper is nutsy. Outlawing light bulbs? Are these the same people who argued that the gun law was unconstitutional as property rights are the jurisdiction of provinces? We’ll see if the provinces challenge this crap law.
    So much crap from these Liberal-Tory-same-old-story types that I sure hope we’re not rationed to one-sheet.

  6. Arrest warrant for Richard Gere? What took so long? I would have issued it back when he did An Officer and A Gentleman.
    Let’s bring that Indian judge over here so that we can tolerantly celebrate that diversity!

  7. Same thing happened with Mulroney; the (Western) base is being abandoned for what is hoped to be greater gains in Ontario and Quebec. The only thing is, I think I have seen this movie before.

  8. Kevin:
    I feel the same way. And I’m so torn. I’m pissed at the Conservatives but have no alternative to vote for.
    The CPC could be in real trouble if there’s enough people like me who end up parking their vote and just not showing up on election day.
    Unlike a Liberal supporter I won’t vote for my party just because I’m conservative. The CPC needs to earn my vote. And so far to date they have not done that.

  9. To achieve zero growth in CO2 in 2012 means we must have zero economic growth and zero immigration.

  10. Is anyone else kind of pissed that, as taxpayers, we’re funding Justin Trudeau’s PR & nomination campaign?
    Is it a coincidence that he’s running in the riding of Papineau and got paid taxpayer money to play Papineau in the CBC’s “The Great War?”
    I think not.

  11. A little cold here today. I’ve got bank of 600 watts of outlaw-lighting on to cut the edge. The dim-whits would rather I fire up the furnance and heat the whole building?
    Are the Conservatives planning on outlawing candles as well? I haven’t heard anything on this yet (maybe that will be covered when it goes through committee).
    How long until Harper has his Jimmy Carter moment, wearing a sweater and asking us to turn down the thermostat and bundle up?
    In a funny way, Harper seens to be bringing Klien’s wish to fruition: “Let those Eastern bastards freeze in the dark.”

  12. *
    In between praying… five times a day…
    Up to 70% of files exchanged between Saudi teenagers’
    mobile phones contain pornography, according to a study
    in the ultra-conservative Muslim kingdom.

    We’re talkin’ lots of sticky fingers here.

  13. I’m no kyoto koolaid drinker but why such a fuss over lightbulbs? If the government is going to do all kinds of stupid and expensive things, that seems the least offensive.
    I’ve been slowly moving over to the things for no other reason than they save me money.
    Electricity isn’t cheap and it will only get more expensive with our present delusional mania sweeping leftdom/media and apparently now the CPC.
    Switch over as your lightbulbs die. I’ve been doing that for a few years now. I haven’t changed them all but enough that the bill is going down.

  14. An interesting thing on the Reformless-Tories is that the current MP roster is 66 Manitoba West and 59 Ontario East. To get a majority, there needs to be 30 more Conservative MPs, and these need to almost all come from Ontario East. These would be Progressives by and large which means vindication for Liberal Lite policy and a majority of the caucus being Easterners.

  15. the lightbulb ban is good. it will allow the indians to diversify into new contraban.
    a pack of smokes , a carton of 40s , a pack of 100s and a freezer light please.

  16. My opinion on the environmental announcements – there is no fighting this in the current hysterical media atmosphere. So, the next best option is to “love it to death”.
    I hate it too. I just don’t see what the alternatives are in the current political situation.

  17. Good point Warwick:
    I’ve been slowly replacing light fixtures in my home to more attractive ones with a halogen bulb.
    I’ve used fluorescent tubes in the kitchen, but only the full spectrum ones, so I don’t turn into an ‘office idiot’.
    Two 60 Watt regular incandescents can be replaced by one 100 Watt halogen. The lumens output is equivalent and you save 20 Watts, while the bulb lasts 500 hours longer.
    Leverage this out for 11 million house holds and you can do the math. Recapture of the price of the light fixtures is debatable, but the savings in electricity are absolute.

  18. Warwick:
    It isn’t the point of whether the bulbs are not as efficient as the new ones, it’s the fact that
    the government is again intruding in our lives by BANNING them. Today a light bulb ban, tomorrow…who knows?

  19. Warwick the problem is that the government has no right to tell us what kind of lightbulbs t0 sell. Unless someone holds up a study (and it better be chock full of dead bodies) that says incandescent bulbs emit poisonous vapours, this is just bullshit. Meaningless, damaging, pandering bullshit.
    My rule will always be, I don’t care so long as I don’t pay for it and my kids don’t have to regurgitate it back at some union hack counting down the seconds until her next 2 month annual vacation, go for it.
    In this case it’s going to cost me as the price of fluorescent bulbs goes up. Eff that.

  20. Common sense will set in when buisnesses start to lay off staff; investments in any new projects dry up; prices go sky high; inflation hits ….
    and the Conservatives will remind us that THIS plan does not go as far as ALL of the other opposition parties who want YOU to SUFFER for THEIR radical fanatical RELIGION!
    I can see that as the strategy. When the only people assured of a job are the enviromental nut job activists and the rest of us are ruled by their fear mongering sanity MAY prevail.
    But, in my opinion, it will only be when our truly comprimsed and in many cases stupid and uninfromed media start reportiong reality instead of ideology as fact.
    Perhaps when advertising revenue starts to dry up and CTV, CBC, GLOBAL and the various hysterical lefty rags have to lay off staff to “save the world” we may get a return to some honesty in the media.
    Because, as we know in this country, with our media every story is “all about them and their needs and their careers and their friends and maybe evn their future senate seats.”

  21. One to watch,is Rosemary Barton..anothe Harper Hatin’ Harpie courtesy of cbc.The new Lawand,I’m thinking.Spews vile anti-con “news”and is not at all backward about voicing partisan slant on the news.Especially disgusting this week.Also,just caught that other sleazeball Byers,on cbc…thinks Candian politicians etc.should be hauled in/charged with war crimes.Guess which politicians????

  22. Interesting aspect to the “bulb ban.”
    So far as I can tell it’s not a ban on “incandescant” bulbs but a ban on “inefficient” bulbs. Which current incandescants fall under.
    However, GE is developing a high efficiency incandescant bulb that is supposed to be close to CFLs in energy consumption and lumens output.

  23. Re the CPC slide into pandering for political support!
    These guys had better watch out….we the long time Conservative Canadian Citizens will hand them their ass just like we did after Mulroney/Clark/Campbell!

  24. I would prefer that governments focus on getting that expensive “Debt Retirement” charge off of my hydro bill, and then find the buggers responsible in the first place and string them up.
    That will go a lot further in lowering my electrical bill.

  25. anyone tried running one of those twisted sister bulbs in their frig??
    better know where the beer is. by the time it comes on ,you’ll be ready for another.

  26. M. Hawkins
    A question for you. What if the CPC gains those 30 seats in Ontario and East, but loses 40 Manitoba and West? Or is it believed that we out West will vote CPC no matter what, come hell or high water?

  27. Kate,
    You say there’s no fighting the media hysteria, but nobody’s really trying! They’ve just given up, and there won’t be any turning back even if they hit majority territory. Many columnists and bloggers will correctly argue that the effects of a bulb ban could be better met with less authoritarian measures like adding an environmental levy to bulb purchases. Unfortunately, the malleable masses don’t get a chance to see these opinions or they don’t pay them any heed…they just see snippets from whatever the government announces and go with it.
    There’s been a U-turn all right, and it’s in the CPC’s support of freedom and justice. Regardless of whether or not it’s a ploy to gain majority votes, the damage is done.
    If this ban happens, what’s stopping the next step? Let’s outlaw plasma TVs and see how well that goes over… LCDs are more efficient, and it really doesn’t matter if you’re not getting exactly the best picture… LCD should be good enough for everyone.
    Man…my grandma’s 70-yr-old chandelier is going to look mighty funny with a bunch of coiled-up CFLs in it.

  28. Just saw on cbc where this ryan fellow from UBC and the other fool prof from the U of Ottawa want canada to be brought up on war crime charges. What a farce,a muslim and a devout liberal,he is buddies with axworthy,want to drag the conservatives through the mud,when it was the liberals who made the original deal. I am pretty damn sure that prisoners were taken before the last election. I wonder why the cbc has not put mccallum on the hot seat and asked him about his hand in this deal.PMSH was bang on when he said that the left is more concerned about the taliban than our soldiers.

  29. Guys, I didn’t say I agreed with a ban, I just said of all the stupidity and craziness that is coming our way compliments of the hysterical Kyoto koolaid drinkers, that seems the least offensive.
    I mean, this is the ONLY thing the government will ban/mandate/fund/etc that will actually SAVE you money. Everything else you’ll need the savings to pay for and then some.

  30. I read somewhere that besides the mercury in the bulbs they phase shift the power resulting in almost twice the volt amp usage as watts. This results in increased power outputs from generating plants. It also requires larger wires and greater line loss for transmission. Things are never what they seem. Will there be a run on incandescent bulbs? I think I better go stock up.

  31. Yeah Kevin, that is what Stephen “Little Brian” Harper is risking. With the Red Toryism running the CPC it will take the West stepping out to get a conservative party again. If this happens we’re back where we were 20 years ago.
    I think Western losses would need to be larger than Eastern gains for the CPC leadership to take a step back. Unfortunately Western Torys like Prentice and Reynolds hold a lot of sway today. But without a Reform alternative, is there that many seats that can be lost in the West?
    The direction is to fight to make the CPC conservative. This begins at the riding level: board, candidates, delegates. Then hold your MP’s feet to the fire and don’t support him (volunteer or money) if he takes away your light bulbs while declaring Quebec a nation and jacking up taxes.

  32. I think the Conservatives are attempting to find a middle ground between environmentalists and economy. As far as I can see, they have very little “wiggle room”. Can you just imagine what would happen in the media if Harper said “We’re going to pull out of Kyoto.” The Harper government would be better able to push back on the environmental hysteria with a majority — a few more years and with any luck a different doomsday scenario will emerge. I don’t agree with what Conservatives are doing, but Harper would be pilloried by the opposition, press, Suzuki etc. and naive, ill-informed voters would as usual thoughtlessly swallow what they are told by the media. Part of the problem is that there is not a strong and respected intellectual right wing voice in our country to back up Conservative positions. Westerns Standard is great, but not widely enough circulated. C.D. Howe does good work, but too often dismissed by left wing media sources that dominate our urban centres.

  33. Good suggestion Hawkins. Just received another beg-letter in the mail today from CPC again urgently needing my money. I believe I’ll just copy your last paragraph to it and return it sans donation.

  34. Well. To those with their knickers in a knot over the phasing out of inefficient bulbs, I ask you this. If you allow, by parking your vote, the Liberals to regain power. How would you justify this small intrusion against a flat Carbon tax and overintrusion that the opposition parties claim they will legislate? Remember what 13 years of liberal power did to this country? Will you be so ideologicaly ridgid that you will sacrifice the good of this country for your pride? This government has to try and Compromise in order to remain in power. You feel that your justified in punishing the government for failing your ideology while you would jeapordize the conservative movement to assauge hurt feelings? This is the same BS that happened after Emerson crossed the floor. Everyone is overreacting. Please keep things in context and avoid flying apart at the slightest afront.

  35. Of course we are all adults here and fully realize this clumsy supposed ban is just likely to help in a small way if we tolerate in a cooperative spirit.
    It*s just so easy to blow a small error out of proportion but aside from a little fun, there is not much to be gained.
    A two dollar coupon for CFLs on the back of the Harper mailer would have been a wiser approach.
    Smart conservatives try to follow this blogsite, so hopefully there will be no more impulsive bans coming down the pipe. = TG

  36. Re: Bob Fife, CTV’s blonde bombshell Liberal senator wannabe:
    Is it my imagination or does Fife’s hair today look a little less YELLOW and BRASSY and more SILVERY to match the greying at his temples?
    Perhaps his CTV paid for image consultant gave him a makeover .
    More proof that the Prime MInister’s joking jab at his blonde hair at his ripe old age got under his thin skin.?

  37. Truthsayer said. . .
    **I read somewhere that besides the mercury in the bulbs they phase shift the power resulting in almost twice the volt amp usage as watts. This results in increased power outputs from generating plants. It also requires larger wires and greater line loss for transmission. Things are never what they seem.**
    I*m choking on this. Respectfully, a link to verification would really help. = TG

  38. I actually found appointing a fundraiser to the Senate and putting said Senator in cabinet on a long-term basis (first time since Bennett did it in 1930’s) was much less appealing than Emerson.
    When I compare CPC to LPC, the corruption issue is what puts the CPC ahead. That is worth a lot.
    But don’t tell me I can’t try to make the CPC a conservative party and I have to be content with a Liberal-Tory-same-old-story hegemony.

  39. Global Warming Swindle?
    A letter to Al Gore about his mockumentary, “An oh-so-Convenient Batch of Lies”..?
    A group of British climate scientists is demanding changes to a skeptical documentary about global warming, saying there are grave errors in the program [..]
    An open letter sent Tuesday by 38 scientists, including the former heads of Britain’s academy of sciences and Britain’s weather office, called on producer Wag TV to remove what it called “major misrepresentations” from the film before the DVD release [..]
    Bob Ward, the former spokesman for the Royal Society, Britain’s academy of science, and one of the letter’s signatories, said director Mark Durkin made a “long catalog of fundamental and profound mistakes” [..]
    “Free speech does not extend to misleading the public by making factually inaccurate statements,” he said. “Somebody has to stand up for the public interest here.”

  40. Liberals at work: McGuinty Liberals; Liberals of the Caledonia, Ontario stand-off with the Tali, er terroris, er, aborig, er, some indians.
    Ontario Liberals Stop Auditor General From Investigating Grants
    @Body:BC-Multicultural-Funding, 1st Writethru

    TORONTO — The Liberals have used their majority to stop the auditor general from investigating how grants were doled out by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration and are instead asking the beneficiaries to account for their spending.
