Reader Tips

I’ve been putting in 12 – 16 hour days this week, so you’ll have to entertain each other with your tips and links for now. Sorry – I just don’t have the time to follow them up!

99 Replies to “Reader Tips”

  1. of course there is a phase shift in a flourecent bulb. I had not thought of it before, its a capicitor. yes , it will take more power than is obvious.
    just the usual gubmint screwing with reality. when we get to 50% twisted sister bulbs the whole system may come unraveled. but its okay, just say that the utility companies messed it up.
    north america has one of the most energy efficient distribution systems in the world. it would take some leftist nutcakes to muck in up.

  2. Well Garth has allowed his blog to become smut, below gutter.
    He says that he monitors his commentators and wants to have a decorum… Not!
    See for yourselves:
    comment from By Georgine on 04.26.07 5:47 am
    “I think most of feel that way, unless they are cold heartless killers like Baird ”
    While not everyone agreed with the Liberals of yester year, surely, the Liberal Party of Canada was way above this sort of thing.

  3. Maz2,
    You beat me to it. I was just about to post that link. Pretty obvious the McGuinty’s Liberals don’t want the taxpayer to know how they are buying votes through targeted ethnic-group grants, eh?
    I love this Liberal response to accountability for the funds, “I think our direction to the ministry, seeking reports from the [grant] recipients, is appropriate.”
    You know, these groups with their nose in the trough, they’ll tell us they spent the money properly – nothing to see here, move along.

  4. PM Blast Back
    The PM blast’s Dion & Iggy with both barrels today in QP after taking abusive allegations about our forces. The liberals are more worried about the Taliban, The same group of terrorist that have killed our men & women over their protecting & defending the innocents of Fanatical Terrorism. The same group of terrorist that would sooner decapitate school teachers, beat & stone women & prevent innocent children from learning the wonders of the world.
    The liberals are accusing the PM, DM, FM & OUR FORCES of unfair treatment to the Enemy, WHAT THE F*** is wrong with this picture, Canada wake up. You may not agree with the current action, But don’t accuse our troops of acts that are unspeakable, Of acts that the fanatics are famous for, So I ask why are the F*****G Liberals defending the Enemy?.

  5. Big three attitude re: Electric Vechiles from a four page report of a 27 month fleet use study of 24 EVs in Montreal – 2000-2001.
    To avoid delays in supplying those who
    could carry out a project within a fixed
    deadline, it would be better to obtain the
    participation of a larger number of manufacturers
    (GM, Toyota, Honda, etc.). At the
    time of the project, most makers did not
    appear to be ready to distribute their
    products on the Canadian market and the
    partners had to redouble their efforts to get
    their participation.
    Like pulling hens
    = TG

  6. bryanr:I especially loved it,when PMSH pretty much dared Iggy/Dion to ‘take their accusations’ outside the House!I did yell YES to the that moment..and felt a bit foolish giving him a standing O,and applause.My doggies agreed tho!

  7. Didn’t Kinsella start working for McWimpy…
    “The Liberals have used their majority to stop the auditor general from investigating how grants were doled out by the Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration and are instead asking the beneficiaries to account for their spending.
    A Liberal-dominated legislative committee voted down an opposition motion Thursday to have the province’s auditor examine how $20 million in grants were handed out to various multicultural organizations at the end of the last fiscal year without a formal application process.”

  8. I am not happy with the conservatist political model that we see from this bunch. I will not vote Lib/NDP/Green either.
    Instead, I didn’t renew my membership, nor did I give them the $300 that I committed last year. I would have probably donated $500 this year. This is my way of letting them know that I want them to show me something.
    Dave Rutherford was asking the questions this morning. Who’s gonna look out for Alberta’s interest? Dave, you are doing a great job informing Albertans. The pinch is on.

  9. Scientists are nervous, edgy, etc. They are too tense. Will there be 90 or 140 sunspots? Please tell us; hurry.
    Solar peak expected in 2011-2012
    WASHINGTON (AP) — The peak of the next sunspot cycle is expected in late 2011 or mid-2012 — potentially affecting airline flights, communications satellites and electrical transmissions. But forecasters can’t agree on how intense it will be.
    A 12-member panel charged with forecasting the solar cycle said Wednesday it is evenly split over whether the peak will be 90 sunspots or 140 sunspots. …-
    via jack’s newswatch

  10. Just like the income trust announcement doesn’t come into effect for 4 yrs, and the sheep went and dumped their investments and lost money, this lightbulb thing is due to be totally in effect in 2012. Who knows who will be in govt then. With the watermelon and taliban jack parties coming out against it, will they recind the law if they get re-elected. Or, will they keep it and say it is really a good plan. I will continue to use my bulbs as they are and replace them with the same as necessary. I do not like calling 911 to take a young man to emergency because he is having a seizure due to flouresennt lights. Who will I sue when this happens. It will be the liberal party of canada for endangering the health of my family. Anyone ever read the warnings on a lot of video games-can cause seizures. The flickering light can do it. And, who is going to forbid power companies from raising rates as consumption is down. It has happened before.
    The west will not abandon the conservatives, the thought of the watermelons in power or the taliban jack party is worse than we have. What we need is a majority so we quit getting governed by the opposition. They did enough damage when they were in charge. Also notice, all targets re ghg are far into the future. Far enough to be recinded with a majority.

  11. Truthsayer,
    Thanks for the great website. On first scan, I am ready to conceed that your name is unbesmirched for the moment.
    The tech stuff is very lengthy, but I like that stuff, so will get into it.
    In the mean time there is the cool LED route to household lighting that will eventually retire the use of mercury sprayed twisted tubes.
    I hope the schematic is simpler for LEDs. = TG

  12. The moronic twit on CTV didn’t even challenge McGuinty when he said “for the last 15 years Canada has led the world in the process of Kyoto”
    Get the interview at

  13. “An interesting thing on the Reformless-Tories is that the current MP roster is 66 Manitoba West and 59 Ontario East. To get a majority, there needs to be 30 more Conservative MPs, and these need to almost all come from Ontario East. These would be Progressives by and large which means vindication for Liberal Lite policy and a majority of the caucus being Easterners.
    Posted by: M Hawkins at April 26, 2007 1:04 PM”
    I’m thinking that “Manitoba West” might do better to start contemplating a new constitutional arrangement, rather than inviting more “progressives” into the tent.

  14. Yes, I think the CPC has turned lieberal-lite with all the special interest group pandering. No, I am not amused. I was rather hoping to return to the great white north without having to declare how much cigarettes, alochol, guns and lightbulbs I have in my posession. Seems like stupid is getting pretty sticky these days. What ever happened to common sense? I’ll change out my lights or any other item with one that is more efficient, convenient or cheaper, but not because I was ordered to by the fridge light police. I thought the government was going to try to stay out of our lives.

  15. I read the site found by truthsayer and would, though quite extensive, recommend everyone read it. Never realized the danger from the CFL lights and how toxic they are with mercury and phosphors. These lights will fail with dramatic results like smoking, burning or the glass cracking, they don’t just stop working like incandescent lights. According to the author, Rod Elliott, over 50% of sites we normally use incandescent lights, like dimmers, outside or enclosed units, can not be used for CFL lights. Any costs you may save in electric usage may disappear in electrican charges to change your lighting.
    He believes these lights have their place and he uses them but any outright ban of incandescent lights is dumb.

  16. Thanks to truthsayer for jogging the old memory cells with Basic Power 101 link. Unfortunatly, this information like scientific facts on global climate change, will never see the light of day unless it fits into the master moonie plan. One thing is certain, the utility companies will not cut their profit margin for the sake of a greener earth. We have already seen examples of rates going up because of drops in demand.
    Anyone remember the energy crisis back in the seventies? How Nova Scotia was giving incentives to get off fuel oil and onto electricity for heating homes? That increased demand for power at the same time oil prices went through the roof. Guess what they used to produce electricity? Yep, oil, so the price of electricity went ballistic and people were putting wood stoves in their livingrooms to heat the house. Consumers be ware of governments trying to “help” you.

  17. “My opinion on the environmental announcements – there is no fighting this in the current hysterical media atmosphere. So, the next best option is to “love it to death”.
    I hate it too. I just don’t see what the alternatives are in the current political situation.”, Kate 1:16PM
    As usual, Kate sees it like it is.
    ‘Love it to death’, while spending as little on it as possible. It will pass when the media finds another horse to flag.
    Kyoto hype/hoax/scam/folly will also pass as did
    Franken foods
    Crop circles
    Global Cooling
    Flat earth society
    Lost city of Atlantis
    WEst Nile
    Shroud of Turin
    Roswell NM spaceship
    Earth Charter
    One world governance
    Killer bees
    UN/Mann hockey stick graph
    DDT scare
    Bermuda triangle
    Population explosion
    Malthus food shortages
    The Media should be liable for about a $$Gazzillion liable suit for misleading !!
    JEE SUZZ mankind is gulliable !!

  18. “Green Party Leader Elizabeth May said Baird’s announcement marked a “tragic day for Canada.”
    “This is a government and a prime minister who never understood that we had to reach our Kyoto targets, and who never believed in the Kyoto Protocol and the legally-binding treaty which Canada must fulfill,” she said.
    “As of today it’s official: the government of Canada is the only government of 165 nations to officially announce we have no intentions of even trying to reach our targets. It’s really very shameful.”
    Perhaps I’m wrong, but I thought it was only like 38 countries who actually had targets, and of those many are squaking about not reaching their targets as well without killing their respective economies.

  19. Add to the MSM hoax list: The taliban hoax, perpetrated by socialists and their MSM presstitutes; allied with the taliban.
    Here is a message from Afghanistan to taliban sympathizers in Canada: behold a child beheader.
    Read the appeal to the Taliban from a Muslim mullah. Notice the “please stop”.
    The Liberals/NDP are beyond condemnation in their aiding/abetting of the Muslim Islamist terrorist/murderers, the taliban.
    MayDion and taliban Jack; you are despicable; you are not worthy of your office. Resign your offices.
    Uproar over child beheader (Islamist Madness)
    Spin Boldak – A Taliban video of a 12-year-old boy beheading a man accused of spying has angered many Afghans, drawing condemnation from tribal and religious leaders.
    “It’s very wrong for the Taliban to use a small boy to behead a man,” said religious teacher Mullah Attullah on Thursday.
    “I appeal to the Taliban to please stop this because non-Muslims will think Islam is a cruel and terrorist religion.
    “The Taliban do not follow the laws of Islam. They are taking advice from foreigners.”
    The video released this week shows the boy in a camouflage jacket and a white headband using a knife to behead a blindfolded man accused of being a spy for foreign forces as men cry “Allah Akbar! (God is Great)”.
    Regular videos
    The Taliban frequently behead suspected spies and often release video footage.
    A tribal leader in the south, the Taliban’s heartland, said the beheading was un-Islamic.
    “The Taliban are doing very bad things and it is against Islam to behead a man by a very young boy,” Haji Saeed said.
    “Islam does not allow anyone to behead any man. The Taliban show the wrong image of Islam to the world. We condemn this.”
    In the border town of Spin Boldak, near Pakistan, a young man, Abdul Ghafur, was appalled by the footage.
    ‘Couldn’t eat’
    “After I watched this, I could not eat any food for two days,” he said. Some television stations broadcast clips from the footage. …-

  20. Solar Flares up in 2011.
    e peak of the next sunspot cycle is expected in late 2011 or mid-2012 — potentially affecting airline flights, communications satellites and electrical transmissions. But forecasters can’t agree on how intense it will be.
    A 12-member panel charged with forecasting the solar cycle said Wednesday it is evenly split over whether the peak will be 90 sunspots or 140 sunspots.
    The government’s Space Environment Center in Boulder, Colorado, tracks space weather and forecasts its changes, which can affect millions of dollars worth of activities such as oil drilling, car navigation systems and astronauts.
    Half of the specialists predicted a moderately strong cycle of 140 sunspots expected to peak in October of 2011, while the rest called for a moderately weak cycle of 90 sunspots peaking in August of 2012.

  21. TG brought up Leds, a subject that has had my attention for a decade or so. The only problem
    they currently have is price and that has dropped quite a bit in the last 5 years. A led to replace a 25 watt incandecent bulb still costs about $30, down from about $100 less than 10 years ago. Check out this site.
    My brother in law has one of the 1 watt flash lights and it is like a small search light.. green is the colour of envy.
    As for flickering from CF lights? They do not cycle at 60 Hz. they cycle at much higher frequencies.

  22. Muslim Islamist taliban eats its children: Islam is a religious death cult of infanticide.
    This is the taliban.
    Eaten Alive
    The Asia Times describes how, despite promises to clean up its madrassas, Pakistan’s 13,000 Muslim seminaries, with an enrollment of 1.5 million, have opposed all efforts at reform and now threatens to add to the homegrown Islamist threat Musharraf described as “eating us from within”
    A macabre video circulating in Pakistan shows the gruesome death of Ghulam Nabi, a Pakistani militant accused of betraying a front-ranking Taliban leader who was killed last December in an air strike in Afghanistan.
    The video, obtained by AP Television News in Peshawar, capital of Pakistan’s North West Frontier Province (NWFP), on April 17, shows a 12-year-old boy slashing at Nabi’s neck until the head is severed. A voice in Pashto identifies Nabi and his home at KiliFaqiran village in Pakistan’s Balochistan province.
    The fanatical intensity with which the child – egged on by a group of adults chanting “Allah hu akbar” – demonstrates the tremendous dangers of the kind of psychological indoctrination to which Pakistan’s children are being subjected.
    Here’s a YouTube video which gives some sense of what the madrassas are like: …-

  23. The Alberta Tar Sands make up 3% of Canada’s CO2.
    For that 3% the economic engine of the country has been the target, the scorn and the political football for the enviro-wackos, the lefty politicos, Suzuki, Al Gore.
    Get it. 3%!!!!!! And 100% of the Kyoto mania wacko abuse.

  24. Truthsayer, er, Kent,
    Yes, is a good site.
    You mentioned the one watt flashlight. Just imagine the brightness of 10 or 20 watt led arrays.
    You probably saw in your searches.
    Household LED lamps run cool for 60,000 hours and are 90% efficient.
    CFLs are 75% more efficient than tungsten.
    LEDs and Reasonable EVs. . . can*t wait.= TG

  25. Muslim Chak was the Edmonton campaign manager for Stephane Dion’s Liberal leadership bid.
    Islamic nuts with guns? Where? In Canada? Muslim Liberal candidates with guns? MayDion Muslim Liberal candidates? With guns?
    Is Liberal candidate Farhan Chak a nut with a gun?
    Was Farhan Chak, Liberal Party candidate, charged with discharging a firearm in a nightclub? Some people would think his opinions would classify him as a nut. Would this make him a nut with a gun? And is he enjoying the protection of Stephane Dion’s people? …-

  26. According to the Friday Edmonton Journal, Baird initially claims the “New” plan is not a carbon trading plan because companies have options. Bull crap.
    He is very clear that all of us get to start paying immediately for all of this nonsense while the oil patch regulations (whatever) have enough loopholes to drive tar sands earth moving equipment through. Options seem to include buying and selling of carbon credits offshore – not just paying into a “technology fund” (that sounds more like a tax going into general revenue). All of this is much more applicable to the patch and no doubt is designed to secure central Canada votes.
    How? We will keep the golden goose laying but more under our control than under the control of AB. Meanwhile, we will tax the hell out of individuals – read the taxpayers of the West are going to contribute bundles via their paychecks so the Feds can continue to buy their way into Eastern interests. Harper may as well sell his house in Calgary, move to Ontario, and find a new riding to run in.
    If Law S-3, Reversal on Income Trusts, Throwing money into QC over the last few months, and now all of this Green (to mention a few) isn’t enough to have people start focusing on provincial politics – I can’t imagine what more it will take.

  27. calgary clipper said:
    Harper may as well sell his house in Calgary, move to Ontario, and find a new riding to run in. …-
    We will take him. Oh, wait…. PM Harper already has a house in Tario… Ottawa, Tario. We already have him. His riding is called: Canada.
    We will not give him up… so there. We are bullies … and scary and…-

  28. IDF prepares for Syrian attack on Golan
    The IDF on Thursday held intensive training maneuvers in preparation for a feared Syrian attack on the Golan Heights. Hundreds of tanks and thousands of soldiers, backed by helicopters and Unmanned Aerial Vehicles, massed in the Judean Desert to drill simulations of war. The training exercise focused on Brigade 401 and its utilization of Israel’s most advanced tank – the Merkava Mark 4 – against the Syrian advanced Russian-made T-72. Since the Second Lebanon War, Military Intelligence has claimed that war with Syria is now closer than ever, and the IDF is on heightened alert in the North in preparation…-

  29. Lorraine:
    3%???? I’d like to see you link a source to that figure.
    Alberta is the largest CO2 emitting province and accounts for 1/3 of Canada’s total emissions with only 1/10 of Canada’s population.
    I don’t believe CO2 emission is a problem. I’m just saying.
    Alberta emitted 224 million tonnes of CO2 into the atmosphere in 2005, more than any other province and almost one-third of Canada’s total annual emissions of 750 million tonnes.

  30. Reid – Alberta has many more industries than just oil sands.
    The oil sands are 3%. In the announcements yesterday when they stated that large industry was approx. 50% (half) of Canada’s GHG’s that brought the oil sands to 6% of that 50% – 3% overall.
    Your figure is for Alberta total.
    BTW – Calgary just was rated as the cleanest city in the world! So we don’t have the smog thing going on here. Edmontonis just as clean.
    GHG’s – lots of water vapour in those emmisions. We call it white smoke around here – until this global warming thing it was considered pretty safe. In fact, 30 years ago we were being scared into thinking there was another ICE AGE coming.

  31. Craig Oliver said the stupidest thing he has ever come out with last night on Duffy.
    He said that sooner or later there will be a Canadian soldier captured by the Taliban and if we treat them nice now they will remember and they will treat our soldier(s) nicely.
    Time to retire, Craig.
    How do we get Joy McPhail over to our side?
    She is an absolute joy to listen to.
    Last night on Duffy she body-slammed Martha Two Names like she was a rag doll.
    Is it possible to be a non-moonbat dipper?
    If it’s possible, Joy McPhail is it!

  32. Reid, can you say nuclear power? That is the solution for Oilsands, which produce oil that Canadians burn.

  33. AP’s words: “The ministry referred to the militants only as a “deviant group” _ the Saudi term for Islamic terrorist.”
    Saudis Arrest 172 Terrorists in Oil Field Plot
    In other news from the Saudi theocracy, the royal family announced today that they have arrested 172 Islamic terrorists in a huge plot directed against Saudi oil fields.
    The most amazing thing about this Associated Press report is that the words “Islamic terrorist” are used without scare quotes. …-

  34. Saudi tribe holds camel beauty pageant
    Posted by Sicon
    On 04/27/2007 9:03:23 AM PDT · 10 replies · 89+ views
    Yahoo! News ^ | April 27, 2007 | Andrew Hammond
    Saudi tribe holds camel beauty pageantBy Andrew HammondApril 27, 2007 GUWEI’IYYA, Saudi Arabia (Reuters) – The legs are long, the eyes are big, the bodies curvaceous. Contestants in this Saudi-style beauty pageant have all the features you might expect anywhere else in the world, but with one crucial difference — the competitors are camels. This week, the Qahtani tribe of western Saudi Arabia has been welcoming entrants to its Mazayen al-Ibl competition, a parade of the “most beautiful camels” in the desolate desert region of Guwei’iyya, 120 km (75 miles) west of Riyadh. “In Lebanon they have Miss Lebanon,” jokes Walid, moderator of the competition’s Web site. “Here we have Miss Camel.”…- (via free republic)
    S’more? Makes Miss Piggy look ughly, Kemo Sheiky?
    Not so, Tonto.
    “The nose should be long and droop down, that’s more beautiful,” explains Sultan al-Qahtani, one of the organizers. “The ears should stand back, and the neck should be long. The hump should be high, but slightly to the back.”
    The camels are divided into four categories according to breed — the black majaheem, white maghateer, dark brown shi’l and the sufur, which are beige with black shoulders. Arabic famously has over 40 terms for different types of camel.
    Some females have harnesses strapped around their genitalia to thwart any efforts by the males to mount them. One repeat offender called Marjaa has been moved away.
    “This one would fetch a million!” says Hamad al-Sudani, a camel-driver, admiring the heavy stud, or fahl. …-;_ylt=Ai5wpOTT5uxtgiJgrx5CYX7MWM0F

  35. Justthinking,
    That question has been dispatched several times in many threads.
    Instead of just scrolling to the bottom of a thread to make a comment, try to find time to read some of the comments.
    For you though, I will make a special effort.
    There is capacity in the NA grid to support the overnight charging of 180 million EVs without stressing the system.
    Air conditioners are far more demanding. That*s why there can be brown-outs during a heat wave.
    Check my blogsite for the links to verify this. = TG

  36. Many readers will likely choke on this:
    In the UK, pure Electric commercial trucks are outstripping Hybrids.
    The Brits are fairly sharp when it comes to saving money and ensuring goods are delivered even when gasoline is cut off.
    = TG
