46 Replies to “Y2Kyoto: The Moron Is The Message”

  1. …ah the wisdom in showing our younger generation “we’re hip -see we can swear just like you can”.
    Right, good message to send to our youth.
    Forget that learning grammar, sentence structures, and expressing oneself with more that one syllable four letter words is important.
    What next, primordial grunting?

  2. sorry …more ‘than’ one syllable four letter word’ for the english majors in here.
    Don’t know how many times I read my dang post before clicking.

  3. …actually I think the picture above was photoshopped!
    Me thinks the guy standing behind her had his hand on her butt while she started to speak…

  4. Typical degenerate socialist mindset…always play to the lowest common denominator in society…certainly tells me what segment of society is most prone to GW political manipulation.
    It also tells you what Liberal social engineers think about the mentality of their average subscriber….with a intellectual capacity slightly more evolved than a turnip.
    So we see the science of Kyoto summarized by leftard propagandists into one word…FXXK..yes indeed it is.
    GW/Liberal dupes just suck this mind numbing pablum up like ir was free beer….suckers!!

  5. Great point, tomax!
    This is doubtless the most pathetic photo ever taken of a serving politician and it’s amazing the kid glove treatment she’s getting, well, not realy that amazing.
    Can you imagine the collective fainting in the media if PM Harper was in front of a sign like this?

  6. The Flower Children have come home to roost. It wasn’t so long ago that when workers at a construction site were caught using that kind of language that they would pipe down or even apologize to people passing by.
    Now that language can be discharged from the mouths of the sub 35’s without any concern for who ever may be within earshot. Cell phones make it worse because they raise their voices to be heard.

  7. Hey……..what would you expect from the brains of the intellectual (self appointed) brainchilds of the left………..
    Their intelligence just “oozes”

  8. More proof, as if it were needed, that today’s liberalism is a mental disorder.
    And, by the way, she definitely looks as if she is being well-goosed.

  9. How did that one get past marketing?
    FLICK OFF! With that absurd font? It looks that way because it is supposed to look that way. It’s edgy, it’s hip, it’s NOW.
    Well, give the enviro-tards enough rope, and they’ll hang themselves.

  10. …yeah, the sign behind (excuse the pun) her should read “GOOSED”…
    Ah, now I’m digressing (dang, another pun) to Liberal mentality.
    Speaking of mental (stop it!) I wonder how the Kokoo crowd likes the new saying.
    Don’t want to offend the Chinese of course with ‘Frick’ – what a lame excuse.

  11. Jose sez”You can’t trust anyone who opens their mouth while talking.”
    You forgot to qualify this broad truism to make it fit realities..
    You can’t trust any liberal who open their mouth to talk because if they are talking they are lying.

  12. We are increasing the cost/unit of electricity by all of this conservation. When we are at 1/10th consumption, what will our unit cost be then? 10x? 5x? Flick the poor!
    I thought she looked like a foam head muppet (a la Henson) or a goose. I wonder if she can fit her hand in there?

  13. This is just the voice of a paritisan Progressive Conservative yelling back at the radio – “John Tory speaks for me.”

  14. Photoshopped or not, that’s a great picture with a great backdrop. Now if we could just get McGuinty to do one of these….

  15. BTW I wonder if the toxic irony is lost on leftards by this flash ad dumbing down the fraudulent science and economic concepts behind Kyoto/GW into essentially one vulgar epithet which invites you to enage in an act of self abuse.
    GW/Ktoto demands self abusive civil behaviour exactly like the vulgar invitation to go FXXk yourself does…ironic or just another Librano Freudian slip? 😉
    I wish the Kyoto cult envio-porn addicts were as concerned about the reasons behind honey bee die-offs in North America as they are about chasing colorless, odorless, inert atmospheric demons.

  16. The savings $5.00
    The optics are Priceless!
    The sentiment of grumbling taxpayers everywhere.
    Usually heard on construction sites, oil rigs, and in the trenches while under fire.
    Now they have finally admitted they are screwing taxpayers with lightbulbs in their sockets!

  17. Some “grown-up” Liberals also think punk-bands are cool.
    The ultimate in peer pressure, children-destroying, shit from hell. Drugs, substance abuse and all that.
    Reminds me of Chretien’s “I am not saying go ahead, light up a joint now. Ya know, wink, wink. It’s ok, all you kiddies, the govmit will let you blow your minds”. Literaly.
    Ah yes, and the latte-liberals also promote, through the media, such cool ideas as Kults.
    By comparison the ‘labour left’ is a HUGE friend to the right. I mean, even if one is of a right leaning nature, we have a lot to be thankful for in what the non-moonbat “left” provides us with.
    They put a roof over our heads, literally.
    They bring heat to our homes.
    They build our transporation.
    They build our roads.
    They bring electricity to our computers.
    They, along with farmers, bring food to our table ….. on and on.
    Dion/Suzuki/Gore bring us Kults and baskets and frauds.
    Suzuki is so pissed. lol. Deep down he is not interested in pollution controls. Neither is Ont’s enviro Min. Said so. They are only interested in Maurice Strong’s One World Governance scheme. Of which Kyoto is the first step.
    Also, Enron’s story is so revealing. The nut-case company.

  18. …the photo above gives new meaning to ‘screwing the lightbulb”.
    (One needs to recall wall art in the washrooms of high school of a light bulb – for those of us too young to remember it looks like a lady bending over)

  19. Just rapped out an email to my liberal MPP regarding this disgusting nonsense. Advised her she could no longer count on this family’s vote. ( As if she ever could have).

  20. In other news:
    Lafleur pleads guilty to 28 fraud charges connected to sponsorship scandal
    Sue Montgomery, The Gazette
    Published: Friday, April 27, 2007
    Former advertising executive Jean Lafleur pleaded guilty this morning to 28 of 35 counts of defrauding Canadian taxpayers of $1.5-million in connection with the federal sponsoroship scandal.
    The remaining seven counts – which involved just over $10,000 – were withdrawn.
    Lafleur appeared briefly in a Quebec Court prisoner’s box, handcuffed and dressed in a navy suit and blue tie.

  21. As an ad campaign for rappers, Saterday night Live or whatever it might have some merit, cute, if only in a Fark way. As something put out by a government it appalls me. To everone who wold rather live their life without having to use “f” words, this is a nightmare. “But dad, the premier said that and didn’t get his mouth washed out”. I’m afrain stuck on stupid is becoming the norm for Canada. Witness the teacher in NB who got the boot for daring to send a pupil to the office for not standing for the national anthem. Gotta send the right message you know.

  22. Just rapped out an email to my liberal MPP regarding this disgusting nonsense. Advised her she could no longer count on this family’s vote. ( As if she ever could have).
    Good for you. Everyone should do that.
    Actually, this will be great fodder for the opposition parties in the upcoming election. They won’t have to spend much on advertising.

  23. Lafleur appeared briefly in a Quebec Court prisoner’s box, handcuffed and dressed in a navy suit and blue tie.——dressed as a conservative I see.

  24. Right, Joanne, looks like the Liberals at all levels are falling into the same trap of unwittingly giving us fodder for our ads.
    “This in not fair….” but keep ’em coming!

  25. Her mouth is almost open wide enough to shove in my big fat HUGE….nevermind.
    I’m not the only one with a dirty mind.

  26. This Flicking ad campaign clearly demonstrates that Ontario has completely given up its self-proclaimed status as leader of this country.
    It will take some time, but these people will eventually look back on this and ask “What in the hell were we thinking?”.
    And the answer will come back, ‘We weren’t’.
    But hey, why should the pointy heads in Ontario be different than anybody else?

  27. Oh sorry, I misspelled a word.
    That should be “This Flucking ad campaign….’.
    There, that cleans it up.

  28. Just Flick it?
    AH now I get it… The Canadian tax dollar.. Just flick it!
    Too many Tax dollars in one basket. I hope the wind blows in Sarnia Ontario…
    by April Lindgren, Canada.com, April 26, 2007
    The installation of one million solar panels on 346 hectares of land near Sarnia. . .
    == will make Ontario home to one of the largest solar farms in the world, Energy Minister Dwight Duncan announced Thursday. ==
    *The McGuinty government is committed to building a cleaner, greener energy future for Ontarians,* Duncan told reporters at a news conference held to announce the investment by OptiSolar Farms Canada, a division of California-based OptiSolar Inc.
    *This project alone will contribute 40 megawatts to the grid by 2010 – the next largest photovoltaic project in North America was announced on Monday and it is only 15 megawatts.*
    ======== Canada.com
    I*m all for clean energy but this should go ahead in small stages until performance is proven.
    Sarnia is far from extra windy as I recall = TG

  29. Don’t we wish that WE Canadians had a strong sensible government like Iceland’s when this Kyoto farce was being signed?
    Cooler Heads Coalition
    March 07, 1999
    Iceland Will Not Sign Kyoto
    The first major defection from the Kyoto Protocol comes from an unlikely source. Iceland?s foreign minister Halldor Asgrimsson announced that his country will not sign the Kyoto Protocol unless his country is allowed to substantially increase its greenhouse gas emissions.
    Iceland?s target under the Kyoto Protocol is a 10 percent increase in greenhouse gas emissions over 1990 levels. But the government argues that this is too stringent, and is demanding to be allowed a 25 percent increase.
    Even one new industrial plant could increase Iceland?s emissions by 10 percent, according to the government. Only Iceland, Turkey and South Korea among the OECD countries are expected to miss Kyoto?s March 15 signing deadline. So far only two countries, Fiji and Barbuda & Antigua have ratified the treaty (ENDS Daily, March 3, 1999).
    PS: Iceland eventually signed and their target IS 10% OVER 1990 targets (16% LESS reductions than our stupid foolish 6% LESS based on Chretien’s desire to help his Chinese friends instead of our country)
    NOW WE PAY for this BAD DEAL. Let me ask – if a deal is BAD BAD BAD and you find out after the fact is there NO ESCAPE CLAUSE???

  30. Now let us see;
    A ministry of provincial government (provincial is the key word here, in the sense of lesser quality) instead of coming up with something half decent to grab the imagination of young people to inspire them to do what ever, comes with something that any low life would have come up for free (come to think of it, we are talking politicians). They apparently think this is so sophisticated they (the politicians) are positively giddy with their cleverness.
    It is really sad when there is lack of wisdom where you would expect it. No?

  31. The Enviromaniacs in the Ontario liberal government have just announced their latest program to follow up and compliment the ‘Flick Off’ masterpiece. It will be called ‘SHUT THE FRONT DOOR!’

  32. What now will they go after airconditioners or perhapes swimming pools becuase some crack-pot comes up with some stupid study claiming swimming pools and airconditioners contribute to global warming what a load of bull kaka

  33. Does Chevron / ECD Ovonics have the NiMH battery world by the tail, as Microsoft has the computer world in its grip?
    = TG

  34. Wonder if ‘Shar Pei’ Broten plans to turn off the heater in her swimming pool? Will her husband’s new Benz run on ethanol? Not likely.
    I suppose they think the electorate is gullible with good reason – after all, McGuinty’s Fiberals did get elected in 2003. Not by me.
    Tory should issue bumper stickers saying ‘Fool me once…’ just to remind people that Liberals will say anything to get elected.

  35. David;
    I just did yesterday. My Lieb$ MPP has not deigned my concerned missive to be worthy of a reply.

  36. As stated on another thread: Governments, including Liberal McGuinty, are fraudsters; criminal confidence-men-women; flim-flim artists; snake oil salesmen… you name it.
    Now you know why conservatives want limited government, the Rule of Law, low taxation, property rights; why conservatives are skeptics; why/how a lone conservative can stop socialists in their tracks. How? By saying one word: No.
    Defra in storm over discredited EU carbon plan
    The government department spearheading Britain’s effort to reduce carbon output is driving companies and individuals towards paying for emissions cuts that do not take place.
    The Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs is also about to publish final details of a trading scheme that was set up to encourage companies to reduce their greenhouse gas emissions which led to only four taking £111m of taxpayers’ money between them.
    The first charge against Defra is that under a proposed code of practice, it has been advising businesses and consumers wishing to offset their emissions to buy carbon credits through the European Union or UN carbon trading scheme. However, phase one of the scheme was discredited last May for flooding the market with too many permits to achieve any emissions cuts.
    With so many carbon trading schemes on the market, many British companies were keen to follow official advice. However, the result is that many were persuaded to buy environmentally worthless carbon credits. …-

  37. is she doing an impersonation of Paris Hilton, Xavier Hollander or Al Gore sucking in all the CO2 in the world?
