Elizabeth May Strikes A Blow For Intelligent Design

The leader of the Christian left;

Preaching in London about the threat of climate change, Green party Leader Elizabeth May brought herself to tears yesterday, not for children who will inherit the Earth, but for the God she believes created it.
“This is a time for Christians to say we do believe in miracles, in the life-giving force,” she said.
The delicate balance God created is under assault as people increased exponentially their use of fossil fuels, unleashing carbon dioxide and destroying the forests that can return carbon to the Earth, she said.
“We’re playing with the forces that led to creation . . . we’re nearing the edge of the life force and we’re still playing around,” May said.
She said it’s as if the lessons of the Garden of Eden have been disregarded repeatedly and the results are already harming poorer nations.
“The first victims of the climate crisis are those who had the least to do with creating it.”
Unless we meet our moral obligation to restore the balance, our children and grandchildren will suffer, she said.
“Through the power of our Lord and Jesus Christ, we can meet this moral obligation,” she said.

And God bless Kyoto!

78 Replies to “Elizabeth May Strikes A Blow For Intelligent Design”

  1. how dare this crazy loon use the Lord to push her snake oil crap! I hope normal people tune her out and see her for the flake she is. And people call Harper dangerous! People like Gore, Suzuki, Dion and May are more dangerous than climate change could ever be.

  2. Introduced by Glen Pearson as God’s prophet! What if any Conservative MP had claimed to be speaking God’s word on such a political issue. Here I am in Glen’s riding – should I vote lib or green? Not.

  3. Watch the silent hypocrisy of the liberal-left on this. These are the same people who expressed alarm that Harper ends his speeches with “God bless Canada”.

  4. Frankly, she has the same mindset as Islamic fascism.
    Both are utopian, preaching apocalpytic futures unless one ‘returns to purity’; both operate within the hysteria of emotion and ultimate catastrophe; both require full obedience and submission; both locate ultimate causality within a supreme metaphysical force; manipulating people via accusations of guilt and sin.
    Exactly like Islamic fascism.

  5. God Bless a Buddist temple?
    interesting words. sounds more of a Gaia type.
    I dont think a Christian would endorse letting 20% of the world starve in the next two years like the Suzuki-ites and their substandard sustainable agriculture proposal.

  6. It’s exactly because of crap like this that our family no longer attends or supports the United Church!
    The place is FULL of idiots like May!

  7. Andrew Coyne’s blog this morning has an interesting report on sunblock–and the use of it may cause cancer etc. It blocks the God given sunlight from giving us the Vitamin D we need.
    All these supposed ‘Christians’ only invoke God’s name to promote their own cause. They are to be avoided at all cost.
    Scientists led us astray with sunblock and now some of them, along with May etc. are now assuring us, that with God’s help, they will save us from ourselves. Poor God, poor us.

  8. “The delicate balance God created is under assault as people increased exponentially their use of fossil fuels, unleashing carbon dioxide and destroying the forests that can return carbon to the Earth, she said.”
    And so let’s stop all the God-created humans and animals from breathing out the naturally-occurring, harmless God-created carbon dioxide.

  9. Kate appears to have the same reaction I did to this.  The “default” position of most leftists is one of contempt for the Christian faith in any of its more “muscular” forms (though they have little problem with sanitized, whitewashed versions, which merely sound vaguely “spiritual” to their ears).  May’s version appears to be somewhat more muscular than most leftists would otherwise put up with, though I suspect they’ll just hold their noses as long as Giggles continues to weld her faith with environmentalism, producing a sort of weird, ungainly ecoChristianity.
    Ah, I hope they let her into the next series of leaders’ debates.  I’m gonna make a huge bowl of popcorn to watch ’em, that’s for sure.

  10. That is absolutely terrible, yes, we need to take care of our planet, but to stand behind a pulpit and try to say its a moral issue??? GO AWAY!
    Well, Ms. May, if Global Warming is such a moral issue and you know your Bible so well what do you say about Genesis 8:22?
    Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
    I dont see any conditions on that promise such as “as long as man leaves no carbon footprint then …”

  11. “The delicate balance God created is under assault as people increased exponentially their use of fossil fuels, unleashing carbon dioxide and destroying the forests that can return carbon to the Earth, she said.”
    And so let’s stop all the God-created humans and animals from breathing out the naturally-occurring, harmless God-created carbon dioxide.

  12. Modern prophets of doom may dress up their shtick with the trappings of science (Y2K, global warming, El Nino, etc.), but it’s still the same old song and dance routine: “the end is coming, the end is coming!!!,” which can easily be reduced to: “the sky is falling, the sky is falling!!!”
    But would this “life force” Ms May talks about be at all related to the one Jedi Master Yoda used to be so eloquent about?

  13. It’s a ruse. Nothing more. Nothing less. Lizzie May’s invoking the name of God to widen the demographic appeal of her message. She’s pulling a “chicken-fried-Hillary” in order to show folks that she’s one of them…

  14. Am not a Green but I find May a bit less offensive than bloviating hypocrite Al Gore and his Canadian mini-me, Potty-Mouth-Fruit-Fly-Guy. Both of whom love to fling spitballs from the sidelines whilst not running for any office (in Canada, anyway).
    May apparently lives in a small house, drives a small car, and exhibits at least a couple of other walk-the-talk attributes. And for good or for ill, she has the ovaries to link her political views to her Christian faith.
    Most importantly, she has cut a shrewd deal for her party that will siphon votes from the Liberals.

  15. Reinforcing what we’ve known all along, that a large number of idiots have gone full circle back to the Druids as their replacement for Christanity, this poor tearful fool doesn’t even realize her conversion.
    Climate change has hit Mars too. Who is God mad at there?

  16. Jay-mo “Gen 8:22 While the earth remaineth, seedtime and harvest, and cold and heat, and summer and winter, and day and night shall not cease.
    I dont see any conditions on that promise such as “as long as man leaves no carbon footprint then …”
    Give her a break. She’s not the messiah, she’s a very naughty girl.

  17. Though it was predicted that the glowtard movement would become a religious cult, I am amazed at how quickly that has happened. They could have just made up their own god, called it Oprah or King, but they know that is not where the money and power are. Take too long to introduce a new god. They are just going to recycle jesus, have him smoking herb riding in a rickshaw, and wearing a roll of one-ply as his crown.

  18. Well I am firmly of the opinion that HOPE floats.
    So instead of listening to the “Goracle” and their acolytes calling for 20′ rises in the sea levels due to excess CO2; I can only suggest that:
    NOAH and his ARK have got that one all covered!!
    And when the animals were marching two by two, they did not have GOOSESTEPPING DUCKS.
    This harks back to the quaint notion of Mother Earth being “Mother Goose”; or in short augurs towards a pantheistic notion of creation.
    As suggested by the MIT climatologist in the National Post recently we should learn to stop this idiocy by learning more math and physics.
    So far the “Goracle” has failed to present a solution to the Navier Stokes equations which would describe the formation and dispersion of clouds and explain the production and disipation of green house gas CO2.
    For a brief introduction to Navier Stokes see the following web page and links:
    Stop trying to use incomplete and pseudo-science to inflate artificially ones travelling road show stock portfolio. If any one is going to go around hurling the epitaph of “FRAUD” the Goracle and acolytes should examine themselves in the mirror.
    If you have an incomplete grasp of the subject matter at hand why not just shut your yawning abyss and listen to those who make it their life’s calling.
    Jesus may be coming, but he also had a warning about being sucked in by false prophets.
    Or in the case of the “Goracle” it may be one of “false profits”.
    The following may be instructive:
    “Watch out for false prophets. They come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ferocious wolves. By their fruit you will recognize them. Do people pick grapes from thornbushes, or figs from thistles? Likewise every good tree bears good fruit, but a bad tree bears bad fruit. A good tree cannot bear bad fruit, and a bad tree cannot bear good fruit. Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Thus, by their fruit you will recognize them.
    “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only he who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name drive out demons and perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!'” (Matthew 7:15-23 NIV).
    What the green cabal are propositioning is the use of religion for purpose of supporting a questionable pseudo science position.
    This almost as good as saying “Well the Lord” is on our side in a coming battle.
    My response to such proclamations is that it is somewhat arrogant to suggest to the Lord:
    “Hey your sitting in my seat!”
    Maybe the the Lord can speak for himself, or alternately remain silent.
    While planting seeds may be a good thing and one may be asked to be good stewards, of the riches bestowed upon us, the last time I checked, the Lord did not say:
    “Go and make arborists among all nations.”

  19. Perhaps ms. may is onto something here. We might be able to kill two birds with one stone if we only stop and listen to her. If we reduce our consumption of petroleum products here in the West we will expotentialy reduce our ability to feed the millions of undernourished in developing countries. These people, who have been existing for the better part of the last hundred years on Western largesse, will have to provide for themselves. The result will be a massive die-off of tribes and peoples that are unable to adapt to the changing conditions. So we all win in this scenario, the West consumes less energy and the developing world will produce less people depended on the west for their handouts. We should have thought of this a hundred or so years ago and we wouldn’t be in this position. In fact we should carry it one step further and have the UN outlaw all petroleum exploration and products worldwide in this way we can all get back to the “natural way of life”. We’ll all sit around the dung fires at night and sing Kum-By-Ah while we share whatever we’ve been able to scavange during the day. “Can someone pass me another rat’s *ss.” Pardon me Ms. May, been there, done that, I don’t want a repeat.

  20. In contrast to the serial homeowners Gore and Suzuki Elizabeth May and her partner own only one house. It’s an old one (reasonably modest in a good neighourhood though very leaky and inefficient) that was caulked up about two years ago thanks to the EnerGuide For Houses subsidy program.
    It was such a big deal at the time that there was a local TV news story all about it.

  21. In contrast to the serial homeowners Gore and Suzuki Elizabeth May and her partner own only one house. It’s an old one (reasonably modest in a good neighourhood though very leaky and inefficient) that was caulked up about two years ago thanks to the EnerGuide For Houses subsidy program.
    It was such a big deal at the time that there was a local TV news story all about it.

  22. Elizabeth May is a fool. Every true Christian knows God’s will. It encourages hate and financial asperity, judging by his most ardent adherents.

  23. The United Church is hardly a Christian Church. In the late 60’s the leaders made official the evolved tenets of their faith. They do not believe that Christ is the Son of God. Neither do they believe that he died for the sins of mankind. It goes on from there, to denial of Christ’s miracles, etc. In fact, Christ seems to be an inconvenient obstacle.
    Now it’s gotten to the point where they interpret the Bible any which way they want. Leaving out what doesn’t go along with their ideology and liberally changing the meaning of the rest.
    Hence, its the fastest declining Church in Canada. Stand for nothing nobody will stand with you and nobody will stand against you, I guess.
    Now its certainly not much of a leap for them to add CO2 and carbon trading to their faith. Because, afterall, they’re rewriting God in their own post modern image.
    Still, considering the outright bigotry, discrimination and insults directed by Liberals towards Stockwell Day and other Christian Conservatives – the Chrisitan May and Liberal association angle should be played to the fullest.

  24. Tommy Douglas attended one meeting in 1899; felt the pull of the Lawrd. Founded Saskasocialist Party in 1933; said his Kingdom would last 1000 years. It was naught but propaganda from the preying socialist christians. Say goodnight, Lorne.
    On 10th April, 1848, a group of Christians who supported Chartism held a meeting in London. People who attended the meeting included Frederick Denison Maurice, Charles Kingsley and Thomas Hughes. The meeting was a response to the decision by the House of Commons to reject the recent Chartist Petition. The men, who became known as Christian Socialists, discussed how the Church could help to prevent revolution by tackling what they considered were the reasonable grievances of the working class. …-

  25. honey pot…you mentioned you are surprised how quickly the cult is taking shape. If you have followed the Maurice Strong, New Age ,Kyoto madness you would have noticed the ‘evolution’ of this madness. And you can connect the dots from Mo to Gore and Suzuki…just google ‘Maurice Strong’.
    Lizzie is doing what the evolutionists have done…try to fit God into their cult. He doesn’t need them, they need Him.
    And if Lizzie really had faith in the Creator she would recognize that He is in control. We are called to be good stewards, but the line is drawn when they begin to ‘worship the creation and not the Creator’.And they want Harper to ‘control the climate’???
    If the earth seems like it is getting old we can’t say He didn’t warn us…Ps 102:25-26.
    Now if I was standing at a mike at the CPC local convention and just said all this over the PA system wouldn’t the media be bashing the local CPC candidate and Harper as the religious right with a hidden agenda?

  26. If I understand her sermon correctly, Prime Minister Harper’s government’s environmental policy is worse than decisions that brought on WW2, George Bush gleefully awaits the end of the world, and Elizabeth May, Kyoto and God are battling against them.
    Elizabeth May’s sermon has demonstrated that she is taking her political enviro-crusade into the realm of a religious hysteria.
    Science no longer matters, it is all about belief, and according to Liberal shill MP Glen Pearson, she is our prophet.
    I think her green tomatoes are fried.

  27. I’m glad May is a Christian. That doesn’t make her a prophet. She is invoking the authority of God to justify HER beliefs and agenda. Many others have done this, some with catastrophic results, like Bin Laden. We all have a personal realtionship with God, available to us anytime we choose to love God and our fellow man. There are few real phophets, none of whom of boastful who advertise their special relationship with God. I see no evidence she is a phophet of any kind.
    Hans, great words, hit hail on head. Moral suasion has its place, though I don’t think it applies to the climate change debate. Besides, the “repent thee sinner” from the pulpit approach is usually ineffective.

  28. Interesting. Now I get the Abortion remarks. There is a strong tradition of religon on the left, social justice and all, as there is on the “right”, social mores.
    It makes perfect sense to me that she would go after this part politically. We will see how well she continues to work and play with the Libs.
    She is still in the mode of picking up nche votes so bringing the CHP under her wing would garner her more votes. For Pearson to speak like that though…..my goodness.

  29. How many of the 10 Commandments of GOD, do you think Ms. May violated by invoking the politics of Climate Change they consider their god ? I can count at least 4 (1,3,9,10), but I will let your readers decide…
    The 10 Commandments – God’s Revelation in the Old Testament
    The 10 Commandments are found in the Bible’s Old Testament at Exodus, Chapter 20. They were given directly by God to the people of Israel at Mount Sinai after He had delivered them from slavery in Egypt:
    “And God spoke all these words, saying: ‘I am the LORD your God…
    ONE: ‘You shall have no other gods before Me.’
    TWO: ‘You shall not make for yourself a carved image–any likeness of anything that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth.’
    THREE: ‘You shall not take the name of the LORD your God in vain.’
    FOUR: ‘Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy.’
    FIVE: ‘Honor your father and your mother.’
    SIX: ‘You shall not murder.’
    SEVEN: ‘You shall not commit adultery.’
    EIGHT: ‘You shall not steal.’
    NINE: ‘You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.’
    TEN: ‘You shall not covet your neighbor’s house; you shall not covet your neighbor’s wife, nor his male servant, nor his female servant, nor his ox, nor his donkey, nor anything that is your neighbor’s.’

  30. May sounds more Pantheistic than Christian.
    She was once a part of Tom MacMillan’s Environment Ministry (Mulroney Cabinet) where she fed info to the activists blockading loggers on Moresby Island (not unlike many E-ministry folks).
    She obviously has never worked in a green house or she is dishonest. Forest species (all photosynthetic life) thrive under enhanced CO2.

  31. “This is a time for Christians to say we do believe in miracles, in the life-giving force,”
    Hmmmmm and they cry for separation of church and state…how about separating church and junk science hysteria?
    Liz; Methinks you are confusing Gaia nature worship with the hamanitarian teachings of Jesus and his worship of a forgiving God who will always prevail over evil inspite of our petty fears.
    I’m not sure who is wispering these blasphemous things into your ear but it certainly isn’t God.
    God forgives many things but worshiping false idols/gods is not one of them. He is rumored to have destroyed many a civilization for doing it…don’t temp fate Liz. Keep God in your heart and keep GW/cabon phobia in the false divinities bin where it belongs. 😉

  32. I can only speak for myself but this Global Warming thing is insane, people have gone nuts.
    It’s some sort of rallying call for the left or something.
    How did they get so convinced,and so rapidly, I have yet to hear a compelling argument from a single individual on this. All this from Al Gores movie? It’s madness.
    I think when it comes time to actually implement changes in thier personal life people will back down.
    Any comments? Do people find this thing a wierd as I do? Where’s the scientific inquiry? Where is the tolerance for different viewpoints?

  33. Bob,
    It is a way to generate anti captialism. It is anti material, and anti consumerist….essentially the arguments are that we need to consume less, make room for poorer nations “arent we rich enough”
    Thats why the left jumps on it.
    There are some conservatives who move to it because of waste arguments…ie we waste too much and arent productive enough, but that falls apart as you move past productivity to absolute use.
    It has generally been a left wing argument for wealth and opportunity redistribution under the guise of saving the planet…..whcih anthropormorphizes earth into Gaia….it started out as seeing the Earth as a big system, which it is. But the enviro guys keep removing man from the system and want us to return to some state of balance….this is why the garden of eden speak that May was using isnt out of place in their mythos and ethos….
    as i said…interesting

  34. Global warming is not a Christian issue, it is a political movement, which has been joined with religious fervour by atheists and anti-Christians.
    Our stewardship of the earth is a different matter, and I think Christians have every reason to think that our God would not be pleased! I don’t beleive we can seriously claim that our present development trends are sustainable. There are hundreds of real environmental catastrophes in the world today. These are real: measuable; visible.
    Unfortunately, it seems that Elizabeth May has chosen to take up arms and tilt against the climate change windmills. Climate change is only a theory and one which won’t be proved right or wrong for about a century! Too bad.

  35. Stephen
    “It is a way to generate anti captialism. It is anti material, and anti consumerist….essentially the arguments are that we need to consume less, make room for poorer nations “arent we rich enough”
    Well said , and I agree 100% –Question? If we head down this path will we be able to keep all the sacred cows of the left, CBC,healthcare,public education,etc? -Are these not a direct result of wealth and capitalism.
    Will the left not be left confused when it comes time to pony up.

  36. Actually, mary, global warming and climate change are two different things.
    Climate change is not a theory but a fact; the earth’s climate has, since its emergence some 4.5 million years ago, contantly changed. It has gone through cycles of warming and cooling. That has all been scientifically documented, and the major cause is usually solar cycles, but there were other early causes such as volcanic emissions, gases from the oceans..
    Global warming, viewed as a linear rather than cyclic heating, due to human industrialism, is only a theory, not a fact. It rests on computer simulation models, not factual evidence. For example, 20,000 years ago, Canada was completely covered in a thick ice sheet. Five thousand years later, it was gone. And that was before there were humans; and before industrialism.
    Pollution is a different issue, and we can do a great deal to deal with that – and that includes the average citizen, throwing their litter by the roadside.
    I’ve no idea if the Kyoto cultists are atheists or anti-Christians; I’d be cautious, if I were you, about attributing such descriptions to them.

  37. honey pot…your question is indeed interesting as was vf’s response.
    I would add the curious case of Jonestown and the 1978 mass suicide of almost 900 followers of Rev. Jones; including children too young to be aware of where Jones was leading them.
    Those followers that would lead their children to death were truly the most despicable of misguided fools.
    Religious zealotry and blind faith have walked hand in hand many times in history.
    2006’s carbon shtick is just another version of the lost children looking for direction in their otherwise empty lives and buying into the demands of the false prophets .

  38. Boy, I’m sure glad it’s only those rotten evil jesus-loving gun-waving republican-wannabe conservatives that are christian bible-thumping fanatics! I’d hate to think that god would sully the morally pure ecoterrorists!

  39. True faith is not blind, and religious zealotry is only a problem if the religion has problems.

  40. http://lfpress.ca/newsstand/News/Local/2007/04/30/4141314-sun.html
    ‘Borrowing a quote she said was made by a foreign dignitary about Prime Minister Stephen Harper, May said his stance on climate change “represents a grievance worse than Neville Chamberlain’s appeasement of the Nazis.”‘
    This statement seems a little strange as Prime Minister Harper hasn’t promised to, nuke the planet, and seems inconsistent with the foreign policy statements recently expressed by PM Ehud Olmert of Israel in respect of Canada.
    Moreover,Prime Minister Stephen Harper hasn’t met any mustachioed men of short stature from Austria recently; although I understand Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger is coming to Canada on a visit to discuss environmental technology soon. We’ll have to wait to see if the “Governator” sports a mustache soon.
    But we will have to be careful as this man has been trained on tanks, goes by the name Governator and has a middle name of Alois just like Alois Schickelgruber. 🙂
    Finally, Prime Minister Harper and his wife seem to be the keepers of cats, and have no german shepherd dogs known as ‘Blondi’. Thus far we have not seen any cats in the Harper family that look like Hitler.
    I think Ms. May has violated Godwin’s law.
