The Secret To Being A Liberal Hysteric


No secret: just treat adults like children, and treat children like adults. Require adults to ask the government “mother may I” for every least little thing, from hair-braiding to leaf burning to motorcycle helmets to whether or not you want an explosively-inflating airbag in your passenger seat, thus denying your own children the pleasure you had as a child of “riding shotgun”. And call the police, file suit, and start expulsion proceedings if a kindergartner hugs a classmate, or if a first-grader draws a picture of a relative in the service, or if a third-grader points a chicken finger and says “bang”.

More – from Canada’s smartest columnist.

27 Replies to “The Secret To Being A Liberal Hysteric”

  1. Not sure if Liberal hysteria is a “secret” but I am sure about what submitting to Liberal hysteria will get you.
    Liberal hysteria wins converts because of its essentially wicked glamour, which appeals to and propagates all that is weak, broken and ugly in mankind:
    If you are lazy, it offers a handout.
    If you are stupid, it dumbs down your competition.
    If you are worthless to society, it offers (false) self-esteem.
    If you are chronically confused, it says that certainty is the REAL confusion.
    If you are evil, it offers a denial of guilt.
    If you are a liar, it offers a denial of the existence of truth.
    If you are a coward, it offers its own false security.
    If you are a slave to your more base desires, it calls these shackles, FREEDOM.
    All this from a platform of hysteria, fear and angry mob politics.

  2. canada’s smartest columnist?
    go with the Lib plan coz it costs less?
    we all know how much the gun registry blew out it’s estimated budget.
    come on. we’re talking federal government, and all it’s minions!

  3. Ultimately, the Conservatives are in an impossible position …
    If they do nothing about “Global Warming” they’re the evil tool of the oil corporations and they should be run out of office.
    If they do far more than the liberals have yet try to protect the ecconomy they’re not supporting Kyoto so they should be run out of office.
    If they meet our Kyoto commitments without using carbon credits they they should be run out of office for not paying Al Gore Millions of dollars.

  4. The “problem” started when the Harperites gave any validity to this baseless hysteria by paying lip service to it.
    By Hagel’s simple rule of dialectic any synthisis with evil or error is a win for evil/error.
    You don;t get into a dialectic ( reasoned consolation) with a bad idea.
    Far as I’m concerned Baird can unscrew the millions of incandesent light bulbs burning in the nation with his butt cheeks….maybe the ensuing pain in the ass will give him some empathy with what Canadians suffer with an intrusive big brother government.

  5. …please, please, please tell me the Conservatives are falling into Liberal airhead mentality.
    Must be the water in the Rideau Canal or something, every governing party goes weird or drunk with power after a year in power.
    We’re doomed.

  6. The CPC’s problem is that they have learned nothing of the sucess of the liberals.
    The CPC still thinks the way to win is to deliver results on stuff. The liberals have already shown this to be false.
    The way to win is adopt every lunatic PC nonsense idea as your own, promise to fix it in the next 10 minutes, promise billions in new programs, but never actually spend the money, just re-promise the spending every time the subject comes up. That way, you are “with the program” without delivering the program.
    Say lots, do nothing and blame the other guy when necessary.
    The CPC is screwing up by actually trying to do stuff.
    Their other problem is trying to answer question. Remember the liberal way? When accused of something you deny, attack then change the subject. The Afghan prisoner story shows the folly of trying to answer a question.

  7. …arrrg..please tell me they AREN’T. Just upset the CPC is shooting itself in the foot joinging the Kyokoo koolaide bandwagon

  8. “The CPC still thinks the way to win is to deliver results on stuff. The liberals have already shown this to be false.”
    The Liberals delivered on something?
    You mean besides padding the pocketbooks of their friends?

  9. Jeff’s quote is bang on the money. I am marginally comforted that I am not the only one with this view.
    Stéphane Dion as Peter Pan…Lizzie May as Tinkerbell?
    Hey! We’ve got the beginnings of a contest here! Pity my photoshop skills aren’t up to it.

  10. The Conservatives practice plenty of paternalism themselves. This is after all the party that wants to ramp up the proven failure we know as the war on drugs.

  11. This is just the voice of a devout National Post reader yelling back at the radio – “Lorne Gunter speaks for me.”

  12. Does anyone really believe that there will be no incandecent bulbs in cdn homes in 2015. There is nothing in the legislation that says all incandecent bulbs on the market or in homes must be destroyed by such and such a date. Those that want to switch to the mercury laden, migrain causing, ugly bulbs can. Those of us that like a lot of light will find a way to keep our bulbs. And, as the redgreen party and taliban jack followers and algore think this is a stupid idea, they will abolish it when they get back in power. Didn’t they promise to abolish the GST.
    The thought of another trudeau making a cabinet post is enough to not vote liberal across Canada.
    Watch him campaign with his pregnant wife beside him, to get the anti abortion vote. But, he might lose all the pro abortion vote for having a family.

  13. This reminds me of “bug juice” [mosquito repellant] many yrs ago the libs to make me safe outlawed all bug juice with enough deet to actually keep mosquitoes away.
    So now I go to the USA to smuggle bug juice back. wonder how much time they would make me do for that?
    They were keeping me safe from cancer but if I get bit 100 times a minute which can happen in Winnipeg thats ok, the important thing is to not let me decide. If we die from west Nile Virus next week at least it wasn’t cancer in 20 years.
    That one caught me off guard I never saw a headline I’ve already got like 20 incandescents at home And I haven’t started stocking up on them yet.
    Fluorescents are useless outside in winter. But who cares?
    The god of global warming must be worshipped!

  14. I am all for cleaning up smog, stopping cities like Victoria from flushing raw sewage into the ocean, stopping big lumber outfits from clear-cutting, poisoning the soil via big industry and oil Cos. etc. but all the deprivation from every self flagellating soul in Canada will not be a drop in the proverbial bucket if the rest of the globe does not co-operate. I will never put fluorescent lights in my place – gives me headaches – back to the candle for me I guess.
    As for criticising the Conservatives for their environment plan, I won’t go there because I know what they are up against – Our PM has said he would follow the will of parliament – two thirds of the HOC is Bolshevik – duly elected by 2/3 of the foolish Canadian citizens.
    Lorne is playing the game that Conservatives are very fond of ; eating their own. Why does he not use his word ammo to attack those who have earned his vitriol, if he really is an Conservative. We have the best Prime Minister that has ever served this nation – RIGHT now, the Liberano/Dipper/Bloc outfit have every shrill in msm thumping for them.
    I would ask Mr Gunter if he is looking for a post as a Progressive Conservative in the unelected senate when he and his ilk undermine the Conservative government with this type of innuendo.

  15. mary T:
    I made this remark the other day. There’s alot of misunderstanding about this bulb ban.
    It is not a ban on incandescant bulbs. It is a ban on inefficient bulbs.
    Rutherford had someone from GE on today and they were talking about, among other things, a new incandescant they’re developing that will be as efficient as a CFL.

  16. Speaking of mosquitos and liberals, how many millions of needless African deaths have been caused by the simplistic stupidity of envirnonazis misguided DDT policy over the decades? One DEATH every 30 seconds from malaria globally. This site estimates 94 million avoidable cases.
    Here’s more on the deplorable situation:
    So, when a country wants to improve its malaria-control programme and tries to use DDT, which has been shown time and again to be highly effective, it faces opposition from the well-paid consultants that prefer to promote policies that keep them employed and earning air miles. They also face opposition from the trade-protectionist EU that panders to alarmists and mischievously uses junk science, even though it hampers malaria control and costs lives.
    Uganda has been trying to restart its IRS programme and use DDT. Yet, recently, the European Union threatened to ban Ugandan agricultural exports should the programme go ahead. The EU’s fear that some DDT could leak on to agricultural produce is largely unfounded and ignores the fact that most countries that use DDT have instituted tight controls and strict audits of their malaria-control programmes. The EU position is shameful and a double whammy to the health and development of Uganda.
    Not only are these junk science forays of numbskulled lefties expensive, they get people killed. It looks like they have outdone Stalin in Africa with their nonsense. These are the same luddites that shun genetically altered crops, a life enchancing possibilty for the third world agriculture.

  17. Doc Wright said: “Fluorescents are useless outside in winter. But who cares?”
    Yeah the gases don’t fluoresce well at temps less than 0 deg.C…sometimes removing the balast resistor for a lighetr one helps increase voltage or a lighter starter for lanp ignition but not on larger lamps…if Flouresant lamps werked well in cold temps we’d see more of them in freezr units and road signs….besides the balast resiter/starter is integral in the screw in type fluoresants and can’t be changed…
    …but as you say Who cares?…obviously no one making decisions in the federal light bulb department have ever had any first hand experience in lighting refigeration units or outside or a farm or unheated buildings in the winter….and ain’t that the gawd awful truth of the matter…there just is no real empathy with mainstream Canada coming out of Ottawa.
    More policy made in a vacuum by elites who have no personal experience with Canada outside the insular cloistered vacuum of academia or bureaucracy.
    More and more I see Ottawa’s detached status quo hubris from CPC policy/legislating.

  18. OK Reid…perhaps there’s a lot of misinformation on the Bulb Ban. Who’s responsible for the mistaken information? I only caught a piece of Rutherford today but the bit I heard it was apparent the lady from GE couldn’t answer alot of the questions. It seemed to me she was caught off guard on this also. So now there’s confusion. Some are hearing Baird say there’s a Bulb Ban, some are hearing him say it’s a Inefficient Bulb Ban. Where’s the clarity! When you’re throwing around the Ban word you better be clear, especially with an adversary media ready to pick apart every word you say.

  19. “Fluorescents are useless outside in winter. But who cares?
    The god of global warming must be worshipped!”
    That’s a good summary of the environmental liberal hysteria! Of course, the church of earth-worship is probably filled with more hypocrites than any other religion.

  20. As Reformers used to say “Liberal. Tory, same old story.” Jeez, that seems like an eternity ago.

  21. Aha!
    I’m going to make billions cause I’m gonna start bootlegging incandescent bulbs.
    What a market there will be – Gunter, Kate, WLM, tomax7, etc.

  22. “As Reformers used to say “Liberal. Tory, same old story.” Jeez, that seems like an eternity ago.”
    Yes, Zog, except in contemporary Cdn experience, must be changed to:
    Liberal, NDP, Bloc, Green, Moonbat, same story.
    Buzz dagger to heart of Kytocultists everywhere, support Tory enviro approach. Understand he personally doesn’t like Dion one bit, can’t get meeting with his people. Next nail in cult coffin, I hope, is Patrick Moore running for Tories.

  23. Hey, Penny, I don’t know how things in your hotels are up in Canada, but the U.S. is having a 50-state resurgence in bedbugs. They HAD been wiped pretty much out of existence by the 1940’s from what I’ve read — with DDT.
