“I do know for a fact that all jews in the area were notified to stay off of the bridge”

4/29 Truth – because never before in the history of man has fire melted steel

Unlike the World Trade Center, the 580/980/880/80 overpass was reinforced against earthquakes and was not under the enormous compressive load that the towers were when they fell. The overpass was designed to support gridlocked traffic in an earthquake, but it collapsed without even a single car on it. The fire consumed only 8,600 gallons of fuel, whereas the WTC was allegedly brought down by 24,000 gallons of fuel. Does Governor Schwarzenegger really expect us to believe a story even more preposterous than the already-discredited official story about 9/11?To answer the question “Who is responsible for this terrible tragedy?” we must ask who stood to gain the most.

Related – Seeing the Unseen.

17 Replies to ““I do know for a fact that all jews in the area were notified to stay off of the bridge””

  1. Thank You…I was thinking this when I saw the collapsed overpass….great parody

  2. How do you find all this stuff Kate? The article “seeing the unseen” was a classic and I’ve saved it on my computer. I haven’t laughed as hard for quite a while when I ran into this paragraph on Rosie demonstrating that low IQ is no barrier to success in the MSM:
    “”This is the first time in history that fire has ever melted steel,” she said. This is a statement of such pristine and perfect idiocy that it surely must be emblazoned in stone across the entrance to the Physics Imbecile wing of the Moron Museum of Natural History. But mastery of physics and engineering requires some intelligence, some perseverance and some discipline: none of which are in evidence in this buffoon. Everything is a conspiracy to a mind this far gone. The 15 British sailors kidnapped at sea? All a plan by our evil (but incompetent!) government to get the next war it so desperately needs. “Gulf of Tonkin! Google It, people!” she said on national TV. And I will, Rosie. I promise. As soon as I finish googling MAD COW DISEASE.”

  3. Commonsense here, planes full of jet fuel, and those planes were at high levels, hitting basically delicate glass buildings of stacked cement flooring on fragile steel frames would collapse as they did. Popular Mechanics answered this not so mysterious event a long time ago.
    When you are stupid and can’t follow empirical/engineering science and all that it requires rather than fatuous navel gazing, I guess that paranoid theories make sense.
    I remember years ago taking my kids to the top of the WTC as tourists in NYC. The buildings were designed to sway with the wind, it made me nauseated, you could feel it, I couldn’t wait to leave, they seemed to have no solid structure.
    Those sick bastards(no other word will suffice, sorry) thought it out and they weren’t stupid in picking the most vulnerable of NYC buildings.

  4. “I ran into this paragraph on Rosie demonstrating that low IQ is no barrier to success in the MSM”
    I thought it was a prerequisite.

  5. loki
    Rosie was special, but according to Michellemalkin.com, we may be blessed with a possible replacement in ROSEANNE BARR!!
    I wish I was kidding.

  6. The tin-hat lefties believe because they feel. Logic doesn’t enter the equation.
    Proof is their own feelings. If they feel something to be true it is and the facts are explained away by conspiracies of jews/neocons/christians and conservatives that are both hopelessly inept and Machiavellian geniuses at the same time.
    Someone once said that you can’t talk someone out of an opinion no one talked them into. When someone is so delusional, when they so desperately want something to be true they’re willing to believe anything – and invent the truth to fit their feelings when necessary.
    It isn’t even stupidity (although also present all too often.) It’s a mental disorder these people suffer from. When they get together in the media, in hollywood, in academic conferences, even otherwise smart people can succumb to this mass hysteria/delusion.

  7. A NASA web site says that a gallon of gasoline is equivalent to 50 pounds of TNT (both release about 4 x 10 to the 9th joules). So, 8,600 gallons of gasoline is about 430,000 pounds of TNT.
    Not bad, but we will have to ignore this, or better yet, point out that, OF COURSE, they would say that. NASA is part of the conspiracy. Rosie knows what is going on; she consults foreign news sources, and she hates Bushitler, so she must be correct (I was going type “right”, but I do not want to smears Rosie by association).

  8. Thank you for that link to Eject, Kate. I know so many of these conspiracy theorists, and have given up trying to logically argue against their paranoia.
    And Rosie, good lord! It’s a disgrace that this kind of crap is so popular.

  9. @terrance:
    430,000 pounds of TNT is equal to 215 tons. If the story is right about the amount of fuel in the gas tank, then the total explosive force of gas that burned up was more than 2/3 of the yield of the lowest setting of the B61 bunker-buster nuke, tactical model.

  10. Several years ago, I was having lunch with some co-workers and the subject of the Loch Ness Monster came up. They seemed genuinely amazed that I was so certain that it did not exist.
    I meet these critters in my psych setting a lot, throw away the serious paranoid schizophrenics, can’t fix a delusion; but imagine the pathetic poor soul that never had parenting with reasonable boundaries or an education with serious inquiry; all and everything is directed by feeling, too overwhelmed to logically process things, my feelings are truth.
    I take the reasonable discovery tack with my clients, is that what you are telling me makes sense. Sometimes it works until….he beats me, but, he loves me kind of stuff. That the world is flat isn’t a big leap from there.
    Thanks to the Oprahfication of our culture, what you feel must be real; reason and logic aren’t winning out. Put bright young people into this cauldron of stupidity and they will parrot some really dumb stuff.
    The WOT couldn’t have come at a worse time in our culture. We have Islam which is psychotic meeting the West which is personality disordered in my opinion. Are there enough of us to make a difference? I don’t know.

  11. “seeing the unseen” was a great article and covered so much of the conspiracies that I loved to believe in when I was much younger. However, age and experience took their toll. “The Men who Killed Kennedy” told a compelling story but it began to sow doubts in my mind. It placed a great deal of trust in the “magic bullet” and an impossible shot. Something my experience didn’t agree with.
    What really sends the shivers up my spine is the way left liberals drink up this paranoia and go into hysterics. Global Warming is going to cost our society a century of progress if our Governments follow through on commitments.

  12. If you liked “Seeing the Unseen” you should read the rest of Bill Whittles essays. Tribes is highly recommended.

  13. pun dnt, B. Hoax Aware, aka ron in kelowna, here. I commented on this 3 days ago. Kate cleaned it up and put it into context. Anythng from Coyne or Kinsella yet ?

  14. “I do know for a fact that all jews in the area were notified to stay off of the bridge”
    I’m amazed that the ever vigilant holocaust deniers haven’t managed to crack into the jew database.
