80 Replies to “Calling The SDA Nation”

  1. I nominated Svend Robinson. If Tommy Douglas was the greatest Canadian then this offspring of the NDP, can’t be far off the worst. Apologizing for terrorists, wallowing in identity politics and playing the victim card when caught red handed. Works for me.

  2. I considered a few criminals and other such types, but their impact has been quite limited.
    For my money, Pierre Eliot Trudeau wins the prize for the calculated destruction of our military, justice system and the traditional Canadian way of life.

  3. Paul Desmarais of Power Corp. The evil brains behind Trudeau, Cretien, Martin, and Mulroney.

  4. Very tough to narrow it down to one. I’d say Jean Chretien is the worst Prime Minister ever…

  5. Trudeau was far more destructive than chretien. JC didn’t do anything while PET is responsibel for bilingualism, multiculturalism, the constitution that guarantees equalilization and multicult but not our right to own property.

  6. You’d have to say Harper without a doubt
    I mean y’know like hey he didn’t say jack about Doan when he had the chance and now the opposition’s in a flap about this one!
    Like what does Harper know about leading Canada when he lets a big ONE like this slip thru the radar.
    Stephie’s beyond himself and Gilles is trying hard to find some relevancey seein’ as ‘La Belle’ just ain’t gonna follow suit like some of the Balkan States did and set up their own Lotto Corp.
    And as for T’Jack well whaddya say about a guy who tries to look like Robert Borden (must have a C-note fer a mirror pasted on his bathroom wall)!
    But back to the Doan thing…I mean whadda people think Kanada is really all about?…don’t they know that the ‘H’ in HoC stands for HOCKEY?
    And as for Doan supposedly calling a Frenchman a Frenchman…Well all I gotta say on that is what’s the big deal,those guys are always screamin’ for recognition,so now they got their fifteen minutes of fame…go crazy guys…looks good on ya!
    But back to the worst Canadian…yeah,its Harper hands down ’cause y’know the Opposition says so and those guys are doin’ such a top notch job of opposin’ issues in QP.
    Hey maybe we oughta let the NHL run this show fer awhile…couldn’t hurt…might get some free popcorn & beer too!!

  7. I had also nominated P.E.T. His Charter has basically taken power to govern from an elected parliament and given it to a few appointed judges.

  8. Pierre Trudeau just racked up another vote. I also offered to fund burquas and cliterectomies to anyone there that wanted to argue that all cultures are equal and multi-culturalism is a great thing.

  9. Did you see the StarPhoenix this morning?
    The top of the front page points to the Worst Canadian article. It’s illustrated with a picture of Karla Homolka (okay. Seems a reasonable choice.), Ben Johnson (Big deal. Used steroids.), and … Don Cherry?? I don’t get it.

  10. Turdeau was a no brainer. It says you can vote 3 times so I think I’ll be going back to put Mau Stlong and Chretien in the running.

  11. I picked PET. I don’t even think there will be a close second place finisher.

  12. I voted for Louis Riel, something about being a traitor and leading two rebellions against Canada always made me hate him.

  13. Already did this over at DMB, where the general consensus was Pierre Elliot Trudeau, far ahead of anyone else.
    Bilingualism, multiculturalism, the Charter, all are his accomplishments, and some mentioned abortion on demand, and gay rights.
    Trudeau changed the face of this country, in some people’s opinion, positively.
    Whatever his accomplishments, he clearly divided Canada between French and English, and multi-cult further balkanized the country.The “intellectual elite” of Canada would disagree, call it embracing “diversity”.

  14. All kidding aside this is a tough one…Kate would it be okay to name a few?
    No? alright then I would have to say Lester Pearson as I am sure that where Canada is today was in fact largely due to his engineering.
    To my understanding it was Lester who sought out Pierre the Dipper and brought him on board and fast tracked him to the Liberal forefront in ’68.
    It was Pearson who was involved in the UN’s inception and believed in world gov’t.
    Also it was Canada under Pearson that adopted that poor excuse for a flag that looks like something an elementary school kid would draw.
    Note the Red maple leaf bordered by a RED bar on either side…A true socialist’s flag I’m thinking.
    Yep Mike Pearson left Canada in “good” hands when he retired knowing full well that Pierre would continue on with the Un’s secret agenda of world dominance by ripping the heart and soul out of western Democracy.

  15. So do you think that if PET comes out on top we’ll be told about it? Or will those votes get buried? Seems they are screening over there by not posting results in real time. just a thought.

  16. PET without dobt…even Moe Strong was honest enough to tell us he is a kleptocratic autocrat…Trudeau couldn’t even summon lis devolved level of honesty.
    Don’t forget folks you can vot up to three times in this poll 😉

  17. My vote: Pierre Elliot Trudeau
    (copy of the not I sent)
    I read the man’s memoirs, and while he had some noble desires, he caused a great deal of damage to this nation that still has yet to be cleaned up. Though Liberals may like to claim otherwise, his failed implementation of a “Just Society” has caused more division and turmoil in this nation than any other issue in Canadian history.
    Consider this… a drunk driver gets off because their “Charter rights” were violated. What was the violation of their “rights” in question? A police officer pulled the drunk over because they were weaving on the road… the judge ruled that wasn’t a good enough reason to have pulled them over, at which time the officer recognized that the driver was impared.
    Who was the driver? Margaret Trudeau… another drunk driver gets off, thanks to Mr. Trudeau.

  18. PET hands down.
    He initiated Canada’s slide into a quasi-republic of mewling pantywaists obsessed with identity politics and social entitlements.
    There is still a residual resevoir of common sense (e.g. outrage over the Shane Doan witch hunt). And PM Harper may yet stem the tide if he can stay in power long enough to effect change.
    Gotta be an optimist.

  19. Trudeau was mine as well. Completely raping the Canadian identity ranks pretty high on the list of evil stuff. Backstabbing Meech Lake for personal gain was also pretty low. He knew what we all know now…without a separatist movement in Quebec, the Liberals are in trouble.

  20. Neil Young. He’s past sixty, his voice still hasn’t broken, and he’s been annoying my ears for approximately forty years.

  21. Have to agree that PET has a lock on this one.
    My other choices? hmmmm…
    Tom Green, who thinks he’s a comedian but is clearly in dire need of a good horse-whipping..
    Can we say Al Gore? He’s damn near a landed immigrant at least, and has a lot to say about us..

  22. Hmm, a lot of one-track thinking here.
    How about:
    Clifford Olson – killed and then tried to profit from it.
    Homolka/Bernardo – killed and then manipulated the judicial system.
    (assuming a guilty verdict) Robert Pickton. – targeted and killed vulnerable members of society.
    Henry Morgentaler. – ditto

  23. PET,hands down. After all he brought us that great “Charter of No Rights for Canadains,just Foriegners/thieves/etc”. Notice it does not include the right to property? The 1st step to communism/socialism. Then it hands most power of any importance over to a few appointed judges,robbing it from the Parliment. 2nd step.
    Then he brought us that wonderful “Bend over while I wax your a** and destroy your country” thing called multi-culturalism. I can’t where a crucifix around my neck,but you can wear your burkha,funny little knife to school, and preach hatred in your mosque.
    2nd & 3rd???…ummmmm…definitely Douglas for 2nd…gotta think about the third…maybe Alby39?

  24. I can understand those who nominate Neil Young or Celine Dion because they are certainly among the most annoying. I can understand those who nominate Clifford Olson or Karla Homolka because they have the blackest hearts. But in terms of the sheer disastrous consequences of action, affecting all Canadians, the majority here is absolutely right. I only had to think about this for about five seconds before putting in my nomination for Pierre Trudeau and I have no doubt he will win, to the great gnashing of teeth by the legion of the politically correct.
    This man was the most responsible for setting the country on a course of nihilistic liberalism that undermined the values that made it successful, weakened our security, gave us the appalling and dangerous creed of multiculturalism and the so-called Charter of Rights which fed the whole disintegrative process.
    He was the member of the “Great Generation” that undid most of the solid legacy that would have been ours from that generation. Never mind dessert, Pierre Trudeau should have been sent to bed with no dinner.

  25. The author of multiculturalism, official billingualism and identity politics. A London school of economics socialist (bordering on communist). A Nazi sympathizer. A Castro apologist. The author of the most disgusting and partisan ‘Charter’ ever foisted on a democratic country.
    PET gets the vote. The nasty smell he left behind – Chretien, Martin and Trotsky Dion – comes a close second.

  26. Maurice Strong.
    PRofC sympathiser. Father of Kyoto. Anti-democrat.
    U.N. Lovin’, West hatin’ useful idiot.
    The greatest piggy of Animal Farm fame.

  27. turdeau all the way
    from his whore wife, to his giving the people the finger….he was one arrogant elitist

  28. I’m voting for you.
    This is just the voice of an ordinary warmonger
    yelling back at the radio – “Rick Hillier speaks for me.”

  29. Maurice Strong followed by Paul Desmairis, P.E.T. & Chretien tied for third.

  30. I voted for
    Pierre Trudeau
    Louis Riel
    Maurice Strong
    I said the following about the latter:
    For being the leading misanthropic author of the Kyoto protocol, corruption at the UN and hiding in China.

  31. I hold a spot in my heart for Brian Mulroney. Destroyed the PC’s and divided the center right and right for a decade and a half leaving the field to the Liberals who found it easy to get fat, lazy and corrupt and further entrench Trudeaus “bounties”.

  32. Pierre Elliot Trudeau took a white european country with low crime rates and, well,… just look at the place.
    3-4 million canadians dead from abortion, affirmative action because we are getting more immigrants than we know what to do with, before PET started visible minorities made up 3% of the population now they can take my sons job when he’s old enough and get the libs 100 seats, the charter that enshrines racism vs whites 15.2, NEP 1, bilingualizm, multiculturalism, wage and price controls, the airport no one uses mirabel[?], 30,000 or so cuts to the military, the Status Of Women, endless deficit financing to make my children pay for his socialism, this is getting too depressing,…
    Strong, Desmarais, Chretien might be on the same side of the ledger but to me they aren’t even close.

  33. Trudeau, his handywork is causing us grief as a Country every day.
    Second, Maurice Strong, Weasel.
    Third,Chretien for enabling corruption.
