80 Replies to “Calling The SDA Nation”

  1. Pierre Elliot Trudeau, for creating the Charter of Criminal Rights and give repeat offenders the Freedom to victimize society over and over again.

  2. The Beaver editor was just on cbc and said they have over 4000 votes in one day. Harold Ballard led yesterday, but politicians are getting voted for. Some strange and unexpected nominees. Lots of cdn entertainers, main reason was they left canada. She also said she had never heard of some of the nominees, like the kamloops kid, re treatment of hong kong prisoners of war. Gee, I thought so called mistreatment of prisoners was a recent event, since the last election.
    Lovely example of climate change here, with all the rain. Great for the farmers.

  3. Even if they prove Jack the Ripper was Canadian (The Beaver had a story not long ago exposing that theory), it’s PET in a heartbeat. Just entered my vote!

  4. I sense some animosity towards PET here!
    Just wanted to add that I was riding my bike home from university in six inches of snow along Dorchester Blvd. on a sunny spring day in 1993.
    A small man in a snow-white suit was jaywalking across the road, heading back towards Mont-Royal away from Old Montreal, so I slowed down to allow him to cross in front of me – it was mid-morning, and there was little or no traffic.
    He smiled at me as he walked by, and paused slightly to take me in (or to allow me to size him up). Everything I had learned in 18 years growing up on the Prairies flashed before my eyes, as I took in this gnomish white-haired and white suited former PM, struggling through the thick slush.
    I wondered about the consequences had I simply not stopped. I wondered what bike tire marks would look like across his vintage 70’s leisure suit.
    I returned the smile, bit my tongue about NEP, and said nothing. He was a very small person, and I didn’t want to make myself any smaller in acknowledging his responsibility in regionalizing our great dominion.
    I voted for Mo, but I might have to give a little love as worst Canadian to Maggie’s Man………

  5. While Clifford Olsen, Homolka & her ex-hubby are truly nasty types, I’d probably go along with the political figures because of the impact their actions have had on Canadians as a whole.
    In this past century it would be PET hands down, with nods to Jean Cretien, Pearson and the political puppeteer, Mo Strong. Louis Riel, convicted traitor turned saint is also a strong contendor.

  6. I just came to SDA to see if there was an open trackbacks thread to promote this very contest. I have been emailing people and posting about this all over the place. I must have emailed over 400 people.
    If Trudeau doesn’t come up in the Top Ten, they’re not honest.
    If you voted, please pass the link around to all your anti-Trudeau friends, whether So-Cons, Westerners or Quebec Separatists.
    I think there’s enough of a critical mass that passing it around to all your anti-Trudeau friends is really worth your time. I really want to see Trudeau “win”.
    My second choice was Henry Morgentaler. I can’t remember if I made a third choice.

  7. while Trudeau certainly gets my first vote, I’d have to give the second to David Suzuki. This man has been indoctrinating Canadians into his stupid green (but red on the inside) ideology via his CBC television program (all expenses paid for by Canadian taxpayers) for over thirty years. The results are all to evident today.

  8. Yep. PET. Tried to think of someone less obvious, and have a lot of sympathy for the Celine Dion faction, but Trudeau’s it.

  9. P E Trudeau
    If I had a dollar for every lie he told, I’d be a billionaire!

  10. Gosh, I voted for Pierre Elliott Trudeau three times: ‘hope they’ll let me!!
    His Charter of Rights and Freedoms (sic) is the worst thing that ever happened to Canada. Far from enhancing individual rights and responsibilities, it has diminished our rights and has given them to rogues, rascals, and criminals while the rest of us honest, hardworking, taxpaying citizens pay the bill.
    Thanks, PET.
    The guy who said the government has no place in the bedrooms of the nation ensured that it now has a place in every other room in the house.

  11. I voted for Henry Morgentaler.
    The man’s public legacy has no redeeming factors, and he dedicated his life to denying the basic rights of the most vulnerable among us.

  12. funny poll.
    yesterday I voted for P.E.T. at the Beaver’s website, thanks for picking this up Kate… but their is so much current material, where to begin, where to begin?
    …the potential of Moe Strong to make his mark here looked so promising with Kyoto…

  13. David Suzuki. He brainwashed 80% of the populace to believe in the global warming doomsday scenario, and when we reap the results of that, it will have devastating consequences for the country, more than anyone else ever did to it.

  14. Voted three times for Trudeau. For his legacy of turning Canada into Cuban lite.

  15. Worst Canadian duo:
    Paul Bernardo and Karla Holmolka, unequivocally.
    I didn’t read any responses, it was the first thing that popped out of my head, so if I have copied your pick than congratulations, you have a great mind! :0>

  16. Even for a conservative blog, PET gets too may votes … I pick Rene Leveque, Quebec Nationalism has been the root of all that’s wrong with Canadian politicians and politics for 40 years. The lost billions and lost opportunities due to Quebec Nationalism is unforgiveable. As much as I hated PET, I know that he had a vision for Canada, and believed that we would and could be a great country.

  17. No contest…. PET.
    Couldn’t have done more harm to the country had he tried. Sold out the country to win elections.
    What do you want to bet the results never see the light of day?

  18. I picked the dead P.E.Turdou for my worst Canadian for the reasons outlined by Justhinkin.

  19. The absolute, absolute worst is Québec’s Lise Payette.
    She’s a thick, incompetant, man-hating, monstrously obese (as in 500 POUNDS) tub-of-shit.
    I spotted here (not that it’s all that difficult)crossing Laurier Ave in Outremont, nostrils flaring. The back heels of her slippers were crushed (she’s too fat to bend over to put them on properly) and the back of her mumu-style dress had a clearly visible skid-mark….she’s literally too fat to reach around and wipe her own ass.
    I’d have run the old separatist over, but I’d just washed my car and didn’t want some enormous porker comming through the windshield.
    She was on her way to the “Spaghetata Restaurant” for a plateful of pasta.
    I’m quite serious; The “Spaghetata Restaurant”!
    They probably sat her in the *trough* section.
    Just so she wouldn’t crush any Italian waiters.

  20. I’ve decided to add Deifenbaker to the list. I wonder what Canada would be like if we had kept the Arrow (program).
