It Takes A Special Kind Of Political Contortionist

To land an elbow in one’s own teeth;

Though Doan denies making the comments, all three opposition parties questioned whether Doan was an appropriate choice to represent the team given the allegations.
Opposition leaders were also irked by the government’s unwillingness to deal with the issue.
“I cannot understand why the government wouldn’t put out a single comment to say that this is disrespectful to French Canadians,” Duceppe said.
The NDP’s Jack Layton suggested that Doan’s captaincy will “cast a shadow on (Canada’s) participation on the international stage.”
For his part, Liberal Leader Stephane Dion admitted that the government shouldn’t interfere with Hockey Canada decisions, but called the Tories’ silence on the issue “shocking.”

If the talk on sports radio is any indication, a new demographic has just been awakened in Canadian politics.
(Keep an eye on Cosh. I suspect he’ll have something to say about this shortly.)

66 Replies to “It Takes A Special Kind Of Political Contortionist”

  1. In the two sound bites I heard on global and CTV Mr. Duceppe did not say “French Canadians” but “French’
    Maybe I am too old and my hearing is going… and I don’t waste my time with the CBC so perhaps I am wrong….

  2. My hope that when this is all over Doan levels the idiots with some good old hockey language.

  3. We pay these retard politicians to waste our money on something as stupid as this?????
    The NHL has already basically said the issue is closed. There is no proof such thing was said.Yet…….these bunch of useless politicians see fit to reguritate it.
    If that is all they can offer……..maybe they should go home and quit wasting money on this when it is needed elsewhere for important things.
    Maybe a useful inquiry right now would be Elizabeth May’s slanderous comments about the PM and Christians. But they won’t
    Hey……..Doan is a Christian. Maybe thats why their after him. According to some comments by May……maybe it has merit???????/

  4. Didn’t the libs at their last convention have some guy call Albertans a bunch of red necks? Hypocrites!

  5. Could this be Liberal revenge because Doan has a defamation lawsuit at present against Denis Coderre?
    And, did Coderre vote for this motion?
    Would that not be a direct conflict of interest if he did?
    My hockey loving Dad is so boiling mad about this farce that HE wants to sue the politicians for dfaming our hockey player on the world stage for crass political motives.
    AND bring on the election.

  6. The best thing about the HoC these past few months is that the opposition have been loading the guns for the CPC for the next election. Can you just picture the attack ads that are being prepared at the moment. TalibanJack frothing at the mouth over ‘allegations of torture’, Iggy with his “Hum, Haw, err, gulp, well I don’t have an answer” speech. May making the comparison of Harper to Chamberlin in appeasing Hitler, only means that Gore and Suzuki represent Hitler, duh who’d of thought that. And then there is Mr. Dion, comes with the same background as all the other Liberal shysters and hucksters. I swear the latest Liberal ad showing his victory cheer, you know the one with his fists clenched, has been photoshopped from an old Paul Martin clip. Yeah, it’s going to be a great election campaign, the opposition have loaded Harper’s guns for him and when he comes out firing from the hip he’ll be the only one left standing.

  7. I think Kate might be right about a whole new demographic being awakened here. Maybe this absolutely ludicrous display of quivery outrage — “opposition leaders were also irked by the government’s unwillingness to deal with the issue” — will snap some people awake, and it will start to sink in that the opposition’s very special outrage isn’t moral outrage, but rather the indiscriminate drippings of twee, ambitious ponces.
    “Addresss my outredge! Addresss my outredge, or da CBC will ‘unt you down!”
    What a ridiculous country this has turned into in the last fifteen years.

  8. How would anyone on the world stage know anything about this if Duceppe had not mentioned it and talibanjack repeating it. Hansard should have a record if Codere voted for said motion.
    Waiting for PMSH to file suit against codere for calling him a liar.
    I think hockey trumps politics for the average cdn, and this will be talked about in many bars in canada. It will be enough to turn any lib/ndp voters off and for Harper who is a great hockey fan. Maybe Doan will campaign for the conservatives and make tv appearances with Harper, just to remind voters of what the Bloc tried to do to him, with help from the dippers and watermelons.

  9. Tory MPs supported the motion to bring Hockey Canada officials before a Commons committee. I’m not sure I’d call that “silence.” It sure is shocking, though.
    By the by, I used to encounter racism while growing up as an Anglophone just north of Montreal. But no one cares about that.

  10. I hope the hockey Canada people all bring thier sticks and do some slashing of the these pathetic so-called polititians. This is beyond words! .,.,;”;./,//’

  11. First they attack our soldiers,
    Then they attack our hockey players,
    What’s next, the Mounties? Oh, they did that already
    Welcome to Libland, non-electable version. Waiting out for war crimes trials for Coderre and Martin. Any hear Strombolopogis tonight, “Bush didn’t seem to mind the Taliban before 9/11.” File that one under Rosielogic.
    Just when I thought CBC might return to reality, with great Rex Murphy on holocaust and deniers. Boag’s piece last night was reasonable -if this is a scandal, it’s not much of one, not even close to Adscam.

  12. Wow I’m so glad our tax dollars are being wasted paying a bunch of idiot yuppies to complain about something that happened in a sporting event.

  13. For those of you who are fans of unintentional satire tonights installment of CPAC’s Primetime Politics is a must see. I havn’t laughed so hard since PMPM had his press conference with the newly minted Minister of Complex Files.
    As of this post CPAC has yet to load the program on their site but I imagine it will appear soon. In the absence of a link to the video I’ll provide a brief synopsis.
    Peter Van Dusen introduces three members of the HoC Official Languages Committee who are calling Hockey Canada on the carpet to explain the Doan captaincy. Raymonde Falco (Lib) Luc Malo (BQ) and Yvon Godin (NDP). Van Dusen notes that the Conservatives were asked to provide a panel member but declined (thank god) while the other three nod disapprovingly.
    Van Dusen asks what they hope to accomplish. The panel consensus is that they want answers damn it!!! Van Dusen asks what specifically they want answered. Luc Malo, doing his best impersonation of a methanphetamine hopped-up Simon the chipmunk looks wildly into the camera and garbles something about tough questions while at the same time indicating he has no idea what those questions might be. The others nod approvingly.
    Raymonde Falco gets the floor and refers repeatedly to the NHL getting funding from the feds and their need to be accountable to this committee on this matter of national importance. Van Dusen corrects her and notes it is in fact Hockey Canada appearing before them tomorrow. Having been corrected she now shifts gears and instead makes a number of references to Sports Canada.
    Not to be outdone, Yvon Godin jumps into the fray and asks “What were they thinking”? Van Dusen asks him, that based on the premise of his question, does he believe Doan is not suitable to be captian. “Well No.” replies Godin, that’s not what he meant at all, he then declines to clarify what he did mean. The others nod approvingly.
    Somebody, I think it was the chipmunk, launches into a Rodney King style speach about us all just getting along. The others nod very very approvingly.
    Van Dusen hits them with the money question. Isn’t this just a crass political stunt designed to garner votes in the next election?
    In unison, all three laugh with the obvious sincerity of a used car salesman downplaying the safety hazards of the “cherry” 72 Pinto he is about to sell you.
    I can’t take any more and head down the hallway in an effort to preserve the cleanliness of my favorite pair of wranglers.
    It really is a must see!

  14. Stand outside the House the House of Commons and repeat your words. YOU COWARDS!

  15. Here are the poll results from the Globe today.
    Looks like most of Canada isn’t too worried about the sensibilities of a French referee.
    After all Doan’s Alberta has been supporting the have-not Quebec for decades. They should show some respect for the Albertan. They owe.

  16. The demographic, I assmume, is the male hockey fan who is passionate about this game. The Liberals, the Bloc and the NDP have poked the hornet’s nest and they will get stung.
    They will let the followers of Pierre Elliot Trudeau know that the state has no business in the hockey rinks of the nation. This is a blood sport played my intense people and they will not permit outside control of their game.

  17. James, that was a beautiful comment…you should send it to PMSH for his use.
    “…the state has no business in the hockey rinks of the nation..”.

  18. we are at war with the taliban
    15% of Ontario residents have no family doctor
    the natives are gearing up for civil insurrection
    the American economy is on the verge of collapse
    and this is all the idiot opposition members have to b@#$% about?????
    I thought the moonbat/dipper/librano/pequiste crowd were morons b4……NOW I KNOW IT!

  19. maybe team canada needs an alberta separatist as team captain.

  20. What a joke, Liberal MP Coderre marches with a known terrorist organization(fact)& Nothing Said. May compares the govt’ to nazis(fact) Nothing said, Coddere insults our Troops(fact) Nothing Said.
    Doan supposedly made a racial slur in a game 2yrs ago & is cleared by the NHL board of inquiry, IS raked over the coals by the opposition. they have just opened a can of worms that they are going to come to regret, Canadians have a enough of these insulting so called Honourable MP’s. Making slanderous accusations to our military & now this.

  21. I’m disappointed that the Conservative party went along with this. Why didn’t they laugh off this phony ploy and why didn’t they at least vote against this request? Everyone sucking up to Quebec? Sickening.

  22. I think the opposition parties should get together during the next opposition days and bring down the government over this. Let’s let the voters decide!

  23. I am so disappointed in the CPC for this one.
    Perhaps it is to get Parliamentarians saying the F-word so that it can be used in attack ads later. Right now on CTV Newsnet, the F word is being repeatedly used. I can’t believe it. How sad.
    How do we send support to Shane Doan and Team Canada?

  24. Watching this inquisition onCTV right now..Luc Malo looks like he’s on speed,ranting,and raving like a lunatic.Bravo for Hockey Canada rep.for getting pumped up,and really angry about this whole fiasco.

  25. Insanity, utter insanity. Is this the way civilizations of the past fell into the void? I cannot believe poloticians are actually doing this (watching on tv), Monty Python comes to mind. Anyone for more Spanish Inquisition?

  26. I see now that shane doan will respect the wishes of hockey canada & step down a team Captain.
    Shane Doan is showing More Class then these disrespectfull So Called Honourable MP’s who have nothing else. Canadians will see threw this.

  27. Maybe the whole team should “step down”. Then what would the jerks in Ottawa do about that! Let’s fight an election on issues, one of which is HOCKEY. This country is insane.

  28. The same idiots that claim that they must look into this because Hockey Canada gets financial support from the Fed. Gov. also say that they can do nothing about the price of fuel or hold a public inquiry in this regard. Question: Does not big oil get many tax dollars as well? What a bunch of hypocrites.

  29. I find it really humorous when Ken Dryden tells his fellow MPs that politicians should let the hockey experts do their jobs. Hey Ken, now you know how the rest of us felt when you tried ramming your state day-care plan down or throats.

  30. Arar named one of 100 most influential canadians by Time. Idiot mps trying to bring hockey canada down to its knees. I want an inquiry into why a french canadian spit in my granddaughters face last fall because she was from Alberta. I think all this is being brought up because the bloc knows that under our PM canadians have started to give Quebec a chance to be cdn. It is costing them votes. Many of the bloc might be unemployed after the next election. Watched the Richard movie last night and those hockey fans in Quebec can get very upset. I remember the whole thing.
    If Doan is replaced I vote that the entire team walks off the ice. Now that would really give Canada a poor image in the rest of the world.

  31. CTV carried some of the parliamentary committee hearing live this a.m. (Thurs). Even Fife was making sense (for a change) saying the entire process was a “troubling spectacle”.
    Among the first questions asked were from Sylvie Boucher and Y. Godin (vice-chair Official Languages). They wanted to know how many Francophones are presently on team Canada (the answer being none this year). This is what it is really all about.
    This isn’t about Shane Doan. It is about Francophones using any wedge issue they can to further Francophonization via Law S-3 and/or to embarrass the government at the same time. This guy Malo – plainly a class A jerk. He is doing nothing but inflaming further the raw edges of official bilingualism while further degrading the institutions of parliament.

  32. Wow – the entire country in an uproar so that Denis Coderre can be appeased. Guess his lawsuit needs a boost. I questioned the CPC voting to have hockey representatives appear, then realized we are just waiting for a smackdown of gigantic proportions. I have no doubt in my mind that PMSH has something up his sleeve.

  33. “If Doan is replaced I vote that the entire team walks off the ice. Now that would really give Canada a poor image in the rest of the world.
    Posted by: mary T. at May 3, 2007 11:21 AM ”
    Excellent idea Mary. I can’t wait for Doan to lay a few well deserved checks into some socialist a**holes.

  34. Could this be Liberal revenge because Doan has a defamation lawsuit at present against Denis Coderre?
    Very intersting question. That fat little pig Coderre is getting some of his own back and now he is squealing. I hope Doan owns Coderre’s weasely Liberal arse in court. Maybe that will teach that idiot Coderre a lesson.

  35. Following the way over the top ‘performance’ by Malo today..this just begs for drug testing of some m.p.’s

  36. I laugh when I hear the Opposition decry the Tory Government for not commenting on this. Why would the Tories comment on something so ridiculous as this? Why would the Tories even dignify this by commenting? Let the Opposition look stupid by flogging this non-issue. By doing so it is obvious the the ineffectual Opposition has nothing left to talk about.

  37. When I heard what these morons had done, I actually felt sick to my stomach. Dion, Coderre, Layton and Duceppe should apologize publicly to Shane Doan for their revolting antics.

  38. Another example of the constantly outraged, collectivist socialists attempting to bring another area of Canadian identity into their control.
    Sensing a coming political sea change before his death, Carl Jung believed that by 2012 there would be a massive revolt against the pc, multiculti sensitivities of the brown shirt, group think collectivists.
    Get the guillotine, or rather, the skate blades sharpened.

  39. This has made me incredibly mad. In the sports world we talk so much about overpaid athletes never giving anything back to the community. Then we have an event, that doesn’t mean a whole lot to most and we ask our Canadian players, most who haven’t played in Canada for sometime, to represent this great nation. Without hesitiation these lads step up and take time out from their off-season (the time they spend with family, friends) to fly to Moscow (great vacation spot *sarcasm*) to represent our nation. How are they repaid??? Some idiot MPs revive a dead issue for the purposes to make political head-way.
    I can’t believe it’s gone this far, I have all the respect in the world for Shane Doan and what he’s doing in the name of Canada. I applaud all his teammates, and fellow NHL players (French Canadians too by the way) who’ve come to his defense.
    I agree with the suggestion that should he be stripped of his captaincy that the whole team goes home in protest. I wish our parliamentarians had half the intergrity and dedication these players do.
    I find it troubling that while fans in Montreal booed the U.S. national anthem, fans in Quebec threw bananas on the ice for black players (see Peter Worrell) and Ted Nolan hears racial slurs about his native heritage while coaching in the QMJHL; that Shane Doan be made a whipping boy for something he never said….. as my dad would say, “Makes me sick”.

  40. There can be no Team Canada walk out as it will only reflect badly on Shane Doan as Captain, only if he steps down as Captain and then they walk out.
    To do anything of this nature will only play into the hands of the idiots.
    The minority govTories were trapped into going alongbecause if they didn’t it would have become a bigger wedge issue in Quebec.
    If this incident is considered worthy of investigation then I hope that the Conservatives start going after even more of the Liberal corruption.
    p.s. Shane Doan is the butt of jokes on Phoenix Coyotes because he say says Fudge when he “swears”

  41. After hearing Bob Nicholson lay it on the parliamentary committee in a very passionate speach – it is virtually impossible that Shane will be replaced as captain. Who is going to do this?
    Parliamentarians have no authority to do this – all they can do is make themselves look very petty, foolish, and worse. Unfortunately, it is also denigrating Canada on the world stage as well.
    What is far more critical, this group of opposition MPs is defaming an individual’s character in the name of politics. It has to be affecting Shane, the entire team, the organizers, and clearly an issue that none of them need right now.
    The oppos. MP positions/responses are also negatively affecting a whole lot of us that vote as well.
    Whatever comes of this hearing – quitting the tournament is not an option. This is not what Canadians do. Once it is over – then the likes of Coderre et al can be dealt with.

  42. In protest maybe instead of walking out just refuse to wear the official team Canada jerseys. Go with a generic white or red.
    Funny how after scandal after scandal Liberal MPs refused to step down and defended their right to stay in the house that they question the moral fibre of Team Canada’s captain.

  43. I’m French-Canadian, but I don’t really care what some hockey-player says. I’m more offended that politicians feel they need to “protect” us. By doing so, they give power to those who say offensive things.
    If Doan was an ass at one time, who cares? Let him do his job. It’s not as though he was running for parliament.

  44. remember, without a “language crisis’, the arsehole libranos have nothing to go to the people with….just another fabricated situation, engineered by the librano/power corp/ma bell tri-axis of evil(no resemblance to GWB’s axis of evil intended)
