It Takes A Special Kind Of Political Contortionist

To land an elbow in one’s own teeth;

Though Doan denies making the comments, all three opposition parties questioned whether Doan was an appropriate choice to represent the team given the allegations.
Opposition leaders were also irked by the government’s unwillingness to deal with the issue.
“I cannot understand why the government wouldn’t put out a single comment to say that this is disrespectful to French Canadians,” Duceppe said.
The NDP’s Jack Layton suggested that Doan’s captaincy will “cast a shadow on (Canada’s) participation on the international stage.”
For his part, Liberal Leader Stephane Dion admitted that the government shouldn’t interfere with Hockey Canada decisions, but called the Tories’ silence on the issue “shocking.”

If the talk on sports radio is any indication, a new demographic has just been awakened in Canadian politics.
(Keep an eye on Cosh. I suspect he’ll have something to say about this shortly.)

66 Replies to “It Takes A Special Kind Of Political Contortionist”

  1. Go to & sign the petition
    the only ones that should be stepping down are the commie pinko MP’s.
    Now on another side of the coin, Hockey always brings us together & this has Big Time.
    Bravo Shane Doan, Team Canada, hockey canada, bob nicholson & DON CHERRY

  2. Sorry i missed one:
    Bravo to Adam sobkow from Brandon,Man for the guts & fortitude to standup to these so called Honourable MP’s by creating
    last check 998 signed

  3. Normally I’d be angry at the Conservatives for allowing this motion to continue and wasting time and money on this. But there’s nothing like having the opposition parties beg for the opportunity to fall on their own swords, and then NOT give it to them.
    I’m suprised that there isn’t more howling in regards to the conflict of interest with Coderre having an ongoing court case and then using his status in parliment to conduct ANOTHER inquiry. I guess Coderre wasn’t getting enough (La) Press(e) time.

  4. ” Dion admitted that the government shouldn’t interfere with Hockey Canada decisions, but called the Tories’ silence on the issue “shocking.”
    Sometimes it’s necessary to stay silent and allow the clowns to expose who they are and what they are all about. What is shocking is the Liberals, NDP and Bloq making complete idiots out of this complete non-issue.

  5. “Then we have an event, that doesn’t mean a whole lot to most and we ask our Canadian players, most who haven’t played in Canada for sometime, to represent this great nation. Without hesitiation these lads step up and take time out from their off-season (the time they spend with family, friends) to fly to Moscow (great vacation spot *sarcasm*) to represent our nation. How are they repaid??? Some idiot MPs revive a dead issue for the purposes to make political head-way. ”
    Well, they can stay home and watch tv as far as I’m concerned.

  6. Where can we find more about the Coderre/Doan connection? Obviously not in MSM.

  7. Exile states: “Well, they can stay home and watch tv as far as I’m concerned.”
    Great retort Exile, judging by the savedoan website, thankfully not everyone is a-pathetic in their support of our players.

  8. I can’t believe that the Libs, Bloc and Dippers would stoop this low in trying to garner headlines. To slander an individual while hiding behind parlimentary privilege is disgusting and contemptable!
    Surely to God(sorry, I slipped) there are more pressing issues affecting Canadians.
    These clowns are more interested in pursuing their political ideology than they are in looking after the interests of the country. A pox on them all!!

  9. trade of the year
    these 3 for any 3 taliban. maybe we should even throw in some cash

  10. So first French speaking Canadians are a nation and now according to some, they are a race??? I for one am getting truly anoyed at MSM and everyone else throwing words around that they have no idea what it really means. Put that in your Funk & Wagnall’s ’cause the puck stops here!
    Oh please, where are the words of wisdom from a real Canadian, Don Cherry when you need them?

  11. Not a new demographic, but an old and well known one. Sit back and watch, this is gonna be more fun than a bench clearing brawl at a tie game in the third period.

  12. Name calling?
    “Today I am proud to a frog.” –
    Jean Chretien, after signing the Charter of Rights and Constitution in 1981.
    Maybe Duceppe, Coderre, Taliban Jack and other like-minded idiots should go and straighten out Jean Chretien before they pick on a fine Albertan like Shane Doan.
    And talking about quotas, it seems like Quebec has far more than their assigned 25% share of stupidity in this country.

  13. I join the crowd who are hoping Shane Doan sues the small minded little Blow Bag piece of human waste, Coderre, for defamation. He deserves to pay dearly for unwarranted, unprovable accusations.
    It’s all about playing Quebec politics when Duceppe got into the act. Anything that can cause an uproar to pit English against French in their idiot brains, will help their falling fortunes in Quebec.
    Not one of the shameless Opposition care one whit about how this nonsense is playing around the world. They’re a total disgrace and calling them “honorable” is another farce in our system.

  14. IQ challenged opposition M.Ps (Liberanos/ Dippers/Blocheads do not know the difference between a race and a language. French is a language spoken by people of many races (Caucasian, Negro, Polynesian, Oriental) – calling someone a Frenchman IS NOT Racist. Fanatics like this should be sidelined with duck tape on their foul yaps for the whole game of life.
    Shane Doan you deserve and apology from those fools. So do all Canadians who have been forced to witness this disgraceful behavior by a pack of illiterate fanatics.
